
188 lines
6.7 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import functools
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from poetry.mixology.set_relation import SetRelation
from poetry.core.constraints.version import VersionConstraint
from poetry.core.packages.dependency import Dependency
class Term:
A statement about a package which is true or false for a given selection of
package versions.
See https://github.com/dart-lang/pub/tree/master/doc/solver.md#term.
def __init__(self, dependency: Dependency, is_positive: bool) -> None:
self._dependency = dependency
self._positive = is_positive
self.relation = functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None)(self._relation)
self.intersect = functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None)(self._intersect)
def inverse(self) -> Term:
return Term(self._dependency, not self.is_positive())
def dependency(self) -> Dependency:
return self._dependency
def constraint(self) -> VersionConstraint:
return self._dependency.constraint
def is_positive(self) -> bool:
return self._positive
def satisfies(self, other: Term) -> bool:
Returns whether this term satisfies another.
return (
self.dependency.complete_name == other.dependency.complete_name
and self.relation(other) == SetRelation.SUBSET
def _relation(self, other: Term) -> str:
Returns the relationship between the package versions
allowed by this term and another.
if self.dependency.complete_name != other.dependency.complete_name:
raise ValueError(f"{other} should refer to {self.dependency.complete_name}")
other_constraint = other.constraint
if other.is_positive():
if self.is_positive():
if not self._compatible_dependency(other.dependency):
return SetRelation.DISJOINT
# foo ^1.5.0 is a subset of foo ^1.0.0
if other_constraint.allows_all(self.constraint):
return SetRelation.SUBSET
# foo ^2.0.0 is disjoint with foo ^1.0.0
if not self.constraint.allows_any(other_constraint):
return SetRelation.DISJOINT
return SetRelation.OVERLAPPING
if not self._compatible_dependency(other.dependency):
return SetRelation.OVERLAPPING
# not foo ^1.0.0 is disjoint with foo ^1.5.0
if self.constraint.allows_all(other_constraint):
return SetRelation.DISJOINT
# not foo ^1.5.0 overlaps foo ^1.0.0
# not foo ^2.0.0 is a superset of foo ^1.5.0
return SetRelation.OVERLAPPING
if self.is_positive():
if not self._compatible_dependency(other.dependency):
return SetRelation.SUBSET
# foo ^2.0.0 is a subset of not foo ^1.0.0
if not other_constraint.allows_any(self.constraint):
return SetRelation.SUBSET
# foo ^1.5.0 is disjoint with not foo ^1.0.0
if other_constraint.allows_all(self.constraint):
return SetRelation.DISJOINT
# foo ^1.0.0 overlaps not foo ^1.5.0
return SetRelation.OVERLAPPING
if not self._compatible_dependency(other.dependency):
return SetRelation.OVERLAPPING
# not foo ^1.0.0 is a subset of not foo ^1.5.0
if self.constraint.allows_all(other_constraint):
return SetRelation.SUBSET
# not foo ^2.0.0 overlaps not foo ^1.0.0
# not foo ^1.5.0 is a superset of not foo ^1.0.0
return SetRelation.OVERLAPPING
def _intersect(self, other: Term) -> Term | None:
Returns a Term that represents the packages
allowed by both this term and another
if self.dependency.complete_name != other.dependency.complete_name:
raise ValueError(f"{other} should refer to {self.dependency.complete_name}")
if self._compatible_dependency(other.dependency):
if self.is_positive() != other.is_positive():
# foo ^1.0.0 ∩ not foo ^1.5.0 → foo >=1.0.0 <1.5.0
positive = self if self.is_positive() else other
negative = other if self.is_positive() else self
return self._non_empty_term(
positive.constraint.difference(negative.constraint), True, other
elif self.is_positive():
# foo ^1.0.0 ∩ foo >=1.5.0 <3.0.0 → foo ^1.5.0
return self._non_empty_term(
self.constraint.intersect(other.constraint), True, other
# not foo ^1.0.0 ∩ not foo >=1.5.0 <3.0.0 → not foo >=1.0.0 <3.0.0
return self._non_empty_term(
self.constraint.union(other.constraint), False, other
elif self.is_positive() != other.is_positive():
return self if self.is_positive() else other
return None
def difference(self, other: Term) -> Term | None:
Returns a Term that represents packages
allowed by this term and not by the other
return self.intersect(other.inverse)
def _compatible_dependency(self, other: Dependency) -> bool:
return (
or other.is_root
or other.is_same_package_as(self.dependency)
or (
# we do this here to indicate direct origin dependencies are
# compatible with NVR dependencies
self.dependency.complete_name == other.complete_name
and self.dependency.is_direct_origin() != other.is_direct_origin()
def _non_empty_term(
self, constraint: VersionConstraint, is_positive: bool, other: Term
) -> Term | None:
if constraint.is_empty():
return None
# when creating a new term prefer direct-reference dependencies
dependency = (
if not self.dependency.is_direct_origin()
and other.dependency.is_direct_origin()
else self.dependency
return Term(dependency.with_constraint(constraint), is_positive)
def __str__(self) -> str:
prefix = "not " if not self.is_positive() else ""
return f"{prefix}{self._dependency}"
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<Term {self!s}>"