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// Copyright 2016-2021, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import * as assert from "assert";
import * as pulumi from "..";
import * as internals from "../provider/internals";
import * as gstruct from "google-protobuf/google/protobuf/struct_pb";
class TestResource extends pulumi.CustomResource {
constructor(name: string, opts?: pulumi.CustomResourceOptions) {
super("test:index:TestResource", name, {}, opts);
class TestModule implements pulumi.runtime.ResourceModule {
construct(name: string, type: string, urn: string): pulumi.Resource {
switch (type) {
case "test:index:TestResource":
return new TestResource(name, { urn });
throw new Error(`unknown resource type ${type}`);
class TestMocks implements pulumi.runtime.Mocks {
call(args: pulumi.runtime.MockCallArgs): Record<string, any> {
throw new Error(`unknown function ${args.token}`);
newResource(args: pulumi.runtime.MockResourceArgs): { id: string | undefined; state: Record<string, any> } {
return {
id: args.name + "_id",
state: args.inputs,
describe("provider", () => {
it("parses arguments generated by --logflow", async () => {
const parsedArgs = internals.parseArgs([
if (parsedArgs !== undefined) {
assert.strictEqual("", parsedArgs.engineAddress);
} else {
assert.fail("failed to parse");
describe("deserializeInputs", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
async function assertOutputEqual(
actual: any,
value: ((v: any) => Promise<void>) | any,
known: boolean,
secret: boolean,
deps?: pulumi.URN[],
) {
if (typeof value === "function") {
await value(await actual.promise());
} else {
assert.deepStrictEqual(await actual.promise(), value);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await actual.isKnown, known);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await actual.isSecret, secret);
const actualDeps = new Set<pulumi.URN>();
const resources = await actual.allResources!();
for (const r of resources) {
const urn = await r.urn.promise();
assert.deepStrictEqual(actualDeps, new Set<pulumi.URN>(deps ?? []));
function createSecret(value: any) {
return {
[pulumi.runtime.specialSigKey]: pulumi.runtime.specialSecretSig,
function createResourceRef(urn: pulumi.URN, id?: pulumi.ID) {
return {
[pulumi.runtime.specialSigKey]: pulumi.runtime.specialResourceSig,
...(id && { id }),
function createOutputValue(value?: any, secret?: boolean, dependencies?: pulumi.URN[]) {
return {
[pulumi.runtime.specialSigKey]: pulumi.runtime.specialOutputValueSig,
...(value !== undefined && { value }),
...(secret && { secret }),
...(dependencies && { dependencies }),
const testURN = "urn:pulumi:stack::project::test:index:TestResource::name";
const testID = "name_id";
const tests: {
name: string;
input: any;
deps?: string[];
expected?: any;
assert?: (actual: any) => Promise<void>;
}[] = [
name: "unknown",
input: pulumi.runtime.unknownValue,
deps: ["fakeURN"],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual, undefined, false, false, ["fakeURN"]);
name: "array nested unknown",
input: [pulumi.runtime.unknownValue],
deps: ["fakeURN"],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual, undefined, false, false, ["fakeURN"]);
name: "object nested unknown",
input: { foo: pulumi.runtime.unknownValue },
deps: ["fakeURN"],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual, undefined, false, false, ["fakeURN"]);
name: "unknown output value",
input: createOutputValue(undefined, false, ["fakeURN"]),
deps: ["fakeURN"],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual, undefined, false, false, ["fakeURN"]);
name: "unknown output value (no deps)",
input: createOutputValue(),
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual, undefined, false, false);
name: "array nested unknown output value",
input: [createOutputValue(undefined, false, ["fakeURN"])],
deps: ["fakeURN"],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual[0], undefined, false, false, ["fakeURN"]);
name: "array nested unknown output value (no deps)",
input: [createOutputValue(undefined, false, ["fakeURN"])],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual[0], undefined, false, false, ["fakeURN"]);
name: "object nested unknown output value",
input: { foo: createOutputValue(undefined, false, ["fakeURN"]) },
deps: ["fakeURN"],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual.foo, undefined, false, false, ["fakeURN"]);
name: "object nested unknown output value (no deps)",
input: { foo: createOutputValue(undefined, false, ["fakeURN"]) },
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual.foo, undefined, false, false, ["fakeURN"]);
name: "string value (no deps)",
input: "hi",
expected: "hi",
name: "array nested string value (no deps)",
input: ["hi"],
expected: ["hi"],
name: "object nested string value (no deps)",
input: { foo: "hi" },
expected: { foo: "hi" },
name: "string output value",
input: createOutputValue("hi", false, ["fakeURN"]),
deps: ["fakeURN"],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual, "hi", true, false, ["fakeURN"]);
name: "string output value (no deps)",
input: createOutputValue("hi"),
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual, "hi", true, false);
name: "array nested string output value",
input: [createOutputValue("hi", false, ["fakeURN"])],
deps: ["fakeURN"],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual[0], "hi", true, false, ["fakeURN"]);
