// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

import { Resource } from "./resource";
import * as settings from "./runtime/settings";
import * as utils from "./utils";

/* eslint-disable no-shadow, @typescript-eslint/no-shadow */

 * {@link Output} helps encode the relationship between {@link Resource}s in a
 * Pulumi application. Specifically, an {@link Output} holds onto a piece of
 * data and the resource it was generated from. An output value can then be
 * provided when constructing new resources, allowing that new resource to know
 * both the value as well as the resource the value came from.  This allows for
 * a precise resource dependency graph to be created, which properly tracks the
 * relationship between resources.
class OutputImpl<T> implements OutputInstance<T> {
     * A private field to help with RTTI that works in SxS scenarios.
     * This is internal instead of being truly private, to support mixins and our serialization model.
     * @internal
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention,no-underscore-dangle,id-blacklist,id-match
    public readonly __pulumiOutput: boolean = true;

     * Whether or not this output wraps a secret value. Values which are
     * marked as secret are stored in an encrypted format when they are
     * persisted as part of a state file. When, `true` this "taints" any
     * additional resources created from it via an [all] or [apply], such that
     * they are also treated as secrets.
     * @internal
    public readonly isSecret: Promise<boolean>;

     * Whether or not this output should actually perform `.apply` calls. During
     * a preview, an output value may not be known (because it would have to
     * actually be computed by doing an update).  In that case, we don't want to
     * perform any `.apply` calls as the callbacks may not expect an undefined
     * value.  So, instead, we just transition to another output value that
     * itself knows it should not perform `.apply` calls.
     * @internal
    public readonly isKnown: Promise<boolean>;

     * A method that actually produces the concrete value of this output, as
     * well as the total deployment-time set of resources this output depends
     * on. If the value of the output is not known (i.e. {@link isKnown}
     * resolves to `false`), this promise should resolve to `undefined` unless
     * the `withUnknowns` flag is passed, in which case it will resolve to
     * `unknown`.
     * Only callable on the outside.
     * @internal
    public readonly promise: (withUnknowns?: boolean) => Promise<T>;

     * The list of resources that this output value depends on.
     * This only returns the set of dependent resources that were known at
     * Output construction time. It represents the `@pulumi/pulumi` API prior to
     * the addition of "async resource" dependencies. Code inside
     * `@pulumi/pulumi` should use `.allResources` instead.
     * Only callable on the outside.
     * @internal
    public readonly resources: () => Set<Resource>;

     * The entire list of resources that this output depends on.
     * This includes both the dependent resources that were known when the
     * output was explicitly instantiated, along with any dependent resources
     * produced asynchronously and returned from the function passed to
     * {@link Output.apply}.
     * This should be used whenever available inside this package. However,
     * code that uses this should be resilient to it being absent and should
     * fall back to using `.resources()` instead.
     * Note: it is fine to use this property if it is guaranteed that it is on
     * an output produced by this SDK (and not another sxs version).
     * @internal
    // Marked as optional for sxs scenarios.
    public readonly allResources?: () => Promise<Set<Resource>>;

     * {@link toString} on an {@link Output} is not supported. This is because
     * the value an {@link Output} points to is asynchronously computed (and
     * thus, this is akin to calling {@link toString} on a {@link Promise}).
     * Calling this will simply return useful text about the issue, and will log
     * a warning. In a future version of `@pulumi/pulumi` this will be changed
     * to throw an error when this occurs.
     * To get the value of an {@link Output} as an `Output<string>` consider
     * either:
     * 1. `o.apply(v => ``prefix${v}suffix``)` or
     * 2. `pulumi.interpolate ``prefix${v}suffix`` `
     * This will return an {@link Output} with the inner computed value and all
     * resources still tracked.
     * @see https://www.pulumi.com/docs/concepts/inputs-outputs
     * @internal
    public toString: () => string;

     * {@link toJSON} on an {@link Output} is not supported. This is because the
     * value an {@link Output} points to is asynchronously computed (and thus,
     * this is akin to calling {@link toJSON} on a {@link Promise}).
     * Calling this will simply return useful text about the issue, and will log
     * a warning. In a future version of `@pulumi/pulumi` this will be changed
     * to throw an error when this occurs.
     * To get the value of an {@link Output} as a JSON value or JSON string consider
     * either:
     * 1. `o.apply(v => v.toJSON())` or
     * 2. `o.apply(v => JSON.stringify(v))`
     * This will return an {@link Output} with the inner computed value and all
     * resources still tracked.
     * @see https://www.pulumi.com/docs/concepts/inputs-outputs for more details
     * @internal
    public toJSON: () => any;

    // Statics

     * Create takes any {@link Input} value and converts it into an
     * {@link Output}, deeply unwrapping nested {@link Input} values as
     * necessary.
    public static create<T>(val: Input<T>): Output<Unwrap<T>>;
    public static create<T>(val: Input<T> | undefined): Output<Unwrap<T | undefined>>;
    public static create<T>(val: Input<T | undefined>): Output<Unwrap<T | undefined>> {
        return output(val);

     * Returns true if the given object is an {@link Output}. This is designed
     * to work even when multiple copies of the Pulumi SDK have been loaded into
     * the same process.
    public static isInstance<T>(obj: any): obj is Output<T> {
        return utils.isInstance(obj, "__pulumiOutput");

