
119 lines
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package authn
import (
// GrantType represents an authentication grant type.
type GrantType string
// Standard authentication grant types.
const (
GrantUndefined GrantType = ""
GrantCLI GrantType = "cli"
GrantImplicit GrantType = "implicit"
GrantSession GrantType = "session"
GrantPassword GrantType = "password"
GrantClientCredentials GrantType = "client_credentials"
GrantShareToken GrantType = "share_token"
GrantRefreshToken GrantType = "refresh_token"
GrantAuthorizationCode GrantType = "authorization_code"
GrantJwtBearer GrantType = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"
GrantSamlBearer GrantType = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:saml2-bearer"
GrantTokenExchange GrantType = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange"
// Grant casts a string to a normalized grant type.
func Grant(s string) GrantType {
s = clean.TypeLowerUnderscore(s)
switch s {
case "", "_", "-", "null", "nil", "0", "false":
return GrantUndefined
case "cli", "terminal", "command":
return GrantCLI
case "implicit":
return GrantImplicit
case "session":
return GrantSession
case "password", "passwd", "pass":
return GrantPassword
case "client_credentials", "client":
return GrantClientCredentials
case "share_token", "share":
return GrantShareToken
case "refresh_token", "refresh":
return GrantRefreshToken
case "authorization_code", "auth_code":
return GrantAuthorizationCode
case "jwt-bearer", "jwt", "jwt_bearer":
return GrantJwtBearer
case "saml2-bearer", "saml2_bearer", "saml2", "saml":
return GrantSamlBearer
case "token-exchange", "token_exchange":
return GrantTokenExchange
return GrantType(s)
// Pretty returns the grant type in a human-readable format.
func (t GrantType) Pretty() string {
switch t {
case GrantCLI:
return "CLI"
case GrantImplicit:
return "Implicit"
case GrantSession:
return "Session"
case GrantPassword:
return "Password"
case GrantClientCredentials:
return "Client Credentials"
case GrantShareToken:
return "Share Token"
case GrantRefreshToken:
return "Refresh Token"
case GrantAuthorizationCode:
return "Authorization Code"
case GrantJwtBearer:
return "JWT Bearer Assertion"
case GrantSamlBearer:
return "SAML2 Bearer Assertion"
case GrantTokenExchange:
return "Token Exchange"
return txt.UpperFirst(t.String())
// String returns the grant type as a string.
func (t GrantType) String() string {
return clean.TypeLowerUnderscore(string(t))
// Equal checks if the type matches the specified string.
func (t GrantType) Equal(s string) bool {
return t == Grant(s)
// NotEqual checks if the type does mot match the specified string.
func (t GrantType) NotEqual(s string) bool {
return !t.Equal(s)
// Is compares the grant with another type.
func (t GrantType) Is(grantType GrantType) bool {
return t == grantType
// IsNot checks if the grant is not the specified type.
func (t GrantType) IsNot(grantType GrantType) bool {
return t != grantType
// IsUndefined checks if the grant is undefined.
func (t GrantType) IsUndefined() bool {
return t == ""