546 lines
18 KiB
546 lines
18 KiB
from __future__ import annotations
import contextlib
import os
import re
import site
import subprocess
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from threading import Thread
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import pytest
from poetry.factory import Factory
from poetry.repositories.installed_repository import InstalledRepository
from poetry.utils._compat import WINDOWS
from poetry.utils._compat import metadata
from poetry.utils.env import EnvCommandError
from poetry.utils.env import EnvManager
from poetry.utils.env import GenericEnv
from poetry.utils.env import MockEnv
from poetry.utils.env import SystemEnv
from poetry.utils.env import VirtualEnv
from poetry.utils.env import build_environment
from pytest_mock import MockerFixture
from poetry.poetry import Poetry
from tests.types import FixtureDirGetter
print("Minimal Output"),
# Script expected to fail.
import nullpackage
print("nullpackage loaded"),
class MockVirtualEnv(VirtualEnv):
def __init__(
path: Path,
base: Path | None = None,
sys_path: list[str] | None = None,
) -> None:
super().__init__(path, base=base)
self._sys_path = sys_path
def sys_path(self) -> list[str]:
if self._sys_path is not None:
return self._sys_path
return super().sys_path
def test_virtualenvs_with_spaces_in_their_path_work_as_expected(
tmp_path: Path, manager: EnvManager
) -> None:
venv_path = tmp_path / "Virtual Env"
venv = VirtualEnv(venv_path)
assert venv.run("python", "-V").startswith("Python")
def test_env_commands_with_spaces_in_their_arg_work_as_expected(
tmp_path: Path, manager: EnvManager
) -> None:
venv_path = tmp_path / "Virtual Env"
venv = VirtualEnv(venv_path)
output = venv.run("python", str(venv.pip), "--version")
assert re.match(r"pip \S+ from", output)
def test_env_get_supported_tags_matches_inside_virtualenv(
tmp_path: Path, manager: EnvManager
) -> None:
venv_path = tmp_path / "Virtual Env"
venv = VirtualEnv(venv_path)
import packaging.tags
assert venv.get_supported_tags() == list(packaging.tags.sys_tags())
@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name == "nt", reason="Symlinks are not support for Windows")
def test_env_has_symlinks_on_nix(tmp_path: Path, tmp_venv: VirtualEnv) -> None:
assert os.path.islink(tmp_venv.python)
def test_run_with_keyboard_interrupt(
tmp_path: Path, tmp_venv: VirtualEnv, mocker: MockerFixture
) -> None:
mocker.patch("subprocess.check_output", side_effect=KeyboardInterrupt())
with pytest.raises(KeyboardInterrupt):
tmp_venv.run("python", "-c", MINIMAL_SCRIPT)
subprocess.check_output.assert_called_once() # type: ignore[attr-defined]
def test_call_with_keyboard_interrupt(
tmp_path: Path, tmp_venv: VirtualEnv, mocker: MockerFixture
) -> None:
mocker.patch("subprocess.check_call", side_effect=KeyboardInterrupt())
kwargs = {"call": True}
with pytest.raises(KeyboardInterrupt):
tmp_venv.run("python", "-", **kwargs)
subprocess.check_call.assert_called_once() # type: ignore[attr-defined]
def test_run_with_called_process_error(
tmp_path: Path, tmp_venv: VirtualEnv, mocker: MockerFixture
) -> None:
42, "some_command", "some output", "some error"
with pytest.raises(EnvCommandError) as error:
tmp_venv.run("python", "-c", MINIMAL_SCRIPT)
subprocess.check_output.assert_called_once() # type: ignore[attr-defined]
assert "some output" in str(error.value)
assert "some error" in str(error.value)
def test_call_no_input_with_called_process_error(
tmp_path: Path, tmp_venv: VirtualEnv, mocker: MockerFixture
) -> None:
42, "some_command", "some output", "some error"
kwargs = {"call": True}
with pytest.raises(EnvCommandError) as error:
tmp_venv.run("python", "-", **kwargs)
