
761 lines
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// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package deploy
import (
// stepGenerator is responsible for turning resource events into steps that
// can be fed to the plan executor. It does this by consulting the plan
// and calculating the appropriate step action based on the requested goal
// state and the existing state of the world.
type stepGenerator struct {
plan *Plan // the plan to which this step generator belongs
opts Options // options for this step generator
urns map[resource.URN]bool // set of URNs discovered for this plan
reads map[resource.URN]bool // set of URNs read for this plan
deletes map[resource.URN]bool // set of URNs deleted in this plan
replaces map[resource.URN]bool // set of URNs replaced in this plan
updates map[resource.URN]bool // set of URNs updated in this plan
creates map[resource.URN]bool // set of URNs created in this plan
sames map[resource.URN]bool // set of URNs that were not changed in this plan
pendingDeletes map[*resource.State]bool // set of resources (not URNs!) that are pending deletion
// a map from URN to a list of property keys that caused the replacement of a dependent resource during a
// delete-before-replace.
dependentReplaceKeys map[resource.URN][]resource.PropertyKey
// GenerateReadSteps is responsible for producing one or more steps required to service
// a ReadResourceEvent coming from the language host.
func (sg *stepGenerator) GenerateReadSteps(event ReadResourceEvent) ([]Step, *result.Result) {
urn := sg.plan.generateURN(event.Parent(), event.Type(), event.Name())
newState := resource.NewState(event.Type(),
true, /*custom*/
false, /*delete*/
make(resource.PropertyMap), /* outputs */
false, /*protect*/
true, /*external*/
nil, /* initErrors */
nil, /* propertyDependencies */
old, hasOld := sg.plan.Olds()[urn]
// If the snapshot has an old resource for this URN and it's not external, we're going
// to have to delete the old resource and conceptually replace it with the resource we
// are about to read.
// We accomplish this through the "read-replacement" step, which atomically reads a resource
// and marks the resource it is replacing as pending deletion.
// In the event that the new "read" resource's ID matches the existing resource,
// we do not need to delete the resource - we know exactly what resource we are going
// to get from the read.
// This operation is tenatively called "relinquish" - it semantically represents the
// release of a resource from the management of Pulumi.
if hasOld && !old.External && old.ID != event.ID() {
"stepGenerator.GenerateReadSteps(...): replacing existing resource %s, ids don't match", urn)
sg.replaces[urn] = true
return []Step{
NewReadReplacementStep(sg.plan, event, old, newState),
NewReplaceStep(sg.plan, old, newState, nil, true),
}, nil
if bool(logging.V(7)) && hasOld && old.ID == event.ID() {
logging.V(7).Infof("stepGenerator.GenerateReadSteps(...): recognized relinquish of resource %s", urn)
sg.reads[urn] = true
return []Step{
NewReadStep(sg.plan, event, old, newState),
}, nil
// GenerateSteps produces one or more steps required to achieve the goal state
// specified by the incoming RegisterResourceEvent.
// If the given resource is a custom resource, the step generator will invoke Diff
// and Check on the provider associated with that resource. If those fail, an error
// is returned.
func (sg *stepGenerator) GenerateSteps(event RegisterResourceEvent) ([]Step, *result.Result) {
var invalid bool // will be set to true if this object fails validation.
goal := event.Goal()
// generate an URN for this new resource.
urn := sg.plan.generateURN(goal.Parent, goal.Type, goal.Name)
if sg.urns[urn] {
invalid = true
// TODO[pulumi/pulumi-framework#19]: improve this error message!
sg.plan.Diag().Errorf(diag.GetDuplicateResourceURNError(urn), urn)
sg.urns[urn] = true
// Check for an old resource so that we can figure out if this is a create, delete, etc., and/or to diff.
old, hasOld := sg.plan.Olds()[urn]
var oldInputs resource.PropertyMap
var oldOutputs resource.PropertyMap
if hasOld {
oldInputs = old.Inputs
oldOutputs = old.Outputs
// Produce a new state object that we'll build up as operations are performed. Ultimately, this is what will
// get serialized into the checkpoint file.
