// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

import * as fs from "fs";
import { fdir } from "fdir";
// Picomatch is not used in this file, but the dependency is required for fdir
// to support globbing. The import here serves as a marker so that we don't
// accidentally remove the dependency from the package.json.
import * as picomatch from "picomatch";
import normalize from "normalize-package-data";
import * as arborist from "@npmcli/arborist";
import * as upath from "upath";
import { log } from "../..";
import * as asset from "../../asset";
import { ResourceError } from "../../errors";
import { Resource } from "../../resource";

 * Options for controlling what gets returned by {@link computeCodePaths}.
export interface CodePathOptions {
     * Local file/directory paths that we always want to include when producing
     * the assets to be included for a serialized closure.
    extraIncludePaths?: string[];

     * Extra packages to include when producing the assets for a serialized
     * closure. This can be useful if the packages are acquired in a way that
     * the serialization code does not understand. For example, if there was
     * some sort of module that was pulled in based off of a computed string.
    extraIncludePackages?: string[];

     * Packages to explicitly exclude from the assets for a serialized closure.
     * This can be used when clients want to trim down the size of a closure,
     * and they know that some package won't ever actually be needed at runtime,
     * but is still a dependency of some package that is being used at runtime.
    extraExcludePackages?: string[];

     * The resource to log any errors we encounter against.
    logResource?: Resource;

 * Computes the local `node_module` paths to include in an uploaded cloud
 * "lambda". Specifically, it will examine the `package.json` for the caller's
 * code and transitively walk its `dependencies` section to determine what
 * packages should be included.
 * During this walk, if a package is encountered that contains a `"pulumi": {
 * ... }` section then the normal `"dependencies": { ... }` section of that
 * package will not be included.  These are "pulumi" packages, and those
 * dependencies are only intended for use at deployment time. However, a
 * "pulumi" package can also specify package that should be available at
 * cloud-runtime.  These packages are found in a `"runtimeDependencies": { ...
 * }` section in the `package.json` file with the same format as the normal
 * `dependencies` section.
 * See {@link CodePathOptions} for information on ways to control and configure
 * the final set of paths included in the resultant asset/archive map.
 * Note: this functionality is specifically intended for use by downstream
 * library code that is determining what is needed for a cloud-lambda.  i.e. the
 * `aws.serverless.Function` or `azure.serverless.FunctionApp` libraries. In
 * general, other clients should not need to use this helper.
export async function computeCodePaths(options?: CodePathOptions): Promise<Map<string, asset.Asset | asset.Archive>>;

 * @deprecated
 *  Use the {@link computeCodePaths} overload that takes a
 *  {@link CodePathOptions} instead.
export async function computeCodePaths(
    extraIncludePaths?: string[],
    extraIncludePackages?: string[],
    extraExcludePackages?: string[],
): Promise<Map<string, asset.Asset | asset.Archive>>;

export async function computeCodePaths(
    optionsOrExtraIncludePaths?: string[] | CodePathOptions,
    extraIncludePackages?: string[],
    extraExcludePackages?: string[],
): Promise<Map<string, asset.Asset | asset.Archive>> {
    let options: CodePathOptions;
    if (Array.isArray(optionsOrExtraIncludePaths)) {
            "'function computeCodePaths(string[])' is deprecated. Use the [computeCodePaths] overload that takes a [CodePathOptions] instead.",
        options = {
            extraIncludePaths: optionsOrExtraIncludePaths,
    } else {
        options = optionsOrExtraIncludePaths || {};

    return computeCodePathsWorker(options);

async function computeCodePathsWorker(options: CodePathOptions): Promise<Map<string, asset.Asset | asset.Archive>> {
    // Construct the set of paths to include in the archive for upload.

    // Find folders for all packages requested by the user.  Note: all paths in this should
    // be normalized.
    const normalizedPathSet = await allFoldersForPackages(
        new Set<string>(options.extraIncludePackages || []),
        new Set<string>(options.extraExcludePackages || []),

    // Add all paths explicitly requested by the user
    const extraIncludePaths = options.extraIncludePaths || [];
    for (const path of extraIncludePaths) {

    const codePaths: Map<string, asset.Asset | asset.Archive> = new Map();

    // For each of the required paths, add the corresponding FileArchive or FileAsset to the
    // AssetMap.
    for (const normalizedPath of normalizedPathSet) {
        // Don't include a path if there is another path higher up that will include this one.
        if (isSubsumedByHigherPath(normalizedPath, normalizedPathSet)) {

