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// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package backend
import (
func TestGetStackResourceOutputs(t *testing.T) {
// Create a `backendClient` that consults a (mock) `Backend` to make sure it can get the stack
// resource outputs correctly.
typ := "some:invalid:type1"
resc1 := liveState(typ, "resc1", resource.PropertyMap{
resource.PropertyKey("prop1"): resource.NewStringProperty("val1")})
resc2 := liveState(typ, "resc2", resource.PropertyMap{
resource.PropertyKey("prop2"): resource.NewStringProperty("val2")})
// `deleted` will be ignored by `GetStackResourceOutputs`.
deletedName := "resc3"
deleted := deleteState("deletedType", "resc3", resource.PropertyMap{
resource.PropertyKey("deleted"): resource.NewStringProperty("deleted")})
// Mock backend that implements just enough methods to service `GetStackResourceOutputs`.
// Returns a single stack snapshot.
be := &mockBackend{
ParseStackReferenceF: func(s string) (StackReference, error) {
return nil, nil
GetStackF: func(ctx context.Context, stackRef StackReference) (Stack, error) {
return &mockStack{
SnapshotF: func(ctx context.Context) (*deploy.Snapshot, error) {
return &deploy.Snapshot{Resources: []*resource.State{
resc1, resc2, deleted,
}}, nil
}, nil
// Backend client, on which we will call `GetStackResourceOutputs`.
client := &backendClient{backend: be}
// Get resource outputs for mock stack.
outs, err := client.GetStackResourceOutputs(context.Background(), "fakeStack")
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Verify resource outputs for resc1.
resc1Actual, exists := outs[resource.PropertyKey(testURN(typ, "resc1"))]
assert.True(t, exists)
assert.True(t, resc1Actual.IsObject())
resc1Type, exists := resc1Actual.V.(resource.PropertyMap)["type"]
assert.True(t, exists)
assert.Equal(t, typ, resc1Type.V)
resc1Outs, exists := resc1Actual.V.(resource.PropertyMap)["outputs"]
assert.True(t, exists)
assert.True(t, resc1Outs.IsObject())
// Verify resource outputs for resc2.
resc2Actual, exists := outs[resource.PropertyKey(testURN(typ, "resc2"))]
assert.True(t, exists)
assert.True(t, resc2Actual.IsObject())
resc2Type, exists := resc2Actual.V.(resource.PropertyMap)["type"]
assert.True(t, exists)
assert.Equal(t, typ, resc2Type.V) // Same type.
resc2Outs, exists := resc2Actual.V.(resource.PropertyMap)["outputs"]
assert.True(t, exists)
assert.True(t, resc2Outs.IsObject())
// Verify the deleted resource is not present.
_, exists = outs[resource.PropertyKey(deletedName)]
assert.False(t, exists)
// Helpers.
func testURN(typ, name string) resource.URN {
return resource.NewURN("test", "test", "", tokens.Type(typ), tokens.QName(name))
func deleteState(typ, name string, outs resource.PropertyMap) *resource.State {
return &resource.State{
Delete: true, Type: tokens.Type(typ), URN: testURN(typ, name), Outputs: outs,
func liveState(typ, name string, outs resource.PropertyMap) *resource.State {
return &resource.State{
Delete: false, Type: tokens.Type(typ), URN: testURN(typ, name), Outputs: outs,
// Mock backend.
