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// Copyright 2016-2022, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import * as fs from "fs";
import * as fspromises from "fs/promises";
2023-02-28 17:06:15 +00:00
import * as ini from "ini";
import * as minimist from "minimist";
import * as path from "path";
import * as semver from "semver";
2023-02-28 17:06:15 +00:00
import * as tsnode from "ts-node";
import * as url from "url";
import * as util from "util";
import { ResourceError, RunError } from "../../errors";
import * as log from "../../log";
2023-02-28 17:06:15 +00:00
import { Inputs } from "../../output";
import * as settings from "../../runtime/settings";
2023-02-28 17:06:15 +00:00
import * as stack from "../../runtime/stack";
import * as tsutils from "../../tsutils";
2023-02-28 17:06:15 +00:00
import * as tracing from "./tracing";
import * as mod from ".";
// Workaround for typescript transpiling dynamic import into `Promise.resolve().then(() => require`
// Follow this issue for progress on when we can remove this:
// https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/43329
// Workaround inspired by es-module-shims:
// https://github.com/guybedford/es-module-shims/blob/main/src/common.js#L21
/** @internal */
// eslint-disable-next-line no-eval
const dynamicImport = (0, eval)("u=>import(u)");
* Attempts to provide a detailed error message for module load failure if the
* module that failed to load is the top-level module.
* @param program The name of the program given to `run`, i.e. the top level module
* @param error The error that occured. Must be a module load error.
async function reportModuleLoadFailure(program: string, error: Error): Promise<void> {
await throwOrPrintModuleLoadError(program, error);
// Note: from this point on, we've printed something to the user telling them about the
// problem. So we can let our langhost know it doesn't need to report any further issues.
return process.exit(mod.nodeJSProcessExitedAfterLoggingUserActionableMessage);
* @internal
* This function searches for the nearest package.json file, scanning up from the
* program path until it finds one. If it does not find a package.json file, it
* it returns the folder enclosing the program.
* @param programPath the path to the Pulumi program; this is the project "main" directory,
* which defaults to the project "root" directory.
async function npmPackageRootFromProgramPath(programPath: string): Promise<string> {
// pkg-dir is an ESM module which we use to find the location of package.json
// Because it's an ESM module, we cannot import it directly.
const { packageDirectory } = await dynamicImport("pkg-dir");
// Check if programPath is a directory. If not, then we
// look at it's parent dir for the package root.
let isDirectory = false;
try {
const fileStat = await fspromises.lstat(programPath);
isDirectory = fileStat.isDirectory();
} catch {
// Since an exception was thrown, the program path doesn't exist.
// Do nothing, because isDirectory is already false.
const programDirectory = isDirectory ? programPath : path.dirname(programPath);
const pkgDir = await packageDirectory({
cwd: programDirectory,
if (pkgDir === undefined) {
"Could not find a package.json file for the program. Using the Pulumi program directory as the project root.",
return programDirectory;
return pkgDir;
function packageObjectFromProjectRoot(projectRoot: string): Record<string, any> {
const packageJson = path.join(projectRoot, "package.json");
try {
return require(packageJson);
} catch {
// This is all best-effort so if we can't load the package.json file, that's
// fine.
return {};
// Reads and parses the contents of .npmrc file if it exists under the project root
// This assumes that .npmrc is a sibling to package.json
function npmRcFromProjectRoot(projectRoot: string): Record<string, any> {
2022-09-15 11:20:45 +00:00
const rcSpan = tracing.newSpan("language-runtime.reading-npm-rc");
const emptyConfig = {};
try {
const npmRcPath = path.join(projectRoot, ".npmrc");
if (!fs.existsSync(npmRcPath)) {
return emptyConfig;
// file .npmrc exists, read its contents
const npmRc = fs.readFileSync(npmRcPath, "utf-8");
// Use ini to parse the contents of the .npmrc file
// This is what node does as described in the npm docs
// https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v8/configuring-npm/npmrc#comments
2022-08-31 16:46:48 +00:00
const parseResult = ini.parse(npmRc);
return parseResult;
} catch {
// .npmrc file exists but we couldn't read or parse it
// user out of luck here
2022-08-31 16:46:48 +00:00
return emptyConfig;
async function throwOrPrintModuleLoadError(program: string, error: Error): Promise<void> {
// error is guaranteed to be a Node module load error. Node emits a very
// specific string in its error message for module load errors, which includes
// the module it was trying to load.
const errorRegex = /Cannot find module '(.*)'/;
// If there's no match, who knows what this exception is; it's not something
// we can provide an intelligent diagnostic for.
const moduleNameMatches = errorRegex.exec(error.message);
if (moduleNameMatches === null) {
throw error;
// Is the module that failed to load exactly the one that this script considered to
// be the top-level module for this program?
