@startuml participant "Language SDK" order 10 box "Engine" participant "Resource Monitor" order 15 participant "Step Generator" order 20 participant "Step Executor" order 25 end box participant "Resource Provider" order 30 "Language SDK" -> "Resource Monitor" ++ : RegisterResourceRequest(type, name, inputs, options) "Resource Monitor" -> "Step Generator" ++ : RegisterResourceEvent(type, name, inputs, options) "Step Generator" -> "Resource Provider" ++ : CheckRequest(type, inputs, old inputs) "Step Generator" <- "Resource Provider" -- : CheckResponse(inputs', failures) "Step Generator" -> "Resource Provider" ++ : DiffRequest(type, inputs', old state) "Step Generator" <- "Resource Provider" -- : DiffResponse(diffs) "Step Generator" -> "Step Executor" --++ : SameStep(inputs', old state, options) note left This is fire-and-forget on the part of the step generator. The step will run in parallel with steps for other resources. end note "Resource Monitor" <- "Step Executor" -- : done(old state) "Language SDK" <- "Resource Monitor" -- : RegisterResourceResponse(urn, ID, old tate) @enduml