// Copyright 2016-2021, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

import * as grpc from "@grpc/grpc-js";
import * as query from "@pulumi/query";
import * as log from "../log";
import * as utils from "../utils";

import { getAllResources, Input, Inputs, Output, output } from "../output";
import { ResolvedResource } from "../queryable";
import {
} from "../resource";
import { debuggablePromise, debugPromiseLeaks } from "./debuggable";
import { invoke } from "./invoke";
import { getStore } from "./state";

import { isGrpcError } from "../errors";
import {
} from "./rpc";
import {
} from "./settings";

import * as gempty from "google-protobuf/google/protobuf/empty_pb";
import * as gstruct from "google-protobuf/google/protobuf/struct_pb";
import * as aliasproto from "../proto/alias_pb";
import * as provproto from "../proto/provider_pb";
import * as resproto from "../proto/resource_pb";
import * as sourceproto from "../proto/source_pb";

export interface SourcePosition {
    uri: string;
    line: number;
    column: number;

function marshalSourcePosition(sourcePosition?: SourcePosition) {
    if (sourcePosition === undefined) {
        return undefined;
    const pos = new sourceproto.SourcePosition();
    return pos;

interface ResourceResolverOperation {
    // A resolver for a resource's URN.
    resolveURN: (urn: URN, err?: Error) => void;
    // A resolver for a resource's ID (for custom resources only).
    resolveID: ((v: ID, performApply: boolean, err?: Error) => void) | undefined;
    // A collection of resolvers for a resource's properties.
    resolvers: OutputResolvers;
    // A parent URN, fully resolved, if any.
    parentURN: URN | undefined;
    // A provider reference, fully resolved, if any.
    providerRef: string | undefined;
    // A map of provider references, fully resolved, if any.
    providerRefs: Map<string, string>;
    // All serialized properties, fully awaited, serialized, and ready to go.
    serializedProps: Record<string, any>;
    // A set of URNs that this resource is directly dependent upon.  These will all be URNs of
    // custom resources, not component resources.
    allDirectDependencyURNs: Set<URN>;
    // Set of URNs that this resource is directly dependent upon, keyed by the property that causes
    // the dependency.  All urns in this map must exist in [allDirectDependencyURNs].  These will
    // all be URNs of custom resources, not component resources.
    propertyToDirectDependencyURNs: Map<string, Set<URN>>;
    // A list of aliases applied to this resource.
    aliases: (Alias | URN)[];
    // An ID to import, if any.
    import: ID | undefined;
    // Any important feature support from the monitor.
    monitorSupportsStructuredAliases: boolean;
    // If set, the providers Delete method will not be called for this resource
    // if specified is being deleted as well.
    deletedWithURN: URN | undefined;

 * Get an existing resource's state from the engine.
export function getResource(
    res: Resource,
    parent: Resource | undefined,
    props: Inputs,
    custom: boolean,
    urn: string,
): void {
    // Extract the resource type from the URN.
    const urnParts = urn.split("::");
    const qualifiedType = urnParts[2];
    const urnName = urnParts[3];
    const type = qualifiedType.split("$").pop()!;

    const label = `resource:urn=${urn}`;
    log.debug(`Getting resource: urn=${urn}`);

    const monitor = getMonitor();
    const resopAsync = prepareResource(label, res, parent, custom, false, props, {});

    const preallocError = new Error();
        resopAsync.then(async (resop) => {
            const inputs = await serializeProperties(label, { urn });

            const req = new resproto.ResourceInvokeRequest();

            // Now run the operation, serializing the invocation if necessary.
            const opLabel = `monitor.getResource(${label})`;
            runAsyncResourceOp(opLabel, async () => {
                let resp: any = {};
                let err: Error | undefined;
                try {
                    if (monitor) {
                        resp = await debuggablePromise(
                            new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
                                        rpcError: grpc.ServiceError | null,
                                        innerResponse: provproto.InvokeResponse | undefined,
                                    ) => {
                                            `getResource Invoke RPC finished: err: ${rpcError}, resp: ${innerResponse}`,
                                        if (rpcError) {
                                            if (
                                                rpcError.code === grpc.status.UNAVAILABLE ||
                                                rpcError.code === grpc.status.CANCELLED
                                            ) {
                                                err = rpcError;
                                                rpcError.message = "Resource monitor is terminating";
                                                (<any>preallocError).code = rpcError.code;

