// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package backend

import (

// UpdateMetadata describes optional metadata about an update.
type UpdateMetadata struct {
	// Message is an optional message associated with the update.
	Message string `json:"message"`
	// Environment contains optional data from the deploying environment. e.g. the current
	// source code control commit information.
	Environment map[string]string `json:"environment"`

// UpdateResult is an enum for the result of the update.
type UpdateResult string

const (
	// InProgressResult is for updates that have not yet completed.
	InProgressResult UpdateResult = "in-progress"
	// SucceededResult is for updates that completed successfully.
	SucceededResult UpdateResult = "succeeded"
	// FailedResult is for updates that have failed.
	FailedResult UpdateResult = "failed"

// Keys we use for values put into UpdateInfo.Environment.
const (
	// GitHead is the commit hash of HEAD.
	GitHead = "git.head"
	// GitHeadName is the name of the HEAD ref. e.g. "refs/heads/master" or "refs/tags/v1.0.0".
	GitHeadName = "git.headName"
	// GitDirty ("true", "false") indicates if there are any unstaged or modified files in the local repo.
	GitDirty = "git.dirty"

	// GitCommitter is the name of the person who committed the commit at HEAD.
	GitCommitter = "git.committer"
	// GitCommitterEmail is the Email address associated with the committer.
	GitCommitterEmail = "git.committer.email"
	// GitAuthor is the name of the person who authored the commit at HEAD.
	GitAuthor = "git.author"
	// GitAuthorEmail is the email address associated with the commit's author.
	GitAuthorEmail = "git.author.email"

	// VCSRepoOwner is the user who owns the local repo, if the origin remote is a cloud host.
	VCSRepoOwner = "vcs.owner"
	// VCSRepoName is the name of the repo, if the local git repo's remote origin is a cloud host.
	VCSRepoName = "vcs.repo"
	// VCSRepoKind is the cloud host where the repo is hosted.
	VCSRepoKind = "vcs.kind"
	// VCSRepoRoot is the root directory of the project in the repo.
	VCSRepoRoot = "vcs.root"

	// CISystem is the name of the CI system running the pulumi operation.
	CISystem = "ci.system"
	// CIBuildID is an opaque ID of the build in the CI system.
	CIBuildID = "ci.build.id"
	// CIBuildNumber is a sequentially incrementing number specific for a project/repo.
	// This value is only set for CI systems that have separate Build ID and a Build Number.
	// If this value is blank, use `CIBuildID` always.
	CIBuildNumer = "ci.build.number"
	// CIBuildType is the type of build of the CI system, e.g. "push", "pull_request", "test_only".
	CIBuildType = "ci.build.type"
	// CIBuildURL is a URL to get more information about the particular CI build.
	CIBuildURL = "ci.build.url"

	// CIPRHeadSHA is the SHA of the HEAD commit of a pull request running on CI. This is needed since the CI
	// server will run at a different, merge commit. (headSHA merged into the target branch.)
	CIPRHeadSHA = "ci.pr.headSHA"
	// CIPRNumber is the PR number, for which the current CI job may be executing.
	// Combining this information with the `VCSRepoKind` will give us the PR URL.
	CIPRNumber = "ci.pr.number"

	// ExecutionKind indicates how the update was executed. One of "cli", "auto.local", or "auto.inline".
	ExecutionKind = "exec.kind"
	// ExecutionAgent indicates the user agent of the updater for automated scenarios (GHA, Kubernetes Operator).
	ExecutionAgent = "exec.agent"

	// UpdatePlan ("true", "false") indicates if an explicit update plan was used for the update (either
	// saving one, or constraining to one).
	UpdatePlan = "updatePlan"

	// StackEnvironments indicates the list of ESC environments imported by the stack being updated.
	StackEnvironments = "stack.environments"

// UpdateInfo describes a previous update.
type UpdateInfo struct {
	// Information known before an update is started.
	Kind      apitype.UpdateKind `json:"kind"`
	StartTime int64              `json:"startTime"`

	// Message is an optional message associated with the update.
	Message string `json:"message"`

	// Environment contains optional data from the deploying environment. e.g. the current
	// source code control commit information.
	Environment map[string]string `json:"environment"`

	// Config used for the update.
	Config config.Map `json:"config"`

	// Information obtained from an update completing.
	Version         int                     `json:"version"`
	Result          UpdateResult            `json:"result"`
	EndTime         int64                   `json:"endTime"`
	ResourceChanges display.ResourceChanges `json:"resourceChanges,omitempty"`