
384 lines
12 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import ast
from configparser import ConfigParser
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Any
from typing import ClassVar
from poetry.core.constraints.version import Version
from pathlib import Path
class SetupReaderError(Exception):
class SetupReader:
Class that reads a setup.py file without executing it.
DEFAULT: ClassVar[dict[str, Any]] = {
"name": None,
"version": None,
"description": None,
"install_requires": [],
"extras_require": {},
"python_requires": None,
FILES: ClassVar[list[str]] = ["setup.py", "setup.cfg"]
def read_from_directory(cls, directory: Path) -> dict[str, Any]:
result = cls.DEFAULT.copy()
for filename in cls.FILES:
filepath = directory / filename
if not filepath.exists():
read_file_func = getattr(cls(), "read_" + filename.replace(".", "_"))
new_result = read_file_func(filepath)
for key in result:
if new_result[key]:
result[key] = new_result[key]
return result
def read_setup_py(self, filepath: Path) -> dict[str, Any]:
with filepath.open(encoding="utf-8") as f:
content = f.read()
result: dict[str, Any] = {}
body = ast.parse(content).body
setup_call = self._find_setup_call(body)
if setup_call is None:
return self.DEFAULT
# Inspecting keyword arguments
call, body = setup_call
result["name"] = self._find_single_string(call, body, "name")
result["version"] = self._find_single_string(call, body, "version")
result["description"] = self._find_single_string(call, body, "description")
result["install_requires"] = self._find_install_requires(call, body)
result["extras_require"] = self._find_extras_require(call, body)
result["python_requires"] = self._find_single_string(
call, body, "python_requires"
return result
def read_setup_cfg(self, filepath: Path) -> dict[str, Any]:
parser = ConfigParser()
name = None
version = None
description = None
if parser.has_option("metadata", "name"):
name = parser.get("metadata", "name")
if parser.has_option("metadata", "version"):
version = Version.parse(parser.get("metadata", "version")).text
if parser.has_option("metadata", "description"):
description = parser.get("metadata", "description")
install_requires = []
extras_require: dict[str, list[str]] = {}
python_requires = None
if parser.has_section("options"):
if parser.has_option("options", "install_requires"):
for dep in parser.get("options", "install_requires").split("\n"):
dep = dep.strip()
if not dep:
if parser.has_option("options", "python_requires"):
python_requires = parser.get("options", "python_requires")
if parser.has_section("options.extras_require"):
for group in parser.options("options.extras_require"):
extras_require[group] = []
deps = parser.get("options.extras_require", group)
for dep in deps.split("\n"):
dep = dep.strip()
if not dep:
return {
"name": name,
"version": version,
"description": description,
"install_requires": install_requires,
"extras_require": extras_require,
"python_requires": python_requires,
def _find_setup_call(
self, elements: list[ast.stmt]
) -> tuple[ast.Call, list[ast.stmt]] | None:
funcdefs: list[ast.stmt] = []
for i, element in enumerate(elements):
if isinstance(element, ast.If) and i == len(elements) - 1:
# Checking if the last element is an if statement
# and if it is 'if __name__ == "__main__"' which
# could contain the call to setup()
test = element.test
if not isinstance(test, ast.Compare):
left = test.left
if not isinstance(left, ast.Name):
if left.id != "__name__":
setup_call = self._find_sub_setup_call([element])
if setup_call is None:
call, body = setup_call
return call, body + elements
if not isinstance(element, ast.Expr):
if isinstance(element, ast.FunctionDef):
value = element.value
if not isinstance(value, ast.Call):
func = value.func
if not (isinstance(func, ast.Name) and func.id == "setup") and not (
isinstance(func, ast.Attribute)
and getattr(func.value, "id", None) == "setuptools"
and func.attr == "setup"
return value, elements
# Nothing, we inspect the function definitions
return self._find_sub_setup_call(funcdefs)
def _find_sub_setup_call(
self, elements: list[ast.stmt]
) -> tuple[ast.Call, list[ast.stmt]] | None:
for element in elements:
if not isinstance(element, (ast.FunctionDef, ast.If)):
setup_call = self._find_setup_call(element.body)
if setup_call is not None:
sub_call, body = setup_call
body = elements + body
return sub_call, body
return None
