package pcl

import (


func sameSchemaTypes(xt, yt model.Type) bool {
	xs, _ := GetSchemaForType(xt)
	ys, _ := GetSchemaForType(yt)

	if xs == ys {
		return true

	xu, ok := xs.(*schema.UnionType)
	if !ok {
		return false
	yu, ok := ys.(*schema.UnionType)
	if !ok {
		return false

	types := codegen.Set{}
	for _, t := range xu.ElementTypes {
	for _, t := range yu.ElementTypes {
		if !types.Has(t) {
			return false
	return true

// rewriteConversions implements the core of RewriteConversions. It returns the rewritten expression and true if the
// type of the expression may have changed.
func rewriteConversions(x model.Expression, to model.Type, diags *hcl.Diagnostics) (model.Expression, bool) {
	if x == nil || to == nil {
		return x, false
	// If rewriting an operand changed its type and the type of the expression depends on the type of that operand, the
	// expression must be typechecked in order to update its type.
	var typecheck bool

	switch x := x.(type) {
	case *model.AnonymousFunctionExpression:
		x.Body, _ = rewriteConversions(x.Body, to, diags)
	case *model.BinaryOpExpression:
		x.LeftOperand, _ = rewriteConversions(x.LeftOperand, model.InputType(x.LeftOperandType()), diags)
		x.RightOperand, _ = rewriteConversions(x.RightOperand, model.InputType(x.RightOperandType()), diags)
	case *model.ConditionalExpression:
		var trueChanged, falseChanged bool
		x.Condition, _ = rewriteConversions(x.Condition, model.InputType(model.BoolType), diags)
		x.TrueResult, trueChanged = rewriteConversions(x.TrueResult, to, diags)
		x.FalseResult, falseChanged = rewriteConversions(x.FalseResult, to, diags)
		typecheck = trueChanged || falseChanged
	case *model.ForExpression:
		traverserType := model.NumberType
		if x.Key != nil {
			traverserType = model.StringType
			x.Key, _ = rewriteConversions(x.Key, model.InputType(model.StringType), diags)
		if x.Condition != nil {
			x.Condition, _ = rewriteConversions(x.Condition, model.InputType(model.BoolType), diags)

		valueType, tdiags := to.Traverse(model.MakeTraverser(traverserType))
		*diags = diags.Extend(tdiags)

		x.Value, typecheck = rewriteConversions(x.Value, valueType.(model.Type), diags)
	case *model.FunctionCallExpression:
		args := x.Args
		for _, param := range x.Signature.Parameters {
			if len(args) == 0 {
			args[0], _ = rewriteConversions(args[0], model.InputType(param.Type), diags)
			args = args[1:]
		if x.Signature.VarargsParameter != nil {
			for i := range args {
				args[i], _ = rewriteConversions(args[i], model.InputType(x.Signature.VarargsParameter.Type), diags)
	case *model.IndexExpression:
		x.Key, _ = rewriteConversions(x.Key, x.KeyType(), diags)
	case *model.ObjectConsExpression:
		if v := resolveDiscriminatedUnions(x, to); v != nil {
			to = v
			typecheck = true
		for i := range x.Items {
			item := &x.Items[i]
			if item.Key.Type() == model.DynamicType {
				// We don't know the type of this expression, so we can't correct the
				// type.

			key, ediags := item.Key.Evaluate(&hcl.EvalContext{}) // empty context, we need a constant string
			*diags = diags.Extend(ediags)

			valueType, tdiags := to.Traverse(hcl.TraverseIndex{
				Key:      key,
				SrcRange: item.Key.SyntaxNode().Range(),
			*diags = diags.Extend(tdiags)

			var valueChanged bool
			item.Key, _ = rewriteConversions(item.Key, model.InputType(model.StringType), diags)
			item.Value, valueChanged = rewriteConversions(item.Value, valueType.(model.Type), diags)
			typecheck = typecheck || valueChanged
	case *model.TupleConsExpression:
		for i, expr := range x.Expressions {
			if expr.Type() == model.DynamicType {
				// We don't know the type of this expression, so we can't correct the
				// type.
			valueType, tdiags := to.Traverse(hcl.TraverseIndex{
				Key:      cty.NumberIntVal(int64(i)),
				SrcRange: x.Syntax.Range(),
			*diags = diags.Extend(tdiags)

			var exprChanged bool
			x.Expressions[i], exprChanged = rewriteConversions(expr, valueType.(model.Type), diags)
			typecheck = typecheck || exprChanged
	case *model.UnaryOpExpression:
		x.Operand, _ = rewriteConversions(x.Operand, model.InputType(x.OperandType()), diags)

	var typeChanged bool
	if typecheck {
		typecheckDiags := x.Typecheck(false)
		*diags = diags.Extend(typecheckDiags)
		typeChanged = true