inputs := goal.Properties
new := resource.NewState(goal.Type, urn, goal.Custom, false, "", inputs, nil, goal.Parent, goal.Protect, false,
goal.Dependencies, goal.InitErrors, goal.Provider, goal.PropertyDependencies, false)
// Fetch the provider for this resource.
prov, err := sg.getResourceProvider(urn, goal.Custom, goal.Provider, goal.Type)
if err != nil {
return nil, result.FromError(err)
// We only allow unknown property values to be exposed to the provider if we are performing an update preview.
allowUnknowns := sg.plan.preview
// We may be re-creating this resource if it got deleted earlier in the execution of this plan.
_, recreating := sg.deletes[urn]
// We may be creating this resource if it previously existed in the snapshot as an External resource
wasExternal := hasOld && old.External
// Ensure the provider is okay with this resource and fetch the inputs to pass to subsequent methods.
if prov != nil {
var failures []plugin.CheckFailure
// If we are re-creating this resource because it was deleted earlier, the old inputs are now
// invalid (they got deleted) so don't consider them. Similarly, if the old resource was External,
// don't consider those inputs since Pulumi does not own them.
if recreating || wasExternal {
inputs, failures, err = prov.Check(urn, nil, goal.Properties, allowUnknowns)
} else {
inputs, failures, err = prov.Check(urn, oldInputs, inputs, allowUnknowns)
if err != nil {
return nil, result.FromError(err)
} else if sg.issueCheckErrors(new, urn, failures) {
invalid = true
new.Inputs = inputs
// Next, give each analyzer -- if any -- a chance to inspect the resource too.
for _, a := range sg.plan.analyzers {
var analyzer plugin.Analyzer
analyzer, err = sg.plan.ctx.Host.Analyzer(a)
if err != nil {
return nil, result.FromError(err)
} else if analyzer == nil {
return nil, result.Errorf("analyzer '%v' could not be loaded from your $PATH", a)
var failures []plugin.AnalyzeFailure
failures, err = analyzer.Analyze(new.Type, inputs)
if err != nil {
return nil, result.FromError(err)
for _, failure := range failures {
invalid = true
diag.GetAnalyzeResourceFailureError(urn), a, urn, failure.Property, failure.Reason)
// If the resource isn't valid, don't proceed any further.
if invalid {
return nil, result.Bail()
// There are four cases we need to consider when figuring out what to do with this resource.
// Case 1: recreating
// In this case, we have seen a resource with this URN before and we have already issued a
// delete step for it. This happens when the engine has to delete a resource before it has
// enough information about whether that resource still exists. A concrete example is
// when a resource depends on a resource that is delete-before-replace: the engine must first
// delete the dependent resource before depending the DBR resource, but the engine can't know
// yet whether the dependent resource is being replaced or deleted.
// In this case, we are seeing the resource again after deleting it, so it must be a replacement.
// Logically, recreating implies hasOld, since in order to delete something it must have
// already existed.
contract.Assert(!recreating || hasOld)
if recreating {
logging.V(7).Infof("Planner decided to re-create replaced resource '%v' deleted due to dependent DBR", urn)
// Unmark this resource as deleted, we now know it's being replaced instead.
delete(sg.deletes, urn)
sg.replaces[urn] = true
keys := sg.dependentReplaceKeys[urn]
return []Step{
NewReplaceStep(sg.plan, old, new, nil, false),
NewCreateReplacementStep(sg.plan, event, old, new, keys, false),
}, nil
// Case 2: wasExternal
// In this case, the resource we are operating upon exists in the old snapshot, but it
// was "external" - Pulumi does not own its lifecycle. Conceptually, this operation is
// akin to "taking ownership" of a resource that we did not previously control.
