package pcl_test

import (


func TestSingleOrNoneErrorsWithoutArguments(t *testing.T) {
	source := "value = singleOrNone()"
	program, diags, err := ParseAndBindProgram(t, source, "program.pp")
	assert.Nil(t, program, "The program doesn't bind")
	assert.ErrorContains(t, err, "'singleOrNone' only expects one argument")

func TestSingleOrNoneErrorsWithManyArguments(t *testing.T) {
	source := "value = singleOrNone(1, 2, 3)"
	program, diags, err := ParseAndBindProgram(t, source, "program.pp")
	assert.Nil(t, program, "The program doesn't bind")
	assert.ErrorContains(t, err, "'singleOrNone' only expects one argument")

func TestSingleOrNoneErrorsWhenFirstArgumentIsNotListOrTuple(t *testing.T) {
	source := "value = singleOrNone(\"hello\")"
	program, diags, err := ParseAndBindProgram(t, source, "program.pp")
	assert.Nil(t, program, "The program doesn't bind")
	assert.ErrorContains(t, err, "the first argument to 'singleOrNone' must be a list or tuple")

func TestSingleOrNoneBindsCorrectlyWhenFirstArgumentIsList(t *testing.T) {
	// Test that the expression binds and type checks correctly
	// and assert that value: Option<'T> when singleOrNone accepts `T[]
	source := "value = singleOrNone([1, 2, 3])"
	program, diags, err := ParseAndBindProgram(t, source, "program.pp")
	assert.NotNil(t, program, "The program doesn't bind")
	assert.Nil(t, err, "There is no bind error")
	assert.Equal(t, len(program.Nodes), 1, "there is one node")
	localVariable, ok := program.Nodes[0].(*pcl.LocalVariable)
	assert.True(t, ok, "first node is a local variable variable")
	assert.Equal(t, localVariable.Name(), "value")
	variableType := localVariable.Type()
	assert.True(t, model.IsOptionalType(variableType), "the type is an optional")
	elementType := pcl.UnwrapOption(variableType)
	assert.True(t, model.IsConstType(elementType), "element type must the type of one element in the list")

func TestBindingInvokeThatReturnsRecursiveType(t *testing.T) {
	source := `value = invoke("recursive:index:getRecursiveType", { name = "foo" })`
	program, diags, err := ParseAndBindProgram(t, source, "program.pp")
	assert.NotNil(t, program, "The program doesn't bind")
	assert.Nil(t, err, "There is no bind error")
	assert.Equal(t, len(program.Nodes), 1, "there is one node")
	localVariable, ok := program.Nodes[0].(*pcl.LocalVariable)
	assert.True(t, ok, "first node is a local variable variable")
	assert.Equal(t, localVariable.Name(), "value")
	variableType := localVariable.Type()
	_, isPromise := variableType.(*model.PromiseType)
	assert.True(t, isPromise, "the type is a promise")