name: "array nested string output value (no deps)",
input: [createOutputValue("hi", false, ["fakeURN"])],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual[0], "hi", true, false, ["fakeURN"]);
name: "object nested string output value",
input: { foo: createOutputValue("hi", false, ["fakeURN"]) },
deps: ["fakeURN"],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual.foo, "hi", true, false, ["fakeURN"]);
name: "object nested string output value (no deps)",
input: { foo: createOutputValue("hi", false, ["fakeURN"]) },
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual.foo, "hi", true, false, ["fakeURN"]);
name: "string secret (no deps)",
input: createSecret("shh"),
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual, "shh", true, true);
name: "array nested string secret (no deps)",
input: [createSecret("shh")],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual, ["shh"], true, true);
name: "object nested string secret (no deps)",
input: { foo: createSecret("shh") },
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual, { foo: "shh" }, true, true);
name: "string secret output value (no deps)",
input: createOutputValue("shh", true),
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual, "shh", true, true);
name: "array nested string secret output value (no deps)",
input: [createOutputValue("shh", true)],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual[0], "shh", true, true);
name: "object nested string secret output value (no deps)",
input: { foo: createOutputValue("shh", true) },
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual.foo, "shh", true, true);
name: "string secret output value",
input: createOutputValue("shh", true, ["fakeURN1", "fakeURN2"]),
deps: ["fakeURN1", "fakeURN2"],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual, "shh", true, true, ["fakeURN1", "fakeURN2"]);
name: "string secret output value (no deps)",
input: createOutputValue("shh", true, ["fakeURN1", "fakeURN2"]),
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual, "shh", true, true, ["fakeURN1", "fakeURN2"]);
name: "array nested string secret output value",
input: [createOutputValue("shh", true, ["fakeURN1", "fakeURN2"])],
deps: ["fakeURN1", "fakeURN2"],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual[0], "shh", true, true, ["fakeURN1", "fakeURN2"]);
name: "array nested string secret output value (no deps)",
input: [createOutputValue("shh", true, ["fakeURN1", "fakeURN2"])],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual[0], "shh", true, true, ["fakeURN1", "fakeURN2"]);
name: "object nested string secret output value",
input: { foo: createOutputValue("shh", true, ["fakeURN1", "fakeURN2"]) },
deps: ["fakeURN1", "fakeURN2"],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual.foo, "shh", true, true, ["fakeURN1", "fakeURN2"]);
name: "object nested string secret output value (no deps)",
input: { foo: createOutputValue("shh", true, ["fakeURN1", "fakeURN2"]) },
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(actual.foo, "shh", true, true, ["fakeURN1", "fakeURN2"]);
name: "resource ref",
input: createResourceRef(testURN, testID),
deps: [testURN],
assert: async (actual) => {
assert.ok(actual instanceof TestResource);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await actual.urn.promise(), testURN);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await actual.id.promise(), testID);
name: "resource ref (no deps)",
input: createResourceRef(testURN, testID),
assert: async (actual) => {
assert.ok(actual instanceof TestResource);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await actual.urn.promise(), testURN);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await actual.id.promise(), testID);
name: "array nested resource ref",
input: [createResourceRef(testURN, testID)],
deps: [testURN],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(
async (v: any) => {
assert.ok(v[0] instanceof TestResource);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await v[0].urn.promise(), testURN);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await v[0].id.promise(), testID);
name: "array nested resource ref (no deps)",
input: [createResourceRef(testURN, testID)],
assert: async (actual) => {
assert.ok(actual[0] instanceof TestResource);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await actual[0].urn.promise(), testURN);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await actual[0].id.promise(), testID);
name: "object nested resource ref",
input: { foo: createResourceRef(testURN, testID) },
deps: [testURN],
assert: async (actual) => {
await assertOutputEqual(
async (v: any) => {
assert.ok(v.foo instanceof TestResource);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await v.foo.urn.promise(), testURN);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await v.foo.id.promise(), testID);
name: "object nested resource ref (no deps)",
input: { foo: createResourceRef(testURN, testID) },
assert: async (actual) => {
assert.ok(actual.foo instanceof TestResource);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await actual.foo.urn.promise(), testURN);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await actual.foo.id.promise(), testID);
name: "object nested resource ref and secret",
input: {
foo: createResourceRef(testURN, testID),
bar: createSecret("shh"),
deps: [testURN],
assert: async (actual) => {
// Because there's a nested secret, the top-level property is an output.