// Since we are not allowed to manipulate the existing resource, we must create a resource
// to take its place. Since this is technically a replacement operation, we pend deletion of
// read until the end of the plan.
if wasExternal {
logging.V(7).Infof("Planner recognized '%s' as old external resource, creating instead", urn)
sg.creates[urn] = true
if err != nil {
return nil, result.FromError(err)
return []Step{
NewCreateReplacementStep(sg.plan, event, old, new, nil, true),
NewReplaceStep(sg.plan, old, new, nil, true),
}, nil
// Case 3: hasOld
// In this case, the resource we are operating upon now exists in the old snapshot.
// It must be an update or a replace. Which operation we do depends on the the specific change made to the
// resource's properties:
// - If the resource's provider reference changed, the resource must be replaced. This behavior is founded upon
// the assumption that providers are recreated iff their configuration changed in such a way that they are no
// longer able to manage existing resources.
// - Otherwise, we invoke the resource's provider's `Diff` method. If this method indicates that the resource must
// be replaced, we do so. If it does not, we update the resource in place.
if hasOld {
contract.Assert(old != nil && old.Type == new.Type)
var diff plugin.DiffResult
if old.Provider != new.Provider {
diff = plugin.DiffResult{Changes: plugin.DiffSome, ReplaceKeys: []resource.PropertyKey{"provider"}}
} else {
// Determine whether the change resulted in a diff.
d, diffErr := sg.diff(urn, old.ID, oldInputs, oldOutputs, inputs, prov, allowUnknowns)
if diffErr != nil {
// If the plugin indicated that the diff is unavailable, assume that the resource will be updated and
// report the message contained in the error.
if _, ok := diffErr.(plugin.DiffUnavailableError); ok {
d = plugin.DiffResult{Changes: plugin.DiffSome}
sg.plan.ctx.Diag.Warningf(diag.RawMessage(urn, diffErr.Error()))
} else {
return nil, result.FromError(diffErr)
diff = d
// Ensure that we received a sensible response.
if diff.Changes != plugin.DiffNone && diff.Changes != plugin.DiffSome {
return nil, result.Errorf(
"unrecognized diff state for %s: %d", urn, diff.Changes)
// If there were changes, check for a replacement vs. an in-place update.
if diff.Changes == plugin.DiffSome {
if diff.Replace() {
sg.replaces[urn] = true
// If we are going to perform a replacement, we need to recompute the default values. The above logic
// had assumed that we were going to carry them over from the old resource, which is no longer true.
if prov != nil {
var failures []plugin.CheckFailure
inputs, failures, err = prov.Check(urn, nil, goal.Properties, allowUnknowns)
if err != nil {
return nil, result.FromError(err)
} else if sg.issueCheckErrors(new, urn, failures) {
return nil, result.Bail()
new.Inputs = inputs
if logging.V(7) {
logging.V(7).Infof("Planner decided to replace '%v' (oldprops=%v inputs=%v)",
urn, oldInputs, new.Inputs)
// We have two approaches to performing replacements:
// * CreateBeforeDelete: the default mode first creates a new instance of the resource, then
// updates all dependent resources to point to the new one, and finally after all of that,
// deletes the old resource. This ensures minimal downtime.
// * DeleteBeforeCreate: this mode can be used for resources that cannot be tolerate having
// side-by-side old and new instances alive at once. This first deletes the resource and
// then creates the new one. This may result in downtime, so is less preferred. Note that
// until pulumi/pulumi#624 is resolved, we cannot safely perform this operation on resources
// that have dependent resources (we try to delete the resource while they refer to it).
// The provider is responsible for requesting which of these two modes to use.
if diff.DeleteBeforeReplace || goal.DeleteBeforeReplace {
logging.V(7).Infof("Planner decided to delete-before-replacement for resource '%v'", urn)
contract.Assert(sg.plan.depGraph != nil)
// DeleteBeforeCreate implies that we must immediately delete the resource. For correctness,
// we must also eagerly delete all resources that depend directly or indirectly on the resource
// being replaced and would be replaced by a change to the relevant dependency.
