
33 lines
895 B

force-exclude = "tests/exceptions/source/modern/*"
line-length = 100
target-version = ["py35"]
strict = true
addopts = "-l"
filterwarnings = [
# By default all warnings are treated as errors.
# Mixing threads and "fork()" is deprecated, but we need to test it anyway.
'ignore:.*use of fork\(\) may lead to deadlocks in the child.*:DeprecationWarning'
testpaths = ["tests"]
exclude = ["tests/exceptions/source/*"]
line-length = 100
# Enforce pyflakes(F), pycodestyle(E, W), isort (I), bugbears (B), and pep8-naming (N) rules.
select = ["F", "E", "W", "I", "B", "N", "RET"]
max-doc-length = 100
extend-ignore-re = ["(?Rm)^.*# spellchecker: disable-line$"]
extend-exclude = ["tests/exceptions/output/**"] # False positive due to ansi sequences.