package pcl

import (


func errorf(subject hcl.Range, f string, args ...interface{}) *hcl.Diagnostic {
	return diagf(hcl.DiagError, subject, f, args...)

func diagf(severity hcl.DiagnosticSeverity, subject hcl.Range, f string, args ...interface{}) *hcl.Diagnostic {
	message := fmt.Sprintf(f, args...)
	return &hcl.Diagnostic{
		Severity: severity,
		Summary:  message,
		Detail:   message,
		Subject:  &subject,

func labelsErrorf(block *hclsyntax.Block, f string, args ...interface{}) *hcl.Diagnostic {
	startRange := block.LabelRanges[0]

	diagRange := hcl.Range{
		Filename: startRange.Filename,
		Start:    startRange.Start,
		End:      block.LabelRanges[len(block.LabelRanges)-1].End,
	return errorf(diagRange, f, args...)

func malformedToken(token string, sourceRange hcl.Range) *hcl.Diagnostic {
	return errorf(sourceRange, "malformed token '%v': expected 'pkg:module:member'", token)

func unknownPackage(pkg string, tokenRange hcl.Range) *hcl.Diagnostic {
	return errorf(tokenRange, "unknown package '%s'", pkg)

func resourceLoadError(token string, err error, tokenRange hcl.Range) *hcl.Diagnostic {
	return errorf(tokenRange, "error loading resource type '%s': %v", token, err)

func asWarningDiagnostic(diag *hcl.Diagnostic) *hcl.Diagnostic {
	if diag == nil {
		return diag

	diag.Severity = hcl.DiagWarning
	return diag

func unknownResourceType(token string, tokenRange hcl.Range) *hcl.Diagnostic {
	return errorf(tokenRange, "unknown resource type '%s'", token)

func functionLoadError(token string, err error, tokenRange hcl.Range) *hcl.Diagnostic {
	return errorf(tokenRange, "error loading function '%s': %v", token, err)

func unknownFunction(token string, tokenRange hcl.Range) *hcl.Diagnostic {
	return errorf(tokenRange, "unknown function '%s'", token)

func unsupportedBlock(blockType string, typeRange hcl.Range) *hcl.Diagnostic {
	return errorf(typeRange, "unsupported block of type '%v'", blockType)

func unsupportedAttribute(attrName string, nameRange hcl.Range) *hcl.Diagnostic {
	return errorf(nameRange, "unsupported attribute '%v'", attrName)

func missingRequiredAttribute(attrName string, missingRange hcl.Range) *hcl.Diagnostic {
	return errorf(missingRange, "missing required attribute '%v'", attrName)

func tokenMustBeStringLiteral(tokenExpr model.Expression) *hcl.Diagnostic {
	return errorf(tokenExpr.SyntaxNode().Range(), "invoke token must be a string literal")

func duplicateBlock(blockType string, typeRange hcl.Range) *hcl.Diagnostic {
	return errorf(typeRange, "duplicate block of type '%v'", blockType)

func stringAttributeError(attr *model.Attribute) *hcl.Diagnostic {
	return errorf(attr.Syntax.Expr.Range(), "attribute %v must be a string literal", attr.Name)

func boolAttributeError(attr *model.Attribute) *hcl.Diagnostic {
	return errorf(attr.Syntax.Expr.Range(), "attribute %v must be a boolean literal", attr.Name)