     * @internal
    static async getPromisedValue<T>(promise: Promise<T>, withUnknowns?: boolean): Promise<T> {
        // If the caller did not explicitly ask to see unknown values and val contains unknowns, return undefined. This
        // preserves compatibility with earlier versions of the Pulumi SDK.
        const val = await promise;
        if (!withUnknowns && containsUnknowns(val)) {
            return <T>(<any>undefined);
        return val;

     * @internal
    public constructor(
        resources: Set<Resource> | Resource[] | Resource,
        promise: Promise<T>,
        isKnown: Promise<boolean>,
        isSecret: Promise<boolean>,
        allResources: Promise<Set<Resource> | Resource[] | Resource> | undefined,
    ) {
        // Always create a copy so that no one accidentally modifies our Resource list.
        const resourcesCopy = copyResources(resources);

        // Create a copy of the async resources.  Populate this with the sync-resources if that's
        // all we have.  That way this is always ensured to be a superset of the list of sync resources.
        allResources = allResources || Promise.resolve([]);
        const allResourcesCopy = allResources.then((r) => utils.union(copyResources(r), resourcesCopy));

        // We are only known if we are not explicitly unknown and the resolved value of the output
        // contains no distinguished unknown values.
        isKnown = Promise.all([isKnown, promise]).then(([known, val]) => known && !containsUnknowns(val));

        const lifted = Promise.all([allResourcesCopy, promise, isKnown, isSecret]).then(
            ([liftedResources, value, liftedIsKnown, liftedIsSecret]) =>
                liftInnerOutput(liftedResources, value, liftedIsKnown, liftedIsSecret),

        this.resources = () => resourcesCopy;
        this.allResources = () => lifted.then((l) => l.allResources);

        this.isKnown = lifted.then((l) => l.isKnown);
        this.isSecret = lifted.then((l) => l.isSecret);
        this.promise = (withUnknowns?: boolean) =>
                lifted.then((l) => l.value),

        this.toString = () => {
            let message = `Calling [toString] on an [Output<T>] is not supported.

To get the value of an Output<T> as an Output<string> consider either:
1: o.apply(v => \`prefix\${v}suffix\`)
2: pulumi.interpolate \`prefix\${v}suffix\`

See https://www.pulumi.com/docs/concepts/inputs-outputs for more details.

Or use ESLint with https://github.com/pulumi/eslint-plugin-pulumi to warn or
error lint on using Output<T> in template literals.`;
            if (utils.errorOutputString) {
                throw new Error(message);
            message += `\nThis function may throw in a future version of @pulumi/pulumi.`;
            return message;

        this.toJSON = () => {
            let message = `Calling [toJSON] on an [Output<T>] is not supported.

To get the value of an Output as a JSON value or JSON string consider either:
    1: o.apply(v => v.toJSON())
    2: o.apply(v => JSON.stringify(v))

See https://www.pulumi.com/docs/concepts/inputs-outputs for more details.`;
            if (utils.errorOutputString) {
                throw new Error(message);
            message += `\nThis function may throw in a future version of @pulumi/pulumi.`;
            return message;

        return new Proxy(this, {
            get: (obj, prop: keyof T) => {
                // Recreate the prototype walk to ensure we find any actual members defined directly
                // on `Output<T>`.
                for (let o = obj; o; o = Object.getPrototypeOf(o)) {
                    if (o.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                        return (<any>o)[prop];

                // Always explicitly fail on a member called 'then'.  It is used by other systems to
                // determine if this is a Promise, and we do not want to indicate that that's what
                // we are.
                if (prop === "then") {
                    return undefined;

                // Do not lift members that start with __.  Technically, if all libraries were
                // using this version of pulumi/pulumi we would not need this.  However, this is
                // so that downstream consumers can use this version of pulumi/pulumi while also
                // passing these new Outputs to older versions of pulumi/pulumi.  The reason this
                // can be a problem is that older versions do an RTTI check that simply asks questions
                // like:
                //      Is there a member on this object called '__pulumiResource'
                // If we automatically lift such a member (even if it eventually points to 'undefined'),
                // then those RTTI checks will succeed.
                // Note: this should be safe to not lift as, in general, properties with this prefix
                // are not at all common (and in general are used to represent private things anyway
                // that likely should not be exposed).
                // Similarly, do not respond to the 'doNotCapture' member name.  It serves a similar
                // RTTI purpose.
                if (typeof prop === "string") {
                    if (prop.startsWith("__") || prop === "doNotCapture" || prop === "deploymentOnlyModule") {
                        return undefined;

                // Fail out if we are being accessed using a symbol.  Many APIs will access with a
                // well known symbol (like 'Symbol.toPrimitive') to check for the presence of something.
                // They will only check for the existence of that member, and we don't want to make it
                // appear that have those.
                // Another way of putting this is that we only forward 'string/number' members to our
                // underlying value.
                if (typeof prop === "symbol") {
                    return undefined;