type mockBackend struct {
NameF func() string
URLF func() string
GetPolicyPackF func(ctx context.Context, policyPack string, d diag.Sink) (PolicyPack, error)
ParseStackReferenceF func(s string) (StackReference, error)
GetStackF func(context.Context, StackReference) (Stack, error)
CreateStackF func(context.Context, StackReference, interface{}) (Stack, error)
RemoveStackF func(context.Context, StackReference, bool) (bool, error)
ListStacksF func(context.Context, *tokens.PackageName) ([]StackSummary, error)
RenameStackF func(context.Context, StackReference, tokens.QName) error
GetStackCrypterF func(StackReference) (config.Crypter, error)
QueryF func(context.Context, StackReference, UpdateOperation) result.Result
GetLatestConfigurationF func(context.Context, StackReference) (config.Map, error)
GetHistoryF func(context.Context, StackReference) ([]UpdateInfo, error)
GetStackTagsF func(context.Context, StackReference) (map[apitype.StackTagName]string, error)
UpdateStackTagsF func(context.Context, StackReference, map[apitype.StackTagName]string) error
ExportDeploymentF func(context.Context, StackReference) (*apitype.UntypedDeployment, error)
ImportDeploymentF func(context.Context, StackReference, *apitype.UntypedDeployment) error
LogoutF func() error
CurrentUserF func() (string, error)
PreviewF func(context.Context, StackReference,
UpdateOperation) (engine.ResourceChanges, result.Result)
UpdateF func(context.Context, StackReference,
UpdateOperation) (engine.ResourceChanges, result.Result)
RefreshF func(context.Context, StackReference,
UpdateOperation) (engine.ResourceChanges, result.Result)
DestroyF func(context.Context, StackReference,
UpdateOperation) (engine.ResourceChanges, result.Result)
GetLogsF func(context.Context, StackReference, StackConfiguration,
operations.LogQuery) ([]operations.LogEntry, error)
var _ Backend = (*mockBackend)(nil)
func (be *mockBackend) Name() string {
if be.NameF != nil {
return be.NameF()
panic("not implemented")
func (be *mockBackend) URL() string {
if be.URLF != nil {
return be.URLF()
panic("not implemented")
func (be *mockBackend) GetPolicyPack(
ctx context.Context, policyPack string, d diag.Sink) (PolicyPack, error) {
if be.GetPolicyPackF != nil {
return be.GetPolicyPackF(ctx, policyPack, d)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *mockBackend) ParseStackReference(s string) (StackReference, error) {
if be.ParseStackReferenceF != nil {
return be.ParseStackReferenceF(s)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *mockBackend) GetStack(ctx context.Context, stackRef StackReference) (Stack, error) {
if be.GetStackF != nil {
return be.GetStackF(ctx, stackRef)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *mockBackend) CreateStack(ctx context.Context, stackRef StackReference, opts interface{}) (Stack, error) {
if be.CreateStackF != nil {
return be.CreateStackF(ctx, stackRef, opts)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *mockBackend) RemoveStack(ctx context.Context, stackRef StackReference, force bool) (bool, error) {
if be.RemoveStackF != nil {
return be.RemoveStackF(ctx, stackRef, force)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *mockBackend) ListStacks(ctx context.Context, projectFilter *tokens.PackageName) ([]StackSummary, error) {
if be.ListStacksF != nil {
return be.ListStacksF(ctx, projectFilter)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *mockBackend) RenameStack(ctx context.Context, stackRef StackReference, newName tokens.QName) error {
if be.RenameStackF != nil {
return be.RenameStackF(ctx, stackRef, newName)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *mockBackend) GetStackCrypter(stackRef StackReference) (config.Crypter, error) {
if be.GetStackCrypterF != nil {
return be.GetStackCrypterF(stackRef)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *mockBackend) Preview(ctx context.Context, stackRef StackReference,
op UpdateOperation) (engine.ResourceChanges, result.Result) {
if be.PreviewF != nil {
return be.PreviewF(ctx, stackRef, op)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *mockBackend) Update(ctx context.Context, stackRef StackReference,
op UpdateOperation) (engine.ResourceChanges, result.Result) {
if be.UpdateF != nil {
return be.UpdateF(ctx, stackRef, op)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *mockBackend) Refresh(ctx context.Context, stackRef StackReference,
op UpdateOperation) (engine.ResourceChanges, result.Result) {
if be.RefreshF != nil {
return be.RefreshF(ctx, stackRef, op)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *mockBackend) Destroy(ctx context.Context, stackRef StackReference,
op UpdateOperation) (engine.ResourceChanges, result.Result) {
if be.DestroyF != nil {
return be.DestroyF(ctx, stackRef, op)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *mockBackend) Query(ctx context.Context, stackRef StackReference,
op UpdateOperation) result.Result {
if be.QueryF != nil {
return be.QueryF(ctx, stackRef, op)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *mockBackend) GetHistory(ctx context.Context, stackRef StackReference) ([]UpdateInfo, error) {
if be.GetHistoryF != nil {
return be.GetHistoryF(ctx, stackRef)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *mockBackend) GetLogs(ctx context.Context, stackRef StackReference, cfg StackConfiguration,
query operations.LogQuery) ([]operations.LogEntry, error) {
if be.GetLogsF != nil {
return be.GetLogsF(ctx, stackRef, cfg, query)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *mockBackend) GetLatestConfiguration(ctx context.Context,
stackRef StackReference) (config.Map, error) {
if be.GetLatestConfigurationF != nil {
return be.GetLatestConfigurationF(ctx, stackRef)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *mockBackend) GetStackTags(ctx context.Context,
stackRef StackReference) (map[apitype.StackTagName]string, error) {
if be.GetStackTagsF != nil {
return be.GetStackTagsF(ctx, stackRef)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *mockBackend) UpdateStackTags(ctx context.Context, stackRef StackReference,
tags map[apitype.StackTagName]string) error {
if be.UpdateStackTagsF != nil {
return be.UpdateStackTagsF(ctx, stackRef, tags)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *mockBackend) ExportDeployment(ctx context.Context,
stackRef StackReference) (*apitype.UntypedDeployment, error) {
if be.ExportDeploymentF != nil {
return be.ExportDeploymentF(ctx, stackRef)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *mockBackend) ImportDeployment(ctx context.Context, stackRef StackReference,
deployment *apitype.UntypedDeployment) error {
if be.ImportDeploymentF != nil {
return be.ImportDeploymentF(ctx, stackRef, deployment)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *mockBackend) Logout() error {
if be.LogoutF != nil {
return be.LogoutF()
panic("not implemented")
func (be *mockBackend) CurrentUser() (string, error) {
if be.CurrentUserF != nil {
return be.CurrentUserF()
panic("not implemented")
// Mock stack.
