
84 lines
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import pytest
from loguru import logger
def test_file_mode_a(tmp_path):
file = tmp_path / "test.log"
logger.add(file, format="{message}", mode="a")
assert file.read_text() == "base\nmsg\n"
def test_file_mode_w(tmp_path):
file = tmp_path / "test.log"
logger.add(file, format="{message}", mode="w")
assert file.read_text() == "msg\n"
def test_file_auto_buffering(tmp_path):
# There doesn't seem to be a reliable way to known buffer size for text files.
# We perform a preliminary test to ensure empirically that 128 <= buffer size <= 65536.
dummy_filepath = tmp_path / "dummy.txt"
with open(str(dummy_filepath), buffering=-1, mode="w") as dummy_file:
dummy_file.write("." * 127)
if dummy_filepath.read_text() != "":
pytest.skip("Size buffer for text files is too small.")
dummy_file.write("." * (65536 - 127))
if dummy_filepath.read_text() == "":
pytest.skip("Size buffer for text files is too big.")
filepath = tmp_path / "test.log"
logger.add(filepath, format="{message}", buffering=-1)
logger.debug("A short message.")
assert filepath.read_text() == ""
logger.debug("A long message" + "." * 65536)
assert filepath.read_text() != ""
def test_file_line_buffering(tmp_path):
filepath = tmp_path / "test.log"
logger.add(filepath, format=lambda _: "{message}", buffering=1)
logger.debug("Without newline")
assert filepath.read_text() == ""
logger.debug("With newline\n")
assert filepath.read_text() != ""
def test_invalid_function_kwargs():
def function(message):
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r"add\(\) got an unexpected keyword argument"):
logger.add(function, b="X")
def test_invalid_file_object_kwargs():
class Writer:
def __init__(self):
self.out = ""
def write(self, m):
writer = Writer()
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r"add\(\) got an unexpected keyword argument"):
logger.add(writer, format="{message}", kw1="1", kw2="2")
def test_invalid_file_kwargs():
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r".*keyword argument;*"):
logger.add("file.log", nope=123)
def test_invalid_coroutine_kwargs():
async def foo():
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r"add\(\) got an unexpected keyword argument"):
logger.add(foo, nope=123)