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224 lines
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// Copyright 2016-2021, Pulumi Corporation
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes;
namespace Pulumi
public partial class Deployment
private async Task<PrepareResult> PrepareResourceAsync(
string label, Resource res, bool custom, bool remote,
ResourceArgs args, ResourceOptions options)
/* IMPORTANT! We should never await prior to this line, otherwise the Resource will be partly uninitialized. */
// Before we can proceed, all our dependencies must be finished.
var type = res.GetResourceType();
var name = res.GetResourceName();
LogExcessive($"Gathering explicit dependencies: t={type}, name={name}, custom={custom}, remote={remote}");
var explicitDirectDependencies = new HashSet<Resource>(
await GatherExplicitDependenciesAsync(options.DependsOn).ConfigureAwait(false));
LogExcessive($"Gathered explicit dependencies: t={type}, name={name}, custom={custom}, remote={remote}");
// Serialize out all our props to their final values. In doing so, we'll also collect all
// the Resources pointed to by any Dependency objects we encounter, adding them to 'propertyDependencies'.
LogExcessive($"Serializing properties: t={type}, name={name}, custom={custom}, remote={remote}");
var dictionary = await args.ToDictionaryAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
var (serializedProps, propertyToDirectDependencies) =
await SerializeResourcePropertiesAsync(
await this.MonitorSupportsResourceReferences().ConfigureAwait(false),
keepOutputValues: remote && await MonitorSupportsOutputValues().ConfigureAwait(false)).ConfigureAwait(false);
LogExcessive($"Serialized properties: t={type}, name={name}, custom={custom}, remote={remote}");
// Wait for the parent to complete.
// If no parent was provided, parent to the root resource.
LogExcessive($"Getting parent urn: t={type}, name={name}, custom={custom}, remote={remote}");
var parentUrn = options.Parent != null
? await options.Parent.Urn.GetValueAsync(whenUnknown: default!).ConfigureAwait(false)
: await GetRootResourceAsync(type).ConfigureAwait(false);
LogExcessive($"Got parent urn: t={type}, name={name}, custom={custom}, remote={remote}");
string? providerRef = null;
if (custom)
var customOpts = options as CustomResourceOptions;
providerRef = await ProviderResource.RegisterAsync(customOpts?.Provider).ConfigureAwait(false);
var providerRefs = new Dictionary<string, string>();
if (remote && options is ComponentResourceOptions componentOpts)
// If only the Provider opt is set, move it to the Providers list for further processing.
if (componentOpts.Provider != null && componentOpts.Providers.Count == 0)
componentOpts.Provider = null;
foreach (var provider in componentOpts.Providers)
var pref = await ProviderResource.RegisterAsync(provider).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (pref != null)
providerRefs.Add(provider.Package, pref);
// Collect the URNs for explicit/implicit dependencies for the engine so that it can understand
// the dependency graph and optimize operations accordingly.
// The list of all dependencies (implicit or explicit).
var allDirectDependencies = new HashSet<Resource>(explicitDirectDependencies);
var allDirectDependencyUrns = await GetAllTransitivelyReferencedResourceUrnsAsync(explicitDirectDependencies).ConfigureAwait(false);
var propertyToDirectDependencyUrns = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>>();
foreach (var (propertyName, directDependencies) in propertyToDirectDependencies)
var urns = await GetAllTransitivelyReferencedResourceUrnsAsync(directDependencies).ConfigureAwait(false);
propertyToDirectDependencyUrns[propertyName] = urns;
// Wait for all aliases. Note that we use 'res._aliases' instead of 'options.aliases' as
// the former has been processed in the Resource constructor prior to calling
// 'registerResource' - both adding new inherited aliases and simplifying aliases down
// to URNs.
