86 lines
2.7 KiB
86 lines
2.7 KiB
from __future__ import annotations
from logging import LogRecord
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import pytest
from poetry.console.logging.io_formatter import IOFormatter
from poetry.console.logging.io_formatter import _log_prefix
from poetry.console.logging.io_formatter import _path_to_package
from pytest_mock import MockerFixture
("record_name", "record_pathname", "record_msg", "expected"),
("poetry", "foo/bar.py", "msg", "msg"),
("poetry.core", "foo/bar.py", "msg", "msg"),
("baz", "syspath/foo/bar.py", "msg", "[foo:baz] msg"),
("root", "syspath/foo/bar.py", "1\n\n2", "[foo] 1\n[foo] \n[foo] 2"),
def test_format(
mocker: MockerFixture,
record_name: str,
record_pathname: str,
record_msg: str,
expected: str,
) -> None:
mocker.patch("sys.path", [str(Path("syspath"))])
record = LogRecord(record_name, 0, record_pathname, 0, record_msg, (), None)
formatter = IOFormatter()
assert formatter.format(record) == expected
("record_name", "record_pathname", "expected"),
("root", "syspath/foo/bar.py", "foo"),
("baz", "syspath/foo/bar.py", "foo:baz"),
("baz", "unexpected/foo/bar.py", "bar:baz"),
def test_log_prefix(
mocker: MockerFixture,
record_name: str,
record_pathname: str,
expected: str,
) -> None:
mocker.patch("sys.path", [str(Path("syspath"))])
record = LogRecord(record_name, 0, record_pathname, 0, "msg", (), None)
assert _log_prefix(record) == expected
("path", "expected"),
("python-l/lib/python3.9/site-packages/foo/bar/baz.py", "foo"), # Linux
("python-w/lib/site-packages/foo/bar/baz.py", "foo"), # Windows
("unexpected/foo/bar/baz.py", None), # unexpected
def test_path_to_package(
mocker: MockerFixture, path: str, expected: str | None
) -> None:
# We just put the Linux and the Windows variants in the path,
# so we do not have to create different mocks based on the subtest.
# On Linux, only the site-packages directory is in the path.
# On Windows, both the base directory and the site-packages directory
# are in the path.
str(Path("python-w/other")), # this one is just to test for robustness
str(Path("python-w/lib")), # this one is just to test for robustness
assert _path_to_package(Path(path)) == expected