// We are only interested in producing good diagnostics for top-level module loads,
// since anything else are probably user code issues.
const moduleName = moduleNameMatches[1];
if (moduleName !== program) {
throw error;
// Note: from this point on, we've printed something to the user telling them about the
// problem. So we can let our langhost know it doesn't need to report any further issues.
console.error(`We failed to locate the entry point for your program: ${program}`);
// From here on out, we're going to try to inspect the program we're being asked to run
// a little to see what sort of details we can glean from it, in the hopes of producing
// a better error message.
// The first step of this is trying to slurp up a package.json for this program, if
// one exists.
const packageRoot = await npmPackageRootFromProgramPath(program);
const packageObject = packageObjectFromProjectRoot(packageRoot);
console.error("Here's what we think went wrong:");
// The objective here is to emit the best diagnostic we can, starting from the
// most specific to the least specific.
const deps = packageObject["dependencies"] || {};
const devDeps = packageObject["devDependencies"] || {};
const scripts = packageObject["scripts"] || {};
const mainProperty = packageObject["main"] || "index.js";
// Is there a build script associated with this program? It's a little confusing that the
// Pulumi CLI doesn't run build scripts before running the program so call that out
// explicitly.
if ("build" in scripts) {
const command = scripts["build"];
console.error(` * Your program looks like it has a build script associated with it ('${command}').\n`);
"Pulumi does not run build scripts before running your program. " +
`Please run '${command}', 'yarn build', or 'npm run build' and try again.`,
// Not all typescript programs have build scripts. If we think it's a typescript program,
// tell the user to run tsc.
if ("typescript" in deps || "typescript" in devDeps) {
console.error(" * Your program looks like a TypeScript program. Have you run 'tsc'?");
// Not all projects are typescript. If there's a main property, check that the file exists.
if (mainProperty !== undefined && typeof mainProperty === "string") {
const mainFile = path.join(packageRoot, mainProperty);
if (!fs.existsSync(mainFile)) {
console.error(` * Your program's 'main' file (${mainFile}) does not exist.`);
console.error(" * Pulumi encountered an unexpected error.");
console.error(` Raw exception message: ${error.message}`);
2022-09-15 11:20:45 +00:00
function tracingIsEnabled(tracingUrl: string | boolean): boolean {
if (typeof tracingUrl !== "string") {
2022-09-15 11:20:45 +00:00
return false;
const experimental = process.env["PULUMI_EXPERIMENTAL"] ?? "";
const nonzeroLength = tracingUrl.length > 0;
const experimentalEnabled = experimental.length > 0;
return nonzeroLength && experimentalEnabled;
/** @internal */
export function run(
argv: minimist.ParsedArgs,
programStarted: () => void,
reportLoggedError: (err: Error) => void,
isErrorReported: (err: Error) => boolean,
): Promise<Inputs | undefined> {
const tracingUrl: string | boolean = argv["tracing"];
2022-09-15 11:20:45 +00:00
// Start tracing. Before exiting, gracefully shutdown tracing, exporting
// all remaining spans in the batch.
if (tracingIsEnabled(tracingUrl)) {
tracing.start(tracingUrl as string); // safe cast, since tracingIsEnable confirmed the type
process.on("exit", tracing.stop);
// Start a new span, which we shutdown at the bottom of this method.
2022-09-15 11:20:45 +00:00
const span = tracing.newSpan("language-runtime.run");
// If there is a --pwd directive, switch directories.
const pwd: string | undefined = argv["pwd"];
if (pwd) {
// If this is a typescript project, we'll want to load node-ts.
const typeScript: boolean = process.env["PULUMI_NODEJS_TYPESCRIPT"] === "true";
// We provide reasonable defaults for many ts options, meaning you don't need to have a tsconfig.json present
// if you want to use TypeScript with Pulumi. However, ts-node's default behavior is to walk up from the cwd to
// find a tsconfig.json. For us, it's reasonable to say that the "root" of the project is the cwd,
// if there's a tsconfig.json file here. Otherwise, just tell ts-node to not load project options at all.