                // Else for *any other* property lookup, succeed the lookup and return a lifted
                // `apply` on the underlying `Output`.
                return (<any>obj.apply)((ob: any) => {
                    if (ob === undefined || ob === null) {
                        return undefined;
                    } else if (isUnknown(ob)) {
                        // If the value of this output is unknown, the result of the access should also be unknown.
                        // This is conceptually consistent, and also prevents us from returning a "known undefined"
                        // value from the `ob[prop]` expression below.
                        return unknown;

                    return ob[prop];
                }, /*runWithUnknowns:*/ true);

    public get(): T {
        throw new Error(`Cannot call '.get' during update or preview.
To manipulate the value of this Output, use '.apply' instead.`);

    // runWithUnknowns requests that `func` is run even if `isKnown` resolves to `false`. This is used to allow
    // callers to process fully- or partially-unknown values and return a known result. the output proxy takes
    // advantage of this to allow proxied property accesses to return known values even if other properties of
    // the containing object are unknown.
    public apply<U>(func: (t: T) => Input<U>, runWithUnknowns?: boolean): Output<U> {
        // we're inside the modern `output` code, so it's safe to call `.allResources!` here.

        const applied = Promise.all([
            this.promise(/*withUnknowns*/ true),
        ]).then(([allResources, value, isKnown, isSecret]) =>
            applyHelperAsync<T, U>(allResources, value, isKnown, isSecret, func, !!runWithUnknowns),

        const result = new OutputImpl<U>(
            applied.then((a) => a.value),
            applied.then((a) => a.isKnown),
            applied.then((a) => a.isSecret),
            applied.then((a) => a.allResources),
        return <Output<U>>(<any>result);

 * @Internal
export function getAllResources<T>(op: OutputInstance<T>): Promise<Set<Resource>> {
    return op.allResources instanceof Function ? op.allResources() : Promise.resolve(op.resources());

function copyResources(resources: Set<Resource> | Resource[] | Resource) {
    const copy = Array.isArray(resources)
        ? new Set(resources)
        : resources instanceof Set
          ? new Set(resources)
          : new Set([resources]);
    return copy;

async function liftInnerOutput(allResources: Set<Resource>, value: any, isKnown: boolean, isSecret: boolean) {
    if (!Output.isInstance(value)) {
        // 'value' itself wasn't an output, no need to transform any of the data we got.
        return { allResources, value, isKnown, isSecret };

    // 'value' was an Output.  So we unwrap that to get the inner value/isKnown/isSecret/resources
    // returned by that Output and merge with the state passed in to get the state of the final Output.

    // Note: we intentionally await all the promises of the inner output. This way we properly
    // propagate any rejections of any of these promises through the outer output as well.
    const innerValue = await value.promise(/*withUnknowns*/ true);
    const innerIsKnown = await value.isKnown;
    const innerIsSecret = await (value.isSecret || Promise.resolve(false));

    // If we're working with a new-style output, grab all its resources and merge into ours.
    // Otherwise, if this is an old-style output, just grab the resources it was known to have
    // at construction time.
    const innerResources = await getAllResources(value);
    const totalResources = utils.union(allResources, innerResources);
    return {
        allResources: totalResources,
        value: innerValue,
        isKnown: innerIsKnown,
        isSecret: isSecret || innerIsSecret,

/* eslint-disable max-len */
async function applyHelperAsync<T, U>(
    allResources: Set<Resource>,
    value: T,
    isKnown: boolean,
    isSecret: boolean,
    func: (t: T) => Input<U>,
    runWithUnknowns: boolean,
) {
    // Only perform the apply if the engine was able to give us an actual value
    // for this Output.
    const doApply = isKnown || runWithUnknowns;

    if (!doApply) {
        // We didn't actually run the function, our new Output is definitely **not** known.
        return {
            value: <U>(<any>undefined),
            isKnown: false,

    // If we are running with unknown values and the value is explicitly unknown but does not actually
    // contain any unknown values, collapse its value to the unknown value. This ensures that callbacks
    // that expect to see unknowns during preview in outputs that are not known will always do so.
    if (!isKnown && runWithUnknowns && !containsUnknowns(value)) {
        value = <T>(<any>unknown);

    const transformed = await func(value);

    // We successfully ran the inner function. Our new Output should be considered known.  We
    // preserve secretness from our original Output to the new one we're creating.
    return liftInnerOutput(allResources, transformed, /*isKnown*/ true, isSecret);

 * Returns a promise denoting if the output is a secret or not. This is not the
 * same as just calling `.isSecret` because in cases where the output does not
 * have a `isSecret` property and it is a Proxy, we need to ignore the `isSecret`
 * member that the proxy reports back.
 * This calls the public implementation so that we only make any calculations in
 * a single place.
 * @internal
export function isSecretOutput<T>(o: Output<T>): Promise<boolean> {
    return isSecret(o);