// To do this, we'll utilize the dependency information contained in the snapshot if it is
// trustworthy, which is interpreted by the DependencyGraph type.
var steps []Step
if sg.opts.TrustDependencies {
toReplace, err := sg.calculateDependentReplacements(old)
if err != nil {
return nil, result.FromError(err)
// Deletions must occur in reverse dependency order, and `deps` is returned in dependency
// order, so we iterate in reverse.
for i := len(toReplace) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
dependentResource := toReplace[i].res
// If we already deleted this resource due to some other DBR, don't do it again.
if sg.deletes[dependentResource.URN] {
sg.dependentReplaceKeys[dependentResource.URN] = toReplace[i].keys
logging.V(7).Infof("Planner decided to delete '%v' due to dependence on condemned resource '%v'",
dependentResource.URN, urn)
steps = append(steps, NewDeleteReplacementStep(sg.plan, dependentResource, true))
// Mark the condemned resource as deleted. We won't know until later in the plan whether
// or not we're going to be replacing this resource.
sg.deletes[dependentResource.URN] = true
return append(steps,
NewDeleteReplacementStep(sg.plan, old, true),
NewReplaceStep(sg.plan, old, new, diff.ReplaceKeys, false),
NewCreateReplacementStep(sg.plan, event, old, new, diff.ReplaceKeys, false),
), nil
return []Step{
NewCreateReplacementStep(sg.plan, event, old, new, diff.ReplaceKeys, true),
NewReplaceStep(sg.plan, old, new, diff.ReplaceKeys, true),
// note that the delete step is generated "later" on, after all creates/updates finish.
}, nil
// If we fell through, it's an update.
sg.updates[urn] = true
if logging.V(7) {
logging.V(7).Infof("Planner decided to update '%v' (oldprops=%v inputs=%v", urn, oldInputs, new.Inputs)
return []Step{NewUpdateStep(sg.plan, event, old, new, diff.StableKeys)}, nil
// If resource was unchanged, but there were initialization errors, generate an empty update
// step to attempt to "continue" awaiting initialization.
if len(old.InitErrors) > 0 {
sg.updates[urn] = true
return []Step{NewUpdateStep(sg.plan, event, old, new, diff.StableKeys)}, nil
// No need to update anything, the properties didn't change.
sg.sames[urn] = true
if logging.V(7) {
logging.V(7).Infof("Planner decided not to update '%v' (same) (inputs=%v)", urn, new.Inputs)
return []Step{NewSameStep(sg.plan, event, old, new)}, nil
// Case 4: Not Case 1, 2, or 3
// If a resource isn't being recreated and it's not being updated or replaced,
// it's just being created.
sg.creates[urn] = true
logging.V(7).Infof("Planner decided to create '%v' (inputs=%v)", urn, new.Inputs)
return []Step{NewCreateStep(sg.plan, event, new)}, nil
func (sg *stepGenerator) GenerateDeletes() []Step {
// To compute the deletion list, we must walk the list of old resources *backwards*. This is because the list is
// stored in dependency order, and earlier elements are possibly leaf nodes for later elements. We must not delete
// dependencies prior to their dependent nodes.
var dels []Step
if prev := sg.plan.prev; prev != nil {
for i := len(prev.Resources) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
// If this resource is explicitly marked for deletion or wasn't seen at all, delete it.
res := prev.Resources[i]
if res.Delete {
// The below assert is commented-out because it's believed to be wrong.
// The original justification for this assert is that the author (swgillespie) believed that
// it was impossible for a single URN to be deleted multiple times in the same program.
// This has empirically been proven to be false - it is possible using today engine to construct
// a series of actions that puts arbitrarily many pending delete resources with the same URN in
// the snapshot.
// It is not clear whether or not this is OK. I (swgillespie), the author of this comment, have
// seen no evidence that it is *not* OK. However, concerns were raised about what this means for
// structural resources, and so until that question is answered, I am leaving this comment and
// assert in the code.
// Regardless, it is better to admit strange behavior in corner cases than it is to crash the CLI
// whenever we see multiple deletes for the same URN.