type mockStack struct {
RefF func() StackReference
ConfigF func() config.Map
SnapshotF func(ctx context.Context) (*deploy.Snapshot, error)
BackendF func() Backend
PreviewF func(ctx context.Context, op UpdateOperation) (engine.ResourceChanges, result.Result)
UpdateF func(ctx context.Context, op UpdateOperation) (engine.ResourceChanges, result.Result)
RefreshF func(ctx context.Context, op UpdateOperation) (engine.ResourceChanges, result.Result)
DestroyF func(ctx context.Context, op UpdateOperation) (engine.ResourceChanges, result.Result)
QueryF func(ctx context.Context, op UpdateOperation) result.Result
RemoveF func(ctx context.Context, force bool) (bool, error)
RenameF func(ctx context.Context, newName tokens.QName) error
GetLogsF func(ctx context.Context, cfg StackConfiguration,
query operations.LogQuery) ([]operations.LogEntry, error)
ExportDeploymentF func(ctx context.Context) (*apitype.UntypedDeployment, error)
ImportDeploymentF func(ctx context.Context, deployment *apitype.UntypedDeployment) error
var _ Stack = (*mockStack)(nil)
func (ms *mockStack) Ref() StackReference {
if ms.RefF != nil {
return ms.RefF()
panic("not implemented")
func (ms *mockStack) Config() config.Map {
if ms.ConfigF != nil {
return ms.ConfigF()
panic("not implemented")
func (ms *mockStack) Snapshot(ctx context.Context) (*deploy.Snapshot, error) {
if ms.SnapshotF != nil {
return ms.SnapshotF(ctx)
panic("not implemented")
func (ms *mockStack) Backend() Backend {
if ms.BackendF != nil {
return ms.BackendF()
panic("not implemented")
func (ms *mockStack) Preview(ctx context.Context, op UpdateOperation) (engine.ResourceChanges, result.Result) {
if ms.PreviewF != nil {
return ms.PreviewF(ctx, op)
panic("not implemented")
func (ms *mockStack) Update(ctx context.Context, op UpdateOperation) (engine.ResourceChanges, result.Result) {
if ms.UpdateF != nil {
return ms.UpdateF(ctx, op)
panic("not implemented")
func (ms *mockStack) Refresh(ctx context.Context, op UpdateOperation) (engine.ResourceChanges, result.Result) {
if ms.RefreshF != nil {
return ms.RefreshF(ctx, op)
panic("not implemented")
func (ms *mockStack) Destroy(ctx context.Context, op UpdateOperation) (engine.ResourceChanges, result.Result) {
if ms.DestroyF != nil {
return ms.DestroyF(ctx, op)
panic("not implemented")
func (ms *mockStack) Query(ctx context.Context, op UpdateOperation) result.Result {
if ms.QueryF != nil {
return ms.QueryF(ctx, op)
panic("not implemented")
func (ms *mockStack) Remove(ctx context.Context, force bool) (bool, error) {
if ms.RemoveF != nil {
return ms.RemoveF(ctx, force)
panic("not implemented")
func (ms *mockStack) Rename(ctx context.Context, newName tokens.QName) error {
if ms.RenameF != nil {
return ms.RenameF(ctx, newName)
panic("not implemented")
func (ms *mockStack) GetLogs(ctx context.Context, cfg StackConfiguration,
query operations.LogQuery) ([]operations.LogEntry, error) {
if ms.GetLogsF != nil {
return ms.GetLogsF(ctx, cfg, query)
panic("not implemented")
func (ms *mockStack) ExportDeployment(ctx context.Context) (*apitype.UntypedDeployment, error) {
if ms.ExportDeploymentF != nil {
return ms.ExportDeploymentF(ctx)
panic("not implemented")
func (ms *mockStack) ImportDeployment(ctx context.Context, deployment *apitype.UntypedDeployment) error {
if ms.ImportDeploymentF != nil {
return ms.ImportDeploymentF(ctx, deployment)
panic("not implemented")