	// If we can convert a primitive value in place, do so.
	if value, ok := convertPrimitiveValues(x, to); ok {
		x, typeChanged = value, true
	// If the expression's type is directly assignable to the destination type, no conversion is necessary.
	if to.AssignableFrom(x.Type()) && sameSchemaTypes(to, x.Type()) {
		return x, typeChanged

	// Otherwise, wrap the expression in a call to __convert.
	return NewConvertCall(x, to), true

// resolveDiscriminatedUnions reduces discriminated unions of object types to the type that matches
// the shape of the given object cons expression. A given object expression would only match a single
// case of the union.
func resolveDiscriminatedUnions(obj *model.ObjectConsExpression, modelType model.Type) model.Type {
	modelUnion, ok := modelType.(*model.UnionType)
	if !ok {
		return nil
	schType, ok := GetSchemaForType(modelUnion)
	if !ok {
		return nil
	schType = codegen.UnwrapType(schType)
	union, ok := schType.(*schema.UnionType)
	if !ok || union.Discriminator == "" {
		return nil

	objTypes := GetDiscriminatedUnionObjectMapping(modelUnion)
	for _, item := range obj.Items {
		name, ok := item.Key.(*model.LiteralValueExpression)
		if !ok || name.Value.AsString() != union.Discriminator {

		// The discriminator should be a string, but it could be in the
		// form of a *string wrapped in a __convert call so we try both.
		var lit *model.TemplateExpression
		lit, ok = item.Value.(*model.TemplateExpression)
		if !ok {
			var call *model.FunctionCallExpression
			call, ok = item.Value.(*model.FunctionCallExpression)
			if ok && call.Name == IntrinsicConvert {
				lit, ok = call.Args[0].(*model.TemplateExpression)
		if !ok {

		discriminatorValue, ok := extractStringValue(lit)
		if !ok {
			return nil

		if ref, ok := union.Mapping[discriminatorValue]; ok {
			discriminatorValue = strings.TrimPrefix(ref, "#/types/")
		if t, ok := objTypes[discriminatorValue]; ok {
			return t

	return nil

// RewriteConversions wraps automatic conversions indicated by the HCL2 spec and conversions to schema-annotated types
// in calls to the __convert intrinsic.
// Note that the result is a bit out of line with the HCL2 spec, as static conversions may happen earlier than they
// would at runtime. For example, consider the case of a tuple of strings that is being converted to a list of numbers:
//	[a, b, c]
// Calling RewriteConversions on this expression with a destination type of list(number) would result in this IR:
//	[__convert(a), __convert(b), __convert(c)]
// If any of these conversions fail, the evaluation of the tuple itself fails. The HCL2 evaluation semantics, however,
// would convert the tuple _after_ it has been evaluated. The IR that matches these semantics is
//	__convert([a, b, c])
// This transform uses the former representation so that it can appropriately insert calls to `__convert` in the face
// of schema-annotated types. There is a reasonable argument to be made that RewriteConversions should not be
// responsible for propagating schema annotations, and that this pass should be split in two: one pass would insert
// conversions that match HCL2 evaluation semantics, and another would insert calls to some separate intrinsic in order
// to propagate schema information.
func RewriteConversions(x model.Expression, to model.Type) (model.Expression, hcl.Diagnostics) {
	var diags hcl.Diagnostics
	x, _ = rewriteConversions(x, to, &diags)
	return x, diags

