
1952 lines
59 KiB

package gen
import (
gofmt "go/format"
const (
IndexToken = "index"
fromBase64Fn = "fromBase64"
type generator struct {
// The formatter to use when generating code.
program *pcl.Program
packages map[string]*schema.Package
contexts map[string]map[string]*pkgContext
diagnostics hcl.Diagnostics
spills *spills
jsonTempSpiller *jsonSpiller
ternaryTempSpiller *tempSpiller
readDirTempSpiller *readDirSpiller
splatSpiller *splatSpiller
optionalSpiller *optionalSpiller
inlineInvokeSpiller *inlineInvokeSpiller
scopeTraversalRoots codegen.StringSet
arrayHelpers map[string]*promptToInputArrayHelper
isErrAssigned bool
tmpVarCount int
configCreated bool
externalCache *Cache
// Tracks imports for a file as we generate code.
importer *fileImporter
// inGenTupleConExprListArgs indicates that a the generator is processing an args list within a TupleConExpression.
inGenTupleConExprListArgs bool
isPtrArg bool
isComponent bool
// User-configurable options
assignResourcesToVariables bool // Assign resource to a new variable instead of _.
// GenerateProgramOptions are used to configure optional generator behavior.
type GenerateProgramOptions struct {
AssignResourcesToVariables bool // Assign resource to a new variable instead of _.
ExternalCache *Cache
func GenerateProgram(program *pcl.Program) (map[string][]byte, hcl.Diagnostics, error) {
return GenerateProgramWithOptions(program, GenerateProgramOptions{})
func newGenerator(program *pcl.Program, opts GenerateProgramOptions) (*generator, error) {
packages, contexts := map[string]*schema.Package{}, map[string]map[string]*pkgContext{}
packageDefs, err := programPackageDefs(program)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if opts.ExternalCache == nil {
opts.ExternalCache = globalCache
for _, pkg := range packageDefs {
packages[pkg.Name], contexts[pkg.Name] = pkg, getPackages("tool", pkg, opts.ExternalCache)
g := &generator{
program: program,
packages: packages,
contexts: contexts,
spills: &spills{counts: map[string]int{}},
jsonTempSpiller: &jsonSpiller{},
ternaryTempSpiller: &tempSpiller{},
readDirTempSpiller: &readDirSpiller{},
splatSpiller: &splatSpiller{},
optionalSpiller: &optionalSpiller{},
inlineInvokeSpiller: &inlineInvokeSpiller{},
scopeTraversalRoots: codegen.NewStringSet(),
arrayHelpers: make(map[string]*promptToInputArrayHelper),
externalCache: opts.ExternalCache,
importer: newFileImporter(),
// Apply any generate options.
g.assignResourcesToVariables = opts.AssignResourcesToVariables
g.Formatter = format.NewFormatter(g)
return g, nil
type ObjectTypeFromConfigMetadata = struct {
TypeName string
ComponentName string
func annotateObjectTypedConfig(componentName string, typeName string, objectType *model.ObjectType) *model.ObjectType {
objectType.Annotations = append(objectType.Annotations, &ObjectTypeFromConfigMetadata{
TypeName: typeName,
ComponentName: componentName,
return objectType
func configObjectTypeName(variableName string) string {
return Title(variableName) + "Args"
// collectObjectTypedConfigVariables returns the object types in config variables need to be emitted
// as classes.
func collectObjectTypedConfigVariables(component *pcl.Component) map[string]*model.ObjectType {
objectTypes := map[string]*model.ObjectType{}
for _, config := range component.Program.ConfigVariables() {
componentName := Title(component.Name())
typeName := configObjectTypeName(config.Name())
switch configType := config.Type().(type) {
case *model.ObjectType:
objectTypes[config.Name()] = annotateObjectTypedConfig(componentName, typeName, configType)
case *model.ListType:
switch elementType := configType.ElementType.(type) {
case *model.ObjectType:
objectTypes[config.Name()] = annotateObjectTypedConfig(componentName, typeName, elementType)
case *model.MapType:
switch elementType := configType.ElementType.(type) {
case *model.ObjectType:
objectTypes[config.Name()] = annotateObjectTypedConfig(componentName, typeName, elementType)
return objectTypes
func componentInputElementType(pclType model.Type) string {
switch pclType {
case model.BoolType:
return "pulumi.BoolInput"
case model.IntType:
return "pulumi.IntInput"
case model.NumberType:
return "pulumi.Float64Input"
case model.StringType:
return "pulumi.StringInput"
switch pclType := pclType.(type) {
case *model.ListType, *model.MapType:
return componentInputType(pclType)
// reduce option(T) to just T
// the generated args class assumes all properties are optional by default
case *model.UnionType:
if len(pclType.ElementTypes) == 2 && pclType.ElementTypes[0] == model.NoneType {
return componentInputElementType(pclType.ElementTypes[1])
} else if len(pclType.ElementTypes) == 2 && pclType.ElementTypes[1] == model.NoneType {
return componentInputElementType(pclType.ElementTypes[0])
} else {
return "interface{}"
return "interface{}"
func componentInputType(pclType model.Type) string {
switch pclType := pclType.(type) {
case *model.ListType:
elementType := componentInputElementType(pclType.ElementType)
return "[]" + elementType
case *model.MapType:
elementType := componentInputElementType(pclType.ElementType)
return "map[string]" + elementType
return componentInputElementType(pclType)
func (g *generator) genComponentArgs(w io.Writer, componentName string, component *pcl.Component) {
configVariables := component.Program.ConfigVariables()
argsTypeName := Title(componentName) + "Args"
objectTypedConfigVars := collectObjectTypedConfigVariables(component)
variableNames := pcl.SortedStringKeys(objectTypedConfigVars)
// generate resource args for this component
for _, variableName := range variableNames {
objectType := objectTypedConfigVars[variableName]
objectTypeName := configObjectTypeName(variableName)
g.Fprintf(w, "type %s struct {\n", objectTypeName)
g.Indented(func() {
propertyNames := pcl.SortedStringKeys(objectType.Properties)
for _, propertyName := range propertyNames {
propertyType := objectType.Properties[propertyName]
inputType := componentInputType(propertyType)
g.Fprintf(w, "%s%s %s\n",
g.Fprintf(w, "%s}\n\n", g.Indent)
g.Fgenf(w, "type %s struct {\n", argsTypeName)
g.Indented(func() {
for _, config := range configVariables {
g.Fgenf(w, g.Indent)
fieldName := Title(config.LogicalName())
inputType := componentInputType(config.Type())
switch configType := config.Type().(type) {
case *model.ObjectType:
// for objects of type T, generate T as is
inputType = "*" + configObjectTypeName(config.Name())
case *model.ListType:
// for list(T) where T is an object type, generate T[]
switch configType.ElementType.(type) {
case *model.ObjectType:
objectTypeName := configObjectTypeName(config.Name())
inputType = "[]*" + objectTypeName
case *model.MapType:
// for map(T) where T is an object type, generate Dictionary<string, T>
switch configType.ElementType.(type) {
case *model.ObjectType:
objectTypeName := configObjectTypeName(config.Name())
inputType = "map[string]*" + objectTypeName
g.Fgenf(w, "%s %s\n", fieldName, inputType)
g.Fgenf(w, "}\n\n")
// genLeadingTrivia generates the list of leading trivia assicated with a given token.
func (g *generator) genLeadingTrivia(w io.Writer, token syntax.Token) {
// TODO(pdg): whitespace?
for _, t := range token.LeadingTrivia {
if c, ok := t.(syntax.Comment); ok {
g.genComment(w, c)
// genTrailingTrivia generates the list of trailing trivia assicated with a given token.