// This helps with cases like pulumi/pulumi#1772.
const defaultTsConfigPath = "tsconfig.json";
const tsConfigPath: string = process.env["PULUMI_NODEJS_TSCONFIG_PATH"] ?? defaultTsConfigPath;
const skipProject = !fs.existsSync(tsConfigPath);
2022-08-31 16:46:48 +00:00
span.setAttribute("typescript-enabled", typeScript);
if (typeScript) {
const transpileOnly = (process.env["PULUMI_NODEJS_TRANSPILE_ONLY"] ?? "false") === "true";
const compilerOptions = tsutils.loadTypeScriptCompilerOptions(tsConfigPath);
const tsn: typeof tsnode = require("ts-node");
// PULUMI_NODEJS_TSCONFIG_PATH might be set to a config file such as "tsconfig.pulumi.yaml" which
// would not get picked up by tsnode by default, so we explicitly tell tsnode which config file to
// use (Which might just be ./tsconfig.yaml)
project: tsConfigPath,
skipProject: skipProject,
compilerOptions: {
target: "es6",
module: "commonjs",
moduleResolution: "node",
sourceMap: "true",
let program: string = argv._[0];
2022-03-04 00:26:06 +00:00
if (!path.isAbsolute(program)) {
// If this isn't an absolute path, make it relative to the working directory.
program = path.join(process.cwd(), program);
// Now fake out the process-wide argv, to make the program think it was run normally.
const programArgs: string[] = argv._.slice(1);
process.argv = [process.argv[0], process.argv[1], ...programArgs];
// Set up the process uncaught exception, unhandled rejection, and program exit handlers.
const uncaughtHandler = (err: Error) => {
// In node, if you throw an error in a chained promise, but the exception is not finally
// handled, then you can end up getting an unhandledRejection for each exception/promise
// pair. Because the exception is the same through all of these, we keep track of it and
// only report it once so the user doesn't get N messages for the same thing.
if (isErrorReported(err)) {
// colorize stack trace if exists
const stackMessage = err.stack && util.inspect(err, { colors: true });
// Default message should be to include the full stack (which includes the message), or
// fallback to just the message if we can't get the stack.
// If both the stack and message are empty, then just stringify the err object itself. This
// is also necessary as users can throw arbitrary things in JS (including non-Errors).
const defaultMessage = stackMessage || err.message || "" + err;
// First, log the error.
if (RunError.isInstance(err)) {
// Always hide the stack for RunErrors.
} else if (err.name === tsnode.TSError.name || err.name === SyntaxError.name) {
// Hide stack frames as TSError/SyntaxError have messages containing
// where the error is located
const errOut = err.stack?.toString() || "";
let errMsg = err.message;
const errParts = errOut.split(err.message);
if (errParts.length === 2) {
errMsg = errParts[0] + err.message;
`Running program '${program}' failed with an unhandled exception:
} else if (ResourceError.isInstance(err)) {
// Hide the stack if requested to by the ResourceError creator.
const message = err.hideStack ? err.message : defaultMessage;
log.error(message, err.resource);
} else {
`Running program '${program}' failed with an unhandled exception:
2022-09-15 11:20:45 +00:00
span.addEvent(`uncaughtError: ${err}`);
process.on("uncaughtException", uncaughtHandler);
2019-09-11 23:21:35 +00:00
// @ts-ignore 'unhandledRejection' will almost always invoke uncaughtHandler with an Error. so
// just suppress the TS strictness here.
process.on("unhandledRejection", uncaughtHandler);
process.on("exit", settings.disconnectSync);
// Trigger callback to update a sentinel variable tracking
// whether the program is running.
// This needs to occur after `programStarted` to ensure execution of the parent process stops.
if (skipProject && tsConfigPath !== defaultTsConfigPath) {
2022-08-31 16:46:48 +00:00
span.addEvent("Missing tsconfig file");
return new Promise(() => {
const e = new Error(`tsconfig path was set to ${tsConfigPath} but the file was not found`);
e.stack = undefined;
throw e;
const containsTSAndJSModules = async (programPath: string) => {
const programStats = await fs.promises.lstat(programPath);
if (programStats.isDirectory()) {
const programDirFiles = await fs.promises.readdir(programPath);
return programDirFiles.includes("index.js") && programDirFiles.includes("index.ts");
} else {
return false;
const runProgram = async () => {
// We run the program inside this context so that it adopts all resources.
// IDEA: This will miss any resources created on other turns of the event loop. I think that's a fundamental
// problem with the current Component design though - not sure what else we could do here.