// contract.Assert(!sg.deletes[res.URN])
if sg.pendingDeletes[res] {
"Planner ignoring pending-delete resource (%v, %v) that was already deleted", res.URN, res.ID)
if sg.deletes[res.URN] {
"Planner is deleting pending-delete urn '%v' that has already been deleted", res.URN)
logging.V(7).Infof("Planner decided to delete '%v' due to replacement", res.URN)
sg.deletes[res.URN] = true
dels = append(dels, NewDeleteReplacementStep(sg.plan, res, false))
} else if !sg.sames[res.URN] && !sg.updates[res.URN] && !sg.replaces[res.URN] && !sg.reads[res.URN] {
// NOTE: we deliberately do not check sg.deletes here, as it is possible for us to issue multiple
// delete steps for the same URN if the old checkpoint contained pending deletes.
logging.V(7).Infof("Planner decided to delete '%v'", res.URN)
sg.deletes[res.URN] = true
if !res.PendingReplacement {
dels = append(dels, NewDeleteStep(sg.plan, res))
} else {
dels = append(dels, NewRemovePendingReplaceStep(sg.plan, res))
return dels
// GeneratePendingDeletes generates delete steps for all resources that are pending deletion. This function should be
// called at the start of a plan in order to find all resources that are pending deletion from the prevous plan.
func (sg *stepGenerator) GeneratePendingDeletes() []Step {
var dels []Step
if prev := sg.plan.prev; prev != nil {
logging.V(7).Infof("stepGenerator.GeneratePendingDeletes(): scanning previous snapshot for pending deletes")
for i := len(prev.Resources) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
res := prev.Resources[i]
if res.Delete {
"stepGenerator.GeneratePendingDeletes(): resource (%v, %v) is pending deletion", res.URN, res.ID)
sg.pendingDeletes[res] = true
dels = append(dels, NewDeleteStep(sg.plan, res))
return dels
// scheduleDeletes takes a list of steps that will delete resources and "schedules" them by producing a list of list of
// steps, where each list can be executed in parallel but a previous list must be executed to completion before advacing
// to the next list.
// In lieu of tracking per-step dependencies and orienting the step executor around these dependencies, this function
// provides a conservative approximation of what deletions can safely occur in parallel. The insight here is that the
// resource dependency graph is a partially-ordered set and all partially-ordered sets can be easily decomposed into
// antichains - subsets of the set that are all not comparable to one another. (In this definition, "not comparable"
// means "do not depend on one another").
// The algorithm for decomposing a poset into antichains is:
// 1. While there exist elements in the poset,
// 1a. There must exist at least one "maximal" element of the poset. Let E_max be those elements.
// 2a. Remove all elements E_max from the poset. E_max is an antichain.
// 3a. Goto 1.
// Translated to our dependency graph:
// 1. While the set of condemned resources is not empty:
// 1a. Remove all resources with no outgoing edges from the graph and add them to the current antichain.
// 2a. Goto 1.
// The resulting list of antichains is a list of list of steps that can be safely executed in parallel. Since we must
// process deletes in reverse (so we don't delete resources upon which other resources depend), we reverse the list and
// hand it back to the plan executor for safe execution.
func (sg *stepGenerator) ScheduleDeletes(deleteSteps []Step) []antichain {
var antichains []antichain // the list of parallelizable steps we intend to return.
dg := sg.plan.depGraph // the current plan's dependency graph.
condemned := make(graph.ResourceSet) // the set of condemned resources.
stepMap := make(map[*resource.State]Step) // a map from resource states to the steps that delete them.