var aliases = new List<string>();
var uniqueAliases = new HashSet<string>();
foreach (var alias in res._aliases)
var aliasVal = await alias.ToOutput().GetValueAsync(whenUnknown: "").ConfigureAwait(false);
if (aliasVal != "" && uniqueAliases.Add(aliasVal))
return new PrepareResult(
parentUrn ?? "",
providerRef ?? "",
void LogExcessive(string message)
if (_excessiveDebugOutput)
private static Task<ImmutableArray<Resource>> GatherExplicitDependenciesAsync(InputList<Resource> resources)
=> resources.ToOutput().GetValueAsync(whenUnknown: ImmutableArray<Resource>.Empty);
internal static async Task<HashSet<string>> GetAllTransitivelyReferencedResourceUrnsAsync(
HashSet<Resource> resources)
// Go through 'resources', but transitively walk through **Component** resources, collecting any
// of their child resources. This way, a Component acts as an aggregation really of all the
// reachable resources it parents. This walking will stop when it hits custom resources.
// This function also terminates at remote components, whose children are not known to the Node SDK directly.
// Remote components will always wait on all of their children, so ensuring we return the remote component
// itself here and waiting on it will accomplish waiting on all of it's children regardless of whether they
// are returned explicitly here.
// In other words, if we had:
// Comp1
// / | \
// Cust1 Comp2 Remote1
// / \ \
// Cust2 Cust3 Comp3
// / \
// Cust4 Cust5
// Then the transitively reachable resources of Comp1 will be [Cust1, Cust2, Cust3, Remote1]. It
// will *not* include:
// * Cust4 because it is a child of a custom resource
// * Comp2 because it is a non-remote component resoruce
// * Comp3 and Cust5 because Comp3 is a child of a remote component resource
var transitivelyReachableResources = GetTransitivelyReferencedChildResourcesOfComponentResources(resources);
var transitivelyReachableCustomResources = transitivelyReachableResources.Where(res =>
switch (res)
case CustomResource _: return true;
case ComponentResource component: return component.remote;
default: return false; // Unreachable
var tasks = transitivelyReachableCustomResources.Select(r => r.Urn.GetValueAsync(whenUnknown: ""));
var urns = await Task.WhenAll(tasks).ConfigureAwait(false);
return new HashSet<string>(urns.Where(urn => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(urn)));
/// <summary>
/// Recursively walk the resources passed in, returning them and all resources reachable from
/// <see cref="Resource.ChildResources"/> through any **Component** resources we encounter.
/// </summary>
private static HashSet<Resource> GetTransitivelyReferencedChildResourcesOfComponentResources(HashSet<Resource> resources)
// Recursively walk the dependent resources through their children, adding them to the result set.
var result = new HashSet<Resource>();
AddTransitivelyReferencedChildResourcesOfComponentResources(resources, result);
return result;
private static void AddTransitivelyReferencedChildResourcesOfComponentResources(HashSet<Resource> resources, HashSet<Resource> result)
foreach (var resource in resources)
if (result.Add(resource))
if (resource is ComponentResource)
HashSet<Resource> childResources;
lock (resource.ChildResources)
childResources = new HashSet<Resource>(resource.ChildResources);
AddTransitivelyReferencedChildResourcesOfComponentResources(childResources, result);
private readonly struct PrepareResult
public readonly Struct SerializedProps;
public readonly string ParentUrn;
public readonly string ProviderRef;
public readonly Dictionary<string, string> ProviderRefs;
public readonly HashSet<string> AllDirectDependencyUrns;
public readonly Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>> PropertyToDirectDependencyUrns;
public readonly List<string> Aliases;
public PrepareResult(Struct serializedProps, string parentUrn, string providerRef, Dictionary<string, string> providerRefs, HashSet<string> allDirectDependencyUrns, Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>> propertyToDirectDependencyUrns, List<string> aliases)
SerializedProps = serializedProps;
ParentUrn = parentUrn;
ProviderRef = providerRef;
ProviderRefs = providerRefs;
AllDirectDependencyUrns = allDirectDependencyUrns;
PropertyToDirectDependencyUrns = propertyToDirectDependencyUrns;
Aliases = aliases;