 * Helper function for {@link output}. This function trivially recurses through
 * an object, copying it, while also lifting any inner {@link Outputs} (with all
 * their respective state) to a top-level output at the end. If there are no
 * inner outputs, this will not affect the data (except by producing a new copy
 * of it).
 * Importantly:
 *  1. Resources encountered while recursing are not touched.  This helps ensure
 *     they stay Resources (with an appropriate prototype chain).
 *  2. Primitive values (string, number, etc.) are returned as is.
 *  3. Arrays and records are recursed into. An `Array<...>` that contains any
 *     `Outputs` wil become an `Output<Array<Unwrapped>>`. A `Record<string, ...>`
 *     that contains any output values will be an `Output<Record<string Unwrap<...>>`.
 *     In both cases of recursion, the outer output's known/secret/resources
 *     will be computed from the nested Outputs.
function outputRec(val: any): any {
    if (val === null || typeof val !== "object") {
        // strings, numbers, booleans, functions, symbols, undefineds, nulls are all returned as
        // themselves.  They are always 'known' (i.e. we can safely 'apply' off of them even during
        // preview).
        return val;
    } else if (Resource.isInstance(val)) {
        // Don't unwrap Resources, there are existing codepaths that return Resources through
        // Outputs and we want to preserve them as is when flattening.
        return val;
    } else if (isUnknown(val)) {
        return val;
    } else if (val instanceof Promise) {
        // Recurse into the value the Promise points to.  This may end up producing a
        // Promise<Output>. Wrap this in another Output as the final result.  This Output's
        // construction will be able to merge the inner Output's data with its own.  See
        // liftInnerOutput for more details.
        return createSimpleOutput(val.then((v) => outputRec(v)));
    } else if (Output.isInstance(val)) {
        // We create a new output here from the raw pieces of the original output in order to
        // accommodate outputs from downlevel SxS SDKs.  This ensures that within this package it is
        // safe to assume the implementation of any Output returned by the `output` function.
        // This includes:
        // 1. that first-class unknowns are properly represented in the system: if this was a
        //    downlevel output where val.isKnown resolves to false, this guarantees that the
        //    returned output's promise resolves to unknown.
        // 2. That the `isSecret` property is available.
        // 3. That the `.allResources` is available.
        const allResources = getAllResources(val);
        const newOutput = new OutputImpl(
            val.promise(/*withUnknowns*/ true),
        return newOutput.apply(outputRec, /*runWithUnknowns*/ true);
    } else if (val instanceof Array) {
        const allValues = [];
        let hasOutputs = false;
        for (const v of val) {
            const ev = outputRec(v);

            if (Output.isInstance(ev)) {
                hasOutputs = true;

        // If we didn't encounter any nested Outputs, we don't need to do anything.  We can just
        // return this value as is.
        if (!hasOutputs) {
            // Note: we intentionally return 'allValues' here and not 'val'.  This ensures we get a
            // copy.  This has been behavior we've had since the beginning and there may be subtle
            // logic out there that depends on this that we would not want ot break.
            return allValues;

        // Otherwise, combine the data from all the outputs/non-outputs to one final output.
        const promisedArray = Promise.all(allValues.map((v) => getAwaitableValue(v)));
        const [syncResources, isKnown, isSecret, allResources] = getResourcesAndDetails(allValues);
        return new Output(syncResources, promisedArray, isKnown, isSecret, allResources);
    } else {
        const promisedValues: { key: string; value: any }[] = [];
        let hasOutputs = false;
        for (const k of Object.keys(val)) {
            const ev = outputRec(val[k]);

            promisedValues.push({ key: k, value: ev });
            if (Output.isInstance(ev)) {
                hasOutputs = true;

        if (!hasOutputs) {
            // Note: we intentionally return a new value here and not 'val'.  This ensures we get a
            // copy.  This has been behavior we've had since the beginning and there may be subtle
            // logic out there that depends on this that we would not want ot break.
            return promisedValues.reduce(
                (o, kvp) => {
                    o[kvp.key] = kvp.value;
                    return o;

        const promisedObject = getPromisedObject(promisedValues);
        const [syncResources, isKnown, isSecret, allResources] = getResourcesAndDetails(
            promisedValues.map((kvp) => kvp.value),
        return new Output(syncResources, promisedObject, isKnown, isSecret, allResources);

 * {@link output} takes any {@link Input} value and converts it into an
 * {@link Output}, deeply unwrapping nested {@link Input} values as necessary.
 * The expected way to use this function is like so:
 * ```ts
 *      var transformed = pulumi.output(someVal).apply(unwrapped => {
 *          // Do whatever you want now.  'unwrapped' will contain no outputs/promises inside
 *          // here, so you can easily do whatever sort of transformation is most convenient.
 *      });
 *      // the result can be passed to another Resource.  The dependency information will be
 *      // properly maintained.
 *      var someResource = new SomeResource(name, { data: transformed ... });
 * ```
export function output<T>(val: Input<T>): Output<Unwrap<T>>;
export function output<T>(val: Input<T> | undefined): Output<Unwrap<T | undefined>>;
export function output<T>(val: Input<T | undefined>): Output<Unwrap<T | undefined>> {
    const ov = outputRec(val);
    return Output.isInstance<Unwrap<T>>(ov) ? ov : createSimpleOutput(ov);

 * {@link secret} behaves the same as {@link output} except the returned output
 * is marked as containing sensitive data.
export function secret<T>(val: Input<T>): Output<Unwrap<T>>;
export function secret<T>(val: Input<T> | undefined): Output<Unwrap<T | undefined>>;
export function secret<T>(val: Input<T | undefined>): Output<Unwrap<T | undefined>> {
    const o = output(val);

    // we called `output` right above this, so it's safe to call `.allResources` on the result.
    return new Output(
        o.promise(/*withUnknowns*/ true),