def _find_install_requires(self, call: ast.Call, body: list[ast.stmt]) -> list[str]:
value = self._find_in_call(call, "install_requires")
if value is None:
# Trying to find in kwargs
kwargs = self._find_call_kwargs(call)
if kwargs is None or not isinstance(kwargs, ast.Name):
return []
variable = self._find_variable_in_body(body, kwargs.id)
if isinstance(variable, ast.Dict):
value = self._find_in_dict(variable, "install_requires")
elif (
isinstance(variable, ast.Call)
and isinstance(variable.func, ast.Name)
and variable.func.id == "dict"
value = self._find_in_call(variable, "install_requires")
raise SetupReaderError(f"Cannot handle variable {variable}")
if value is None:
return []
if isinstance(value, ast.Name):
value = self._find_variable_in_body(body, value.id)
if isinstance(value, ast.Constant) and value.value is None:
return []
if isinstance(value, ast.List):
return string_list_values(value)
raise SetupReaderError(f"Cannot handle value of type {type(value)}")
def _find_extras_require(
self, call: ast.Call, body: list[ast.stmt]
) -> dict[str, list[str]]:
value = self._find_in_call(call, "extras_require")
if value is None:
# Trying to find in kwargs
kwargs = self._find_call_kwargs(call)
if kwargs is None or not isinstance(kwargs, ast.Name):
return {}
variable = self._find_variable_in_body(body, kwargs.id)
if isinstance(variable, ast.Dict):
value = self._find_in_dict(variable, "extras_require")
elif (
isinstance(variable, ast.Call)
and isinstance(variable.func, ast.Name)
and variable.func.id == "dict"
value = self._find_in_call(variable, "extras_require")
raise SetupReaderError(f"Cannot handle variable {variable}")
if value is None:
return {}
if isinstance(value, ast.Name):
value = self._find_variable_in_body(body, value.id)
if isinstance(value, ast.Constant) and value.value is None:
return {}
if isinstance(value, ast.Dict):
extras_require: dict[str, list[str]] = {}
val: ast.expr | None
for key, val in zip(value.keys, value.values):
if not isinstance(key, ast.Constant) or not isinstance(key.value, str):
raise SetupReaderError(f"Cannot handle key {key}")
if isinstance(val, ast.Name):
val = self._find_variable_in_body(body, val.id)
if not isinstance(val, ast.List):
raise SetupReaderError(f"Cannot handle value of type {type(val)}")
extras_require[key.value] = string_list_values(val)
return extras_require
raise SetupReaderError(f"Cannot handle value of type {type(value)}")
def _find_single_string(
self, call: ast.Call, body: list[ast.stmt], name: str
) -> str | None:
value = self._find_in_call(call, name)
if value is None:
# Trying to find in kwargs
kwargs = self._find_call_kwargs(call)
if kwargs is None or not isinstance(kwargs, ast.Name):
return None
variable = self._find_variable_in_body(body, kwargs.id)
if not isinstance(variable, (ast.Dict, ast.Call)):
return None
if isinstance(variable, ast.Call):
if not isinstance(variable.func, ast.Name):
return None
if variable.func.id != "dict":
return None
value = self._find_in_call(variable, name)
value = self._find_in_dict(variable, name)
if value is None:
return None
if isinstance(value, ast.Constant) and isinstance(value.value, str):
return value.value
elif isinstance(value, ast.Name):
variable = self._find_variable_in_body(body, value.id)
if (
variable is not None
and isinstance(variable, ast.Constant)
and isinstance(variable.value, str)
return variable.value
return None
def _find_in_call(self, call: ast.Call, name: str) -> Any | None:
for keyword in call.keywords:
if keyword.arg == name:
return keyword.value
return None
def _find_call_kwargs(self, call: ast.Call) -> Any | None:
kwargs = None
for keyword in call.keywords:
if keyword.arg is None:
kwargs = keyword.value
return kwargs
def _find_variable_in_body(
self, body: list[ast.stmt], name: str
) -> ast.expr | None:
for elem in body:
if not isinstance(elem, ast.Assign):
for target in elem.targets:
if not isinstance(target, ast.Name):
if target.id == name:
return elem.value
return None
def _find_in_dict(self, dict_: ast.Dict, name: str) -> ast.expr | None:
for key, val in zip(dict_.keys, dict_.values):
if (
isinstance(key, ast.Constant)
and isinstance(key.value, str)
and key.value == name
return val
return None
def string_list_values(value: ast.List) -> list[str]:
strings = []
for element in value.elts:
if isinstance(element, ast.Constant) and isinstance(element.value, str):
raise SetupReaderError("Found non-string element in list")
return strings