                                            preallocError.message = `failed to get resource:urn=${urn}: ${rpcError.message}`;
                                            reject(new Error(rpcError.details));
                                        } else {

                        // If the invoke failed, raise an error
                        const failures = resp.getFailuresList();
                        if (failures?.length) {
                            let reasons = "";
                            for (let i = 0; i < failures.length; i++) {
                                if (reasons !== "") {
                                    reasons += "; ";
                                reasons += `${failures[i].getReason()} (${failures[i].getProperty()})`;
                            throw new Error(`getResource Invoke failed: ${reasons}`);

                        // Otherwise, return the response.
                        const m = resp.getReturn().getFieldsMap();
                        resp = {
                            urn: m.get("urn").toJavaScript(),
                            id: m.get("id").toJavaScript() || undefined,
                            state: m.get("state").getStructValue(),
                } catch (e) {
                    err = e;
                    resp = {
                        urn: "",
                        id: undefined,
                        state: undefined,

                resop.resolveURN(resp.urn, err);

                // Note: 'id || undefined' is intentional.  We intentionally collapse falsy values to
                // undefined so that later parts of our system don't have to deal with values like 'null'.
                if (resop.resolveID) {
                    const id = resp.id || undefined;
                    resop.resolveID(id, id !== undefined, err);

                await resolveOutputs(res, type, urnName, props, resp.state, {}, resop.resolvers, err);

 * Reads an existing custom resource's state from the resource monitor.  Note that resources read in this way
 * will not be part of the resulting stack's state, as they are presumed to belong to another.
export function readResource(
    res: Resource,
    parent: Resource | undefined,
    t: string,
    name: string,
    props: Inputs,
    opts: ResourceOptions,
    sourcePosition?: SourcePosition,
): void {
    if (!opts.id) {
        throw new Error("Cannot read resource whose options are lacking an ID value");
    const id: Promise<Input<ID>> = output(opts.id).promise(true);

    const label = `resource:${name}[${t}]#...`;
    log.debug(`Reading resource: t=${t}, name=${name}`);

    const monitor = getMonitor();
    const resopAsync = prepareResource(label, res, parent, true, false, props, opts);

    const preallocError = new Error();
        resopAsync.then(async (resop) => {
            const resolvedID = await serializeProperty(label, await id, new Set(), { keepOutputValues: false });
                `ReadResource RPC prepared: id=${resolvedID}, t=${t}, name=${name}` +
                    (excessiveDebugOutput ? `, obj=${JSON.stringify(resop.serializedProps)}` : ``),

            // Create a resource request and do the RPC.
            const req = new resproto.ReadResourceRequest();
            req.setParent(resop.parentURN || "");
            req.setProvider(resop.providerRef || "");
            req.setVersion(opts.version || "");
            req.setPlugindownloadurl(opts.pluginDownloadURL || "");
            req.setAdditionalsecretoutputsList((<any>opts).additionalSecretOutputs || []);

            // Now run the operation, serializing the invocation if necessary.
            const opLabel = `monitor.readResource(${label})`;
            runAsyncResourceOp(opLabel, async () => {
                let resp: any = {};
                let err: Error | undefined;
                try {
                    if (monitor) {
                        // If we're attached to the engine, make an RPC call and wait for it to resolve.
                        resp = await debuggablePromise(
                            new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
                                        rpcError: grpc.ServiceError | null,
                                        innerResponse: resproto.ReadResourceResponse | undefined,
                                    ) => {
                                            `ReadResource RPC finished: ${label}; err: ${rpcError}, resp: ${innerResponse}`,
                                        if (rpcError) {
                                            if (
                                                rpcError.code === grpc.status.UNAVAILABLE ||
                                                rpcError.code === grpc.status.CANCELLED
                                            ) {
                                                err = rpcError;
                                                rpcError.message = "Resource monitor is terminating";
                                                (<any>preallocError).code = rpcError.code;

                                            preallocError.message = `failed to read resource #${resolvedID} '${name}' [${t}]: ${rpcError.message}`;
                                        } else {
                    } else {
                        // If we aren't attached to the engine, in test mode, mock up a fake response for testing purposes.
                        const mockurn = await createUrn(req.getName(), req.getType(), req.getParent()).promise();
                        resp = {
                            getUrn: () => mockurn,
                            getProperties: () => req.getProperties(),
                } catch (e) {
                    err = e;
                    resp = {
                        getUrn: () => "",
                        getProperties: () => undefined,

