
147 lines
4.3 KiB

import io
import pathlib
import re
from datetime import datetime
import pytest
from loguru import logger
TEXT = "This\nIs\nRandom\nText\n123456789\nABC!DEF\nThis Is The End\n"
def fileobj():
with io.StringIO(TEXT) as file:
yield file
def test_parse_file(tmp_path):
file = tmp_path / "test.log"
result, *_ = list(logger.parse(file, r"(?P<num>\d+)"))
assert result == dict(num="123456789")
def test_parse_fileobj(tmp_path):
file = tmp_path / "test.log"
with open(str(file)) as fileobj:
result, *_ = list(logger.parse(fileobj, r"^(?P<t>\w+)"))
assert result == dict(t="This")
def test_parse_pathlib(tmp_path):
file = tmp_path / "test.log"
result, *_ = list(logger.parse(pathlib.Path(str(file)), r"(?P<r>Random)"))
assert result == dict(r="Random")
def test_parse_string_pattern(fileobj):
result, *_ = list(logger.parse(fileobj, r"(?P<num>\d+)"))
assert result == dict(num="123456789")
def test_parse_regex_pattern(fileobj):
regex = re.compile(r"(?P<maj>[a-z]*![a-z]*)", flags=re.I)
result, *_ = list(logger.parse(fileobj, regex))
assert result == dict(maj="ABC!DEF")
def test_parse_multiline_pattern(fileobj):
result, *_ = list(logger.parse(fileobj, r"(?P<text>This[\s\S]*Text\n)"))
assert result == dict(text="This\nIs\nRandom\nText\n")
def test_parse_without_group(fileobj):
result, *_ = list(logger.parse(fileobj, r"\d+"))
assert result == {}
def test_parse_bytes():
with io.BytesIO(b"Testing bytes!") as fileobj:
result, *_ = list(logger.parse(fileobj, rb"(?P<ponct>[?!:])"))
assert result == dict(ponct=b"!")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("chunk", [-1, 1, 2**16])
def test_chunk(fileobj, chunk):
result, *_ = list(logger.parse(fileobj, r"(?P<a>[ABC]+)", chunk=chunk))
assert result == dict(a="ABC")
def test_positive_lookbehind_pattern():
text = "ab" * 100
pattern = r"(?<=a)(?P<b>b)"
with io.StringIO(text) as file:
result = list(logger.parse(file, pattern, chunk=9))
assert result == [dict(b="b")] * 100
def test_greedy_pattern():
text = ("\n" + "a" * 100) * 1000
pattern = r"\n(?P<a>a+)"
with io.StringIO(text) as file:
result = list(logger.parse(file, pattern, chunk=30))
assert result == [dict(a="a" * 100)] * 1000
def test_cast_dict(tmp_path):
file = tmp_path / "test.log"
file.write_text("[123] [1.1] [2017-03-29 11:11:11]\n")
regex = r"\[(?P<num>.*)\] \[(?P<val>.*)\] \[(?P<date>.*)\]"
caster = dict(num=int, val=float, date=lambda d: datetime.strptime(d, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
result = next(logger.parse(file, regex, cast=caster))
assert result == dict(num=123, val=1.1, date=datetime(2017, 3, 29, 11, 11, 11))
def test_cast_function(tmp_path):
file = tmp_path / "test.log"
file.write_text("[123] [1.1] [2017-03-29 11:11:11]\n")
regex = r"\[(?P<num>.*)\] \[(?P<val>.*)\] \[(?P<date>.*)\]"
def caster(groups):
groups["num"] = int(groups["num"])
groups["val"] = float(groups["val"])
groups["date"] = datetime.strptime(groups["date"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
result = next(logger.parse(file, regex, cast=caster))
assert result == dict(num=123, val=1.1, date=datetime(2017, 3, 29, 11, 11, 11))
def test_cast_with_irrelevant_arg(tmp_path):
file = tmp_path / "test.log"
file.write_text("[123] Blabla")
regex = r"\[(?P<a>\d+)\] .*"
caster = dict(a=int, b=float)
result = next(logger.parse(file, regex, cast=caster))
assert result == dict(a=123)
def test_cast_with_irrelevant_value(tmp_path):
file = tmp_path / "test.log"
file.write_text("[123] Blabla")
regex = r"\[(?P<a>\d+)\] (?P<b>.*)"
caster = dict(a=int)
result = next(logger.parse(file, regex, cast=caster))
assert result == dict(a=123, b="Blabla")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", [object(), 123, dict])
def test_invalid_file(file):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
next(logger.parse(file, r"pattern"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("pattern", [object(), 123, dict])
def test_invalid_pattern(fileobj, pattern):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
next(logger.parse(fileobj, pattern))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cast", [object(), 123])
def test_invalid_cast(fileobj, cast):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
next(logger.parse(fileobj, r"pattern", cast=cast))