// convertPrimitiveValues returns a new expression if the given expression can be converted to another primitive type
// (bool, int, number, string) that matches the target type.
func convertPrimitiveValues(from model.Expression, to model.Type) (model.Expression, bool) {
	var expression model.Expression
	switch {
	case from == nil || to == nil:
		return from, false
	case to.AssignableFrom(from.Type()) || to.AssignableFrom(model.DynamicType):
		return nil, false
	case to.AssignableFrom(model.BoolType):
		if stringLiteral, ok := extractStringValue(from); ok {
			if value, err := convert.Convert(cty.StringVal(stringLiteral), cty.Bool); err == nil {
				expression = &model.LiteralValueExpression{Value: value}
	case to.AssignableFrom(model.IntType), to.AssignableFrom(model.NumberType):
		if stringLiteral, ok := extractStringValue(from); ok {
			if value, err := convert.Convert(cty.StringVal(stringLiteral), cty.Number); err == nil {
				expression = &model.LiteralValueExpression{Value: value}
	case to.AssignableFrom(model.StringType):
		if stringValue, ok := convertLiteralToString(from); ok {
			expression = &model.TemplateExpression{
				Parts: []model.Expression{&model.LiteralValueExpression{
					Value: cty.StringVal(stringValue),
	if expression == nil {
		return nil, false

	diags := expression.Typecheck(false)
	contract.Assertf(len(diags) == 0, "error typechecking expression: %v", diags)

	return expression, true

// extractStringValue returns a string if the given expression is a template expression containing a single string
// literal value.
func extractStringValue(arg model.Expression) (string, bool) {
	template, ok := arg.(*model.TemplateExpression)
	if !ok || len(template.Parts) != 1 {
		return "", false
	lit, ok := template.Parts[0].(*model.LiteralValueExpression)
	if !ok || model.StringType.ConversionFrom(lit.Type()) == model.NoConversion {
		return "", false
	return lit.Value.AsString(), true

// convertLiteralToString converts a literal of type Bool, Int, or Number to its string representation. It also handles
// the unary negate operation in front of a literal number.
func convertLiteralToString(from model.Expression) (string, bool) {
	switch expr := from.(type) {
	case *model.UnaryOpExpression:
		if expr.Operation == hclsyntax.OpNegate {
			if operandValue, ok := convertLiteralToString(expr.Operand); ok {
				return "-" + operandValue, true
	case *model.LiteralValueExpression:
		if stringValue, err := convert.Convert(expr.Value, cty.String); err == nil {
			if stringValue.IsNull() {
				return "", false
			return stringValue.AsString(), true
	return "", false

// lowerConversion performs the main logic of LowerConversion. nil, false is
// returned if there is no conversion (safe or unsafe) between `from` and `to`.
// This can occur when a loosely typed program is converted, or if an other
// rewrite violated the type system.
func lowerConversion(from model.Expression, to model.Type) (model.Type, bool) {
	switch to := to.(type) {
	case *model.UnionType:
		// Assignment: it just works
		for _, to := range to.ElementTypes {
			if to.AssignableFrom(from.Type()) {
				return to, true
		conversions := make([]model.ConversionKind, len(to.ElementTypes))
		for i, to := range to.ElementTypes {
			conversions[i] = to.ConversionFrom(from.Type())
			if conversions[i] == model.SafeConversion {
				// We found a safe conversion, and we will use it. We don't need
				// to search for more conversions.
				return to, true

		// Unsafe conversions:
		for i, to := range to.ElementTypes {
			if conversions[i] == model.UnsafeConversion {
				return to, true
		return nil, false
		return to, true

// LowerConversion lowers a conversion for a specific value, such that
// converting `from` to a value of the returned type will produce valid code.
// The algorithm prioritizes safe conversions over unsafe conversions. If no
// conversion can be found, nil, false is returned.
// This is useful because it cuts out conversion steps which the caller doesn't
// need to worry about. For example:
// Given inputs
//	from = string("foo") # a constant string with value "foo"
//	to = union(enum(string: "foo", "bar"), input(enum(string: "foo", "bar")), none)
// We would receive output type:
//	enum(string: "foo", "bar")
// since the caller can convert string("foo") to the enum directly, and does not
// need to consider the union.
// For another example consider inputs:
//	from = var(string) # A variable of type string
//	to = union(enum(string: "foo", "bar"), string)
// We would return type:
//	string
// since var(string) can be safely assigned to string, but unsafely assigned to
// enum(string: "foo", "bar").
func LowerConversion(from model.Expression, to model.Type) model.Type {
	if t, ok := lowerConversion(from, to); ok {
		return t
	return to