                // Now resolve everything: the URN, the ID (supplied as input), and the output properties.
                resop.resolveURN(resp.getUrn(), err);
                resop.resolveID!(resolvedID, resolvedID !== undefined, err);
                await resolveOutputs(res, t, name, props, resp.getProperties(), {}, resop.resolvers, err);

function getParentURN(parent?: Resource | Input<string>) {
    if (Resource.isInstance(parent)) {
        return parent.urn;
    return output(parent);

function mapAliasesForRequest(aliases: (URN | Alias)[] | undefined, parentURN?: URN) {
    if (aliases === undefined) {
        return [];

    return Promise.all(
        aliases.map(async (a) => {
            const newAlias = new aliasproto.Alias();
            if (typeof a === "string") {
            } else {
                const newAliasSpec = new aliasproto.Alias.Spec();
                const name = a.name === undefined ? undefined : await output(a.name).promise();
                const type = a.type === undefined ? undefined : await output(a.type).promise();
                const stack = a.stack === undefined ? undefined : await output(a.stack).promise();
                const project = a.project === undefined ? undefined : await output(a.project).promise();

                newAliasSpec.setName(name || "");
                newAliasSpec.setType(type || "");
                newAliasSpec.setStack(stack || "");
                newAliasSpec.setProject(project || "");
                if (a.hasOwnProperty("parent")) {
                    if (a.parent === undefined) {
                    } else {
                        const aliasParentUrn = getParentURN(a.parent);
                        const urn = await aliasParentUrn.promise();
                        if (urn !== undefined) {
                } else if (parentURN) {
                    // If a parent isn't specified for the alias and the resource has a parent,
                    // pass along the resource's parent in the alias spec.
                    // It shouldn't be necessary to do this because the engine should fill-in the
                    // resource's parent if one wasn't specified for the alias.
                    // However, some older versions of the CLI don't do this correctly, and this
                    // SDK has always passed along the parent in this way, so we continue doing it
                    // to maintain compatibility with these versions of the CLI.
            return newAlias;

 * registerResource registers a new resource object with a given type t and name.  It returns the auto-generated
 * URN and the ID that will resolve after the deployment has completed.  All properties will be initialized to property
 * objects that the registration operation will resolve at the right time (or remain unresolved for deployments).
export function registerResource(
    res: Resource,
    parent: Resource | undefined,
    t: string,
    name: string,
    custom: boolean,
    remote: boolean,
    newDependency: (urn: URN) => Resource,
    props: Inputs,
    opts: ResourceOptions,
    sourcePosition?: SourcePosition,
): void {
    const label = `resource:${name}[${t}]`;
    log.debug(`Registering resource: t=${t}, name=${name}, custom=${custom}, remote=${remote}`);

    const monitor = getMonitor();
    const resopAsync = prepareResource(label, res, parent, custom, remote, props, opts, t, name);

    // In order to present a useful stack trace if an error does occur, we preallocate potential
    // errors here. V8 captures a stack trace at the moment an Error is created and this stack
    // trace will lead directly to user code. Throwing in `runAsyncResourceOp` results in an Error
    // with a non-useful stack trace.
    const preallocError = new Error();
        resopAsync.then(async (resop) => {
                `RegisterResource RPC prepared: t=${t}, name=${name}` +
                    (excessiveDebugOutput ? `, obj=${JSON.stringify(resop.serializedProps)}` : ``),

            const req = new resproto.RegisterResourceRequest();
            req.setParent(resop.parentURN || "");
            req.setProtect(opts.protect || false);
            req.setProvider(resop.providerRef || "");
            req.setDeletebeforereplace((<any>opts).deleteBeforeReplace || false);
            req.setDeletebeforereplacedefined((<any>opts).deleteBeforeReplace !== undefined);
            req.setIgnorechangesList(opts.ignoreChanges || []);
            req.setVersion(opts.version || "");
            req.setAdditionalsecretoutputsList((<any>opts).additionalSecretOutputs || []);
            if (resop.monitorSupportsStructuredAliases) {
                const aliasesList = await mapAliasesForRequest(resop.aliases, resop.parentURN);
            } else {
                const urns = new Array<string>();
                resop.aliases.forEach((v) => {
                    if (typeof v === "string") {
            req.setImportid(resop.import || "");
            req.setReplaceonchangesList(opts.replaceOnChanges || []);
            req.setPlugindownloadurl(opts.pluginDownloadURL || "");
            req.setRetainondelete(opts.retainOnDelete || false);
            req.setDeletedwith(resop.deletedWithURN || "");