func (g *generator) genTrailingTrivia(w io.Writer, token syntax.Token) {
// TODO(pdg): whitespace
for _, t := range token.TrailingTrivia {
if c, ok := t.(syntax.Comment); ok {
g.genComment(w, c)
// genTrivia generates the list of trivia assicated with a given token.
func (g *generator) genTrivia(w io.Writer, token syntax.Token) {
g.genLeadingTrivia(w, token)
g.genTrailingTrivia(w, token)
// genComment generates a comment into the output.
func (g *generator) genComment(w io.Writer, comment syntax.Comment) {
for _, l := range comment.Lines {
g.Fgenf(w, "%s//%s\n", g.Indent, l)
func (g *generator) genComponentType(w io.Writer, componentName string, component *pcl.Component) {
outputs := component.Program.OutputVariables()
componentTypeName := Title(componentName)
g.Fgenf(w, "type %s struct {\n", componentTypeName)
g.Indented(func() {
g.Fgenf(w, g.Indent)
g.Fgenf(w, "pulumi.ResourceState\n")
for _, output := range outputs {
g.Fgenf(w, g.Indent)
fieldName := Title(output.LogicalName())
fieldType := "pulumi.AnyOutput" // TODO: update this
g.Fgenf(w, "%s %s\n", fieldName, fieldType)
g.Fgenf(w, "")
g.Fgenf(w, "}\n\n")
func (g *generator) genComponentDefinition(w io.Writer, componentName string, component *pcl.Component) {
componentTypeName := Title(componentName)
argsTypeName := Title(componentName) + "Args"
g.Fgenf(w, "func New%s(\n", componentTypeName)
g.Indented(func() {
g.Fgenf(w, "%sctx *pulumi.Context,\n", g.Indent)
g.Fgenf(w, "%sname string,\n", g.Indent)
g.Fgenf(w, "%sargs *%s,\n", g.Indent, argsTypeName)
g.Fgenf(w, "%sopts ...pulumi.ResourceOption,\n", g.Indent)
g.Fgenf(w, ") (*%s, error) {\n", componentTypeName)
g.Indented(func() {
g.Fgenf(w, "%svar componentResource %s\n", g.Indent, componentTypeName)
token := "components:index:" + componentTypeName
g.Fgenf(w, "%serr := ctx.RegisterComponentResource(\"%s\", ", g.Indent, token)
g.Fgenf(w, "name, &componentResource, opts...)\n")
g.Fgenf(w, "%sif err != nil {\n", g.Indent)
g.Indented(func() {
g.Fgenf(w, "%sreturn nil, err\n", g.Indent)
g.Fgenf(w, "%s}\n", g.Indent)
// because of the RegisterRemoteComponentResource call
g.isErrAssigned = true
for _, node := range pcl.Linearize(component.Program) {
switch node := node.(type) {
case *pcl.LocalVariable:
g.genLocalVariable(w, node)
case *pcl.Resource:
if node.Options == nil {
node.Options = &pcl.ResourceOptions{}
node.Options.Parent = model.VariableReference(&model.Variable{
Name: "&componentResource",
g.genResource(w, node)
case *pcl.Component:
if node.Options == nil {
node.Options = &pcl.ResourceOptions{}
node.Options.Parent = model.VariableReference(&model.Variable{
Name: "&componentResource",
g.genComponent(w, node)
outputs := component.Program.OutputVariables()
if len(outputs) == 0 {
g.Fgenf(w, "err = %sctx.RegisterResourceOutputs(&componentResource, pulumi.Map{})\n", g.Indent)
g.Fgenf(w, "%sif err != nil {\n", g.Indent)
g.Indented(func() {
g.Fgenf(w, "%sreturn nil, err\n", g.Indent)
g.Fgenf(w, "%s}\n", g.Indent)
} else {
g.Fgenf(w, "err = %sctx.RegisterResourceOutputs(&componentResource, pulumi.Map{\n", g.Indent)
g.Indented(func() {
for _, output := range outputs {
g.Fgenf(w, "%s\"%s\": %v,\n", g.Indent, output.LogicalName(), output.Value)
g.Fgenf(w, "%s})\n", g.Indent)
g.Fgenf(w, "%sif err != nil {\n", g.Indent)
g.Indented(func() {
g.Fgenf(w, "%sreturn nil, err\n", g.Indent)
g.Fgenf(w, "%s}\n", g.Indent)
for _, output := range outputs {
g.Fgenf(w, "%scomponentResource.%s = %v\n", g.Indent, Title(output.Name()), output.Value)
g.Fgenf(w, "%sreturn &componentResource, nil\n", g.Indent)
g.Fgenf(w, "}\n")
func GenerateProgramWithOptions(program *pcl.Program, opts GenerateProgramOptions) (
map[string][]byte, hcl.Diagnostics, error,
) {
g, err := newGenerator(program, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Linearize the nodes into an order appropriate for procedural code generation.
nodes := pcl.Linearize(program)
helpers := g.collectImports(program)
var progPostamble bytes.Buffer
for _, n := range nodes {
for _, n := range nodes {
g.genNode(&progPostamble, n)
helpers = helpers.Union(g.collectImports(program))
g.genPostamble(&progPostamble, nodes)
// We must generate the program first and the preamble second and finally cat the two together.
// This is because nested object/tuple cons expressions can require imports that aren't
// present in resource declarations or invokes alone. Expressions are lowered when the program is generated
// and this must happen first so we can access types via __convert intrinsics.
var index bytes.Buffer
g.genPreamble(&index, program, helpers)
g.Fprintf(&index, "func main() {\n")
g.Fprintf(&index, "pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {\n")
mainProgramContent := index.Bytes()
// Run Go formatter on the code before saving to disk
formattedSource, err := gofmt.Source(mainProgramContent)
if err == nil {
// if we were able to format the code, use prefer the formatted version
mainProgramContent = formattedSource
} else {
// add a warning diagnostic when there is a formatting error
g.diagnostics = g.diagnostics.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagWarning,
Subject: &hcl.Range{Filename: "main.go"},
Summary: "could not format go code",
Detail: err.Error(),
files := map[string][]byte{
"main.go": mainProgramContent,
for componentDir, component := range program.CollectComponents() {
componentFilename := filepath.Base(componentDir)
componentName := component.DeclarationName()
componentGenerator, err := newGenerator(component.Program, opts)
componentGenerator.isComponent = true
componentHelperse := componentGenerator.collectImports(component.Program)
for _, n := range component.Program.Nodes {
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create a new generator: %w", err)
var componentBuffer bytes.Buffer
componentGenerator.genPreamble(&componentBuffer, component.Program, componentHelperse)
componentGenerator.genComponentArgs(&componentBuffer, componentName, component)
componentGenerator.genComponentType(&componentBuffer, componentName, component)
componentGenerator.genComponentDefinition(&componentBuffer, componentName, component)
componentContent := componentBuffer.Bytes()
formattedComponentSource, err := gofmt.Source(componentContent)
if err == nil {
// if we were able to format the code, use prefer the formatted version
componentContent = formattedComponentSource
} else {
// add a warning diagnostic when there is a formatting error
componentGenerator.diagnostics = componentGenerator.diagnostics.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagWarning,
Subject: &hcl.Range{Filename: componentFilename + ".go"},
Summary: "could not format go code",
Detail: err.Error(),
files[componentFilename+".go"] = componentContent
return files, g.diagnostics, nil
func GenerateProjectFiles(project workspace.Project, program *pcl.Program,
localDependencies map[string]string,
) (map[string][]byte, hcl.Diagnostics, error) {
files, diagnostics, err := GenerateProgram(program)
if err != nil {
return files, diagnostics, err
if diagnostics.HasErrors() {
return files, diagnostics, err
// Set the runtime to "go" then marshal to Pulumi.yaml
project.Runtime = workspace.NewProjectRuntimeInfo("go", nil)
projectBytes, err := encoding.YAML.Marshal(project)
if err != nil {
return nil, diagnostics, err
files["Pulumi.yaml"] = projectBytes
// Build a go.mod based on the packages used by program
var gomod modfile.File
err = gomod.AddModuleStmt(project.Name.String())
contract.AssertNoErrorf(err, "could not add module statement to go.mod")
err = gomod.AddGoStmt("1.20")
contract.AssertNoErrorf(err, "could not add Go statement to go.mod")
packagePaths := map[string]string{}
packagePaths["pulumi"] = "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3"
err = gomod.AddRequire("github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3", "v3.30.0")
contract.AssertNoErrorf(err, "could not add require statement for github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 to go.mod")
// For each package add a PackageReference line
packages, err := programPackageDefs(program)
if err != nil {
return nil, diagnostics, err
for _, p := range packages {
if p.Name == "pulumi" {
if err := p.ImportLanguages(map[string]schema.Language{"go": Importer}); err != nil {
return nil, diagnostics, err
if p.Version != nil && p.Version.Major <= 0 {
// Let `go mod tidy` resolve pre-1.0 and non-module package versions on InstallDependencies,
// as it better handles the way we use `importBasePath`. What we need is a `modulePath`. `go
// get` handles these cases, which are not parseable, they depend on retrieving the target
// repository and downloading it to disk.