// If we don't trust the dependency graph we've been given, we must be conservative and delete everything serially.
if !sg.opts.TrustDependencies {
logging.V(7).Infof("Planner does not trust dependency graph, scheduling deletions serially")
for _, step := range deleteSteps {
antichains = append(antichains, antichain{step})
return antichains
logging.V(7).Infof("Planner trusts dependency graph, scheduling deletions in parallel")
// For every step we've been given, record it as condemned and save the step that will be used to delete it. We'll
// iteratively place these steps into antichains as we remove elements from the condemned set.
for _, step := range deleteSteps {
condemned[step.Res()] = true
stepMap[step.Res()] = step
for len(condemned) > 0 {
var steps antichain
logging.V(7).Infof("Planner beginning schedule of new deletion antichain")
for res := range condemned {
// Does res have any outgoing edges to resources that haven't already been removed from the graph?
condemnedDependencies := dg.DependenciesOf(res).Intersect(condemned)
if len(condemnedDependencies) == 0 {
// If not, it's safe to delete res at this stage.
logging.V(7).Infof("Planner scheduling deletion of '%v'", res.URN)
steps = append(steps, stepMap[res])
// If one of this resource's dependencies or this resource's parent hasn't been removed from the graph yet,
// it can't be deleted this round.
// For all reosurces that are to be deleted in this round, remove them from the graph.
for _, step := range steps {
delete(condemned, step.Res())
antichains = append(antichains, steps)
// Up until this point, all logic has been "backwards" - we're scheduling resources for deletion when all of their
// dependencies finish deletion, but that's exactly the opposite of what we need to do. We can only delete a
// resource when all *resources that depend on it* complete deletion. Our solution is still correct, though, it's
// just backwards.
// All we have to do here is reverse the list and then our solution is correct.
for i := len(antichains)/2 - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
opp := len(antichains) - 1 - i
antichains[i], antichains[opp] = antichains[opp], antichains[i]
return antichains
// diff returns a DiffResult for the given resource.
func (sg *stepGenerator) diff(urn resource.URN, id resource.ID, oldInputs, oldOutputs, newInputs resource.PropertyMap,
prov plugin.Provider, allowUnknowns bool) (plugin.DiffResult, error) {
// Workaround #1251: unexpected replaces.
// The legacy/desired behavior here is that if the provider-calculated inputs for a resource did not change,
// then the resource itself should not change. Unfortunately, we (correctly?) pass the entire current state
// of the resource to Diff, which includes calculated/output properties that may differ from those present
// in the input properties. This can cause unexpected diffs.
// For now, simply apply the legacy diffing behavior before deferring to the provider.
if oldInputs.DeepEquals(newInputs) {
return plugin.DiffResult{Changes: plugin.DiffNone}, nil
// If there is no provider for this resource, simply return a "diffs exist" result.
if prov == nil {
return plugin.DiffResult{Changes: plugin.DiffSome}, nil
// Grab the diff from the provider. At this point we know that there were changes to the Pulumi inputs, so if the
// provider returns an "unknown" diff result, pretend it returned "diffs exist".
diff, err := prov.Diff(urn, id, oldOutputs, newInputs, allowUnknowns)
if err != nil {
return diff, err
if diff.Changes == plugin.DiffUnknown {
diff.Changes = plugin.DiffSome
return diff, nil
// issueCheckErrors prints any check errors to the diagnostics sink.
func (sg *stepGenerator) issueCheckErrors(new *resource.State, urn resource.URN,
failures []plugin.CheckFailure) bool {
if len(failures) == 0 {
return false
inputs := new.Inputs
for _, failure := range failures {
if failure.Property != "" {
new.Type, urn.Name(), failure.Property, inputs[failure.Property], failure.Reason)
} else {
diag.GetResourceInvalidError(urn), new.Type, urn.Name(), failure.Reason)
return true
func (sg *stepGenerator) getResourceProvider(
urn resource.URN, custom bool, provider string, typ tokens.Type) (plugin.Provider, error) {
// If this is not a custom resource, then it has no provider by definition.
if !custom {
return nil, nil
// If this resource is a provider resource, use the plan's provider registry for its CRUD operations.