await assertOutputEqual(
async (v: any) => {
assert.ok(v.foo instanceof TestResource);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await v.foo.urn.promise(), testURN);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await v.foo.id.promise(), testID);
assert.deepStrictEqual(v.bar, "shh");
name: "object nested resource ref and secret output value",
input: {
foo: createResourceRef(testURN, testID),
bar: createOutputValue("shh", true),
deps: [testURN],
assert: async (actual) => {
assert.ok(actual.foo instanceof TestResource);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await actual.foo.urn.promise(), testURN);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await actual.foo.id.promise(), testID);
await assertOutputEqual(actual.bar, "shh", true, true);
name: "object nested resource ref and secret output value (no deps)",
input: {
foo: createResourceRef(testURN, testID),
bar: createOutputValue("shh", true),
assert: async (actual) => {
assert.ok(actual.foo instanceof TestResource);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await actual.foo.urn.promise(), testURN);
assert.deepStrictEqual(await actual.foo.id.promise(), testID);
await assertOutputEqual(actual.bar, "shh", true, true);
for (const test of tests) {
it(`deserializes '${test.name}' correctly`, async () => {
pulumi.runtime.setMocks(new TestMocks(), "project", "stack", true);
pulumi.runtime.registerResourceModule("test", "index", new TestModule());
fix MockMonitor reporting DeletedWith wasn't supported (#14118) We should support all features in mocks that we are supporting otherwise. We did a similar thing in pulumi-dotnet: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-dotnet/pull/93. However here we're not simply changing hasSupport to true. https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/commit/1e09626bc731ad2379d646b0b3b46036e8a7661e has a good explanation of why we only support specific values here. However really we only need to disable support for `outputValues`, and that only if output values are disabled. Originally this was true if `PULUMI_ENABLE_OUTPUT_VALUES` was set, but that environment variable was later inverted: 3027d01f259d304abb764a0e8793ed2996cede56. This ended up being a little bit more complicated than just passing true, but I think it's more correct this way. I'm also happy to change it back to just passing through `true` if that's preferred. Once we decided on whether this is the right way to do it vs. just passing `true` unconditionally I'll also update `java` and `dotnet` (if we're going this way) to do the same. Fixes #13355 ## Checklist - [x] I have run `make tidy` to update any new dependencies - [x] I have run `make lint` to verify my code passes the lint check - [ ] I have formatted my code using `gofumpt` <!--- Please provide details if the checkbox below is to be left unchecked. --> - [ ] I have added tests that prove my fix is effective or that my feature works <!--- User-facing changes require a CHANGELOG entry. --> - [x] I have run `make changelog` and committed the `changelog/pending/<file>` documenting my change <!-- If the change(s) in this PR is a modification of an existing call to the Pulumi Cloud, then the service should honor older versions of the CLI where this change would not exist. You must then bump the API version in /pkg/backend/httpstate/client/api.go, as well as add it to the service. --> - [ ] Yes, there are changes in this PR that warrants bumping the Pulumi Cloud API version <!-- @Pulumi employees: If yes, you must submit corresponding changes in the service repo. -->
2023-10-09 14:21:54 +00:00
const res = new TestResource("name"); // Create an instance so it can be deserialized.
await res.urn.promise();
const inputs = { value: test.input };
const inputsStruct = gstruct.Struct.fromJavaScript(inputs);
const inputDependencies = {
get: () => ({
getUrnsList: () => test.deps,
const result = await pulumi.provider.deserializeInputs(inputsStruct, inputDependencies);
const actual = result["value"];
if (test.assert) {
await test.assert(actual);
} else {
assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, test.expected);
describe("containsOutputs", () => {
const tests: {
name: string;
input: any;
expected: boolean;
}[] = [
name: "Output",
input: pulumi.Output.create("hi"),
expected: true,
name: "[Output]",
input: [pulumi.Output.create("hi")],
expected: true,
name: "{ foo: Output }",
input: { foo: pulumi.Output.create("hi") },
expected: true,
name: "Resource",
input: new pulumi.DependencyResource("fakeURN"),
expected: false,
name: "[Resource]",
input: [new pulumi.DependencyResource("fakeURN")],
expected: false,
name: "{ foo: Resource }",
input: { foo: new pulumi.DependencyResource("fakeURN") },
expected: false,
for (const test of tests) {
it(`${test.name} should return ${test.expected}`, () => {
const actual = pulumi.provider.containsOutputs(test.input);
assert.strictEqual(actual, test.expected);