// Here are two cases, first the parseable case:
// * go get github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/sdk/v5/go/aws@v5.3.0
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ module path
// ~~ major version
// ~~~~~~ package path - can be any number of path parts
// ~~~~~~ version
// Here, we can cut on the major version.
// * go get github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws-native/sdk/go/aws@v0.16.0
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ module path
// ~~~~~~ package path - can be any number of path parts
// ~~~~~~~ version
// Here we cannot cut on the major version, as it isn't present. The only way to resolve this
// package is to pull the repo.
// Fortunately for these pre-1.0 releases, `go mod tidy` on the generated repo will at least
// add the module based on the import generated in the .go files, but it will always get the
// latest version.
if info, ok := p.Language["go"]; ok {
if info, ok := info.(GoPackageInfo); ok && info.ModulePath != "" {
packagePaths[p.Name] = info.ModulePath
err = gomod.AddRequire(info.ModulePath, p.Version.String())
contract.AssertNoErrorf(err, "could not add require statement for %s to go.mod", info.ModulePath)
// Relatively safe default, this works for Pulumi provider packages:
vPath := ""
if p.Version != nil && p.Version.Major > 1 {
vPath = fmt.Sprintf("/v%d", p.Version.Major)
packageName := fmt.Sprintf("github.com/pulumi/pulumi-%s/sdk%s/go/%s", p.Name, vPath, p.Name)
if p.SupportPack {
// then the default is that we no longer nest source files under the go subdirectory
packageName = fmt.Sprintf("github.com/pulumi/pulumi-%s/sdk/go%s", p.Name, vPath)
if langInfo, found := p.Language["go"]; found {
goInfo, ok := langInfo.(GoPackageInfo)
if ok && goInfo.ImportBasePath != "" {
separatorIndex := strings.Index(goInfo.ImportBasePath, vPath)
if separatorIndex < 0 {
packageName = ""
} else {
modulePrefix := goInfo.ImportBasePath[:separatorIndex]
packageName = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", modulePrefix, vPath)
version := ""
if p.Version != nil {
version = "v" + p.Version.String()
if packageName != "" {
packagePaths[p.Name] = packageName
err = gomod.AddRequire(packageName, version)
contract.AssertNoErrorf(err, "could not add require statement for %s to go.mod", packageName)
// For any local dependencies, add a replace statement. Make sure we iter this in sorted order (c.f.
// https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/16859).
pkgs := codegen.SortedKeys(localDependencies)
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
path := localDependencies[pkg]
// pkg is the package name, we transformed these into Go paths above so use the map generated there
goPath, ok := packagePaths[pkg]
if ok {
err = gomod.AddReplace(goPath, "", path, "")
contract.AssertNoErrorf(err, "could not add replace statement to go.mod")
files["go.mod"], err = gomod.Format()
if err != nil {
return nil, diagnostics, err
return files, diagnostics, nil
func GenerateProject(
directory string, project workspace.Project,
program *pcl.Program, localDependencies map[string]string,
) error {
files, diagnostics, err := GenerateProjectFiles(project, program, localDependencies)
if err != nil {
return err
if diagnostics.HasErrors() {
return diagnostics
// Check the project for "main" as that changes where we write out files and some relative paths.
rootDirectory := directory
if project.Main != "" {
directory = filepath.Join(rootDirectory, project.Main)
// mkdir -p the subdirectory
err = os.MkdirAll(directory, 0o700)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("create main directory: %w", err)
for filename, data := range files {
dir := directory
// Pulumi.yaml needs to be written to root, everything else goes to the main directory.
if filename == "Pulumi.yaml" {
dir = rootDirectory
outPath := path.Join(dir, filename)
err := os.WriteFile(outPath, data, 0o600)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not write output program: %w", err)
return nil
var packageContexts sync.Map
func getPackages(tool string, pkg *schema.Package, cache *Cache) map[string]*pkgContext {
if v, ok := packageContexts.Load(pkg); ok {
return v.(map[string]*pkgContext)
if err := pkg.ImportLanguages(map[string]schema.Language{"go": Importer}); err != nil {
return nil
var goPkgInfo GoPackageInfo
if goInfo, ok := pkg.Language["go"].(GoPackageInfo); ok {
goPkgInfo = goInfo
v, err := generatePackageContextMap(tool, pkg.Reference(), goPkgInfo, cache)
contract.AssertNoErrorf(err, "Could not generate package context map")
packageContexts.Store(pkg, v)
return v
func (g *generator) collectScopeRoots(n pcl.Node) {
diags := n.VisitExpressions(nil, func(n model.Expression) (model.Expression, hcl.Diagnostics) {
if st, ok := n.(*model.ScopeTraversalExpression); ok {
return n, nil
contract.Assertf(len(diags) == 0, "Expcted no diagnostics, got %d", len(diags))
// genPreamble generates package decl, imports, and opens the main func
func (g *generator) genPreamble(w io.Writer, program *pcl.Program, preambleHelperMethods codegen.StringSet) {
g.Fprint(w, "package main\n\n")
g.Fprintf(w, "import (\n")
g.importer.Import("github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi", "pulumi")
for idx, group := range g.importer.ImportGroups() {
if idx > 0 {
g.Fprintf(w, "\n")
for _, imp := range group {
g.Fprintf(w, "\t%s\n", imp)
g.Fprintf(w, ")\n")
// If we collected any helper methods that should be added, write them just before the main func
for _, preambleHelperMethodBody := range preambleHelperMethods.SortedValues() {
g.Fprintf(w, "%s\n\n", preambleHelperMethodBody)
func (g *generator) collectTypeImports(program *pcl.Program, t schema.Type) {
var token string
var packageRef schema.PackageReference
switch t := t.(type) {
case *schema.InputType:
g.collectTypeImports(program, t.ElementType)
case *schema.OptionalType:
g.collectTypeImports(program, t.ElementType)
case *schema.ArrayType:
g.collectTypeImports(program, t.ElementType)
case *schema.MapType:
g.collectTypeImports(program, t.ElementType)
case *schema.UnionType:
for _, t := range t.ElementTypes {
g.collectTypeImports(program, t)
case *schema.ObjectType:
token = t.Token
packageRef = t.PackageReference
case *schema.EnumType:
token = t.Token
packageRef = t.PackageReference
