// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

/* eslint-disable */

import * as assert from "assert";
import { all, output, Output, unknown } from "../index";

function test(val: any, expected: any) {
    return async () => {
        const unwrapped = output(val);
        const actual = await unwrapped.promise();
        assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, expected);

function testUntouched(val: any) {
    return test(val, val);

function testPromise(val: any) {
    return test(Promise.resolve(val), val);

function testOutput(val: any) {
    return test(output(val), val);

function testResources(
    val: any,
    expected: any,
    resources: TestResource[],
    allResources: TestResource[],
    withUnknowns?: boolean,
) {
    return async () => {
        const unwrapped = output(val);
        const actual = await unwrapped.promise(withUnknowns);

        const syncResources = unwrapped.resources();
        const asyncResources = await unwrapped.allResources!();

        assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, expected);
        assert.deepStrictEqual(syncResources, new Set(resources));
        assert.deepStrictEqual(asyncResources, new Set(allResources));

        for (const res of syncResources) {
            if (!asyncResources.has(<any>res)) {
                assert.fail(`async resources did not contain: ${(<TestResource>(<any>res)).name}`);

class TestResource {
    // fake being a pulumi resource.  We can't actually derive from Resource as that then needs an
    // engine and whatnot.  All things we don't want during simple unit tests.
    private readonly __pulumiResource: boolean = true;

    constructor(public name: string) {}

// Helper type to try to do type asserts.  Note that it's not totally safe.  If TS thinks a type is
// the 'any' type, it will succeed here.  Talking to the TS team, it does not look like there's a
// way to write a totally airtight type assertion.

type EqualsType<X, Y> = X extends Y ? (Y extends X ? X : never) : never;

describe("unwrap", () => {
    describe("handles simple", () => {
        it("null", testUntouched(null));
        it("undefined", testUntouched(undefined));
        it("true", testUntouched(true));
        it("false", testUntouched(false));
        it("0", testUntouched(0));
        it("numbers", testUntouched(4));
        it("empty string", testUntouched(""));
        it("strings", testUntouched("foo"));
        it("arrays", testUntouched([]));
        it("object", testUntouched({}));
            testUntouched(() => {}),

    describe("handles promises", () => {
        it("with null", testPromise(null));
        it("with undefined", testPromise(undefined));
        it("with true", testPromise(true));
        it("with false", testPromise(false));
        it("with 0", testPromise(0));
        it("with numbers", testPromise(4));
        it("with empty string", testPromise(""));
        it("with strings", testPromise("foo"));
        it("with array", testPromise([]));
        it("with object", testPromise({}));
            "with function",
            testPromise(() => {}),
        it("with nested promise", test(Promise.resolve(Promise.resolve(4)), 4));

    describe("handles outputs", () => {
        it("with null", testOutput(null));
        it("with undefined", testOutput(undefined));
        it("with true", testOutput(true));
        it("with false", testOutput(false));
        it("with 0", testOutput(0));
        it("with numbers", testOutput(4));
        it("with empty string", testOutput(""));
        it("with strings", testOutput("foo"));
        it("with array", testOutput([]));
        it("with object", testOutput({}));
            "with function",
            testOutput(() => {}),
        it("with nested output", test(output(output(4)), 4));
        it("with output of promise", test(output(Promise.resolve(4)), 4));

    describe("handles arrays", () => {
        it("empty", testUntouched([]));
        it("with primitives", testUntouched([1, true]));
        it("with inner promise", test([1, true, Promise.resolve("")], [1, true, ""]));
        it("with inner and outer promise", test(Promise.resolve([1, true, Promise.resolve("")]), [1, true, ""]));
        it("recursion", test([1, Promise.resolve(""), [true, Promise.resolve(4)]], [1, "", [true, 4]]));