 * {@link unsecret} behaves the same as {@link output} except the returned
 * output takes the existing output and unwraps the secret.
export function unsecret<T>(val: Output<T>): Output<T> {
    return new Output(
        val.promise(/*withUnknowns*/ true),

 * {@link isSecret} returns `true` if and only if the provided {@link Output} is
 * a secret.
export function isSecret<T>(val: Output<T>): Promise<boolean> {
    return Output.isInstance(val.isSecret) ? Promise.resolve(false) : val.isSecret;

function createSimpleOutput(val: any) {
    return new Output(
        new Set(),
        val instanceof Promise ? val : Promise.resolve(val),
        /*isKnown*/ Promise.resolve(true),
        /*isSecret */ Promise.resolve(false),
        Promise.resolve(new Set()),

 * Allows for multiple {@link Output} objects to be combined into a single
 * {@link Output} object.  The single {@link Output} will depend on the union of
 * {@link Resources} that the individual dependencies depend on.
 * This can be used in the following manner:
 * ```ts
 * var d1: Output<string>;
 * var d2: Output<number>;
 * var d3: Output<ResultType> = Output.all([d1, d2]).apply(([s, n]) => ...);
 * ```
 * In this example, taking a dependency on `d3` means a resource will depend on
 * all the resources of `d1` and `d2`.
/* eslint-disable max-len */
export function all<T>(val: Record<string, Input<T>>): Output<Record<string, Unwrap<T>>>;
export function all<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8>(
    values: [Input<T1>, Input<T2>, Input<T3>, Input<T4>, Input<T5>, Input<T6>, Input<T7>, Input<T8>],
): Output<[Unwrap<T1>, Unwrap<T2>, Unwrap<T3>, Unwrap<T4>, Unwrap<T5>, Unwrap<T6>, Unwrap<T7>, Unwrap<T8>]>;
export function all<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7>(
    values: [Input<T1>, Input<T2>, Input<T3>, Input<T4>, Input<T5>, Input<T6>, Input<T7>],
): Output<[Unwrap<T1>, Unwrap<T2>, Unwrap<T3>, Unwrap<T4>, Unwrap<T5>, Unwrap<T6>, Unwrap<T7>]>;
export function all<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6>(
    values: [Input<T1>, Input<T2>, Input<T3>, Input<T4>, Input<T5>, Input<T6>],
): Output<[Unwrap<T1>, Unwrap<T2>, Unwrap<T3>, Unwrap<T4>, Unwrap<T5>, Unwrap<T6>]>;
export function all<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>(
    values: [Input<T1>, Input<T2>, Input<T3>, Input<T4>, Input<T5>],
): Output<[Unwrap<T1>, Unwrap<T2>, Unwrap<T3>, Unwrap<T4>, Unwrap<T5>]>;
export function all<T1, T2, T3, T4>(
    values: [Input<T1>, Input<T2>, Input<T3>, Input<T4>],
): Output<[Unwrap<T1>, Unwrap<T2>, Unwrap<T3>, Unwrap<T4>]>;
export function all<T1, T2, T3>(
    values: [Input<T1>, Input<T2>, Input<T3>],
): Output<[Unwrap<T1>, Unwrap<T2>, Unwrap<T3>]>;
export function all<T1, T2>(values: [Input<T1>, Input<T2>]): Output<[Unwrap<T1>, Unwrap<T2>]>;
export function all<T>(ds: Input<T>[]): Output<Unwrap<T>[]>;
export function all<T>(val: Input<T>[] | Record<string, Input<T>>): Output<any> {
    // Our recursive `output` helper already does exactly what `all` needs to do in terms of the
    // implementation. Why have both `output` and `all` then?  Currently, to the best of our
    // abilities, we haven't been able to make a single signature for both that can unify tuples and
    // arrays for TypeScript.  So `all` is much better when dealing with a tuple of heterogenous
    // values, while `output` is good for everything else.
    // Specifically ``all` can take an `[Output<string>, Output<number>]` and produce an
    // `Output<[string, number]>` However, `output` for that same type will produce an
    // `Output<(string|number)[]>` which is definitely suboptimal.
    return output(val);

function getAwaitableValue(v: any): any {
    if (Output.isInstance(v)) {
        return v.promise(/* withUnknowns */ true);
    } else {
        return v;

async function getPromisedObject<T>(keysAndOutputs: { key: string; value: any }[]): Promise<Record<string, Unwrap<T>>> {
    const result: Record<string, Unwrap<T>> = {};
    for (const kvp of keysAndOutputs) {
        result[kvp.key] = await getAwaitableValue(kvp.value);

    return result;

function getResourcesAndDetails(
    allValues: any[],
): [Set<Resource>, Promise<boolean>, Promise<boolean>, Promise<Set<Resource>>] {
    const syncResources = new Set<Resource>();
    const allOutputs = [];
    for (const v of allValues) {
        if (Output.isInstance(v)) {
            for (const res of v.resources()) {

    // All the outputs were generated in `function all` using `output(v)`.  So it's safe
    // to call `.allResources!` here.
    const allResources = Promise.all(allOutputs.map((o) => o.allResources!())).then((arr) => {
        const result = new Set<Resource>();

        for (const set of arr) {
            for (const res of set) {

        return result;