case *schema.TokenType:
token = t.Token
var tokenRange hcl.Range
pkg, mod, name, _ := pcl.DecomposeToken(token, tokenRange)
vPath, err := g.getVersionPath(program, pkg)
if err != nil {
g.addPulumiImport(pkg, vPath, mod, name)
case *schema.ResourceType:
token = t.Token
if t.Resource != nil {
packageRef = t.Resource.PackageReference
if token == "" || packageRef == nil {
var tokenRange hcl.Range
pkg, mod, name, _ := pcl.DecomposeToken(token, tokenRange)
vPath, err := g.packageVersionPath(packageRef)
if err != nil {
g.addPulumiImport(pkg, vPath, mod, name)
// collect Imports returns two sets of packages imported by the program, std lib packages and pulumi packages
func (g *generator) collectImports(program *pcl.Program) (helpers codegen.StringSet) {
helpers = codegen.NewStringSet()
// Accumulate import statements for the various providers
for _, n := range program.Nodes {
if r, isResource := n.(*pcl.Resource); isResource {
pkg, mod, name, _ := r.DecomposeToken()
if pkg == "pulumi" {
if mod == "providers" {
pkg = name
mod = ""
} else if mod == "" {
vPath, err := g.getVersionPath(program, pkg)
if err != nil {
if r.Schema != nil {
// for unknown resources, don't create a versioned import
vPath = ""
g.addPulumiImport(pkg, vPath, mod, name)
if _, isConfigVar := n.(*pcl.ConfigVariable); isConfigVar {
g.importer.Import("github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi/config", "config")
diags := n.VisitExpressions(nil, func(n model.Expression) (model.Expression, hcl.Diagnostics) {
if call, ok := n.(*model.FunctionCallExpression); ok {
if call.Name == pcl.Invoke {
tokenArg := call.Args[0]
token := tokenArg.(*model.TemplateExpression).Parts[0].(*model.LiteralValueExpression).Value.AsString()
tokenRange := tokenArg.SyntaxNode().Range()
pkg, mod, name, diagnostics := pcl.DecomposeToken(token, tokenRange)
if call.Type() == model.DynamicType {
// then this is an unknown function, create a dummy import for it without a version
dummyVersionPath := ""
g.addPulumiImport(pkg, dummyVersionPath, mod, name)
return call, nil
contract.Assertf(len(diagnostics) == 0, "Expected no diagnostics, got %d", len(diagnostics))
vPath, err := g.getVersionPath(program, pkg)
if err != nil {
g.addPulumiImport(pkg, vPath, mod, name)
} else if call.Name == pcl.IntrinsicConvert {
g.collectConvertImports(program, call)
// Checking to see if this function call deserves its own dedicated helper method in the preamble
if helperMethodBody, ok := getHelperMethodIfNeeded(call.Name, g.Indent); ok {
return n, nil
contract.Assertf(len(diags) == 0, "Expected no diagnostics, got %d", len(diags))
if g.isComponent {
// needed for resource names
g.importer.Import("fmt", "fmt")
diags = n.VisitExpressions(nil, func(n model.Expression) (model.Expression, hcl.Diagnostics) {
if call, ok := n.(*model.FunctionCallExpression); ok {
for _, fnPkg := range g.genFunctionPackages(call) {
// Currently, for all stdlib packages,
// basename($import) == $name
// In the future, we may need to add a
// mapping from $import to $name.
g.importer.Import(fnPkg, path.Base(fnPkg) /* name */)
if t, ok := n.(*model.TemplateExpression); ok {
if len(t.Parts) > 1 {
g.importer.Import("fmt", "fmt")
return n, nil
contract.Assertf(len(diags) == 0, "Expected no diagnostics, got %d", len(diags))
return helpers
func (g *generator) collectConvertImports(
program *pcl.Program,
call *model.FunctionCallExpression,
) {
if schemaType, ok := pcl.GetSchemaForType(call.Type()); ok {
// Sometimes code for a `__convert` call does not
// really use the import of the result type. In such
// cases it is important not to generate a
// non-compiling unused import. Detect some of these
// cases here.
// Fully solving this is deferred for later:
// TODO[pulumi/pulumi#8324].
switch arg0 := call.Args[0].(type) {
case *model.TemplateExpression:
if lit, ok := arg0.Parts[0].(*model.LiteralValueExpression); ok &&
call.Type().AssignableFrom(lit.Type()) {
case *model.ScopeTraversalExpression:
if call.Type().AssignableFrom(arg0.Type()) {
g.collectTypeImports(program, schemaType)
func (g *generator) packageVersionPath(packageRef schema.PackageReference) (string, error) {
if ver := packageRef.Version(); ver != nil && ver.Major > 1 {
return fmt.Sprintf("/v%d", ver.Major), nil
return "", nil
func (g *generator) getVersionPath(program *pcl.Program, pkg string) (string, error) {
for _, p := range program.PackageReferences() {
if p.Name() == pkg {
if ver := p.Version(); ver != nil && ver.Major > 1 {
return fmt.Sprintf("/v%d", ver.Major), nil
return "", nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("could not find package version information for pkg: %s", pkg)
func (g *generator) getGoPackageInfo(pkg string) (GoPackageInfo, bool) {
p, ok := g.packages[pkg]
if !ok {
return GoPackageInfo{}, false
info, ok := p.Language["go"].(GoPackageInfo)
return info, ok
func (g *generator) addPulumiImport(pkg, versionPath, mod, name string) {
// We do this before we let the user set overrides. That way the user can still have a
// module named IndexToken.
info, hasInfo := g.getGoPackageInfo(pkg) // We're allowing `info` to be zero-initialized
importPath := func(mod, importBasePath string) string {
if importBasePath == "" {
if schema, ok := g.packages[pkg]; ok && schema.SupportPack {
importBasePath = fmt.Sprintf("github.com/pulumi/pulumi-%s/sdk/go%s/%s", pkg, versionPath, pkg)
} else {
importBasePath = fmt.Sprintf("github.com/pulumi/pulumi-%s/sdk%s/go/%s", pkg, versionPath, pkg)
if mod != "" && mod != IndexToken {
if info.ImportPathPattern != "" {
importedPath := strings.ReplaceAll(info.ImportPathPattern, "{module}", mod)
return strings.ReplaceAll(importedPath, "{baseImportPath}", importBasePath)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", importBasePath, mod)
return importBasePath
if !hasInfo {
mod = strings.SplitN(mod, "/", 2)[0]
path := importPath(mod, "")
// users hasn't provided any extra overrides
if mod == "" || mod == IndexToken {
mod = pkg
if strings.Contains(mod, "-") {
// convert the dashed package name into camelCase
mod = strcase.ToLowerCamel(mod)
g.importer.Import(path, mod)
if m, ok := info.ModuleToPackage[mod]; ok {
mod = m
path := importPath(mod, info.ImportBasePath)
if alias, ok := info.PackageImportAliases[path]; ok {
g.importer.Import(path, alias)
// Trim off anything after the first '/'.