    describe("handles complex object", () => {
        it("empty", testUntouched({}));
        it("with primitives", testUntouched({ a: 1, b: true, c: () => {} }));
        it("with inner promise", test({ a: 1, b: true, c: Promise.resolve("") }, { a: 1, b: true, c: "" }));
            "with inner and outer promise",
            test(Promise.resolve({ a: 1, b: true, c: Promise.resolve("") }), { a: 1, b: true, c: "" }),
                { a: 1, b: Promise.resolve(""), c: { d: true, e: Promise.resolve(4) } },
                { a: 1, b: "", c: { d: true, e: 4 } },

    function createOutput<T>(cv: T, ...resources: TestResource[]): Output<T> {
        return Output.isInstance<T>(cv)
            ? cv
            : new Output(
                  <any>new Set(resources),
                  Promise.resolve(<any>new Set(resources)),

    describe("preserves resources", () => {
        const r1 = new TestResource("r1");
        const r2 = new TestResource("r2");
        const r3 = new TestResource("r3");
        const r4 = new TestResource("r4");
        const r5 = new TestResource("r5");
        const r6 = new TestResource("r6");

        // assert.deepEqual(r1, r2);

        it("with single output", testResources(createOutput(3, r1, r2), 3, [r1, r2], [r1, r2]));

        it("inside array", testResources([createOutput(3, r1, r2)], [3], [r1, r2], [r1, r2]));

            "inside multi array",
            testResources([createOutput(1, r1, r2), createOutput(2, r2, r3)], [1, 2], [r1, r2, r3], [r1, r2, r3]),

            "inside nested array",
                [createOutput(1, r1, r2), createOutput(2, r2, r3), [createOutput(3, r5)]],
                [1, 2, [3]],
                [r1, r2, r3, r5],
                [r1, r2, r3, r5],

        it("inside object", testResources({ a: createOutput(3, r1, r2) }, { a: 3 }, [r1, r2], [r1, r2]));

            "inside multi object",
                { a: createOutput(1, r1, r2), b: createOutput(2, r2, r3) },
                { a: 1, b: 2 },
                [r1, r2, r3],
                [r1, r2, r3],

            "inside nested object",
                { a: createOutput(1, r1, r2), b: createOutput(2, r2, r3), c: { d: createOutput(3, r5) } },
                { a: 1, b: 2, c: { d: 3 } },
                [r1, r2, r3, r5],
                [r1, r2, r3, r5],

        it("across inner promise", testResources(createOutput(Promise.resolve(3), r1, r2), 3, [r1, r2], [r1, r2]));

        describe("with unknowns", () => {
                "across 'all' without unknowns",
                        Promise.resolve({ a: createOutput(unknown, r1, r2) }),
                        Promise.resolve({ b: createOutput(unknown, r3, r4) }),
                    [r1, r2, r3, r4],

                "across 'all' with unknowns",
                        Promise.resolve({ a: createOutput(unknown, r1, r2) }),
                        Promise.resolve({ b: createOutput(unknown, r3, r4) }),
                    [{ a: unknown }, { b: unknown }],
                    [r1, r2, r3, r4],
                    /*withUnknowns:*/ true,

        describe("across promise boundaries", () => {
                "inside and outside of array",
                testResources(createOutput([createOutput(3, r1, r2)], r2, r3), [3], [r2, r3], [r1, r2, r3]),

                "inside and outside of object",
                testResources(createOutput({ a: createOutput(3, r1, r2) }, r2, r3), { a: 3 }, [r2, r3], [r1, r2, r3]),

                "inside nested object and array",
                        a: createOutput(1, r1, r2),
                        b: createOutput(2, r2, r3),
                        c: { d: createOutput([createOutput(3, r5)], r6) },
                    { a: 1, b: 2, c: { d: [3] } },
                    [r1, r2, r3, r6],
                    [r1, r2, r3, r5, r6],

                "inside nested array and object",
                        a: createOutput(1, r1, r2),
                        b: createOutput(2, r2, r3),
                        c: createOutput([{ d: createOutput(3, r5) }], r6),
                    { a: 1, b: 2, c: [{ d: 3 }] },
                    [r1, r2, r3, r6],
                    [r1, r2, r3, r5, r6],

            it("across outer promise", testResources(Promise.resolve(createOutput(3, r1, r2)), 3, [], [r1, r2]));