subprocess.check_call.assert_called_once() # type: ignore[attr-defined]
assert "some output" in str(error.value)
assert "some error" in str(error.value)
def test_check_output_with_called_process_error(
tmp_path: Path, tmp_venv: VirtualEnv, mocker: MockerFixture
) -> None:
42, "some_command", "some output", "some error"
with pytest.raises(EnvCommandError) as error:
tmp_venv.run("python", "-")
subprocess.check_output.assert_called_once() # type: ignore[attr-defined]
assert "some output" in str(error.value)
assert "some error" in str(error.value)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("out", ["sys.stdout", "sys.stderr"])
def test_call_does_not_block_on_full_pipe(
tmp_path: Path, tmp_venv: VirtualEnv, out: str
) -> None:
"""see https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry/issues/7698"""
script = tmp_path / "script.py"
import sys
for i in range(10000):
print('just print a lot of text to fill the buffer', file={out})
def target(result: list[int]) -> None:
tmp_venv.run("python", str(script), call=True)
results: list[int] = []
# use a separate thread, so that the test does not block in case of error
thread = Thread(target=target, args=(results,))
thread.join(1) # must not block
assert results and results[0] == 0
def test_run_python_script_called_process_error(
tmp_path: Path, tmp_venv: VirtualEnv, mocker: MockerFixture
) -> None:
42, "some_command", "some output", "some error"
with pytest.raises(EnvCommandError) as error:
assert "some output" in str(error.value)
assert "some error" in str(error.value)
def test_run_python_script_only_stdout(tmp_path: Path, tmp_venv: VirtualEnv) -> None:
output = tmp_venv.run_python_script(
"import sys; print('some warning', file=sys.stderr); print('some output')"
assert "some output" in output
assert "some warning" not in output
def test_system_env_has_correct_paths() -> None:
env = SystemEnv(Path(sys.prefix))
paths = env.paths
assert paths.get("purelib") is not None
assert paths.get("platlib") is not None
assert paths.get("scripts") is not None
assert env.site_packages.path == Path(paths["purelib"])
assert paths["include"] is not None
[True, False],
def test_system_env_usersite(mocker: MockerFixture, enabled: bool) -> None:
mocker.patch("site.check_enableusersite", return_value=enabled)
env = SystemEnv(Path(sys.prefix))
assert (enabled and env.usersite is not None) or (
not enabled and env.usersite is None
def test_venv_has_correct_paths(tmp_venv: VirtualEnv) -> None:
paths = tmp_venv.paths
assert paths.get("purelib") is not None
assert paths.get("platlib") is not None
assert paths.get("scripts") is not None
assert tmp_venv.site_packages.path == Path(paths["purelib"])
assert paths["include"] == str(
@pytest.mark.parametrize("with_system_site_packages", [True, False])
def test_env_system_packages(
tmp_path: Path, poetry: Poetry, with_system_site_packages: bool
) -> None:
venv_path = tmp_path / "venv"
pyvenv_cfg = venv_path / "pyvenv.cfg"
path=venv_path, flags={"system-site-packages": with_system_site_packages}
env = VirtualEnv(venv_path)
assert (
f"include-system-site-packages = {str(with_system_site_packages).lower()}"
in pyvenv_cfg.read_text()
assert env.includes_system_site_packages is with_system_site_packages
def test_generic_env_system_packages(poetry: Poetry) -> None:
env = GenericEnv(Path(sys.base_prefix))
assert not env.includes_system_site_packages
@pytest.mark.parametrize("with_system_site_packages", [True, False])
def test_env_system_packages_are_relative_to_lib(
tmp_path: Path, poetry: Poetry, with_system_site_packages: bool
) -> None:
venv_path = tmp_path / "venv"
path=venv_path, flags={"system-site-packages": with_system_site_packages}
env = VirtualEnv(venv_path)