// This handles transforming modules like s3/bucket to s3 (as found in
// aws:s3/bucket:Bucket).
mod = strings.SplitN(mod, "/", 2)[0]
path = importPath(mod, info.ImportBasePath)
pkgName := mod
if len(pkgName) == 0 || pkgName == IndexToken {
// If mod is empty, then the package is the root package.
pkgName = pkg
g.importer.Import(path, pkgName)
// genPostamble closes the method
func (g *generator) genPostamble(w io.Writer, nodes []pcl.Node) {
if !g.isComponent {
g.Fprint(w, "return nil\n")
g.Fprintf(w, "})\n")
g.Fprintf(w, "}\n")
func (g *generator) genHelpers(w io.Writer) {
for _, v := range g.arrayHelpers {
func (g *generator) genNode(w io.Writer, n pcl.Node) {
switch n := n.(type) {
case *pcl.Resource:
g.genResource(w, n)
case *pcl.Component:
g.genComponent(w, n)
case *pcl.OutputVariable:
g.genOutputAssignment(w, n)
case *pcl.ConfigVariable:
g.genConfigVariable(w, n)
case *pcl.LocalVariable:
g.genLocalVariable(w, n)
var resourceType = model.NewOpaqueType("pulumi.Resource")
func (g *generator) lowerResourceOptions(opts *pcl.ResourceOptions) (*model.Block, []interface{}) {
if opts == nil {
return nil, nil
var block *model.Block
var temps []interface{}
appendOption := func(name string, value model.Expression, destType model.Type) {
if block == nil {
block = &model.Block{
Type: "options",
Body: &model.Body{},
value, valueTemps := g.lowerExpression(value, destType)
temps = append(temps, valueTemps...)
block.Body.Items = append(block.Body.Items, &model.Attribute{
Tokens: syntax.NewAttributeTokens(name),
Name: name,
Value: value,
if opts.Parent != nil {
appendOption("Parent", opts.Parent, model.DynamicType)
if opts.Provider != nil {
appendOption("Provider", opts.Provider, model.DynamicType)
if opts.DependsOn != nil {
appendOption("DependsOn", opts.DependsOn, model.NewListType(resourceType))
if opts.Protect != nil {
appendOption("Protect", opts.Protect, model.BoolType)
if opts.RetainOnDelete != nil {
appendOption("RetainOnDelete", opts.RetainOnDelete, model.BoolType)
if opts.IgnoreChanges != nil {
appendOption("IgnoreChanges", opts.IgnoreChanges, model.NewListType(model.StringType))
if opts.DeletedWith != nil {
appendOption("DeletedWith", opts.DeletedWith, model.DynamicType)
return block, temps
func (g *generator) genResourceOptions(w io.Writer, block *model.Block) {
if block == nil {
for _, item := range block.Body.Items {
attr := item.(*model.Attribute)
g.Fgenf(w, ", pulumi.%s(%v)", attr.Name, attr.Value)
func (g *generator) genResource(w io.Writer, r *pcl.Resource) {
resName, resNameVar := r.LogicalName(), makeValidIdentifier(r.Name())
pkg, mod, typ, _ := r.DecomposeToken()
originalMod := mod
if pkg == "pulumi" && mod == "providers" {
pkg = typ
mod = ""
typ = "Provider"
if mod == "" || strings.HasPrefix(mod, "/") || mod == IndexToken {
originalMod = mod
mod = pkg
// Compute resource options
options, temps := g.lowerResourceOptions(r.Options)
g.genTemps(w, temps)
if r.Schema != nil {
// Add conversions to input properties
for _, input := range r.Inputs {
destType, diagnostics := r.InputType.Traverse(hcl.TraverseAttr{Name: input.Name})
g.diagnostics = append(g.diagnostics, diagnostics...)
expr, temps := g.lowerExpression(input.Value, destType.(model.Type))
expr, invokeTemps := g.rewriteInlineInvokes(expr)
for _, t := range invokeTemps {
temps = append(temps, t)
input.Value = expr
g.genTemps(w, temps)
if r.Schema == nil {
// for unknown resource the type name of the resource should be upper-case
typ = Title(typ)
modOrAlias := g.getModOrAlias(pkg, mod, originalMod)
instantiate := func(varName, resourceName string, w io.Writer) {
if g.scopeTraversalRoots.Has(varName) || strings.HasPrefix(varName, "__") {
g.Fgenf(w, "%s, err := %s.New%s(ctx, %s, ", varName, modOrAlias, typ, resourceName)
} else {
assignment := ":="
if g.isErrAssigned {
assignment = "="
if g.assignResourcesToVariables {
g.Fgenf(w, "%s, err := %s.New%s(ctx, %s, ",
strcase.ToLowerCamel(resourceName), modOrAlias, typ, resourceName)
} else {
g.Fgenf(w, "_, err %s %s.New%s(ctx, %s, ", assignment, modOrAlias, typ, resourceName)
g.isErrAssigned = true
if len(r.Inputs) > 0 {
g.Fgenf(w, "&%s.%sArgs{\n", modOrAlias, typ)
for _, attr := range r.Inputs {
g.Fgenf(w, "%s: %.v,\n", strings.Title(attr.Name), attr.Value)
g.Fprint(w, "}")
} else {
g.Fprint(w, "nil")
g.genResourceOptions(w, options)
g.Fprint(w, ")\n")
g.Fgenf(w, "if err != nil {\n")
if g.isComponent {
g.Fgenf(w, "return nil, err\n")
} else {
g.Fgenf(w, "return err\n")
g.Fgenf(w, "}\n")
g.genTrivia(w, r.Definition.Tokens.GetType(""))
for _, l := range r.Definition.Tokens.GetLabels(nil) {
g.genTrivia(w, l)
g.genTrivia(w, r.Definition.Tokens.GetOpenBrace())
if r.Options != nil && r.Options.Range != nil {
rangeType := model.ResolveOutputs(r.Options.Range.Type())
rangeExpr, temps := g.lowerExpression(r.Options.Range, rangeType)
g.genTemps(w, temps)
g.Fgenf(w, "var %s []*%s.%s\n", resNameVar, modOrAlias, typ)
// ahead of range statement declaration generate the resource instantiation
// to detect and removed unused k,v variables
var buf bytes.Buffer
resourceName := fmt.Sprintf(`fmt.Sprintf("%s-%%v", key0)`, resName)
if g.isComponent {
resourceName = fmt.Sprintf(`fmt.Sprintf("%%s-%s-%%v", name, key0)`, resName)
instantiate("__res", resourceName, &buf)
instantiation := buf.String()
isValUsed := strings.Contains(instantiation, "val0")
valVar := "_"
if isValUsed {
valVar = "val0"
if model.InputType(model.NumberType).ConversionFrom(rangeExpr.Type()) != model.NoConversion {
g.Fgenf(w, "for index := 0; index < %.v; index++ {\n", rangeExpr)
g.Indented(func() {
g.Fgenf(w, "%skey0 := index\n", g.Indent)
g.Fgenf(w, "%s%s := index\n", g.Indent, valVar)
} else {
g.Fgenf(w, "for key0, %s := range %.v {\n", valVar, rangeExpr)
g.Fgen(w, instantiation)
g.Fgenf(w, "%[1]s = append(%[1]s, __res)\n", resNameVar)
g.Fgenf(w, "}\n")
} else {
resourceName := fmt.Sprintf("%q", resName)
if g.isComponent {