            if (resop.deletedWithURN && !getStore().supportsDeletedWith) {
                throw new Error(
                    "The Pulumi CLI does not support the DeletedWith option. Please update the Pulumi CLI.",

            const customTimeouts = new resproto.RegisterResourceRequest.CustomTimeouts();
            if (opts.customTimeouts != null) {
                customTimeouts.setCreate(opts.customTimeouts.create || "");
                customTimeouts.setUpdate(opts.customTimeouts.update || "");
                customTimeouts.setDelete(opts.customTimeouts.delete || "");

            const propertyDependencies = req.getPropertydependenciesMap();
            for (const [key, resourceURNs] of resop.propertyToDirectDependencyURNs) {
                const deps = new resproto.RegisterResourceRequest.PropertyDependencies();
                propertyDependencies.set(key, deps);

            const providerRefs = req.getProvidersMap();
            for (const [key, ref] of resop.providerRefs) {
                providerRefs.set(key, ref);

            // Now run the operation, serializing the invocation if necessary.
            const opLabel = `monitor.registerResource(${label})`;
            runAsyncResourceOp(opLabel, async () => {
                let resp: any = {};
                let err: Error | undefined;
                try {
                    if (monitor) {
                        // If we're running with an attachment to the engine, perform the operation.
                        resp = await debuggablePromise(
                            new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
                                        rpcErr: grpc.ServiceError | null,
                                        innerResponse: resproto.RegisterResourceResponse | undefined,
                                    ) => {
                                        if (rpcErr) {
                                            err = rpcErr;
                                            // If the monitor is unavailable, it is in the process of shutting down or has already
                                            // shut down. Don't emit an error and don't do any more RPCs, just exit.
                                            if (
                                                rpcErr.code === grpc.status.UNAVAILABLE ||
                                                rpcErr.code === grpc.status.CANCELLED
                                            ) {
                                                // Re-emit the message
                                                rpcErr.message = "Resource monitor is terminating";
                                                (<any>preallocError).code = rpcErr.code;

                                            // Node lets us hack the message as long as we do it before accessing the `stack` property.
                                                `RegisterResource RPC finished: ${label}; err: ${rpcErr}, resp: ${innerResponse}`,
                                            preallocError.message = `failed to register new resource ${name} [${t}]: ${rpcErr.message}`;
                                        } else {
                                                `RegisterResource RPC finished: ${label}; err: ${rpcErr}, resp: ${innerResponse}`,
                    } else {
                        // If we aren't attached to the engine, in test mode, mock up a fake response for testing purposes.
                        const mockurn = await createUrn(req.getName(), req.getType(), req.getParent()).promise();
                        resp = {
                            getUrn: () => mockurn,
                            getId: () => undefined,
                            getObject: () => req.getObject(),
                            getPropertydependenciesMap: () => undefined,
                } catch (e) {
                    err = e;
                    resp = {
                        getUrn: () => "",
                        getId: () => undefined,
                        getObject: () => req.getObject(),
                        getPropertydependenciesMap: () => undefined,

                resop.resolveURN(resp.getUrn(), err);

                // Note: 'id || undefined' is intentional.  We intentionally collapse falsy values to
                // undefined so that later parts of our system don't have to deal with values like 'null'.
                if (resop.resolveID) {
                    const id = resp.getId() || undefined;
                    resop.resolveID(id, id !== undefined, err);

                const deps: Record<string, Resource[]> = {};
                const rpcDeps = resp.getPropertydependenciesMap();
                if (rpcDeps) {
                    for (const [k, propertyDeps] of resp.getPropertydependenciesMap().entries()) {
                        const urns = <URN[]>propertyDeps.getUrnsList();
                        deps[k] = urns.map((urn) => newDependency(urn));

                // Now resolve the output properties.
                await resolveOutputs(res, t, name, props, resp.getObject(), deps, resop.resolvers, err);

