# Pulumi Package Metaschema

A description of the schema for a Pulumi Package


## Properties


### `attribution`

Freeform text attribution of derived work, if required.



### `config`

The package's configuration variables.


#### Properties


##### `required`

A list of the names of the package's required configuration variables.


Items: `string`


##### `variables`

A map from variable name to propertySpec that describes a package's configuration variables.


Additional properties: [Property Definition](#property-definition)



### `description`

The description of the package. Descriptions are interpreted as Markdown.



### `displayName`

The human-friendly name of the package.



### `functions`

A map from token to functionSpec that describes the set of functions defined by this package.


Property names: [Token](#token)

Additional properties: [Function Definition](#function-definition)


### `homepage`

The package's homepage.



### `keywords`

The list of keywords that are associated with the package, if any.


Items: `string`


### `language`

Additional language-specific data about the package.



### `license`

The name of the license used for the package's contents.



### `logoUrl`

The URL of the package's logo, if any.



### `meta`

Format metadata about this package.


#### Properties


##### `moduleFormat` (_required_)

A regex that is used by the importer to extract a module name from the module portion of a type token. Packages that use the module format "namespace1/namespace2/.../namespaceN" do not need to specify a format. The regex must define one capturing group that contains the module name, which must be formatted as "namespace1/namespace2/...namespaceN".


Format: `regex`



### `name` (_required_)

The unqualified name of the package (e.g. "aws", "azure", "gcp", "kubernetes", "random")


Pattern: `^[a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9_]*$`


### `pluginDownloadUrl`

The URL to use when downloading the provider plugin binary.



### `provider`

The provider type for this package.

[Resource Definition](#resource-definition)


### `publisher`

The name of the person or organization that authored and published the package.



### `repository`

The URL at which the package's sources can be found.



### `resources`

A map from type token to resourceSpec that describes the set of resources and components defined by this package.


Property names: [Token](#token)

Additional properties: [Resource Definition](#resource-definition)


### `types`

A map from type token to complexTypeSpec that describes the set of complex types (i.e. object, enum) defined by this package.


Property names: [Token](#token)

Additional properties: [Type Definition](#type-definition)


### `version`

The version of the package. The version must be valid semver.


Pattern: `^v?(?P<major>0|[1-9]\d*)\.(?P<minor>0|[1-9]\d*)\.(?P<patch>0|[1-9]\d*)(?:-(?P<prerelease>(?:0|[1-9]\d*|\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*)(?:\.(?:0|[1-9]\d*|\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*))*))?(?:\+(?P<buildmetadata>[0-9a-zA-Z-]+(?:\.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*))?$`


## Alias Definition


### Properties


#### `name`

The name portion of the alias, if any



#### `project`

The project portion of the alias, if any



#### `type`

The type portion of the alias, if any



## Array Type

A reference to an array type. The "type" property must be set to "array" and the "items" property must be present. No other properties may be present.


### Properties


#### `items` (_required_)

The element type of the array

[Type Reference](#type-reference)


#### `type` (_required_)

Constant: `"array"`


## Enum Type Definition

Describes an enum type


### Properties


#### `enum` (_required_)

The list of possible values for the enum


Items: [Enum Value Definition](#enum-value-definition)


#### `type` (_required_)

The underlying primitive type of the enum


Enum: `"boolean"` | `"integer"` | `"number"` | `"string"`


## Enum Value Definition


### Properties


#### `deprecationMessage`

Indicates whether the value is deprecated.



#### `description`

The description of the enum value, if any. Interpreted as Markdown.



#### `name`

If present, overrides the name of the enum value that would usually be derived from the value.



#### `value` (_required_)

The enum value itself

`boolean` | `integer` | `number` | `string`


## Function Definition

Describes a function.


### Properties


#### `deprecationMessage`

Indicates whether the function is deprecated



#### `description`

The description of the function, if any. Interpreted as Markdown.



#### `inputs`

The bag of input values for the function, if any.

[Object Type Details](#object-type-details)


#### `isOverlay`

Indicates that the implementation of the function should not be generated from the schema, and is instead provided out-of-band by the package author



#### `language`

Additional language-specific data about the function.



#### `outputs`

The bag of output values for the function, if any.

[Object Type Details](#object-type-details)


## Map Type

A reference to a map type. The "type" property must be set to "object" and the "additionalProperties" property may be present. No other properties may be present.


### Properties


#### `additionalProperties`

The element type of the map. Defaults to "string" when omitted.

[Type Reference](#type-reference)


#### `type` (_required_)

Constant: `"object"`


## Named Type

A reference to a type in this or another document. The "$ref" property must be present. The "type" property is ignored if it is present. No other properties may be present.


