
371 lines
13 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import contextlib
import logging
import re
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Any
from typing import cast
from cleo.io.null_io import NullIO
from packaging.utils import canonicalize_name
from poetry.core.factory import Factory as BaseFactory
from poetry.core.packages.dependency_group import MAIN_GROUP
from poetry.core.packages.project_package import ProjectPackage
from poetry.config.config import Config
from poetry.exceptions import PoetryException
from poetry.json import validate_object
from poetry.packages.locker import Locker
from poetry.plugins.plugin import Plugin
from poetry.plugins.plugin_manager import PluginManager
from poetry.poetry import Poetry
from poetry.toml.file import TOMLFile
from collections.abc import Iterable
from pathlib import Path
from cleo.io.io import IO
from poetry.core.packages.package import Package
from tomlkit.toml_document import TOMLDocument
from poetry.repositories import RepositoryPool
from poetry.repositories.http_repository import HTTPRepository
from poetry.utils.dependency_specification import DependencySpec
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Factory(BaseFactory):
Factory class to create various elements needed by Poetry.
def create_poetry(
cwd: Path | None = None,
with_groups: bool = True,
io: IO | None = None,
disable_plugins: bool = False,
disable_cache: bool = False,
) -> Poetry:
if io is None:
io = NullIO()
base_poetry = super().create_poetry(cwd=cwd, with_groups=with_groups)
poetry_file = base_poetry.pyproject_path
locker = Locker(poetry_file.parent / "poetry.lock", base_poetry.local_config)
# Loading global configuration
config = Config.create()
# Loading local configuration
local_config_file = TOMLFile(poetry_file.parent / "poetry.toml")
if local_config_file.exists():
if io.is_debug():
io.write_line(f"Loading configuration file {local_config_file.path}")
# Load local sources
repositories = {}
existing_repositories = config.get("repositories", {})
for source in base_poetry.pyproject.poetry_config.get("source", []):
name = source.get("name")
url = source.get("url")
if name and url and name not in existing_repositories:
repositories[name] = {"url": url}
config.merge({"repositories": repositories})
poetry = Poetry(
poetry.local_config.get("source", []),
plugin_manager = PluginManager(Plugin.group, disable_plugins=disable_plugins)
plugin_manager.activate(poetry, io)
return poetry
def get_package(cls, name: str, version: str) -> ProjectPackage:
return ProjectPackage(name, version)
def create_pool(
config: Config,
sources: Iterable[dict[str, Any]] = (),
io: IO | None = None,
disable_cache: bool = False,
) -> RepositoryPool:
from poetry.repositories import RepositoryPool
from poetry.repositories.repository_pool import Priority
if io is None:
io = NullIO()
if disable_cache:
logger.debug("Disabling source caches")
pool = RepositoryPool(config=config)
explicit_pypi = False
for source in sources:
repository = cls.create_package_source(
source, config, disable_cache=disable_cache
priority = Priority[source.get("priority", Priority.PRIMARY.name).upper()]
if "default" in source or "secondary" in source:
warning = (
"Found deprecated key 'default' or 'secondary' in"
" pyproject.toml configuration for source"
f" {source.get('name')}. Please provide the key 'priority'"
" instead. Accepted values are:"
f" {', '.join(repr(p.name.lower()) for p in Priority)}."
io.write_error_line(f"<warning>Warning: {warning}</warning>")
if source.get("default"):
priority = Priority.DEFAULT
elif source.get("secondary"):
priority = Priority.SECONDARY
if priority is Priority.SECONDARY:
allowed_prios = (p for p in Priority if p is not Priority.SECONDARY)
warning = (
"Found deprecated priority 'secondary' for source"
f" '{source.get('name')}' in pyproject.toml. Consider changing the"
" priority to one of the non-deprecated values:"
f" {', '.join(repr(p.name.lower()) for p in allowed_prios)}."
io.write_error_line(f"<warning>Warning: {warning}</warning>")
elif priority is Priority.DEFAULT:
warning = (
"Found deprecated priority 'default' for source"
f" '{source.get('name')}' in pyproject.toml. You can achieve"
" the same effect by changing the priority to 'primary' and putting"
" the source first."