resourceName = fmt.Sprintf(`fmt.Sprintf("%%s-%s", name)`, resName)
instantiate(resNameVar, resourceName, w)
func AnnotateComponentInputs(component *pcl.Component) {
componentName := Title(component.Name())
configVars := component.Program.ConfigVariables()
for index := range component.Inputs {
attribute := component.Inputs[index]
switch expr := attribute.Value.(type) {
case *model.ObjectConsExpression:
for _, configVar := range configVars {
if configVar.Name() == attribute.Name {
switch configVar.Type().(type) {
case *model.ObjectType:
expr.WithType(func(objectExprType model.Type) *model.ObjectConsExpression {
switch exprType := objectExprType.(type) {
case *model.ObjectType:
typeName := configObjectTypeName(configVar.Name())
annotateObjectTypedConfig(componentName, typeName, exprType)
return expr
case *model.MapType:
for _, item := range expr.Items {
switch mapValue := item.Value.(type) {
case *model.ObjectConsExpression:
mapValue.WithType(func(objectExprType model.Type) *model.ObjectConsExpression {
switch exprType := objectExprType.(type) {
case *model.ObjectType:
typeName := configObjectTypeName(configVar.Name())
annotateObjectTypedConfig(componentName, typeName, exprType)
return mapValue
case *model.TupleConsExpression:
for _, configVar := range configVars {
if configVar.Name() == attribute.Name {
switch listType := configVar.Type().(type) {
case *model.ListType:
switch listType.ElementType.(type) {
case *model.ObjectType:
for _, item := range expr.Expressions {
switch itemExpr := item.(type) {
case *model.ObjectConsExpression:
itemExpr.WithType(func(objectExprType model.Type) *model.ObjectConsExpression {
switch exprType := objectExprType.(type) {
case *model.ObjectType:
typeName := configObjectTypeName(configVar.Name())
annotateObjectTypedConfig(componentName, typeName, exprType)
return itemExpr
func (g *generator) genComponent(w io.Writer, r *pcl.Component) {
resName, resNameVar := r.LogicalName(), makeValidIdentifier(r.Name())
// Compute resource options
options, temps := g.lowerResourceOptions(r.Options)
g.genTemps(w, temps)
configVariables := r.Program.ConfigVariables()
// Add conversions to input properties
for _, input := range r.Inputs {
for _, config := range configVariables {
if config.Name() == input.Name {
destType := config.Type()
expr, temps := g.lowerExpression(input.Value, destType)
input.Value = expr
g.genTemps(w, temps)
componentName := r.DeclarationName()
instantiate := func(varName, resourceName string, w io.Writer) {
if g.scopeTraversalRoots.Has(varName) || strings.HasPrefix(varName, "__") {
g.Fgenf(w, "%s, err := New%s(ctx, %s, ", varName, componentName, resourceName)
} else {
assignment := ":="
if g.isErrAssigned {
assignment = "="
if g.assignResourcesToVariables {
g.Fgenf(w, "%s, err := New%s(ctx, %s, ",
strcase.ToLowerCamel(resourceName), componentName, resourceName)
} else {
g.Fgenf(w, "_, err %s New%s(ctx, %s, ", assignment, componentName, resourceName)
g.isErrAssigned = true
if len(r.Inputs) > 0 {
g.Fgenf(w, "&%sArgs{\n", componentName)
for _, attr := range r.Inputs {
g.Fgenf(w, "%s: %.v,\n", strings.Title(attr.Name), attr.Value)
g.Fprint(w, "}")
} else {
g.Fprint(w, "nil")
g.genResourceOptions(w, options)
g.Fprint(w, ")\n")
g.Fgenf(w, "if err != nil {\n")
if g.isComponent {
g.Fgenf(w, "return nil, err\n")
} else {
g.Fgenf(w, "return err\n")
g.Fgenf(w, "}\n")
if r.Options != nil && r.Options.Range != nil {
rangeType := model.ResolveOutputs(r.Options.Range.Type())
rangeExpr, temps := g.lowerExpression(r.Options.Range, rangeType)
g.genTemps(w, temps)
g.Fgenf(w, "var %s []*%s\n", resNameVar, componentName)
// ahead of range statement declaration generate the resource instantiation
// to detect and removed unused k,v variables
var buf bytes.Buffer
resourceName := fmt.Sprintf(`fmt.Sprintf("%s-%%v", key0)`, resName)
if g.isComponent {
resourceName = fmt.Sprintf(`fmt.Sprintf("%%s-%s-%%v", name, key0)`, resName)
instantiate("__res", resourceName, &buf)
instantiation := buf.String()
isValUsed := strings.Contains(instantiation, "val0")
valVar := "_"
if isValUsed {
valVar = "val0"
if model.InputType(model.NumberType).ConversionFrom(rangeExpr.Type()) != model.NoConversion {
g.Fgenf(w, "for index := 0; index < %.v; index++ {\n", rangeExpr)
g.Indented(func() {
g.Fgenf(w, "%skey0 := index\n", g.Indent)
g.Fgenf(w, "%s%s := index\n", g.Indent, valVar)
} else {
g.Fgenf(w, "for key0, %s := range %.v {\n", valVar, rangeExpr)
g.Fgen(w, instantiation)
g.Fgenf(w, "%[1]s = append(%[1]s, __res)\n", resNameVar)
g.Fgenf(w, "}\n")
} else {
resourceName := fmt.Sprintf("%q", resName)
if g.isComponent {
resourceName = fmt.Sprintf(`fmt.Sprintf("%%s-%s", name)`, resName)
instantiate(resNameVar, resourceName, w)
func isOutput(t model.Type) bool {
_, ok := t.(*model.OutputType)
return ok
func liftValueToOutput(value model.Expression) (model.Expression, model.Type) {
destType := value.Type()
if !isOutput(destType) {
destType = model.NewOutputType(destType)
switch expr := value.(type) {
case *model.TupleConsExpression:
// if the value is a tuple, then lift each element to Output[T] as well
for i, elem := range expr.Expressions {
lifted, _ := liftValueToOutput(elem)
expr.Expressions[i] = lifted
return pcl.NewConvertCall(value, destType), destType
func (g *generator) genOutputAssignment(w io.Writer, v *pcl.OutputVariable) {
// if the value is a plain type T, then lift it to Output[T]
// because ctx.Export expects an output value
value, destType := liftValueToOutput(v.Value)
expr, temps := g.lowerExpression(value, destType)
g.genTemps(w, temps)
g.Fgenf(w, "ctx.Export(%q, %.3v)\n", v.LogicalName(), expr)
func (g *generator) genTemps(w io.Writer, temps []interface{}) {
singleReturn := ""
g.genTempsMultiReturn(w, temps, singleReturn)
func (g *generator) genTempsMultiReturn(w io.Writer, temps []interface{}, zeroValueType string) {
genZeroValueDecl := false
if zeroValueType != "" {