### Properties


#### `$ref` (_required_)

The URI of the referenced type. For example, the built-in Archive, Asset, and Any
types are referenced as "pulumi.json#/Archive", "pulumi.json#/Asset", and "pulumi.json#/Any", respectively.
A type from this document is referenced as "#/types/pulumi:type:token".
A type from another document is referenced as "path#/types/pulumi:type:token", where path is of the form:
  "/provider/vX.Y.Z/schema.json" or "pulumi.json" or "http[s]://example.com/provider/vX.Y.Z/schema.json"
A resource from this document is referenced as "#/resources/pulumi:type:token".
A resource from another document is referenced as "path#/resources/pulumi:type:token", where path is of the form:
  "/provider/vX.Y.Z/schema.json" or "pulumi.json" or "http[s]://example.com/provider/vX.Y.Z/schema.json"


Format: `uri-reference`


#### `type`

ignored; present for compatibility with existing schemas



## Object Type Definition


All of:
- [Object Type Details](#object-type-details)

### Properties


#### `type`

Constant: `"object"`


## Object Type Details

Describes an object type


### Properties


#### `properties`

A map from property name to propertySpec that describes the object's properties.


Additional properties: [Property Definition](#property-definition)


#### `required`

A list of the names of an object type's required properties. These properties must be set for inputs and will always be set for outputs.


Items: `string`


## Primitive Type

A reference to a primitive type. A primitive type must have only the "type" property set.


### Properties


#### `type` (_required_)

The primitive type, if any


Enum: `"boolean"` | `"integer"` | `"number"` | `"string"`


## Property Definition

Describes an object or resource property


All of:
- [Type Reference](#type-reference)

### Properties


#### `const`

The constant value for the property, if any. The type of the value must be assignable to the type of the property.

`boolean` | `number` | `string`


#### `default`

The default value for the property, if any. The type of the value must be assignable to the type of the property.

`boolean` | `number` | `string`


#### `defaultInfo`

Additional information about the property's default value, if any.


##### Properties


###### `environment` (_required_)

A set of environment variables to probe for a default value.


Items: `string`


###### `language`

Additional language-specific data about the default value.




#### `deprecationMessage`

Indicates whether the property is deprecated



#### `description`

The description of the property, if any. Interpreted as Markdown.



#### `language`

Additional language-specific data about the property.



#### `replaceOnChanges`

Specifies whether a change to the property causes its containing resource to be replaced instead of updated (default false).



#### `willReplaceOnChanges`

Indicates that the provider will replace the resource when this property is changed.



#### `secret`

Specifies whether the property is secret (default false).



## Resource Definition

Describes a resource or component.


All of:
- [Object Type Details](#object-type-details)

### Properties


#### `aliases`

The list of aliases for the resource.


Items: [Alias Definition](#alias-definition)


#### `deprecationMessage`

Indicates whether the resource is deprecated



#### `description`

The description of the resource, if any. Interpreted as Markdown.



#### `inputProperties`

A map from property name to propertySpec that describes the resource's input properties.


Additional properties: [Property Definition](#property-definition)


#### `isComponent`

Indicates whether the resource is a component.



#### `isOverlay`

Indicates that the implementation of the resource should not be generated from the schema, and is instead provided out-of-band by the package author



#### `methods`

A map from method name to function token that describes the resource's method set.


Additional properties: `string`


#### `requiredInputs`

A list of the names of the resource's required input properties.


Items: `string`


#### `stateInputs`

An optional objectTypeSpec that describes additional inputs that mau be necessary to get an existing resource. If this is unset, only an ID is necessary.

[Object Type Details](#object-type-details)


## Token


Pattern: `^[a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9_]*:([^0-9][a-zA-Z0-9._/-]*)?:[^0-9][a-zA-Z0-9._/]*$`

## Type Definition

Describes an object or enum type.


One of:

### Properties


#### `description`

The description of the type, if any. Interpreted as Markdown.



#### `isOverlay`

Indicates that the implementation of the type should not be generated from the schema, and is instead provided out-of-band by the package author



#### `language`

Additional language-specific data about the type.



## Type Reference

A reference to a type. The particular kind of type referenced is determined based on the contents of the "type" property and the presence or absence of the "additionalProperties", "items", "oneOf", and "$ref" properties.


One of:

### Properties


#### `plain`

Indicates that when used as an input, this type does not accept eventual values.



## Union Type

A reference to a union type. The "oneOf" property must be present. The union may additional specify an underlying primitive type via the "type" property and a discriminator via the "discriminator" property. No other properties may be present.


### Properties


#### `discriminator`

Informs the consumer of an alternative schema based on the value associated with it


##### Properties


###### `mapping`

an optional object to hold mappings between payload values and schema names or references


Additional properties: `string`


###### `propertyName` (_required_)

PropertyName is the name of the property in the payload that will hold the discriminator value




#### `oneOf` (_required_)

If present, indicates that values of the type may be one of any of the listed types


Items: [Type Reference](#type-reference)


#### `type`

The underlying primitive type of the union, if any


Enum: `"boolean"` | `"integer"` | `"number"` | `"string"`
