
211 lines
6.4 KiB

import pytest
from colorama import Back, Fore, Style
from .conftest import parse
"text, expected",
("<bg red>1</bg red>", Back.RED + "1" + Style.RESET_ALL),
("<bg BLACK>1</bg BLACK>", Back.BLACK + "1" + Style.RESET_ALL),
("<bg light-green>1</bg light-green>", Back.LIGHTGREEN_EX + "1" + Style.RESET_ALL),
def test_background_colors(text, expected):
assert parse(text, strip=False) == expected
"text, expected",
("<fg yellow>1</fg yellow>", Fore.YELLOW + "1" + Style.RESET_ALL),
("<fg BLUE>1</fg BLUE>", Fore.BLUE + "1" + Style.RESET_ALL),
("<fg light-white>1</fg light-white>", Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + "1" + Style.RESET_ALL),
("<fg LIGHT-CYAN>1</fg LIGHT-CYAN>", Fore.LIGHTCYAN_EX + "1" + Style.RESET_ALL),
def test_foreground_colors(text, expected):
assert parse(text, strip=False) == expected
"text, expected",
("<fg #ff0000>1</fg #ff0000>", "\x1b[38;2;255;0;0m" "1" + Style.RESET_ALL),
("<bg #00A000>1</bg #00A000>", "\x1b[48;2;0;160;0m" "1" + Style.RESET_ALL),
("<fg #F12>1</fg #F12>", "\x1b[38;2;241;47;18m" "1" + Style.RESET_ALL),
def test_8bit_colors(text, expected):
assert parse(text, strip=False) == expected
"text, expected",
("<fg #ff0000>1</fg #ff0000>", "\x1b[38;2;255;0;0m" "1" + Style.RESET_ALL),
("<bg #00A000>1</bg #00A000>", "\x1b[48;2;0;160;0m" "1" + Style.RESET_ALL),
("<fg #F12>1</fg #F12>", "\x1b[38;2;241;47;18m" "1" + Style.RESET_ALL),
("<bg #BEE>1</bg #BEE>", "\x1b[48;2;190;235;238m" "1" + Style.RESET_ALL),
def test_hex_colors(text, expected):
assert parse(text, strip=False) == expected
"text, expected",
("<fg 200>1</fg 200>", "\x1b[38;5;200m" "1" + Style.RESET_ALL),
("<bg 49>1</bg 49>", "\x1b[48;5;49m" "1" + Style.RESET_ALL),
def test_rgb_colors(text, expected):
assert parse(text, strip=False) == expected
"text, expected",
"<red><b><bg #00A000>1</bg #00A000></b></red>",
Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + "\x1b[48;2;0;160;0m"
+ Fore.RED
+ Style.BRIGHT
+ Fore.RED
+ Style.RESET_ALL,
"<bg 100><fg 200>1</fg 200></bg 100>",
"\x1b[48;5;100m" "\x1b[38;5;200m" "1" "\x1b[0m" "\x1b[48;5;100m" "\x1b[0m",
"<bg #00a000><fg #FF0000>1</fg #FF0000></bg #00a000>",
"\x1b[48;2;0;160;0m" "\x1b[38;2;255;0;0m" "1" "\x1b[0m" "\x1b[48;2;0;160;0m" "\x1b[0m",
"<bg 0,160,0><fg 255,0,0>1</fg 255,0,0></bg 0,160,0>",
"\x1b[48;2;0;160;0m" "\x1b[38;2;255;0;0m" "1" "\x1b[0m" "\x1b[48;2;0;160;0m" "\x1b[0m",
def test_nested(text, expected):
assert parse(text, strip=False) == expected
"text, expected",
("<r>2 > 1</r>", Fore.RED + "2 > 1" + Style.RESET_ALL),
("<r>1 < 2</r>", Fore.RED + "1 < 2" + Style.RESET_ALL),
("<r>1 </ 2</r>", Fore.RED + "1 </ 2" + Style.RESET_ALL),
("{: <10}<r>1</r>", "{: <10}" + Fore.RED + "1" + Style.RESET_ALL),
("{: </10}<r>1</r>", "{: </10}" + Fore.RED + "1" + Style.RESET_ALL),
("<r>1</r>{: >10}", Fore.RED + "1" + Style.RESET_ALL + "{: >10}"),
("<1<r>2</r>3>", "<1" + Fore.RED + "2" + Style.RESET_ALL + "3>"),
("</1<r>2</r>3>", "</1" + Fore.RED + "2" + Style.RESET_ALL + "3>"),
("<1<r>2 < 3</r>4>", "<1" + Fore.RED + "2 < 3" + Style.RESET_ALL + "4>"),
("<1<r>2 </ 3</r>4>", "<1" + Fore.RED + "2 </ 3" + Style.RESET_ALL + "4>"),
("<1<r>3 > 2</r>4>", "<1" + Fore.RED + "3 > 2" + Style.RESET_ALL + "4>"),
def test_tricky_parse(text, expected):
assert parse(text, strip=False) == expected
"<fg light-blue2>1</fg light-blue2>",
"<bg ,red>1</bg ,red>",
"<bg red,>1</bg red,>",
"<bg a,z>1</bg a,z>",
"<bg blue,yelllow>1</bg blue,yelllow>",
@pytest.mark.parametrize("strip", [True, False])
def test_invalid_color(text, strip):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
parse(text, strip=strip)
"<fg #>1</fg #>",
"<bg #12>1</bg #12>",
"<fg #1234567>1</fg #1234567>",
"<bg #E7G>1</bg #E7G>",
"fg #F2D1GZ>1</fg #F2D1GZ>",
@pytest.mark.parametrize("strip", [True, False])
def test_invalid_hex(text, strip):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
parse(text, strip=strip)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("text", ["<fg 256>1</fg 256>", "<bg 2222>1</bg 2222>", "<bg -1>1</bg -1>"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("strip", [True, False])
def test_invalid_8bit(text, strip):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
parse(text, strip=strip)
"<fg 1,2,>1</fg 1,2,>",
"<bg ,>1</bg ,>",
"<fg ,,>1</fg ,,>",
"<fg 256,120,120>1</fg 256,120,120>",
"<bg 1,2,3,4>1</bg 1,2,3,4>",
@pytest.mark.parametrize("strip", [True, False])
def test_invalid_rgb(text, strip):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
parse(text, strip=strip)
"text, expected",
("<fg #ff0000>foobar</fg #ff0000>", "foobar"),
("<fg 55>baz</fg 55>", "baz"),
("<bg 23,12,12>bar</bg 23,12,12>", "bar"),
def test_strip(text, expected):
assert parse(text, strip=True) == expected
"text, expected",
("<r>2 > 1</r>", "2 > 1"),
("<r>1 < 2</r>", "1 < 2"),
("<r>1 </ 2</r>", "1 </ 2"),
("{: <10}<r>1</r>", "{: <10}1"),
("{: </10}<r>1</r>", "{: </10}1"),
("<r>1</r>{: >10}", "1{: >10}"),
("<1<r>2</r>3>", "<123>"),
("</1<r>2</r>3>", "</123>"),
("<1<r>2 < 3</r>4>", "<12 < 34>"),
("<1<r>2 </ 3</r>4>", "<12 </ 34>"),
("<1<r>3 > 2</r>4>", "<13 > 24>"),
def test_tricky_strip(text, expected):
assert parse(text, strip=True) == expected