/** @internal
 * Prepares for an RPC that will manufacture a resource, and hence deals with input and output
 * properties.
export async function prepareResource(
    label: string,
    res: Resource,
    parent: Resource | undefined,
    custom: boolean,
    remote: boolean,
    props: Inputs,
    opts: ResourceOptions,
    type?: string,
    name?: string,
): Promise<ResourceResolverOperation> {
    // add an entry to the rpc queue while we prepare the request.
    // automation api inline programs that don't have stack exports can exit quickly. If we don't do this,
    // sometimes they will exit right after `prepareResource` is called as a part of register resource, but before the
    // .then() that adds to the queue via `runAsyncResourceOp`.
    const done: () => void = rpcKeepAlive();

    try {
        // Simply initialize the URN property and get prepared to resolve it later on.
        // Note: a resource urn will always get a value, and thus the output property
        // for it can always run .apply calls.
        let resolveURN: (urn: URN, err?: Error) => void;
            let resolveValue: (urn: URN) => void;
            let rejectValue: (err: Error) => void;
            let resolveIsKnown: (isKnown: boolean) => void;
            let rejectIsKnown: (err: Error) => void;
            (res as any).urn = new Output(
                    new Promise<URN>((resolve, reject) => {
                        resolveValue = resolve;
                        rejectValue = reject;
                    new Promise<boolean>((resolve, reject) => {
                        resolveIsKnown = resolve;
                        rejectIsKnown = reject;
                /*isSecret:*/ Promise.resolve(false),

            resolveURN = (v, err) => {
                if (err) {
                    if (isGrpcError(err)) {
                        if (debugPromiseLeaks) {
                            console.error("info: skipped rejection in resolveURN");
                } else {

        // If a custom resource, make room for the ID property.
        let resolveID: ((v: any, performApply: boolean, err?: Error) => void) | undefined;
        if (custom) {
            let resolveValue: (v: ID) => void;
            let rejectValue: (err: Error) => void;
            let resolveIsKnown: (v: boolean) => void;
            let rejectIsKnown: (err: Error) => void;

            (res as any).id = new Output(
                    new Promise<ID>((resolve, reject) => {
                        resolveValue = resolve;
                        rejectValue = reject;
                    new Promise<boolean>((resolve, reject) => {
                        resolveIsKnown = resolve;
                        rejectIsKnown = reject;

            resolveID = (v, isKnown, err) => {
                if (err) {
                    if (isGrpcError(err)) {
                        if (debugPromiseLeaks) {
                            console.error("info: skipped rejection in resolveID");
                } else {

        // Now "transfer" all input properties into unresolved Promises on res.  This way,
        // this resource will look like it has all its output properties to anyone it is
        // passed to.  However, those promises won't actually resolve until the registerResource
        // RPC returns
        const resolvers = transferProperties(res, label, props);

        /** IMPORTANT!  We should never await prior to this line, otherwise the Resource will be partly uninitialized. */

        // Before we can proceed, all our dependencies must be finished.
        const explicitDirectDependencies = new Set(await gatherExplicitDependencies(opts.dependsOn));

        // Serialize out all our props to their final values.  In doing so, we'll also collect all
        // the Resources pointed to by any Dependency objects we encounter, adding them to 'propertyDependencies'.
        const [serializedProps, propertyToDirectDependencies] = await serializeResourceProperties(label, props, {
            // To initially scope the use of this new feature, we only keep output values when
            // remote is true (for multi-lang components).
            keepOutputValues: remote,

        // Wait for the parent to complete.
        // If no parent was provided, parent to the root resource.
        const parentURN = parent ? await parent.urn.promise() : undefined;

        let importID: ID | undefined;
        if (custom) {
            const customOpts = <CustomResourceOptions>opts;
            importID = customOpts.import;

        let providerRef: string | undefined;
        let sendProvider = custom;
        if (remote && opts.provider) {
            // If it's a remote component and a provider was specified, only
            // send the provider in the request if the provider's package is
            // the same as the component's package. Otherwise, don't send it
            // because the user specified `provider: someProvider` as shorthand
            // for `providers: [someProvider]`.
            const pkg = pkgFromType(type!);
            if (pkg && pkg === opts.provider.getPackage()) {
                sendProvider = true;
        if (sendProvider) {
            providerRef = await ProviderResource.register(opts.provider);

        const providerRefs: Map<string, string> = new Map<string, string>();
        if (remote || !custom) {
            const componentOpts = <ComponentResourceOptions>opts;
            // the <ProviderResource[]> casts are safe because expandProviders
            // /always/ leaves providers as an array.
            if (componentOpts.provider !== undefined) {
                if (componentOpts.providers === undefined) {
                    // We still want to do the promotion, so we define providers
                    componentOpts.providers = [componentOpts.provider];
                } else if ((<ProviderResource[]>componentOpts.providers)?.indexOf(componentOpts.provider) !== -1) {
                    const pkg = componentOpts.provider.getPackage();
                    const message = `There is a conflit between the 'provider' field (${pkg}) and a member of the 'providers' map'. `;
                    const deprecationd =
                        "This will become an error in a future version. See https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/8799 for more details";
                    log.warn(message + deprecationd);
                } else {
            if (componentOpts.providers) {
                for (const provider of componentOpts.providers as ProviderResource[]) {
                    const pref = await ProviderResource.register(provider);
                    if (pref) {
                        providerRefs.set(provider.getPackage(), pref);

        // Collect the URNs for explicit/implicit dependencies for the engine so that it can understand
        // the dependency graph and optimize operations accordingly.