// Otherwise, resolve the the resource's provider reference.
if providers.IsProviderType(typ) {
return sg.plan.providers, nil
contract.Assert(provider != "")
ref, refErr := providers.ParseReference(provider)
if refErr != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("bad provider reference '%v' for resource '%v': %v", provider, urn, refErr)
p, ok := sg.plan.GetProvider(ref)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.Errorf("unknown provider '%v' for resource '%v'", ref, urn)
return p, nil
type dependentReplace struct {
res *resource.State
keys []resource.PropertyKey
func (sg *stepGenerator) calculateDependentReplacements(root *resource.State) ([]dependentReplace, error) {
// We need to compute the set of resources that may be replaced by a change to the resource under consideration.
// We do this by taking the complete set of transitive dependents on the resource under consideration and
// removing any resources that would not be replaced by changes to their dependencies. We determine whether or not
// a resource may be replaced by substituting unknowns for input properties that may change due to deletion of the
// resources their value depends on and calling the resource provider's `Diff` method.
// This is perhaps clearer when described by example. Consider the following dependency graph:
// A
// __|__
// B C
// | _|_
// D E F
// In this graph, all of B, C, D, E, and F transitively depend on A. It may be the case, however, that changes to
// the specific properties of any of those resources R that would occur if a resource on the path to A were deleted
// and recreated may not cause R to be replaced. For example, the edge from B to A may be a simple `dependsOn` edge
// such that a change to B does not actually influence any of B's input properties. More commonly, the edge from B
// to A may be due to a property from A being used as the input to a property of B that does not require B to be
// replaced upon a change. In these cases, neither B nor D would need to be deleted before A could be deleted.
var toReplace []dependentReplace
replaceSet := map[resource.URN]bool{root.URN: true}
requiresReplacement := func(r *resource.State) (bool, []resource.PropertyKey, error) {
// Neither component nor external resources require replacement.
if !r.Custom || r.External {
return false, nil, nil
// If the resource's provider is in the replace set, we mustreplace this resource.
if r.Provider != "" {
ref, err := providers.ParseReference(r.Provider)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
if replaceSet[ref.URN()] {
return true, nil, nil
// Scan the properties of this resource in order to determine whether or not any of them depend on a resource
// that requires replacement and build a set of input properties for the provider diff.
hasDependencyInReplaceSet, inputsForDiff := false, resource.PropertyMap{}
for pk, pv := range r.Inputs {
for _, propertyDep := range r.PropertyDependencies[pk] {
if replaceSet[propertyDep] {
hasDependencyInReplaceSet = true
pv = resource.MakeComputed(resource.NewStringProperty("<unknown>"))
inputsForDiff[pk] = pv
// If none of this resource's properties depend on a resource in the replace set, then none of the properties
// may change and this resource does not need to be replaced.
if !hasDependencyInReplaceSet {
return false, nil, nil
// Otherwise, fetch the resource's provider. Since we have filtered out component resources, this resource must
// have a provider.
prov, err := sg.getResourceProvider(r.URN, r.Custom, r.Provider, r.Type)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
contract.Assert(prov != nil)
// Call the provider's `Diff` method and return.
diff, err := prov.Diff(r.URN, r.ID, r.Outputs, inputsForDiff, true)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
return diff.Replace(), diff.ReplaceKeys, nil
// Walk the root resource's dependents in order and build up the set of resources that require replacement.
for _, d := range sg.plan.depGraph.DependingOn(root) {
replace, keys, err := requiresReplacement(d)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if replace {
toReplace, replaceSet[d.URN] = append(toReplace, dependentReplace{res: d, keys: keys}), true
// Return the list of resources to replace.
return toReplace, nil
// newStepGenerator creates a new step generator that operates on the given plan.
func newStepGenerator(plan *Plan, opts Options) *stepGenerator {
return &stepGenerator{
plan: plan,
opts: opts,
urns: make(map[resource.URN]bool),
reads: make(map[resource.URN]bool),
creates: make(map[resource.URN]bool),
sames: make(map[resource.URN]bool),
replaces: make(map[resource.URN]bool),
updates: make(map[resource.URN]bool),
deletes: make(map[resource.URN]bool),
pendingDeletes: make(map[*resource.State]bool),
dependentReplaceKeys: make(map[resource.URN][]resource.PropertyKey),