                "across inner and outer promise",
                testResources(Promise.resolve(createOutput(Promise.resolve(3), r1, r2)), 3, [], [r1, r2]),

                "across promise and inner object",
                    Promise.resolve(createOutput(Promise.resolve({ a: createOutput(1, r4, r5) }), r1, r2)),
                    { a: 1 },
                    [r1, r2, r4, r5],

                "across promise and inner array and object",
                    Promise.resolve(createOutput([Promise.resolve({ a: createOutput(1, r4, r5) })], r1, r2)),
                    [{ a: 1 }],
                    [r1, r2, r4, r5],

                "across inner object",
                    createOutput(Promise.resolve({ a: createOutput(1, r4, r5) }), r1, r2),
                    { a: 1 },
                    [r1, r2],
                    [r1, r2, r4, r5],

                "across 'all'",
                        Promise.resolve({ a: createOutput(1, r1, r2) }),
                        Promise.resolve({ b: createOutput(2, r3, r4) }),
                    [{ a: 1 }, { b: 2 }],
                    [r1, r2, r3, r4],

    describe("type system", () => {
        it("across promises", async () => {
            var v = { a: 1, b: Promise.resolve(""), c: { d: true, e: Promise.resolve(4) } };
            var xOutput = output(v);
            var x = await xOutput.promise();

            // Ensure that ts thinks that 'e' is a number.
            const z: EqualsType<typeof x.c.e, number> = 1;

            // The runtime value better be a number;

        it("across nested promises", async () => {
            var v = { a: 1, b: Promise.resolve(""), c: Promise.resolve({ d: true, e: Promise.resolve(4) }) };
            var xOutput = output(v);
            var x = await xOutput.promise();

            // Ensure that ts thinks that 'e' is a number.
            const z: EqualsType<typeof x.c.e, number> = 1;

            // The runtime value better be a number;

        it("across outputs", async () => {
            var v = { a: 1, b: Promise.resolve(""), c: output({ d: true, e: [4, 5, 6] }) };
            var xOutput = output(v);
            var x = await xOutput.promise();

            // Ensure that ts thinks that 'e' is an array of numbers;
            const z: EqualsType<typeof x.c.e, number[]> = x.c.e;

            // The runtime value better be a number[]

        it("across nested outputs", async () => {
            var v = { a: 1, b: Promise.resolve(""), c: output({ d: true, e: output([4, 5, 6]) }) };
            var xOutput = output(v);
            var x = await xOutput.promise();

            // Ensure that ts thinks that 'e' is an array of numbers;
            const z: EqualsType<typeof x.c.e, number[]> = x.c.e;

            // The runtime value better be a number[]

        it("across promise and output", async () => {
            var v = { a: 1, b: Promise.resolve(""), c: Promise.resolve({ d: true, e: output([4, 5, 6]) }) };
            var xOutput = output(v);
            var x = await xOutput.promise();

            // Ensure that ts thinks that 'e' is an array of numbers;
            const z: EqualsType<typeof x.c.e, number[]> = x.c.e;

            // The runtime value better be a number[]

        it("across output and promise", async () => {
            var v = { a: 1, b: Promise.resolve(""), c: output({ d: true, e: Promise.resolve([4, 5, 6]) }) };
            var xOutput = output(v);
            var x = await xOutput.promise();

            // Ensure that ts thinks that 'e' is an array of numbers;
            const z: EqualsType<typeof x.c.e, number[]> = x.c.e;

            // The runtime value better be a number[]

        it("does not wrap functions", async () => {
            var sentinel = function (_: () => void) {};

            // `v` should be type `() => void` rather than `UnwrappedObject<void>`.
            output(function () {}).apply((v) => sentinel(v));

        "handles all in one",
        test(Promise.resolve([1, output({ a: [Promise.resolve([1, 2, { b: true, c: null }, undefined])] })]), [
            { a: [[1, 2, { b: true, c: null }, undefined]] },