        // The list of all dependencies (implicit or explicit).
        const allDirectDependencies = new Set<Resource>(explicitDirectDependencies);

        const exclude = new Set<Resource>([res]);
        const allDirectDependencyURNs = await getAllTransitivelyReferencedResourceURNs(
        const propertyToDirectDependencyURNs = new Map<string, Set<URN>>();

        for (const [propertyName, directDependencies] of propertyToDirectDependencies) {
            addAll(allDirectDependencies, directDependencies);

            const urns = await getAllTransitivelyReferencedResourceURNs(directDependencies, exclude);
            addAll(allDirectDependencyURNs, urns);
            propertyToDirectDependencyURNs.set(propertyName, urns);

        const monitorSupportsStructuredAliases = getStore().supportsAliasSpecs;
        let computedAliases;
        if (!monitorSupportsStructuredAliases && parent) {
            computedAliases = allAliases(opts.aliases || [], name!, type!, parent, parent.__name!);
        } else {
            computedAliases = opts.aliases || [];

        // Wait for all aliases.
        const aliases = [];
        const uniqueAliases = new Set<Alias | URN>();
        for (const alias of computedAliases || []) {
            const aliasVal = await output(alias).promise();
            if (!uniqueAliases.has(aliasVal)) {

        const deletedWithURN = opts?.deletedWith ? await opts.deletedWith.urn.promise() : undefined;

        return {
            resolveURN: resolveURN,
            resolveID: resolveID,
            resolvers: resolvers,
            serializedProps: serializedProps,
            parentURN: parentURN,
            providerRef: providerRef,
            providerRefs: providerRefs,
            allDirectDependencyURNs: allDirectDependencyURNs,
            propertyToDirectDependencyURNs: propertyToDirectDependencyURNs,
            aliases: aliases,
            import: importID,
    } finally {
        // free the RPC queue

function addAll<T>(to: Set<T>, from: Set<T>) {
    for (const val of from) {

/** @internal */
export async function getAllTransitivelyReferencedResourceURNs(
    resources: Set<Resource>,
    exclude: Set<Resource>,
): Promise<Set<string>> {
    // Go through 'resources', but transitively walk through **Component** resources, collecting any
    // of their child resources.  This way, a Component acts as an aggregation really of all the
    // reachable resources it parents.  This walking will stop when it hits custom resources.
    // This function also terminates at remote components, whose children are not known to the Node SDK directly.
    // Remote components will always wait on all of their children, so ensuring we return the remote component
    // itself here and waiting on it will accomplish waiting on all of it's children regardless of whether they
    // are returned explicitly here.
    // In other words, if we had:
    //                  Comp1
    //              /     |     \
    //          Cust1   Comp2  Remote1
    //                  /   \       \
    //              Cust2   Cust3  Comp3
    //              /                 \
    //          Cust4                Cust5
    // Then the transitively reachable resources of Comp1 will be [Cust1, Cust2, Cust3, Remote1].
    // It will *not* include:
    // * Cust4 because it is a child of a custom resource
    // * Comp2 because it is a non-remote component resource
    // * Comp3 and Cust5 because Comp3 is a child of a remote component resource

    // To do this, first we just get the transitively reachable set of resources (not diving
    // into custom resources).  In the above picture, if we start with 'Comp1', this will be
    // [Comp1, Cust1, Comp2, Cust2, Cust3]
    const transitivelyReachableResources = await getTransitivelyReferencedChildResourcesOfComponentResources(

    // Then we filter to only include Custom and Remote resources.
    const transitivelyReachableCustomResources = [...transitivelyReachableResources].filter(
        (r) => (CustomResource.isInstance(r) || (r as ComponentResource).__remote) && !exclude.has(r),
    const promises = transitivelyReachableCustomResources.map((r) => r.urn.promise());
    const urns = await Promise.all(promises);
    return new Set<string>(urns);