site_dir = Path(site.getsitepackages()[-1])
for dist in metadata.distributions():
# Emulate is_relative_to, only available in 3.9+
with contextlib.suppress(ValueError):
dist._path.relative_to(site_dir) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
assert (
env.is_path_relative_to_lib(dist._path) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
is with_system_site_packages
("flags", "packages"),
({"no-pip": False}, {"pip"}),
({"no-pip": False, "no-wheel": True}, {"pip"}),
({"no-pip": False, "no-wheel": False}, {"pip", "wheel"}),
({"no-pip": True}, set()),
({"no-setuptools": False}, {"setuptools"}),
({"no-setuptools": True}, set()),
({"setuptools": "bundle"}, {"setuptools"}),
({"no-pip": True, "no-setuptools": False}, {"setuptools"}),
({"no-wheel": False}, {"wheel"}),
({"wheel": "bundle"}, {"wheel"}),
({}, set()),
def test_env_no_pip(
tmp_path: Path, poetry: Poetry, flags: dict[str, str | bool], packages: set[str]
) -> None:
venv_path = tmp_path / "venv"
EnvManager(poetry).build_venv(path=venv_path, flags=flags)
env = VirtualEnv(venv_path)
installed_repository = InstalledRepository.load(env=env, with_dependencies=True)
installed_packages = {
for package in installed_repository.packages
# workaround for BSD test environments
if package.name != "sqlite3"
# For python >= 3.12, virtualenv defaults to "--no-setuptools" and "--no-wheel"
# behaviour, so setting these values to False becomes meaningless.
if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
if not flags.get("no-setuptools", True):
if not flags.get("no-wheel", True):
assert installed_packages == packages
def test_env_finds_the_correct_executables(tmp_path: Path, manager: EnvManager) -> None:
venv_path = tmp_path / "Virtual Env"
manager.build_venv(venv_path, with_pip=True)
venv = VirtualEnv(venv_path)
default_executable = expected_executable = f"python{'.exe' if WINDOWS else ''}"
default_pip_executable = expected_pip_executable = f"pip{'.exe' if WINDOWS else ''}"
major_executable = f"python{sys.version_info[0]}{'.exe' if WINDOWS else ''}"
major_pip_executable = f"pip{sys.version_info[0]}{'.exe' if WINDOWS else ''}"
if (
and venv._bin_dir.joinpath(major_executable).exists()
expected_executable = major_executable
if (
and venv._bin_dir.joinpath(major_pip_executable).exists()
expected_pip_executable = major_pip_executable
venv = VirtualEnv(venv_path)
assert Path(venv.python).name == expected_executable
assert Path(venv.pip).name.startswith(expected_pip_executable.split(".")[0])
def test_env_finds_the_correct_executables_for_generic_env(
tmp_path: Path, manager: EnvManager
) -> None:
venv_path = tmp_path / "Virtual Env"
child_venv_path = tmp_path / "Child Virtual Env"
manager.build_venv(venv_path, with_pip=True)
parent_venv = VirtualEnv(venv_path)
manager.build_venv(child_venv_path, executable=parent_venv.python, with_pip=True)
venv = GenericEnv(parent_venv.path, child_env=VirtualEnv(child_venv_path))
expected_executable = (
f"python{sys.version_info[0]}.{sys.version_info[1]}{'.exe' if WINDOWS else ''}"
expected_pip_executable = (
f"pip{sys.version_info[0]}.{sys.version_info[1]}{'.exe' if WINDOWS else ''}"
expected_executable = "python.exe"
expected_pip_executable = "pip.exe"
assert Path(venv.python).name == expected_executable
assert Path(venv.pip).name == expected_pip_executable
def test_env_finds_fallback_executables_for_generic_env(
tmp_path: Path, manager: EnvManager
) -> None:
venv_path = tmp_path / "Virtual Env"
child_venv_path = tmp_path / "Child Virtual Env"
manager.build_venv(venv_path, with_pip=True)
parent_venv = VirtualEnv(venv_path)
manager.build_venv(child_venv_path, executable=parent_venv.python, with_pip=True)
