This change adds a new manifest section to the checkpoint files.
The existing time moves into it, and we add to it the version of
the Pulumi CLI that created it, along with the names, types, and
versions of all plugins used to generate the file. There is a
magic cookie that we also use during verification.
This is to help keep us sane when debugging problems "in the wild,"
and I'm sure we will add more to it over time (checksum, etc).
For example, after an up, you can now see this in `pulumi stack`:
Current stack is demo:
Last updated at 2017-12-01 13:48:49.815740523 -0800 PST
Pulumi version v0.8.3-79-g1ab99ad
Plugin pulumi-provider-aws [resource] version v0.8.3-22-g4363e77
Plugin pulumi-langhost-nodejs [language] version v0.8.3-79-g77bb6b6
Checkpoint file is /Users/joeduffy/dev/code/src/
This addresses pulumi/pulumi#628.
We use `git describe --tags` to construct a version number based on
the current version tag.
The properties VERSION (when using make) and Version (when using
MSBuild) can be explicitly set to use a fixed value instead.
This includes a few changes:
* The repo name -- and hence the Go modules -- changes from pulumi-fabric to pulumi.
* The Node.js SDK package changes from @pulumi/pulumi-fabric to just pulumi.
* The CLI is renamed from lumi to pulumi.
This change restructures the overall structure for commands so that
all top-level tools are in the cmd/ directory, alongside the primary
coco command. This is more "idiomatic Go" in its layout, and makes
room for additional command line tools (like cocogo for IDL).
This change moves glogging into the Mu command, so that `mu --help`
actually shows the right thing. (Sadly, glog hijacks the command help.)
It also adds an option --logtostderr that redirects glog output to the
This adds two packages:
And introduces enums for the cloud targets we expect to support.
It also adds the ability at the command line to specify a provider;
for example:
$ mu build --target=aws # AWS native
$ mu build --target=aws:ecs # AWS ECS
$ mu build -t=gcp:kubernetes # Kube on GCP
This adds a bunch of general scaffolding and the beginning of a `build` command.
The general engineering scaffolding includes:
* Glide for dependency management.
* A Makefile that runs govet and golint during builds.
* Google's Glog library for logging.
* Cobra for command line functionality.
The Mu-specific scaffolding includes some packages:
* mu/pkg/diag: A package for compiler-like diagnostics. It's fairly barebones
at the moment, however we can embellish this over time.
* mu/pkg/errors: A package containing Mu's predefined set of errors.
* mu/pkg/workspace: A package containing workspace-related convenience helpers.
in addition to a main entrypoint that simply wires up and invokes the CLI. From
there, the mu/cmd package takes over, with the Cobra-defined CLI commands.
Finally, the mu/pkg/compiler package actually implements the compiler behavior.
Or, it will. For now, it simply parses a JSON or YAML Mufile into the core
mu/pkg/api types, and prints out the result.