// Copyright 2016-2022, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

import { LocalWorkspace, LocalWorkspaceOptions } from "./localWorkspace";
import { RemoteStack } from "./remoteStack";
import { Stack } from "./stack";

 * {@link RemoteWorkspace} is the execution context containing a single remote
 * Pulumi project.
export class RemoteWorkspace {
     * Creates a stack backed by a {@link RemoteWorkspace} with source code from
     * the specified Git repository. Pulumi operations on the stack (preview,
     * update, refresh, and destroy) are performed remotely.
     * @param args
     *  A set of arguments to initialize a {@link RemoteStack} with a remote
     *  Pulumi program from a Git repository.
     * @param opts
     *  Additional customizations to be applied to the Workspace.
    static async createStack(args: RemoteGitProgramArgs, opts?: RemoteWorkspaceOptions): Promise<RemoteStack> {
        const ws = await createLocalWorkspace(args, opts);
        const stack = await Stack.create(args.stackName, ws);
        return RemoteStack.create(stack);

     * Selects an existing stack backed by a {@link RemoteWorkspace} with source
     * code from the specified Git repository. Pulumi operations on the stack
     * (preview, update, refresh, and destroy) are performed remotely.
     * @param args
     *  A set of arguments to initialize a {@link RemoteStack} with a remote
     *  Pulumi program from a Git repository.
     * @param opts
     *  Additional customizations to be applied to the Workspace.
    static async selectStack(args: RemoteGitProgramArgs, opts?: RemoteWorkspaceOptions): Promise<RemoteStack> {
        const ws = await createLocalWorkspace(args, opts);
        const stack = await Stack.select(args.stackName, ws);
        return RemoteStack.create(stack);
     * Creates or selects an existing stack backed by a {@link RemoteWorkspace}
     * with source code from the specified Git repository. Pulumi operations on
     * the stack (preview, update, refresh, and destroy) are performed remotely.
     * @param args
     *  A set of arguments to initialize a RemoteStack with a remote Pulumi program from a Git repository.
     * @param opts
     *  Additional customizations to be applied to the Workspace.
    static async createOrSelectStack(args: RemoteGitProgramArgs, opts?: RemoteWorkspaceOptions): Promise<RemoteStack> {
        const ws = await createLocalWorkspace(args, opts);
        const stack = await Stack.createOrSelect(args.stackName, ws);
        return RemoteStack.create(stack);

    private constructor() {} // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function

 * Description of a stack backed by a remote Pulumi program in a Git repository.
export interface RemoteGitProgramArgs {
     * The associated stack name.
    stackName: string;

     * The URL of the repository.
    url?: string;

     * An optional path relative to the repo root specifying location of the Pulumi program.
    projectPath?: string;

     * An optional branch to checkout.
    branch?: string;

     * Optional commit to checkout.
    commitHash?: string;

     * Authentication options for the repository.
    auth?: RemoteGitAuthArgs;

 * Authentication options that can be specified for a private Git repository.
 * There are three different authentication paths:
 *  - A Personal access token
 *  - An SSH private key (and its optional passphrase)
 *  - Username and password (basic authentication)
 * Only one authentication path is valid.
export interface RemoteGitAuthArgs {
     * The absolute path to a private key to be used for access to the Git repository.
    sshPrivateKeyPath?: string;

     * A string containing the contents of a private key to be used for access
     * to the Git repository.
    sshPrivateKey?: string;

     * The password that pairs with a username as part of basic authentication,
     * or the passphrase to be used with an SSH private key.
    password?: string;

     * A Git personal access token, to be used in replacement of a password.
    personalAccessToken?: string;

     * The username to use when authenticating to a Git repository with basic
     * authentication.
    username?: string;

 * Extensibility options to configure a {@link RemoteWorkspace.}
export interface RemoteWorkspaceOptions {
     * Environment values scoped to the remote workspace. These will be passed
     * to remote operations.
    envVars?: { [key: string]: string | { secret: string } };

     * An optional list of arbitrary commands to run before a remote Pulumi
     * operation is invoked.
    preRunCommands?: string[];

     * Whether to skip the default dependency installation step. Defaults to
     * false.
    skipInstallDependencies?: boolean;

     * Whether to inherit the deployment settings set on the stack. Defaults to
     * false.
    inheritSettings?: boolean;

async function createLocalWorkspace(
    args: RemoteGitProgramArgs,
    opts?: RemoteWorkspaceOptions,
): Promise<LocalWorkspace> {
    if (!isFullyQualifiedStackName(args.stackName)) {
        throw new Error(`stack name "${args.stackName}" must be fully qualified.`);

    if (!args.url && !opts?.inheritSettings) {
        throw new Error("url is required if inheritSettings is not set.");
    if (args.branch && args.commitHash) {
        throw new Error("branch and commitHash cannot both be specified.");
    if (!args.branch && !args.commitHash && !opts?.inheritSettings) {
        throw new Error("either branch or commitHash is required if inheritSettings is not set.");
    if (args.auth) {
        if (args.auth.sshPrivateKey && args.auth.sshPrivateKeyPath) {
            throw new Error("sshPrivateKey and sshPrivateKeyPath cannot both be specified.");

    const localOpts: LocalWorkspaceOptions = {
        remote: true,
        remoteGitProgramArgs: args,
        remoteEnvVars: opts?.envVars,
        remotePreRunCommands: opts?.preRunCommands,
        remoteSkipInstallDependencies: opts?.skipInstallDependencies,
        remoteInheritSettings: opts?.inheritSettings,
    return await LocalWorkspace.create(localOpts);

 * @internal
 *  Exported only so it can be tested.
export function isFullyQualifiedStackName(stackName: string): boolean {
    if (!stackName) {
        return false;
    const split = stackName.split("/");
    return split.length === 3 && !!split[0] && !!split[1] && !!split[2];