venv = GenericEnv(parent_venv.path, child_env=VirtualEnv(child_venv_path))
default_executable = f"python{'.exe' if WINDOWS else ''}"
major_executable = f"python{sys.version_info[0]}{'.exe' if WINDOWS else ''}"
minor_executable = (
f"python{sys.version_info[0]}.{sys.version_info[1]}{'.exe' if WINDOWS else ''}"
expected_executable = minor_executable
if (
and venv._bin_dir.joinpath(major_executable).exists()
expected_executable = major_executable
if (
and venv._bin_dir.joinpath(default_executable).exists()
expected_executable = default_executable
default_pip_executable = f"pip{'.exe' if WINDOWS else ''}"
major_pip_executable = f"pip{sys.version_info[0]}{'.exe' if WINDOWS else ''}"
minor_pip_executable = (
f"pip{sys.version_info[0]}.{sys.version_info[1]}{'.exe' if WINDOWS else ''}"
expected_pip_executable = minor_pip_executable
if (
and venv._bin_dir.joinpath(major_pip_executable).exists()
expected_pip_executable = major_pip_executable
if (
and venv._bin_dir.joinpath(default_pip_executable).exists()
expected_pip_executable = default_pip_executable
if not venv._bin_dir.joinpath(expected_executable).exists():
expected_executable = default_executable
if not venv._bin_dir.joinpath(expected_pip_executable).exists():
expected_pip_executable = default_pip_executable
venv = GenericEnv(parent_venv.path, child_env=VirtualEnv(child_venv_path))
assert Path(venv.python).name == expected_executable
assert Path(venv.pip).name == expected_pip_executable
def extended_without_setup_poetry(fixture_dir: FixtureDirGetter) -> Poetry:
poetry = Factory().create_poetry(fixture_dir("extended_project_without_setup"))
return poetry
def test_build_environment_called_build_script_specified(
mocker: MockerFixture, extended_without_setup_poetry: Poetry, tmp_path: Path
) -> None:
project_env = MockEnv(path=tmp_path / "project")
ephemeral_env = MockEnv(path=tmp_path / "ephemeral")
).return_value.__enter__.return_value = ephemeral_env
with build_environment(extended_without_setup_poetry, project_env) as env:
assert env == ephemeral_env
assert env.executed == [ # type: ignore[attr-defined]
def test_build_environment_not_called_without_build_script_specified(
mocker: MockerFixture, poetry: Poetry, tmp_path: Path
) -> None:
project_env = MockEnv(path=tmp_path / "project")
ephemeral_env = MockEnv(path=tmp_path / "ephemeral")
).return_value.__enter__.return_value = ephemeral_env
with build_environment(poetry, project_env) as env:
assert env == project_env
assert not env.executed # type: ignore[attr-defined]
def test_fallback_on_detect_active_python(
poetry: Poetry, mocker: MockerFixture
) -> None:
m = mocker.patch(
side_effect=subprocess.CalledProcessError(1, "some command"),
env_manager = EnvManager(poetry)
active_python = env_manager._detect_active_python()
assert active_python is None
assert m.call_count == 1
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform != "win32", reason="Windows only")
def test_detect_active_python_with_bat(poetry: Poetry, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
"""On Windows pyenv uses batch files for python management."""
python_wrapper = tmp_path / "python.bat"
wrapped_python = Path(r"C:\SpecialPython\python.exe")
with python_wrapper.open("w") as f:
f.write(f"@echo {wrapped_python}")
os.environ["PATH"] = str(python_wrapper.parent) + os.pathsep + os.environ["PATH"]
active_python = EnvManager(poetry)._detect_active_python()
assert active_python == wrapped_python
def test_command_from_bin_preserves_relative_path(manager: EnvManager) -> None:
# https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry/issues/7959
env = manager.get()
command = env.get_command_from_bin("./foo.py")
assert command == ["./foo.py"]