{ "version": "0.0.1", "name": "plant", "allowedPackageNames": ["other"], "resources": { "plant:tree/v1:RubberTree": { "inputProperties": { "container": { "$ref": "#/types/plant::Container" }, "type": { "deprecationMessage": "Dear future maintainer, if there are changes here, make sure that this is printed before the value is set to the default or else this will always print.", "$ref": "#/types/plant:tree/v1:RubberTreeVariety", "default": "Burgundy" }, "farm": { "deprecationMessage": "Dear future maintainer, if there are changes here, make sure that this is printed before the value is set to the default or else this will always print.", "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/types/plant:tree/v1:Farm" }, { "type": "string" } ], "default": "(unknown)" }, "size": { "deprecationMessage": "Dear future maintainer, if there are changes here, make sure that this is printed before the value is set to the default or else this will always print.", "$ref": "#/types/plant:tree/v1:TreeSize", "default": "medium" }, "diameter": { "deprecationMessage": "Dear future maintainer, if there are changes here, make sure that this is printed before the value is set to the default or else this will always print.", "$ref": "#/types/other:tree/v1:Diameter", "default": 6 } }, "stateInputs": { "properties": { "farm": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/types/plant:tree/v1:Farm" }, { "type": "string" } ], "default": "(unknown)" } } }, "properties": { "container": { "$ref": "#/types/plant::Container" }, "type": { "$ref": "#/types/plant:tree/v1:RubberTreeVariety" }, "farm": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/types/plant:tree/v1:Farm" }, { "type": "string" } ] }, "size": { "$ref": "#/types/plant:tree/v1:TreeSize", "default": "medium" }, "diameter": { "$ref": "#/types/other:tree/v1:Diameter", "default": 6 } }, "required": ["type", "diameter"], "requiredInputs": ["type", "diameter"] } }, "types": { "plant::CloudAuditOptionsLogName": { "description": "The log_name to populate in the Cloud Audit Record. This is added to regress pulumi/pulumi issue #7913", "type": "string", "enum": [ { "name": "UnspecifiedLogName", "description": "Default. Should not be used.", "value": "UNSPECIFIED_LOG_NAME" }, { "name": "AdminActivity", "description": "Corresponds to \"cloudaudit.googleapis.com/activity\"", "value": "ADMIN_ACTIVITY" }, { "name": "DataAccess", "description": "Corresponds to \"cloudaudit.googleapis.com/data_access\"", "value": "DATA_ACCESS" }, { "name": "Synthetic", "description": "What if triple quotes \"\"\" are used in the description", "value": "SYNTHETIC" } ] }, "plant::Container": { "type": "object", "properties": { "size": { "$ref": "#/types/plant::ContainerSize", "default": 4 }, "material": { "type": "string" }, "color": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/types/plant::ContainerColor" }, { "type": "string" } ] }, "brightness": { "$ref": "#/types/plant::ContainerBrightness", "default": 1.0 } }, "required": ["size"] }, "plant::ContainerSize": { "type": "integer", "description": "plant container sizes", "enum": [ { "value": 4, "name": "FourInch" }, { "value": 6, "name": "SixInch" }, { "value": 8, "name": "EightInch" } ], "deprecationMessage": "Eight inch pots are no longer supported." }, "plant::ContainerColor": { "type": "string", "description": "plant container colors", "enum": [ { "value": "red" }, { "value": "blue" }, { "value": "yellow" } ] }, "plant::ContainerBrightness": { "type": "number", "enum": [ { "name": "ZeroPointOne", "value": 0.1 }, { "name": "One", "value": 1.0 } ] }, "plant:tree/v1:RubberTreeVariety": { "type": "string", "description": "types of rubber trees", "enum": [ { "value": "Burgundy", "description": "A burgundy rubber tree." }, { "value": "Ruby", "description": "A ruby rubber tree." }, { "value": "Tineke", "description": "A tineke rubber tree." } ] }, "plant:tree/v1:Farm": { "type": "string", "deprecationMessage": "Dear future maintainer, if there are changes here, make sure that this is printed before the value is set to the default or else this will always print.", "enum": [ { "value": "Pulumi Planters Inc." }, { "value": "Plants'R'Us" } ] }, "plant:tree/v1:TreeSize": { "type": "string", "deprecationMessage": "Dear future maintainer, if there are changes here, make sure that this is printed before the value is set to the default or else this will always print.", "enum": [ { "value": "small" }, { "value": "medium" }, { "value": "large" } ] }, "other:tree/v1:Diameter": { "type": "number", "deprecationMessage": "Dear future maintainer, if there are changes here, make sure that this is printed before the value is set to the default or else this will always print.", "enum": [ { "name": "sixinch", "value": 6 }, { "name": "twelveinch", "value": 12 } ] } }, "language": { "csharp": { "namespaces": { "plant": "Plant", "tree/v1": "Tree.V1" }, "packageReferences": { "Pulumi": "3.12" } }, "go": { "importBasePath": "different-enum/plant" }, "nodejs": { "dependencies": { "@pulumi/pulumi": "^3.12" }, "devDependencies": { "typescript": "^3.7.0" } }, "python": { "moduleNameOverrides": { "tree/v1": "tree/v1" } } } }