using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Pulumi; using Aws = Pulumi.Aws; return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => { // Create a new security group for port 80. var securityGroup = new Aws.Ec2.SecurityGroup("securityGroup", new() { Ingress = new[] { new Aws.Ec2.Inputs.SecurityGroupIngressArgs { Protocol = "tcp", FromPort = 0, ToPort = 0, CidrBlocks = new[] { "", }, }, }, }); // Get the ID for the latest Amazon Linux AMI. var ami = Aws.GetAmi.Invoke(new() { Filters = new[] { new Aws.Inputs.GetAmiFilterInputArgs { Name = "name", Values = new[] { "amzn-ami-hvm-*-x86_64-ebs", }, }, }, Owners = new[] { "137112412989", }, MostRecent = true, }); // Create a simple web server using the startup script for the instance. var server = new Aws.Ec2.Instance("server", new() { Tags = { { "Name", "web-server-www" }, }, InstanceType = Aws.Ec2.InstanceType.T2_Micro, SecurityGroups = new[] { securityGroup.Name, }, Ami = ami.Apply(getAmiResult => getAmiResult.Id), UserData = @"#!/bin/bash echo ""Hello, World!"" > index.html nohup python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80 & ", }); return new Dictionary<string, object?> { ["publicIp"] = server.PublicIp, ["publicHostName"] = server.PublicDns, }; });