for _, t := range temps {
switch t.(type) {
case *spillTemp, *readDirTemp:
genZeroValueDecl = true
if genZeroValueDecl {
// TODO add entropy to var name
// currently only used inside anonymous functions (no scope collisions)
g.Fgenf(w, "var _zero %s\n", zeroValueType)
for _, t := range temps {
switch t := t.(type) {
case *ternaryTemp:
// TODO derive from ambient context
isInput := false
g.Fgenf(w, "var %s %s\n", t.Name, g.argumentTypeName(t.Type(), isInput))
g.Fgenf(w, "if %.v {\n", t.Value.Condition)
g.Fgenf(w, "%s = %.v\n", t.Name, t.Value.TrueResult)
g.Fgenf(w, "} else {\n")
g.Fgenf(w, "%s = %.v\n", t.Name, t.Value.FalseResult)
g.Fgenf(w, "}\n")
case *spillTemp:
bytesVar := "tmp" + strings.ToUpper(t.Variable.Name)
g.Fgenf(w, "%s, err := json.Marshal(", bytesVar)
args := t.Value.(*model.FunctionCallExpression).Args[0]
g.Fgenf(w, "%.v)\n", args)
g.Fgenf(w, "if err != nil {\n")
if genZeroValueDecl {
g.Fgenf(w, "return _zero, err\n")
} else {
g.Fgenf(w, "return err\n")
g.Fgenf(w, "}\n")
g.Fgenf(w, "%s := string(%s)\n", t.Variable.Name, bytesVar)
g.isErrAssigned = true
case *readDirTemp:
tmpSuffix := strings.Split(t.Name, "files")[1]
g.Fgenf(w, "%s, err := os.ReadDir(%.v)\n", t.Name, t.Value.Args[0])
g.Fgenf(w, "if err != nil {\n")
if genZeroValueDecl {
g.Fgenf(w, "return _zero, err\n")
} else {
g.Fgenf(w, "return err\n")
g.Fgenf(w, "}\n")
namesVar := "fileNames" + tmpSuffix
g.Fgenf(w, "%s := make([]string, len(%s))\n", namesVar, t.Name)
iVar := "key" + tmpSuffix
valVar := "val" + tmpSuffix
g.Fgenf(w, "for %s, %s := range %s {\n", iVar, valVar, t.Name)
g.Fgenf(w, "%s[%s] = %s.Name()\n", namesVar, iVar, valVar)
g.Fgenf(w, "}\n")
g.isErrAssigned = true
case *splatTemp:
argTyp := g.argumentTypeName(t.Value.Each.Type(), false)
if strings.Contains(argTyp, ".") {
g.Fgenf(w, "var %s %sArray\n", t.Name, argTyp)
} else {
g.Fgenf(w, "var %s []%s\n", t.Name, argTyp)
g.Fgenf(w, "for _, val0 := range %.v {\n", t.Value.Source)
g.Fgenf(w, "%s = append(%s, %.v)\n", t.Name, t.Name, t.Value.Each)
g.Fgenf(w, "}\n")
case *optionalTemp:
g.Fgenf(w, "%s := %.v\n", t.Name, t.Value)
case *inlineInvokeTemp:
g.Fgenf(w, "%s, err := %.v\n", t.Name, t.Value)
g.Fgenf(w, "if err != nil {\n")
g.Fgenf(w, "return err\n")
g.Fgenf(w, "}\n")
g.isErrAssigned = true
contract.Failf("unexpected temp type: %v", t)
func (g *generator) genLocalVariable(w io.Writer, v *pcl.LocalVariable) {
expr, temps := g.lowerExpression(v.Definition.Value, v.Type())
g.genTemps(w, temps)
name := makeValidIdentifier(v.Name())
assignment := ":="
if !g.scopeTraversalRoots.Has(v.Name()) {
name = "_"
if g.isErrAssigned {
assignment = "="
g.genTrivia(w, v.Definition.Tokens.Name)
switch expr := expr.(type) {
case *model.FunctionCallExpression:
switch expr.Name {
case pcl.Invoke:
// OutputVersionedInvoke does not return an error
noError, _, _ := pcl.RecognizeOutputVersionedInvoke(expr)
if noError {
if name == "_" {
assignment = "="
g.Fgenf(w, "%s %s %.3v;\n", name, assignment, expr)
} else {
g.Fgenf(w, "%s, err %s %.3v;\n", name, assignment, expr)
g.isErrAssigned = true
g.Fgenf(w, "if err != nil {\n")
g.Fgenf(w, "return err\n")
g.Fgenf(w, "}\n")
case pcl.IntrinsicApply:
if name == "_" {
assignment = "="
g.Fgenf(w, "%s %s ", name, assignment)
g.genApply(w, expr)
g.Fgenf(w, "\n")
case "join", "mimeType",
"fileArchive", "remoteArchive", "assetArchive",
"fileAsset", "stringAsset", "remoteAsset",
if name == "_" {
assignment = "="
g.Fgenf(w, "%s %s %.3v;\n", name, assignment, expr)
case fromBase64Fn:
tmpVar := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", "tmpVar", g.tmpVarCount)
g.Fgenf(w, "%s, _ := %.3v;\n", tmpVar, expr)
if name == "_" {
assignment = "="
g.Fgenf(w, "%s %s string(%s)\n", name, assignment, tmpVar)
if name == "_" {
assignment = "="
g.Fgenf(w, "%s %s %.3v;\n", name, assignment, expr)
g.Fgenf(w, "%s := %.3v;\n", name, expr)
func (g *generator) genConfigVariable(w io.Writer, v *pcl.ConfigVariable) {
if !g.configCreated {
g.Fprint(w, "cfg := config.New(ctx, \"\")\n")
g.configCreated = true
getType := ""
switch v.Type() {
case model.StringType: // Already default
case model.NumberType:
getType = "Float64"
case model.IntType:
getType = "Int"
case model.BoolType:
getType = "Bool"
case model.DynamicType:
getType = "Object"
getOrRequire := "Get"
if v.DefaultValue == nil {
getOrRequire = "Require"
if v.Description != "" {
for _, line := range strings.Split(v.Description, "\n") {
g.Fgenf(w, "%s// %s\n", g.Indent, line)
name := makeValidIdentifier(v.Name())
if v.DefaultValue == nil {
g.Fgenf(w, "%s := cfg.%s%s(\"%s\")\n", name, getOrRequire, getType, v.LogicalName())
} else {
expr, temps := g.lowerExpression(v.DefaultValue, v.DefaultValue.Type())
g.genTemps(w, temps)
switch expr := expr.(type) {
case *model.FunctionCallExpression:
switch expr.Name {
case pcl.Invoke:
g.Fgenf(w, "%s, err := %.3v;\n", name, expr)
g.isErrAssigned = true
g.Fgenf(w, "if err != nil {\n")
g.Fgenf(w, "return err\n")
g.Fgenf(w, "}\n")
switch v.Type() {
// Go will default to interpreting integers (i.e. 3) as ints, even if the config is Number
case model.NumberType:
g.Fgenf(w, "%s := float64(%.3v);\n", name, expr)
g.Fgenf(w, "%s := %.3v;\n", name, expr)
switch v.Type() {
case model.StringType:
g.Fgenf(w, "if param := cfg.Get(\"%s\"); param != \"\"{\n", v.LogicalName())
case model.NumberType:
g.Fgenf(w, "if param := cfg.GetFloat64(\"%s\"); param != 0 {\n", v.LogicalName())
case model.IntType:
g.Fgenf(w, "if param := cfg.GetInt(\"%s\"); param != 0 {\n", v.LogicalName())
case model.BoolType:
g.Fgenf(w, "if param := cfg.GetBool(\"%s\"); param {\n", v.LogicalName())
g.Fgenf(w, "if param := cfg.GetObject(\"%s\"); param != nil {\n", v.LogicalName())
g.Fgenf(w, "%s = param\n", name)
g.Fgen(w, "}\n")
// useLookupInvokeForm takes a token for an invoke and determines whether to use the
// .Get or .Lookup form. The Go SDK has collisions in .Get methods that require renaming.
