// Copyright 2016-2021, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package cmdutil

import (

	opentracing "github.com/opentracing/opentracing-go"
	appdash_opentracing "github.com/pulumi/appdash/opentracing"
	jaeger "github.com/uber/jaeger-client-go"

// TracingEndpoint is the Zipkin-compatible tracing endpoint where tracing data will be sent.
var TracingEndpoint string

// TracingToFile indicates if pulumi was called with a file:// scheme URL (--tracing=file:///...).
// Deprecated: Even in this case TracingEndpoint will now have the tcp:// scheme and will point to a
// proxy server that will append traces to the user-specified file. Plugins should respect
// TracingEndpoint and ignore TracingToFile.
var TracingToFile bool

var TracingRootSpan opentracing.Span

var traceCloser io.Closer

type localStore struct {
	path  string
	store *appdash.MemoryStore

func (s *localStore) Close() error {
	f, err := os.Create(s.path)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer contract.IgnoreClose(f)
	return s.store.Write(f)

func IsTracingEnabled() bool {
	return TracingEndpoint != ""

// InitTracing initializes tracing
func InitTracing(name, rootSpanName, tracingEndpoint string) {
	// If no tracing endpoint was provided, just return. The default global tracer is already a no-op tracer.
	if tracingEndpoint == "" {

	endpointURL, err := url.Parse(tracingEndpoint)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("invalid tracing endpoint: %v", err)

	var tracer opentracing.Tracer
	switch {
	case endpointURL.Scheme == "file":
		// If the endpoint is a file:// URL, use a local tracer.
		TracingToFile = true

		path := endpointURL.Path
		if path == "" {
			path = endpointURL.Opaque
		if path == "" {
			log.Fatalf("invalid tracing endpoint: %v", err)

		store := &localStore{
			path:  path,
			store: appdash.NewMemoryStore(),
		traceCloser = store

		collector := appdash.NewLocalCollector(store.store)
		tracer = appdash_opentracing.NewTracer(collector)

		proxyEndpoint, err := startProxyAppDashServer(collector)
		if err != nil {

		// Instead of storing the original endpoint, store the
		// proxy endpoint. The TracingEndpoint global var is
		// consumed by code forking off sub-processes, and we
		// want those sending data to the proxy endpoint, so
		// it cleanly lands in the file managed by the parent
		// process.
		TracingEndpoint = proxyEndpoint

	case endpointURL.Scheme == "tcp":
		// Store the tracing endpoint
		TracingEndpoint = tracingEndpoint

		// If the endpoint scheme is tcp, use an Appdash endpoint.
		collector := appdash.NewRemoteCollector(endpointURL.Host)
		traceCloser = collector
		tracer = appdash_opentracing.NewTracer(collector)

		// Store the tracing endpoint
		TracingEndpoint = tracingEndpoint

		// Jaeger tracer can be initialized with a transport that will
		// report tracing Spans to a Zipkin backend
		transport, err := zipkin.NewHTTPTransport(
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Cannot initialize HTTP transport: %v", err)

		// create Jaeger tracer
		t, closer := jaeger.NewTracer(
			jaeger.NewConstSampler(true), // sample all traces

		tracer, traceCloser = t, closer

	// Set the ambient tracer

	// If a root span was requested, start it now.
	if rootSpanName != "" {
		var options []opentracing.StartSpanOption
		for _, tag := range rootSpanTags() {
			options = append(options, tag)
		TracingRootSpan = tracer.StartSpan(rootSpanName, options...)
		go collectMemStats(rootSpanName)

// CloseTracing ensures that all pending spans have been flushed.  It should be called before process exit.
func CloseTracing() {
	if !IsTracingEnabled() {

	if TracingRootSpan != nil {


// Starts an AppDash server listening on any available TCP port
// locally and sends the spans and annotations to the given collector.
// Returns a Pulumi-formatted tracing endpoint pointing to this
// server.
// See https://github.com/sourcegraph/appdash/blob/master/cmd/appdash/example_app.go
func startProxyAppDashServer(collector appdash.Collector) (string, error) {
	l, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", &net.TCPAddr{IP: net.IPv4(127, 0, 0, 1), Port: 0})
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	collectorPort := l.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port

	cs := appdash.NewServer(l, collector)
	cs.Debug = true
	cs.Trace = true
	go cs.Start()