        // The Asset model does not support a consistent way to embed a file-or-directory into an
        // `AssetArchive`, so we stat the path to figure out which it is and use the appropriate
        // Asset constructor.
        const stats = fs.statSync(normalizedPath);
        if (stats.isDirectory()) {
            codePaths.set(normalizedPath, new asset.FileArchive(normalizedPath));
        } else {
            codePaths.set(normalizedPath, new asset.FileAsset(normalizedPath));

    return codePaths;

function isSubsumedByHigherPath(normalizedPath: string, normalizedPathSet: Set<string>): boolean {
    for (const otherNormalizedPath of normalizedPathSet) {
        if (normalizedPath.length > otherNormalizedPath.length && normalizedPath.startsWith(otherNormalizedPath)) {
            // Have to make sure we're actually a sub-directory of that other path.  For example,
            // if we have:  node_modules/mime-types, that's not subsumed by node_modules/mime
            const nextChar = normalizedPath.charAt(otherNormalizedPath.length);
            return nextChar === "/";

    return false;

 * Searches for and returns the first directory path starting from a given
 * directory that contains the given file to find. Recursively searches up the
 * directory tree until it finds the file or returns `null` when it can't find
 * anything.
 * */
function searchUp(currentDir: string, fileToFind: string): string | null {
    if (fs.existsSync(upath.join(currentDir, fileToFind))) {
        return currentDir;
    const parentDir = upath.resolve(currentDir, "..");
    if (currentDir === parentDir) {
        return null;
    return searchUp(parentDir, fileToFind);

 * Detects if we are in a Yarn/NPM workspace setup, and returns the root of the
 * workspace. If we are not in a workspace setup, it returns `null`.
 * @internal
export async function findWorkspaceRoot(startingPath: string): Promise<string | null> {
    const stat = fs.statSync(startingPath);
    if (!stat.isDirectory()) {
        startingPath = upath.dirname(startingPath);
    const packageJSONDir = searchUp(startingPath, "package.json");
    if (packageJSONDir === null) {
        return null;
    // We start at the location of the first `package.json` we find.
    let currentDir = packageJSONDir;
    let nextDir = upath.dirname(currentDir);
    while (currentDir !== nextDir) {
        const p = upath.join(currentDir, "package.json");
        if (!fs.existsSync(p)) {
            currentDir = nextDir;
            nextDir = upath.dirname(currentDir);
        const workspaces = parseWorkspaces(p);
        for (const workspace of workspaces) {
            const globber = new fdir().withBasePath().glob(upath.join(currentDir, workspace, "package.json"));
            const files = await globber.crawl(currentDir).withPromise();
            const normalized = upath.normalizeTrim(upath.join(packageJSONDir, "package.json"));
            if (files.map((f) => upath.normalizeTrim(f)).includes(normalized)) {
                return currentDir;
        currentDir = nextDir;
        nextDir = upath.dirname(currentDir);
    return null;

function parseWorkspaces(packageJsonPath: string): string[] {
    const packageJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(packageJsonPath, "utf8"));
    if (packageJson.workspaces && Array.isArray(packageJson.workspaces)) {
        return packageJson.workspaces;
    if (packageJson.workspaces?.packages && Array.isArray(packageJson.workspaces.packages)) {
        return packageJson.workspaces.packages;
    return [];

 * Computes the set of package folders that are transitively required by the root
 * `dependencies` node in the client's `package.json` file.
async function allFoldersForPackages(
    includedPackages: Set<string>,
    excludedPackages: Set<string>,
    logResource: Resource | undefined,
): Promise<Set<string>> {
    // the working directory is the directory containing the package.json file
    let workingDir = searchUp(".", "package.json");
    if (workingDir === null) {
        // we couldn't find a directory containing package.json
        // searching up from the current directory
        throw new ResourceError("Failed to find package.json.", logResource);
    workingDir = upath.resolve(workingDir);

    // This is the core starting point of the algorithm.  We read the
    // package.json information for this project, and then we start by walking
    // the .dependencies node in that package.  Importantly, we do not look at
    // things like .devDependencies or or .peerDependencies.  These are not
    // what are considered part of the final runtime configuration of the app
    // and should not be uploaded.
    const referencedPackages = new Set<string>(includedPackages);
    const packageJSON = computeDependenciesDirectlyFromPackageFile(upath.join(workingDir, "package.json"), logResource);
    if (packageJSON.dependencies) {
        for (const depName of Object.keys(packageJSON.dependencies)) {

    // Find the workspace root, fallback to current working directory if we are not in a workspaces setup.
    let workspaceRoot = (await findWorkspaceRoot(workingDir)) || workingDir;
    // Ensure workingDir is a relative path so we get relative paths in the
    // output. If we have absolute paths, AWS lambda might not find the
    // dependencies.
    workspaceRoot = upath.relative(upath.resolve("."), workspaceRoot);