    // A merged output is known if all of its inputs are known.
    const isKnown = Promise.all(allOutputs.map((o) => o.isKnown)).then((ps) => ps.every((b) => b));

    // A merged output is secret if any of its inputs are secret.
    const isSecret = Promise.all(allOutputs.map((o) => isSecretOutput(o))).then((ps) => ps.some((b) => b));

    return [syncResources, isKnown, isSecret, allResources];

 * Unknown represents a value that is unknown. These values correspond to
 * unknown property values received from the Pulumi engine as part of the result
 * of a resource registration (see `runtime/rpc.ts`). User code is not typically
 * exposed to these values: any {@link Output} that contains an {@link Unknown}
 * will itself be unknown, so any user callbacks passed to `apply` will not be
 * run. Internal callers of `apply` can request that they are run even with
 * unknown values; the output proxy takes advantage of this to allow proxied
 * property accesses to return known values even if other properties of the
 * containing object are unknown.
class Unknown {
     * A private field to help with RTTI that works in SxS scenarios.
     * This is internal instead of being truly private, to support mixins and our serialization model.
     * @internal
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention,no-underscore-dangle,id-blacklist,id-match
    public readonly __pulumiUnknown: boolean = true;

     * Returns true if the given object is an {@link Unknown}. This is designed
     * to work even when multiple copies of the Pulumi SDK have been loaded into
     * the same process.
    public static isInstance(obj: any): obj is Unknown {
        return utils.isInstance<Unknown>(obj, "__pulumiUnknown");

 * {@link unknown} is the singleton {@link Unknown} value.
export const unknown = new Unknown();

 * Returns true if the given value is unknown.
export function isUnknown(val: any): boolean {
    return Unknown.isInstance(val);

 * Returns true if the given value is or contains unknown values.
export function containsUnknowns(value: any): boolean {
    return impl(value, new Set<any>());

    function impl(val: any, seen: Set<any>): boolean {
        if (val === null || typeof val !== "object") {
            return false;
        } else if (isUnknown(val)) {
            return true;
        } else if (seen.has(val)) {
            return false;

        if (val instanceof Array) {
            return val.some((e) => impl(e, seen));
        } else {
            return Object.keys(val).some((k) => impl(val[k], seen));

 * {@link Input} is a property input for a resource. It may be a promptly
 * available `T`, a promise for one, or the {@link Output} from a existing
 * {@link Resource}.
// Note: we accept an OutputInstance (and not an Output) here to be *more* flexible in terms of
// what an Input is.  OutputInstance has *less* members than Output (because it doesn't lift anything).
export type Input<T> = T | Promise<T> | OutputInstance<T>;

 * {@link Inputs} is a map of property name to property input, one for each
 * resource property value.
export type Inputs = Record<string, Input<any>>;

 * The {@link Unwrap} type allows us to express the operation of taking a type,
 * with potentially deeply nested {@link Promise}s and {@link Output}s and to
 * then get that same type with all the promises and outputs replaced with their
 * wrapped type.  Note that this unwrapping is "deep". So if you had:
 *      `type X = { A: Promise<{ B: Output<{ c: Input<boolean> }> }> }`
 * Then `Unwrap<X>` would be equivalent to:
 *      `...    = { A: { B: { C: boolean } } }`
 * Unwrapping sees through promises, outputs, arrays and objects.
 * Note: due to TypeScript limitations there are some things that cannot be
 * expressed. Specifically, if you had a `Promise<Output<T>>` then the {@link
 * Unwrap} type would not be able to undo both of those wraps. In practice that
 * should be OK. Values in an object graph should not wrap outputs in promises.
 * Instead, any code that needs to work Outputs and also be async should either
 * create the output with the promise (which will collapse into just an output).
 * Or, it should start with an output and call `apply` on it, passing in an
 * `async` function. This will also collapse and just produce an output.
 * In other words, this should not be used as the shape of an object: `{ a:
 * Promise<Output<...>> }`. It should always either be `{ a: Promise<NonOutput>
 * }` or just `{ a: Output<...> }`.
export type Unwrap<T> =
    // 1. If we have a promise, just get the type it itself is wrapping and recursively unwrap that.
    // 2. Otherwise, if we have an output, do the same as a promise and just unwrap the inner type.
    // 3. Otherwise, we have a basic type.  Just unwrap that.
    T extends Promise<infer U1>
        ? UnwrapSimple<U1>
        : T extends OutputInstance<infer U2>
          ? UnwrapSimple<U2>
          : UnwrapSimple<T>;

type primitive = Function | string | number | boolean | undefined | null;

 * Handles encountering basic types when unwrapping.
export type UnwrapSimple<T> =
    // 1. Any of the primitive types just unwrap to themselves.
    // 2. An array of some types unwraps to an array of that type itself unwrapped. Note, due to a
    //    TS limitation we cannot express that as Array<Unwrap<U>> due to how it handles recursive
    //    types. We work around that by introducing an structurally equivalent interface that then
    //    helps make typescript defer type-evaluation instead of doing it eagerly.
    // 3. An object unwraps to an object with properties of the same name, but where the property
    //    types have been unwrapped.
    // 4. return 'never' at the end so that if we've missed something we'll discover it.
    T extends primitive
        ? T
        : T extends Resource
          ? T
          : T extends Array<infer U>
            ? UnwrappedArray<U>
            : T extends object
              ? UnwrappedObject<T>
              : never;

export type UnwrappedArray<T> = Array<Unwrap<T>>;

export type UnwrappedObject<T> = {
    [P in keyof T]: Unwrap<T[P]>;