	// The default sends to stderr, which is unfortunate for
	// end-users. Discard for now.
	cs.Log = log.New(io.Discard, "appdash", 0)

	return fmt.Sprintf("tcp://", collectorPort), nil

// Computes initial tags to write to the `TracingRootSpan`, which can
// be useful for aggregating trace data in benchmarks.
func rootSpanTags() []opentracing.Tag {
	tags := []opentracing.Tag{
			Key:   "os.Args",
			Value: os.Args,
			Key:   "runtime.GOOS",
			Value: runtime.GOOS,
			Key:   "runtime.GOARCH",
			Value: runtime.GOARCH,
			Key:   "runtime.NumCPU",
			Value: runtime.NumCPU(),

	// Promote all env vars `pulumi_tracing_tag_foo=bar` into tags `foo: bar`.
	envPrefix := "pulumi_tracing_tag_"
	for _, e := range os.Environ() {
		pair := strings.SplitN(e, "=", 2)
		envVarName := strings.ToLower(pair[0])
		envVarValue := pair[1]

		if strings.HasPrefix(envVarName, envPrefix) {
			tags = append(tags, opentracing.Tag{
				Key:   strings.TrimPrefix(envVarName, envPrefix),
				Value: envVarValue,

	return tags

// Samples memory stats in the background at 1s intervals, and creates
// spans for the data. This is currently opt-in via
// collecting this by default later whenever tracing is enabled as we
// calibrate that the overhead is low enough.
func collectMemStats(spanPrefix string) {
	memStats := runtime.MemStats{}
	maxStats := runtime.MemStats{}

	poll := func() {
		if TracingRootSpan == nil {


		// report cumulative metrics as is
		TracingRootSpan.SetTag("runtime.NumCgoCall", runtime.NumCgoCall())
		TracingRootSpan.SetTag("MemStats.TotalAlloc", memStats.TotalAlloc)
		TracingRootSpan.SetTag("MemStats.Mallocs", memStats.Mallocs)
		TracingRootSpan.SetTag("MemStats.Frees", memStats.Frees)
		TracingRootSpan.SetTag("MemStats.PauseTotalNs", memStats.PauseTotalNs)
		TracingRootSpan.SetTag("MemStats.NumGC", memStats.NumGC)

		// for other metrics report the max

		if memStats.Sys > maxStats.Sys {
			maxStats.Sys = memStats.Sys
			TracingRootSpan.SetTag("MemStats.Sys.Max", maxStats.Sys)

		if memStats.HeapAlloc > maxStats.HeapAlloc {
			maxStats.HeapAlloc = memStats.HeapAlloc
			TracingRootSpan.SetTag("MemStats.HeapAlloc.Max", maxStats.HeapAlloc)

		if memStats.HeapSys > maxStats.HeapSys {
			maxStats.HeapSys = memStats.HeapSys
			TracingRootSpan.SetTag("MemStats.HeapSys.Max", maxStats.HeapSys)

		if memStats.HeapIdle > maxStats.HeapIdle {
			maxStats.HeapIdle = memStats.HeapIdle
			TracingRootSpan.SetTag("MemStats.HeapIdle.Max", maxStats.HeapIdle)

		if memStats.HeapInuse > maxStats.HeapInuse {
			maxStats.HeapInuse = memStats.HeapInuse
			TracingRootSpan.SetTag("MemStats.HeapInuse.Max", maxStats.HeapInuse)

		if memStats.HeapReleased > maxStats.HeapReleased {
			maxStats.HeapReleased = memStats.HeapReleased
			TracingRootSpan.SetTag("MemStats.HeapReleased.Max", maxStats.HeapReleased)

		if memStats.HeapObjects > maxStats.HeapObjects {
			maxStats.HeapObjects = memStats.HeapObjects
			TracingRootSpan.SetTag("MemStats.HeapObjects.Max", maxStats.HeapObjects)

		if memStats.StackInuse > maxStats.StackInuse {
			maxStats.StackInuse = memStats.StackInuse
			TracingRootSpan.SetTag("MemStats.StackInuse.Max", maxStats.StackInuse)

		if memStats.StackSys > maxStats.StackSys {
			maxStats.StackSys = memStats.StackSys
			TracingRootSpan.SetTag("MemStats.StackSys.Max", maxStats.StackSys)


	if interval != "" {
		intervalDuration, err := time.ParseDuration(interval)
		if err == nil {
			for {