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227 lines
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// Copyright 2016-2019, Pulumi Corporation
using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using Google.Protobuf.Collections;
using Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes;
namespace Pulumi.Serialization
internal static class Deserializer
private static OutputData<T> DeserializeCore<T>(Value value, Func<Value, OutputData<T>> func)
var (innerVal, isSecret) = UnwrapSecret(value);
value = innerVal;
if (value.KindCase == Value.KindOneofCase.StringValue &&
value.StringValue == Constants.UnknownValue)
// always deserialize unknown as the null value.
return new OutputData<T>(
ImmutableHashSet<Resource>.Empty, default!, isKnown: false, isSecret);
if (TryDeserializeAssetOrArchive(value, out var assetOrArchive))
return new OutputData<T>(
ImmutableHashSet<Resource>.Empty, (T)(object)assetOrArchive, isKnown: true, isSecret);
var innerData = func(value);
return OutputData.Create(
innerData.Resources, innerData.Value, innerData.IsKnown, isSecret || innerData.IsSecret);
private static OutputData<T> DeserializeOneOf<T>(Value value, Value.KindOneofCase kind, Func<Value, OutputData<T>> func)
=> DeserializeCore(value, v =>
v.KindCase == kind ? func(v) : throw new InvalidOperationException($"Trying to deserialize {v.KindCase} as a {kind}"));
private static OutputData<T> DeserializePrimitive<T>(Value value, Value.KindOneofCase kind, Func<Value, T> func)
=> DeserializeOneOf(value, kind, v => OutputData.Create(
ImmutableHashSet<Resource>.Empty, func(v), isKnown: true, isSecret: false));
private static OutputData<bool> DeserializeBoolean(Value value)
=> DeserializePrimitive(value, Value.KindOneofCase.BoolValue, v => v.BoolValue);
private static OutputData<string> DeserializerString(Value value)
=> DeserializePrimitive(value, Value.KindOneofCase.StringValue, v => v.StringValue);
private static OutputData<double> DeserializerDouble(Value value)
=> DeserializePrimitive(value, Value.KindOneofCase.NumberValue, v => v.NumberValue);
private static OutputData<ImmutableArray<object?>> DeserializeList(Value value)
=> DeserializeOneOf(value, Value.KindOneofCase.ListValue,
v =>
var resources = ImmutableHashSet.CreateBuilder<Resource>();
var result = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder<object?>();
var isKnown = true;
var isSecret = false;
foreach (var element in v.ListValue.Values)
var elementData = Deserialize(element);
(isKnown, isSecret) = OutputData.Combine(elementData, isKnown, isSecret);
return OutputData.Create(
resources.ToImmutable(), result.ToImmutable(), isKnown, isSecret);
private static OutputData<ImmutableDictionary<string, object?>> DeserializeStruct(Value value)
=> DeserializeOneOf(value, Value.KindOneofCase.StructValue,
v =>
var resources = ImmutableHashSet.CreateBuilder<Resource>();
var result = ImmutableDictionary.CreateBuilder<string, object?>();
var isKnown = true;
var isSecret = false;
foreach (var (key, element) in v.StructValue.Fields)
// Unilaterally skip properties considered internal by the Pulumi engine.
// These don't actually contribute to the exposed shape of the object, do
// not need to be passed back to the engine, and often will not match the
// expected type we are deserializing into.
if (key.StartsWith("__"))
var elementData = Deserialize(element);
(isKnown, isSecret) = OutputData.Combine(elementData, isKnown, isSecret);
result.Add(key, elementData.Value);
return OutputData.Create(
resources.ToImmutable(), result.ToImmutable(), isKnown, isSecret);
public static OutputData<object?> Deserialize(Value value)
=> DeserializeCore(value,
v => v.KindCase switch
Value.KindOneofCase.NumberValue => DeserializerDouble(v),
Value.KindOneofCase.StringValue => DeserializerString(v),
Value.KindOneofCase.BoolValue => DeserializeBoolean(v),
Value.KindOneofCase.StructValue => DeserializeStruct(v),
Value.KindOneofCase.ListValue => DeserializeList(v),
Value.KindOneofCase.NullValue => new OutputData<object?>(ImmutableHashSet<Resource>.Empty, null, isKnown: true, isSecret: false),
Value.KindOneofCase.None => throw new InvalidOperationException("Should never get 'None' type when deserializing protobuf"),
_ => throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown type when deserializing protobuf: " + v.KindCase),
private static (Value unwrapped, bool isSecret) UnwrapSecret(Value value)
var isSecret = false;
while (IsSpecialStruct(value, out var sig) &&
sig == Constants.SpecialSecretSig)
if (!value.StructValue.Fields.TryGetValue(Constants.SecretValueName, out var secretValue))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Secrets must have a field called 'value'");
isSecret = true;
value = secretValue;
return (value, isSecret);
private static bool IsSpecialStruct(
Value value, [NotNullWhen(true)] out string? sig)
if (value.KindCase == Value.KindOneofCase.StructValue &&
value.StructValue.Fields.TryGetValue(Constants.SpecialSigKey, out var sigVal) &&
sigVal.KindCase == Value.KindOneofCase.StringValue)
sig = sigVal.StringValue;
return true;
sig = null;
return false;
private static bool TryDeserializeAssetOrArchive(
Value value, [NotNullWhen(true)] out AssetOrArchive? assetOrArchive)
if (IsSpecialStruct(value, out var sig))
if (sig == Constants.SpecialAssetSig)
assetOrArchive = DeserializeAsset(value);
return true;
else if (sig == Constants.SpecialArchiveSig)
assetOrArchive = DeserializeArchive(value);
return true;
assetOrArchive = null;
return false;
private static Archive DeserializeArchive(Value value)
if (TryGetStringValue(value.StructValue.Fields, Constants.AssetOrArchivePathName, out var path))
return new FileArchive(path);
if (TryGetStringValue(value.StructValue.Fields, Constants.AssetOrArchiveUriName, out var uri))
return new RemoteArchive(uri);
if (value.StructValue.Fields.TryGetValue(Constants.ArchiveAssetsName, out var assetsValue))
if (assetsValue.KindCase == Value.KindOneofCase.StructValue)
var assets = ImmutableDictionary.CreateBuilder<string, AssetOrArchive>();
foreach (var (name, val) in assetsValue.StructValue.Fields)
if (!TryDeserializeAssetOrArchive(val, out var innerAssetOrArchive))
throw new InvalidOperationException("AssetArchive contained an element that wasn't itself an Asset or Archive.");
assets[name] = innerAssetOrArchive;
return new AssetArchive(assets.ToImmutable());
throw new InvalidOperationException("Value was marked as Archive, but did not conform to required shape.");
private static Asset DeserializeAsset(Value value)
if (TryGetStringValue(value.StructValue.Fields, Constants.AssetOrArchivePathName, out var path))
return new FileAsset(path);
if (TryGetStringValue(value.StructValue.Fields, Constants.AssetOrArchiveUriName, out var uri))
return new RemoteAsset(uri);
if (TryGetStringValue(value.StructValue.Fields, Constants.AssetTextName, out var text))
return new StringAsset(text);
throw new InvalidOperationException("Value was marked as Asset, but did not conform to required shape.");
private static bool TryGetStringValue(
MapField<string, Value> fields, string keyName, [NotNullWhen(true)] out string? result)
if (fields.TryGetValue(keyName, out var value) &&
value.KindCase == Value.KindOneofCase.StringValue)
result = value.StringValue;
return true;
result = null;
return false;