// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved. import * as assert from "assert"; import { Config } from "@pulumi/pulumi"; // Just test that basic config works. const config = new Config("environments_merge"); // This value is plaintext and doesn't require encryption. const value = config.require("aConfigValue"); assert.strictEqual(value, "this value is a value", "'aConfigValue' not the expected value"); // This value is a secret and is encrypted using the passphrase `supersecret`. const secret = config.require("bEncryptedSecret"); assert.strictEqual(secret, "this super secret is encrypted", "'bEncryptedSecret' not the expected value"); const testData: { key: string; expectedJSON: string; expectedObject: any; }[] = [ { key: "outer", expectedJSON: `{"inner":"value"}`, expectedObject: { inner: "value" }, }, { key: "names", expectedJSON: `["a","b","c","super secret name"]`, expectedObject: ["a", "b", "c", "super secret name"], }, { key: "servers", expectedJSON: `[{"host":"example","port":80}]`, expectedObject: [{ host: "example", port: 80 }], }, { key: "a", expectedJSON: `{"b":[{"c":true},{"c":false}]}`, expectedObject: { b: [{ c: true }, { c: false }] }, }, { key: "tokens", expectedJSON: `["shh"]`, expectedObject: ["shh"], }, { key: "foo", expectedJSON: `{"bar":"don't tell"}`, expectedObject: { bar: "don't tell" }, }, ]; for (const test of testData) { const json = config.require(test.key); const obj = config.requireObject(test.key); assert.strictEqual(json, test.expectedJSON, `'${test.key}' not the expected JSON`); assert.deepStrictEqual(obj, test.expectedObject, `'${test.key}' not the expected object`); }