 * Instance side of the {@link Output} type. Exposes the deployment-time and
 * run-time mechanisms for working with the underlying value of an {@link Output}.
export interface OutputInstance<T> {
    /** @internal */ allResources?: () => Promise<Set<Resource>>;
    /** @internal */ readonly isKnown: Promise<boolean>;
    /** @internal */ readonly isSecret: Promise<boolean>;
    /** @internal */ promise(withUnknowns?: boolean): Promise<T>;
    /** @internal */ resources(): Set<Resource>;

     * Transforms the data of the output with the provided `func`. The result
     * remains an {@link Output} so that dependent resources can be properly
     * tracked.
     * `func` should not be used to create resources unless necessary as `func` may not be run during some program executions.
     * `func` can return other {@link Output}s. This can be handy if you have an
     * `Output<SomeVal>` and you want to get a transitive dependency of it,
     * i.e.
     * ```ts
     * var d1: Output<SomeVal>;
     * var d2 = d1.apply(v => v.x.y.OtherOutput); // getting an output off of 'v'.
     * ```
     * In this example, taking a dependency on `d2` means a resource will depend
     * on all the resources of `d1`.  It will *also* depend on the resources of
     * `v.x.y.OtherDep`.
     * Importantly, the resources that `d2` feels like it will depend on are the
     * same resources as `d1`. If you need have multiple outputs and a single
     * output is needed that combines both set of resources, then `pulumi.all`
     * should be used instead.
     * This function will be called during the execution of a `pulumi up` or
     * `pulumi preview` operation, but it will not run when the values of the
     * output are unknown. It is not available for functions that end up
     * executing in the cloud during runtime. To get the value of the Output
     * during cloud runtime execution, use `get()`.
    apply<U>(func: (t: T) => Promise<U>): Output<U>;
    apply<U>(func: (t: T) => OutputInstance<U>): Output<U>;
    apply<U>(func: (t: T) => U): Output<U>;

     * Retrieves the underlying value of this dependency.
     * This function is only callable in code that runs in the cloud
     * post-deployment. At this point all {@link Output} values will be known
     * and can be safely retrieved. During Pulumi deployment or preview
     * execution this must not be called (and will throw). This is because doing
     * so would allow output values to flow into resources while losing the data
     * that would allow the dependency graph to be changed.
    get(): T;

 * Static side of the {@link Output} type. Can be used to create outputs as well
 * as test arbitrary values to see if they are {@link Output}s.
export interface OutputConstructor {
    create<T>(val: Input<T>): Output<Unwrap<T>>;
    create<T>(val: Input<T> | undefined): Output<Unwrap<T | undefined>>;

    isInstance<T>(obj: any): obj is Output<T>;

    /** @internal */ new <T>(
        resources: Set<Resource> | Resource[] | Resource,
        promise: Promise<T>,
        isKnown: Promise<boolean>,
        isSecret: Promise<boolean>,
        allResources: Promise<Set<Resource> | Resource[] | Resource>,
    ): Output<T>;

 * {@link Output} helps encode the relationship between {@link Resource}s in a
 * Pulumi application. Specifically, an {@link Output} holds onto a piece of
 * data and the resource it was generated from. An output value can then be
 * provided when constructing new resources, allowing that new resource to know
 * both the value as well as the resource the value came from.  This allows for
 * a precise resource dependency graph to be created, which properly tracks the
 * relationship between resources.
 * An output is used in a Pulumi program differently depending on if the
 * application is executing at "deployment time" (i.e. when actually running the
 * `pulumi` executable), or at "run time" (i.e. a piece of code running in some
 * cloud).
 * At "deployment time", the correct way to work with the underlying value is to
 * call {@link Output.apply}. This allows the value to be accessed and
 * manipulated, while still resulting in an output that is keeping track of
 * {@link Resource}s appropriately. At deployment time the underlying value may
 * or may not exist (for example, if a preview is being performed).  In this
 * case, the `func` callback will not be executed, and calling `.apply` will
 * immediately return an output that points to the `undefined` value. During a
 * normal update though, the `func` callbacks should always be executed.
 * At "run time", the correct way to work with the underlying value is to simply
 * call {@link Output.get} which will be promptly return the entire value.  This
 * will be a simple JavaScript object that can be manipulated as necessary.
 * To ease with using outputs at deployment time, Pulumi will "lift" simple data
 * properties of an underlying value to the output itself.  For example:
 * ```ts
 *      const o: Output<{ name: string, age: number, orders: Order[] }> = ...;
 *      const name : Output<string> = o.name;
 *      const age  : Output<number> = o.age;
 *      const first: Output<Order>  = o.orders[0];
 * ```
 * Instead of having to write:
 * ```ts
 *      const o: Output<{ name: string, age: number, orders: Order[] }> = ...;
 *      const name : Output<string> = o.apply(v => v.name);
 *      const age  : Output<number> = o.apply(v => v.age);
 *      const first: Output<Order> = o.apply(v => v.orders[0]);
 * ```
export type Output<T> = OutputInstance<T> & Lifted<T>;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention,@typescript-eslint/no-redeclare,no-underscore-dangle,id-blacklist,id-match
export const Output: OutputConstructor = <any>OutputImpl;