// For instance, gen.go creates a resource getter for AWS VPCs that collides with a function:
// GetVPC resource getter: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/blob/7835df354694e2f9f23371602a9febebc6b45be8/sdk/go/aws/ec2/getVpc.go#L15
// LookupVPC function: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/blob/7835df354694e2f9f23371602a9febebc6b45be8/sdk/go/aws/ec2/getVpc.go#L15
// Given that the naming here is not consisten, we must reverse the process from gen.go.
func (g *generator) useLookupInvokeForm(token string) bool {
pkg, module, member, _ := pcl.DecomposeToken(token, *new(hcl.Range))
modSplit := strings.Split(module, "/")
mod := modSplit[0]
fn := Title(member)
if mod == IndexToken && len(modSplit) >= 2 {
// e.g. "aws:index/getPartition:getPartition" where module is "index/getPartition"
mod = ""
fn = Title(modSplit[1])
} else {
// e.g. for type "ec2/getVpc:getVpcArgs"
if _, has := g.contexts[pkg][mod]; !has {
mod = module
fnLookup := "Lookup" + fn[3:]
pkgContext, has := g.contexts[pkg][mod]
if has && pkgContext.names.Has(fnLookup) {
return true
return false
// getModOrAlias attempts to reconstruct the import statement and check if the imported package
// is aliased, returning that alias if available.
func (g *generator) getModOrAlias(pkg, mod, originalMod string) string {
info, ok := g.getGoPackageInfo(pkg)
if !ok {
needsAliasing := strings.Contains(mod, "-")
if needsAliasing {
return strcase.ToLowerCamel(mod)
return mod
importPath := func(mod string) string {
importBasePath := info.ImportBasePath
if mod != "" && mod != IndexToken {
if info.ImportPathPattern != "" {
importedPath := strings.ReplaceAll(info.ImportPathPattern, "{module}", mod)
return strings.ReplaceAll(importedPath, "{baseImportPath}", importBasePath)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", importBasePath, mod)
return importBasePath
if m, ok := info.ModuleToPackage[mod]; ok {
mod = m
} else {
mod = originalMod
path := importPath(mod)
if alias, ok := info.PackageImportAliases[path]; ok {
return g.importer.Import(path, alias)
// Trim off anything after the first '/'.
// This handles transforming modules like s3/bucket to s3 (as found in
// aws:s3/bucket:Bucket).
mod = strings.SplitN(mod, "/", 2)[0]
path = importPath(mod)
pkgName := mod
if len(pkgName) == 0 || pkgName == IndexToken {
// If mod is empty, then the package is the root package.
pkgName = pkg
return g.importer.Import(path, pkgName)
// Go needs complete package definitions in order to properly resolve names.
// TODO: naming decisions should really be encoded statically so that they can be decided locally.
func programPackageDefs(program *pcl.Program) ([]*schema.Package, error) {
refs := program.PackageReferences()
defs := make([]*schema.Package, len(refs))
for i, ref := range refs {
def, err := ref.Definition()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defs[i] = def
return defs, nil
// fileImporter tracks imports in a single generated file.
// It ensures that there are no conflicts between imports
// with the same package name.
type fileImporter struct {
// used holds all identifier names that have been used
// for imports in this file, and the imports that they refer to.
used map[string]string // identifier name -> import path
// For import paths where the package name is not unique,
// this map holds the name that was used for the import.
aliases map[string]string // import path -> alias
func newFileImporter() *fileImporter {
return &fileImporter{
used: make(map[string]string),
aliases: make(map[string]string),
// Import imports a package with the given import path
// and returns the name that should be used to refer to it.
// name is the name of the package at the import path.
// This must always match the 'package' statement in the imported package.
// Note that returned name may be different from the name argument.
// This happens when the name is already used for another import,
// and requires an alias to avoid a conflict.
// foo := i.Import("example.com/foo", "foo")
// if foo == "foo" {
// fmt.Printf(`import "example.com/foo"`)
// } else {
// fmt.Printf(`import %s "example.com/foo"`, foo)
// }
// Import will never return the same name for two different import paths
// in the same file.
// For example:
// aws1 := i.Import("example.com/foo/aws", "aws")
// aws2 := i.Import("example.com/bar/aws", "aws")
// fmt.Println(aws1 == aws2) // false
func (fi *fileImporter) Import(importPath string, name string) (actualName string) {
contract.Requiref(importPath != "", "importPath", "must not be empty")
contract.Requiref(name != "", "name", "must not be empty (importPath: %q)", importPath)
name = strings.ReplaceAll(name, "-", "")
// For readability, always add an alias if the package name
// does not match the base name of the import path.
// For example, "example.com/foo-go" with package "foo"
// should get:
// import foo "example.com/foo-go"
if filepath.Base(importPath) != name {
defer func() { fi.aliases[importPath] = actualName }()
// Already imported using the same name.
if imported, ok := fi.used[name]; ok && imported == importPath {
return name // no alias
// Preferred name has not yet been used.
if _, ok := fi.used[name]; !ok {
fi.used[name] = importPath
return name
// Already imported with an alias. Use that alias.
if other, ok := fi.aliases[importPath]; ok {
return other
// The name is taken. We need a unique unused alias.
// If the import path has at least two "/"s,
// we'll try to combine the last two parts of the path
// into a single identifier.
// For example, if "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/sdk/go/awsx/s3"
// conflicts, we'll try to use "awsxs3" instead.
if idx := secondLastIndex(importPath, "/"); idx != -1 {
// "example.com/foo/bar/baz" -> "bar/baz"
candidate := importPath[idx+1:]
if candidate, ok := toIdentifier(candidate); ok {
if _, ok := fi.used[candidate]; !ok {
fi.used[candidate] = importPath
fi.aliases[importPath] = candidate
return candidate
// If that doesn't work, we'll just append a number.
for i := 2; ; i++ {
candidate := name + strconv.Itoa(i)
if _, ok := fi.used[candidate]; ok {
continue // already used
fi.used[candidate] = importPath
fi.aliases[importPath] = candidate
return candidate
// Reports all imports made with Import so far as groups of import specs.
// These can be used to generate an import block with separate import groups.
// The specs are sorted by import path.
// Usage:
// fmt.Printf("import (\n")
// for _, group := range i.ImportGroups() {
// for _, spec := range group {
// fmt.Printf(" %s\n", spec)
// }
// }
// This example collapses all imports into a single group.
// Typically, you would want to separate the groups with a blank line.
func (fi *fileImporter) ImportGroups() [][]string {
importPaths := make([]string, 0, len(fi.used))
for _, importPath := range fi.used {
importPaths = append(importPaths, importPath)
// We currently generate only two groups:
// 1. stdlib imports
// 2. everything else
// We can determine if an import is stdlib by checking if its path
// contains a '.'.
// See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/32819 for discussion,
// but:
// > Import paths without dots are reserved for the standard library
// > and toolchain
var (
stdlib []string
other []string
for _, importPath := range importPaths {
var spec string
if alias, ok := fi.aliases[importPath]; ok {
spec = alias + " " + strconv.Quote(importPath)
// e.g. foo "example.com/foo"
} else {
spec = strconv.Quote(importPath)
// e.g. "example.com/foo"
if strings.Contains(importPath, ".") {
other = append(other, spec)
} else {
stdlib = append(stdlib, spec)
var groups [][]string
if len(stdlib) > 0 {
groups = append(groups, stdlib)
if len(other) > 0 {
groups = append(groups, other)
return groups
// Reset resets the importer to its initial state.
func (fi *fileImporter) Reset() {
fi.used = make(map[string]string)
fi.aliases = make(map[string]string)
// Turns a string into an identifier by dropping all characters
// that are not alphamumeric or underscore.
// Returns false if the string cannot be turned into an identifier.
func toIdentifier(s string) (_ string, ok bool) {
var b strings.Builder
for _, r := range s {
if r == '_' || unicode.IsLetter(r) || unicode.IsNumber(r) {
o := b.String()
return o, token.IsIdentifier(o)
// Returns the index of the second-to-last occurrence of needle in haystack.
// If there is no second-to-last occurrence, returns -1.
func secondLastIndex(haystack, needle string) int {
// Note that we can't just do []byte(haystack) and then iterate backwards
// because of unicode.
// Instead we'll use strings.LastIndex twice.
last := strings.LastIndex(haystack, needle)
if last == -1 {
return -1
return strings.LastIndex(haystack[:last], needle)