    // Read package tree from the workspace root to ensure we can find all
    // packages in the workspace.  We then call addPackageAndDependenciesToSet
    // to recursively add all the dependencies of the referenced packages.
    const arb = new arborist.Arborist({ path: workspaceRoot });
    const root = await arb.loadActual();

    // package.json files can contain circularities.  For example es6-iterator depends
    // on es5-ext, which depends on es6-iterator, which depends on es5-ext:
    // https://github.com/medikoo/es6-iterator/blob/0eac672d3f4bb3ccc986bbd5b7ffc718a0822b74/package.json#L20
    // https://github.com/medikoo/es5-ext/blob/792c9051e5ad9d7671dd4e3957eee075107e9e43/package.json#L29
    // So keep track of the paths we've looked and don't recurse if we hit something again.
    const seenPaths = new Set<string>();

    const normalizedPackagePaths = new Set<string>();
    for (const pkg of referencedPackages) {
        addPackageAndDependenciesToSet(root, pkg, seenPaths, normalizedPackagePaths, excludedPackages);

    return normalizedPackagePaths;

function computeDependenciesDirectlyFromPackageFile(path: string, logResource: Resource | undefined): any {
    // read the package.json file in directly.  if any of these fail an error will be thrown
    // and bubbled back out to user.
    const contents = readFile();
    const data = parse();

    // 'normalize-package-data' can throw if 'version' isn't a valid string.  We don't care about
    // 'version' so just delete it.
    // https://github.com/npm/normalize-package-data/blob/df8ea05b8cd38531e8b70ac7906f420344f55bab/lib/fixer.js#L191
    data.version = undefined;

    // 'normalize-package-data' can throw if 'name' isn't a valid string.  We don't care about
    // 'name' so just delete it.
    // https://github.com/npm/normalize-package-data/blob/df8ea05b8cd38531e8b70ac7906f420344f55bab/lib/fixer.js#L211
    data.name = undefined;


    return data;

    function readFile() {
        try {
            return fs.readFileSync(path);
        } catch (err) {
            throw new ResourceError(
                `Error reading file '${path}' when computing package dependencies. ${err}`,

    function parse() {
        try {
            return JSON.parse(contents.toString());
        } catch (err) {
            throw new ResourceError(
                `Error parsing file '${path}' when computing package dependencies. ${err}`,

 * Adds all required dependencies for the requested package name from the given
 * root package into the set. It will recurse into all dependencies of the
 * package.
function addPackageAndDependenciesToSet(
    root: arborist.Node,
    pkg: string,
    seenPaths: Set<string>,
    normalizedPackagePaths: Set<string>,
    excludedPackages: Set<string>,
) {
    // Don't process this packages if it was in the set the user wants to exclude.
    if (excludedPackages.has(pkg)) {

    const child = findDependency(root, pkg);
    if (!child) {
        console.warn(`Could not include required dependency '${pkg}' in '${upath.resolve(root.path)}'.`);

    // Don't process a child path if we've already encountered it.
    const normalizedPath = upath.relative(upath.resolve("."), upath.resolve(child.path));
    if (seenPaths.has(normalizedPath)) {

    if (child.package.pulumi) {
        // This was a pulumi deployment-time package.  Check if it had a:
        //    `pulumi: { runtimeDependencies: ... }`
        // section.  In this case, we don't want to add this specific package, but we do want to
        // include all the runtime dependencies it says are necessary.
    } else if (pkg.startsWith("@pulumi")) {
        // exclude it if it's an @pulumi package.  These packages are intended for deployment
        // time only and will only bloat up the serialized lambda package.  Note: this code can
        // be removed once all pulumi packages add a "pulumi" section to their package.json.
    } else {
        // Normal package.  Add the normalized path to it, and all transitively add all of its
        // dependencies.


    function recurse(dependencies: any) {
        if (dependencies) {
            for (const dep of Object.keys(dependencies)) {
                let next: arborist.Node;
                if (child?.isLink) {
                    next = child.target;
                } else {
                    next = child!;
                addPackageAndDependenciesToSet(next!, dep, seenPaths, normalizedPackagePaths, excludedPackages);

 * Searches the package tree starting at a root node (possibly a child) for a
 * match for the given name. It is assumed that the tree was correctly
 * constructed such that dependencies are resolved to compatible versions in the
 * closest available match starting at the provided root and walking up to the
 * head of the tree.
function findDependency(
    root: arborist.Node | undefined | null,
    name: string,
): arborist.Node | arborist.Link | undefined {
    while (root) {
        for (const [childName, child] of root.children) {
            if (childName === name) {
                return child;
        if (root.parent) {
            root = root.parent;
        } else if (root.root !== root) {
            root = root.root; // jump up to the workspace root
        } else {

    return undefined;