// Now go ahead and execute the code. The process will remain alive until the message loop empties.
log.debug(`Running program '${program}' in pwd '${process.cwd()}' w/ args: ${programArgs}`);
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// Create a new span for the execution of the user program.
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const runProgramSpan = tracing.newSpan("language-runtime.runProgram");
2022-08-31 16:46:48 +00:00
try {
const packageRoot = await npmPackageRootFromProgramPath(program);
const packageObject = packageObjectFromProjectRoot(packageRoot);
2023-05-15 17:15:13 +00:00
let programExport: any;
// If the user provided an entrypoint, we use that file
// relative to the package directory.
if (packageObject["main"]) {
const packageMainPath = path.join(packageRoot, packageObject["main"]);
if (fs.existsSync(packageMainPath)) {
program = packageMainPath;
} else {
`Could not find entry point '${packageMainPath}' specified in package.json; ` +
`using '${program}' instead`,
// We use dynamic import instead of require for projects using native ES modules instead of commonjs
if (packageObject["type"] === "module") {
// Use the same behavior for loading the main entrypoint as `node <program>`.
// See https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/lib/internal/modules/run_main.js#L74.
const mainPath: string =
require("module").Module._findPath(path.resolve(program), null, true) || program;
const main = path.isAbsolute(mainPath) ? url.pathToFileURL(mainPath).href : mainPath;
// Import the module and capture any module outputs it exported. Finally, await the value we get
// back. That way, if it is async and throws an exception, we properly capture it here
// and handle it.
programExport = await dynamicImport(main);
// If there is a default export, use that instead of the named exports (and error if there are both).
if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(programExport, "default") !== undefined) {
if (Object.keys(programExport).length !== 1) {
throw new Error(
"expected entrypoint module to have either a default export or named exports but not both",
programExport = programExport.default;
} else {
// It's a CommonJS module, so require the module and capture any module outputs it exported.
2023-05-15 17:15:13 +00:00
2023-02-28 17:06:15 +00:00
// If this is a folder ensure it ends with a "/" so we require the folder, not any adjacent .json file
const programStats = await fs.promises.lstat(program);
if (programStats.isDirectory() && !program.endsWith("/")) {
program = program + "/";
programExport = require(program);
if (await containsTSAndJSModules(program)) {
"Found a TypeScript project containing an index.js file and no explicit entrypoint in Pulumi.yaml - Pulumi will use index.js",
// Check compatible engines before running the program:
const npmRc = npmRcFromProjectRoot(packageRoot);
if (npmRc["engine-strict"] && packageObject.engines && packageObject.engines.node) {
// found:
// - { engines: { node: "<version>" } } in package.json
// - engine-strict=true in .npmrc
// Check that current node version satistfies the required version
const requiredNodeVersion = packageObject.engines.node;
const currentNodeVersion = process.versions.node;
if (!semver.satisfies(currentNodeVersion, requiredNodeVersion)) {
const errorMessage = [
`Your current Node version is incompatible to run ${packageRoot}`,
`Expected version: ${requiredNodeVersion} as found in package.json > engines > node`,
`Actual Node version: ${currentNodeVersion}`,
`To fix issue, install a Node version that is compatible with ${requiredNodeVersion}`,
2022-08-31 16:46:48 +00:00
runProgramSpan.addEvent("Incompatible Node version");
throw new Error(errorMessage.join("\n"));
// If the exported value was itself a Function, then just execute it. This allows for
// exported top level async functions that pulumi programs can live in. Finally, await
// the value we get back. That way, if it is async and throws an exception, we properly
// capture it here and handle it.
const invokeResult = programExport instanceof Function ? programExport() : programExport;
2022-08-31 16:46:48 +00:00
return await invokeResult;
} catch (e) {
// User JavaScript can throw anything, so if it's not an Error it's definitely
// not something we want to catch up here.
if (!(e instanceof Error)) {
throw e;
// Give a better error message, if we can.
const errorCode = (<any>e).code;
if (errorCode === "MODULE_NOT_FOUND") {
2022-08-31 16:46:48 +00:00
runProgramSpan.addEvent("Module Load Failure.");
await reportModuleLoadFailure(program, e);
throw e;
} finally {
2022-08-31 16:46:48 +00:00
2022-09-15 11:20:45 +00:00
// Construct a `Stack` resource to represent the outputs of the program.
const stackOutputs = stack.runInPulumiStack(runProgram);
return stackOutputs;