 * The {@link Lifted} type allows us to express the operation of taking a type,
 * with potentially deeply nested objects and arrays and to then get a type with
 * the same properties, except whose property types are now {@link Output}s of the
 * original property type.
 * For example:
 *      `type X = { A: string, B: { c: boolean } }`
 * Then `Lifted<X>` would be equivalent to:
 *      `...    = { A: Output<string>, B: Output<{ C: Output<boolean> }> }`
 * {@link Lifted} is somewhat the opposite of {@link Unwrap}. Its primary
 * purpose is to allow an instance of `Output<SomeType>` to provide simple
 * access to the properties of `SomeType` directly on the instance itself
 * (instead of haveing to use {@link Output.apply}).
 * This lifting only happens through simple objects and arrays. Functions, for
 * example, are not lifted. So you cannot do:
 * ```ts
 *      const o: Output<string> = ...;
 *      const c: Output<number> = o.charCodeAt(0);
 * ```
 * Instead, you still need to write;
 * ```ts
 *      const o: Output<string> = ...;
 *      const c: Output<number> = o.apply(v => v.charCodeAt(0));
 * ```
export type Lifted<T> =
    // Specially handle 'string' since TS doesn't map the 'String.Length' property to it.
    T extends string
        ? LiftedObject<String, NonFunctionPropertyNames<String>>
        : T extends Array<infer U>
          ? LiftedArray<U>
          : T extends object
            ? LiftedObject<T, NonFunctionPropertyNames<T>>
            : // fallback to lifting no properties.  Note that `Lifted` is used in
              //    Output<T> = OutputInstance<T> & Lifted<T>
              // so returning an empty object just means that we're adding nothing to Output<T>.
              // This is needed for cases like `Output<any>`.

// The set of property names in T that are *not* functions.
type NonFunctionPropertyNames<T> = {
    [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Function ? never : K;
}[keyof T];

// Lift up all the non-function properties.  If it was optional before, keep it optional after.
// If it's require before, keep it required afterwards.
export type LiftedObject<T, K extends keyof T> = {
    [P in K]: IsStrictlyAny<T[P]> extends true // If the record value is `any`, leave it as `any`.
        ? Output<any>
        : T[P] extends OutputInstance<infer T1>
          ? Output<T1>
          : T[P] extends Promise<infer T2>
            ? Output<T2>
            : Output<T[P]>;

// Credit to StackOverflow user CRice: https://stackoverflow.com/a/61625831
type IsStrictlyAny<T> = (T extends never ? true : false) extends false ? false : true;

export type LiftedArray<T> = {
     * Gets the length of the array. This is a number one higher than the highest element defined
     * in an array.
    readonly length: Output<number>;

    readonly [n: number]: Output<T>;

 * {@link concat} takes a sequence of {@link Input}s, stringifies each one, and
 * concatenates all values into one final string.  Individual inputs can be any
 * sort of input value: they can be promises, outputs, or just plain JavaScript
 * values. Use this function like so:
 * ```ts
 *      // 'server' and 'loadBalancer' are both resources that expose [Output] properties.
 *      let val: Output<string> = pulumi.concat("http://", server.hostname, ":", loadBalancer.port);
 * ```
export function concat(...params: Input<any>[]): Output<string> {
    return output(params).apply((array) => array.join(""));

 * {@link interpolate} is similar to {@link concat} but is designed to be used
 * as a tagged template expression, e.g.:
 * ```ts
 *      // 'server' and 'loadBalancer' are both resources that expose [Output] properties.
 *      let val: Output<string> = pulumi.interpolate `http://${server.hostname}:${loadBalancer.port}`
 * ```
 * As with {@link concat}, the placeholders between `${}` can be any
 * {@link Input}s: promises, outputs, or just plain JavaScript values.
export function interpolate(literals: TemplateStringsArray, ...placeholders: Input<any>[]): Output<string> {
    return output(placeholders).apply((unwrapped) => {
        let result = "";

        // interleave the literals with the placeholders
        for (let i = 0; i < unwrapped.length; i++) {
            result += literals[i];
            result += unwrapped[i];

        // add the last literal
        result += literals[literals.length - 1];
        return result;

 * {@link jsonStringify} uses {@link JSON.stringify} to serialize the given
 * {@link Input} value into a JSON string.
export function jsonStringify(
    obj: Input<any>,
    replacer?: (this: any, key: string, value: any) => any | (number | string)[],
    space?: string | number,
): Output<string> {
    return output(obj).apply((o) => {
        return JSON.stringify(o, replacer, space);

 * {@link jsonParse} Uses {@link JSON.parse} to deserialize the given {@link
 * Input} JSON string into a value.
export function jsonParse(text: Input<string>, reviver?: (this: any, key: string, value: any) => any): Output<any> {
    return output(text).apply((t) => {
        return JSON.parse(t, reviver);