 * Recursively walk the resources passed in, returning them and all resources reachable from
 * [Resource.__childResources] through any **Component** resources we encounter.
async function getTransitivelyReferencedChildResourcesOfComponentResources(
    resources: Set<Resource>,
    exclude: Set<Resource>,
) {
    // Recursively walk the dependent resources through their children, adding them to the result set.
    const result = new Set<Resource>();
    await addTransitivelyReferencedChildResourcesOfComponentResources(resources, exclude, result);
    return result;

async function addTransitivelyReferencedChildResourcesOfComponentResources(
    resources: Set<Resource> | undefined,
    exclude: Set<Resource>,
    result: Set<Resource>,
) {
    if (resources) {
        for (const resource of resources) {
            if (!result.has(resource)) {

                if (ComponentResource.isInstance(resource)) {
                    // Skip including children of a resource in the excluded set to avoid depending on
                    // children that haven't been registered yet.
                    if (exclude.has(resource)) {

                    // This await is safe even if __isConstructed is undefined. Ensure that the
                    // resource has completely finished construction.  That way all parent/child
                    // relationships will have been setup.
                    await resource.__data;
                    const children = resource.__childResources;
                    addTransitivelyReferencedChildResourcesOfComponentResources(children, exclude, result);

 * Gathers explicit dependent Resources from a list of Resources (possibly Promises and/or Outputs).
async function gatherExplicitDependencies(
    dependsOn: Input<Input<Resource>[]> | Input<Resource> | undefined,
): Promise<Resource[]> {
    if (dependsOn) {
        if (Array.isArray(dependsOn)) {
            const dos: Resource[] = [];
            for (const d of dependsOn) {
                dos.push(...(await gatherExplicitDependencies(d)));
            return dos;
        } else if (dependsOn instanceof Promise) {
            return gatherExplicitDependencies(await dependsOn);
        } else if (Output.isInstance(dependsOn)) {
            // Recursively gather dependencies, await the promise, and append the output's dependencies.
            const dos = (dependsOn as Output<Input<Resource>[] | Input<Resource>>).apply((v) =>
            const urns = await dos.promise();
            const dosResources = await getAllResources(dos);
            const implicits = await gatherExplicitDependencies([...dosResources]);
            return (urns ?? []).concat(implicits);
        } else {
            if (!Resource.isInstance(dependsOn)) {
                throw new Error("'dependsOn' was passed a value that was not a Resource.");

            return [dependsOn];

    return [];

 * Finishes a resource creation RPC operation by resolving its outputs to the resulting RPC payload.
async function resolveOutputs(
    res: Resource,
    t: string,
    name: string,
    props: Inputs,
    outputs: gstruct.Struct | undefined,
    deps: Record<string, Resource[]>,
    resolvers: OutputResolvers,
    err?: Error,
): Promise<void> {
    // Produce a combined set of property states, starting with inputs and then applying
    // outputs.  If the same property exists in the inputs and outputs states, the output wins.
    const allProps: Record<string, any> = {};
    if (outputs) {
        Object.assign(allProps, deserializeProperties(outputs));

    const label = `resource:${name}[${t}]#...`;
    if (!isDryRun() || isLegacyApplyEnabled()) {
        for (const key of Object.keys(props)) {
            if (!allProps.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                // input prop the engine didn't give us a final value for.  Just use the value passed into the resource
                // after round-tripping it through serialization. We do the round-tripping primarily s.t. we ensure that
                // Output values are handled properly w.r.t. unknowns.
                const inputProp = await serializeProperty(label, props[key], new Set(), { keepOutputValues: false });
                if (inputProp === undefined) {
                allProps[key] = deserializeProperty(inputProp);

    resolveProperties(res, resolvers, t, name, allProps, deps, err);

 * registerResourceOutputs completes the resource registration, attaching an optional set of computed outputs.
export function registerResourceOutputs(res: Resource, outputs: Inputs | Promise<Inputs> | Output<Inputs>) {
    // Now run the operation. Note that we explicitly do not serialize output registration with
    // respect to other resource operations, as outputs may depend on properties of other resources
    // that will not resolve until later turns. This would create a circular promise chain that can
    // never resolve.
    const opLabel = `monitor.registerResourceOutputs(...)`;
        async () => {
            // The registration could very well still be taking place, so we will need to wait for its URN.
            // Additionally, the output properties might have come from other resources, so we must await those too.
            const urn = await res.urn.promise();
            const resolved = await serializeProperties(opLabel, { outputs });
            const outputsObj = gstruct.Struct.fromJavaScript(resolved.outputs);
                `RegisterResourceOutputs RPC prepared: urn=${urn}` +
                    (excessiveDebugOutput ? `, outputs=${JSON.stringify(outputsObj)}` : ``),