io.write_error_line(f"<warning>Warning: {warning}</warning>")
if io.is_debug():
message = f"Adding repository {repository.name} ({repository.url})"
if priority is Priority.DEFAULT:
message += " and setting it as the default one"
message += f" and setting it as {priority.name.lower()}"
pool.add_repository(repository, priority=priority)
if repository.name.lower() == "pypi":
explicit_pypi = True
# Only add PyPI if no default repository is configured
if not explicit_pypi:
if pool.has_default() or pool.has_primary_repositories():
if io.is_debug():
io.write_line("Deactivating the PyPI repository")
from poetry.repositories.pypi_repository import PyPiRepository
if not pool.repositories:
raise PoetryException(
"At least one source must not be configured as 'explicit'."
return pool
def create_package_source(
cls, source: dict[str, str], config: Config, disable_cache: bool = False
) -> HTTPRepository:
from poetry.repositories.exceptions import InvalidSourceError
from poetry.repositories.legacy_repository import LegacyRepository
from poetry.repositories.pypi_repository import PyPiRepository
from poetry.repositories.single_page_repository import SinglePageRepository
name = source["name"]
except KeyError:
raise InvalidSourceError("Missing [name] in source.")
pool_size = config.installer_max_workers
if name.lower() == "pypi":
if "url" in source:
raise InvalidSourceError(
"The PyPI repository cannot be configured with a custom url."
return PyPiRepository(disable_cache=disable_cache, pool_size=pool_size)
url = source["url"]
except KeyError:
raise InvalidSourceError(f"Missing [url] in source {name!r}.")
repository_class = LegacyRepository
if re.match(r".*\.(htm|html)$", url):
repository_class = SinglePageRepository
return repository_class(
def create_pyproject_from_package(cls, package: Package) -> TOMLDocument:
import tomlkit
from poetry.utils.dependency_specification import dependency_to_specification
pyproject: dict[str, Any] = tomlkit.document()
pyproject["tool"] = tomlkit.table(is_super_table=True)
content: dict[str, Any] = tomlkit.table()
pyproject["tool"]["poetry"] = content
content["name"] = package.name
content["version"] = package.version.text
content["description"] = package.description
content["authors"] = package.authors
content["license"] = package.license.id if package.license else ""
if package.classifiers:
content["classifiers"] = package.classifiers
for key, attr in {
("documentation", "documentation_url"),
("repository", "repository_url"),
("homepage", "homepage"),
("maintainers", "maintainers"),
("keywords", "keywords"),
value = getattr(package, attr, None)
if value:
content[key] = value
readmes = []
for readme in package.readmes:
readme_posix_path = readme.as_posix()
with contextlib.suppress(ValueError):
if package.root_dir:
readme_posix_path = readme.relative_to(package.root_dir).as_posix()
if readmes:
content["readme"] = readmes
optional_dependencies = set()
extras_section = None
if package.extras:
extras_section = tomlkit.table()
for extra in package.extras:
_dependencies = []
for dependency in package.extras[extra]:
extras_section[extra] = _dependencies
optional_dependencies = set(optional_dependencies)
dependency_section = content["dependencies"] = tomlkit.table()
dependency_section["python"] = package.python_versions
for dep in package.all_requires:
constraint: DependencySpec | str = dependency_to_specification(
dep, tomlkit.inline_table()
if not isinstance(constraint, str):
if dep.name in optional_dependencies:
constraint["optional"] = True
if len(constraint) == 1 and "version" in constraint:
assert isinstance(constraint["version"], str)
constraint = constraint["version"]
elif not constraint:
constraint = "*"
for group in dep.groups:
if group == MAIN_GROUP:
dependency_section[dep.name] = constraint
if "group" not in content:
content["group"] = tomlkit.table(is_super_table=True)
if group not in content["group"]:
content["group"][group] = tomlkit.table(is_super_table=True)
if "dependencies" not in content["group"][group]:
content["group"][group]["dependencies"] = tomlkit.table()
content["group"][group]["dependencies"][dep.name] = constraint
if extras_section:
content["extras"] = extras_section
pyproject = cast("TOMLDocument", pyproject)
return pyproject
def validate(
cls, config: dict[str, Any], strict: bool = False
) -> dict[str, list[str]]:
results = super().validate(config, strict)
# A project should not depend on itself.
dependencies = set(config.get("dependencies", {}).keys())
dependencies.update(config.get("dev-dependencies", {}).keys())
groups = config.get("group", {}).values()
for group in groups:
dependencies.update(group.get("dependencies", {}).keys())
dependencies = {canonicalize_name(d) for d in dependencies}
project_name = config.get("name")
if project_name is not None and canonicalize_name(project_name) in dependencies:
f"Project name ({project_name}) is same as one of its dependencies"
return results