#!/bin/bash # Usage build-sdk.sh [version-tag] [pulumi-cloud-ref-name] # # version-tag defaults to current date and time # ref-name defaults to master (can be a branch or tag name) set -o nounset set -o errexit set -o pipefail readonly SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${0}" )" && pwd )" readonly S3_PROD_BUCKET_ROOT="s3://get.pulumi.com/releases" readonly S3_ENG_BUCKET_ROOT="s3://eng.pulumi.com/releases" readonly S3_PUBLISH_FOLDER_SDK="${S3_PROD_BUCKET_ROOT}/sdk" # This function downloads a specific release and into the current working directory # usage: download_release <repo-name> <commitish> download_release() { local -r repo_name="${1}" local -r repo_commit="${2}" echo "downloading ${repo_name}@${repo_commit}" local -r file=${repo_commit}.tgz local -r s3_file=${S3_ENG_BUCKET_ROOT}/${repo_name}/${OS}/amd64/${file} # Use AWS CLI to download the package corresponding to the component from S3 bucket if ! aws s3 cp --only-show-errors "${s3_file}" "./${file}" 2> /dev/null; then >&2 echo "failed to download ${s3_file}" exit 1 fi } # This function downloads and extracts a specific release and into the current working directory # usage: download_and_extract_release <repo-name> <commitish> download_and_extract_release() { local -r repo_name="${1}" local -r repo_commit="${2}" local -r file="${repo_commit}.tgz" download_release "${repo_name}" "${repo_commit}" if ! tar -xzf "${file}" 2> /dev/null; then >&2 echo "failed to untar ${file}" exit 1 fi rm "./${file}" } # get the OS version OS="" case $(uname) in "Linux") OS=linux;; "Darwin") OS=darwin;; *) echo "error: unknown host os $(uname)" ; exit 1;; esac readonly SDK_FILENAME=pulumi-${1:-$(date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")}-${OS}-x64.tar.gz readonly PULUMI_REF=${2:-master} # setup temporary folder to process the package readonly PULUMI_FOLDER=$(mktemp -d)/pulumi mkdir -p "${PULUMI_FOLDER}" cd "${PULUMI_FOLDER}" download_and_extract_release pulumi "${PULUMI_REF}" # All node packages are now delivered via npm, so remove the node_modules folder. rm -rf "${PULUMI_FOLDER}/node_modules" # Promote the binaries to the top level and delete the bin folder. mv "${PULUMI_FOLDER}/bin"/* "${PULUMI_FOLDER}/" rm -rf "${PULUMI_FOLDER}/bin" readonly SDK_PACKAGE_PATH=$(mktemp) echo "compressing package to ${SDK_PACKAGE_PATH}" cd .. if ! tar -zcf "${SDK_PACKAGE_PATH}" pulumi; then >&2 echo "failed to compress package" exit 1 fi echo "${SDK_PACKAGE_PATH}" # rel.pulumi.com is in our production account, so assume that role first. readonly CREDS_JSON=$(aws sts assume-role \ --role-arn "arn:aws:iam::058607598222:role/UploadPulumiReleases" \ --role-session-name "upload-sdk" \ --external-id "upload-pulumi-release") # Extract the assumed role's credentials into specific env vars. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(echo "${CREDS_JSON}" | jq ".Credentials.AccessKeyId" --raw-output) export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(echo "${CREDS_JSON}" | jq ".Credentials.SecretAccessKey" --raw-output) export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN=$(echo "${CREDS_JSON}" | jq ".Credentials.SessionToken" --raw-output) export AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN aws s3 cp --acl public-read --only-show-errors "${SDK_PACKAGE_PATH}" "${S3_PUBLISH_FOLDER_SDK}/${SDK_FILENAME}" rm "${SDK_PACKAGE_PATH}" rm -rf "${PULUMI_FOLDER:?}" echo "done" exit 0