            // Fetch the monitor and make an RPC request.
            const monitor = getMonitor();
            if (monitor) {
                const req = new resproto.RegisterResourceOutputsRequest();

                const label = `monitor.registerResourceOutputs(${urn}, ...)`;
                await debuggablePromise(
                    new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) =>
                            (err: grpc.ServiceError | null, innerResponse: gempty.Empty | undefined) => {
                                    `RegisterResourceOutputs RPC finished: urn=${urn}; ` +
                                        `err: ${err}, resp: ${innerResponse}`,
                                if (err) {
                                    // If the monitor is unavailable, it is in the process of shutting down or has already
                                    // shut down. Don't emit an error and don't do any more RPCs, just exit.
                                    if (err.code === grpc.status.UNAVAILABLE || err.code === grpc.status.CANCELLED) {
                                        err.message = "Resource monitor is terminating";

                                } else {
                                        `RegisterResourceOutputs RPC finished: urn=${urn}; ` +
                                            `err: ${err}, resp: ${innerResponse}`,

function isAny(o: any): o is any {
    return true;

 * listResourceOutputs returns the resource outputs (if any) for a stack, or an error if the stack
 * cannot be found. Resources are retrieved from the latest stack snapshot, which may include
 * ongoing updates.
 * @param stackName Name of stack to retrieve resource outputs for. Defaults to the current stack.
 * @param typeFilter A [type
 * guard](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/advanced-types.html#user-defined-type-guards)
 * that specifies which resource types to list outputs of.
 * @example
 * const buckets = pulumi.runtime.listResourceOutput(aws.s3.Bucket.isInstance);
export function listResourceOutputs<U extends Resource>(
    typeFilter?: (o: any) => o is U,
    stackName?: string,
): query.AsyncQueryable<ResolvedResource<U>> {
    if (typeFilter === undefined) {
        typeFilter = isAny;

    return query
            invoke("pulumi:pulumi:readStackResourceOutputs", {
                stackName: stackName || getStack(),
            }).then<any[]>(({ outputs }) => utils.values(outputs)),
        .map<ResolvedResource<U>>(({ type: typ, outputs }) => {
            return { ...outputs, __pulumiType: typ };

 * resourceChain is used to serialize all resource requests.  If we don't do this, all resource operations will be
 * entirely asynchronous, meaning the dataflow graph that results will determine ordering of operations.  This
 * causes problems with some resource providers, so for now we will serialize all of them.  The issue
 * pulumi/pulumi#335 tracks coming up with a long-term solution here.
let resourceChain: Promise<void> = Promise.resolve();
let resourceChainLabel: string | undefined = undefined;

// runAsyncResourceOp runs an asynchronous resource operation, possibly serializing it as necessary.
function runAsyncResourceOp(label: string, callback: () => Promise<void>, serial?: boolean): void {
    // Serialize the invocation if necessary.
    if (serial === undefined) {
        serial = serialize();
    const resourceOp: Promise<void> = suppressUnhandledGrpcRejections(
            resourceChain.then(async () => {
                if (serial) {
                    resourceChainLabel = label;
                    log.debug(`Resource RPC serialization requested: ${label} is current`);
                return callback();
            label + "-initial",

    // Ensure the process won't exit until this RPC call finishes and resolve it when appropriate.
    const done: () => void = rpcKeepAlive();
    const finalOp: Promise<void> = debuggablePromise(
            () => {
            () => {
        label + "-final",

    // Set up another promise that propagates the error, if any, so that it triggers unhandled rejection logic.
    resourceOp.catch((err) => Promise.reject(err));

    // If serialization is requested, wait for the prior resource operation to finish before we proceed, serializing
    // them, and make this the current resource operation so that everybody piles up on it.
    if (serial) {
        resourceChain = finalOp;
        if (resourceChainLabel) {
            log.debug(`Resource RPC serialization requested: ${label} is behind ${resourceChainLabel}`);

 * Extract the pkg from the type token of the form "pkg:module:member".
 * @internal
export function pkgFromType(type: string): string | undefined {
    const parts = type.split(":");
    if (parts.length === 3) {
        return parts[0];
    return undefined;