Switch the cmdutil.ReadConsole and cmdutil.ReadConsoleNoEcho functions
to use the bubbletea library to render the prompt,
using the textinput widget provided by the accompanying bubbles library.
The resulting input widgets support arrow keys, back space,
and some basic readline-style bindings including Ctrl-A, Alt-B, etc.
I went through all uses of ReadConsole or ReadConsoleNoEcho.
Only the one in new.go had a non-compliant prompt that I had to adjust.
Note: One divergence in behavior I opted for was that
password prompts will echo '*' characters as the user is typing
and then no echo once they've accepted or canceled the value.
Previously, the prompt did not echo anything in either case.
Introduction if you're unfamiliar with bubbletea
bubbletea operates by modeling the widget state as
an immutable data structure that receives messages for events.
On receiving a message (key press, e.g.) the model's Update method
returns a new model instance representing its new state.
Update may also optionally return additional commands for the program,
e.g. stop running, or print something and move on.
The model's View method returns what should be drawn in the terminal
based on the model's current state.
This programming model makes it reasonably straightforward to unit test
some of the core functionality of independent widgets
as demonstrated in this PR.
<summary>Plain text</summary>
<summary>Secret prompt with padding</summary>
Fixes two bugs in how padding was calculated in PrintTable.
Firstly we remove all ANSI escape codes from the string before measuring
how wide it is. Secondly we measure glyph count (using rivo/uniseg) not
byte or rune count of the string.
Together these fix the padding/alignment issues I saw when using
PrintTable with plan output. They also slightly change the layout of
"pulumi stack", for example the below is printed with current master and
has 6 characters of space for padding between SecurityGroup and
Current stack resources (4):
pulumi:pulumi:Stack aws-cs-webserver-test
├─ aws:ec2/securityGroup:SecurityGroup web-secgrp
├─ aws:ec2/instance:Instance web-server-www
└─ pulumi:providers:aws default_4_25_0
While printed with this commit you only get 2 characters of space for
padding (which is correct, the column gap is set to " "):
Current stack resources (4):
pulumi:pulumi:Stack aws-cs-webserver-test
├─ aws:ec2/securityGroup:SecurityGroup web-secgrp
├─ aws:ec2/instance:Instance web-server-www
└─ pulumi:providers:aws default_4_25_0