mirror of https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi.git
2541 lines
78 KiB
2541 lines
78 KiB
// Copyright 2016-2021, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Pulling out some of the repeated strings tokens into constants would harm readability, so we just ignore the
// goconst linter's warning.
//nolint:lll, goconst
package dotnet
import (
type typeDetails struct {
outputType bool
inputType bool
stateType bool
plainType bool
usedInFunctionOutputVersionInputs bool
// Title converts the input string to a title case
// where only the initial letter is upper-cased.
func Title(s string) string {
if s == "" {
return ""
runes := []rune(s)
return string(append([]rune{unicode.ToUpper(runes[0])}, runes[1:]...))
func csharpIdentifier(s string) string {
// Some schema field names may look like $ref or $schema. Remove the leading $ to make a valid identifier.
// This could lead to a clash if both `$foo` and `foo` are defined, but we don't try to de-duplicate now.
s = strings.TrimPrefix(s, "$")
switch s {
case "abstract", "as", "base", "bool",
"break", "byte", "case", "catch",
"char", "checked", "class", "const",
"continue", "decimal", "default", "delegate",
"do", "double", "else", "enum",
"event", "explicit", "extern", "false",
"finally", "fixed", "float", "for",
"foreach", "goto", "if", "implicit",
"in", "int", "interface", "internal",
"is", "lock", "long", "namespace",
"new", "null", "object", "operator",
"out", "override", "params", "private",
"protected", "public", "readonly", "ref",
"return", "sbyte", "sealed", "short",
"sizeof", "stackalloc", "static", "string",
"struct", "switch", "this", "throw",
"true", "try", "typeof", "uint",
"ulong", "unchecked", "unsafe", "ushort",
"using", "virtual", "void", "volatile", "while":
return "@" + s
return s
func isImmutableArrayType(t schema.Type, wrapInput bool) bool {
_, isArray := t.(*schema.ArrayType)
return isArray && !wrapInput
func isValueType(t schema.Type) bool {
switch t := t.(type) {
case *schema.OptionalType:
return isValueType(t.ElementType)
case *schema.EnumType:
return true
switch t {
case schema.BoolType, schema.IntType, schema.NumberType:
return true
return false
func namespaceName(namespaces map[string]string, name string) string {
if ns, ok := namespaces[name]; ok {
return ns
names := strings.Split(name, "-")
for i, name := range names {
names[i] = Title(name)
return strings.Join(names, "")
type modContext struct {
pkg schema.PackageReference
mod string
propertyNames map[*schema.Property]string
types []*schema.ObjectType
enums []*schema.EnumType
resources []*schema.Resource
functions []*schema.Function
typeDetails map[*schema.ObjectType]*typeDetails
children []*modContext
tool string
namespaceName string
namespaces map[string]string
compatibility string
dictionaryConstructors bool
// If types in the Input namespace are used.
fullyQualifiedInputs bool
// Determine whether to lift single-value method return values
liftSingleValueMethodReturns bool
// The root namespace to use, if any.
rootNamespace string
func (mod *modContext) RootNamespace() string {
if mod.rootNamespace != "" {
return mod.rootNamespace
return "Pulumi"
func (mod *modContext) propertyName(p *schema.Property) string {
if n, ok := mod.propertyNames[p]; ok {
return n
return Title(p.Name)
func (mod *modContext) details(t *schema.ObjectType) *typeDetails {
details, ok := mod.typeDetails[t]
if !ok {
details = &typeDetails{}
mod.typeDetails[t] = details
return details
func tokenToName(tok string) string {
// token := pkg : module : member
// module := path/to/module
components := strings.Split(tok, ":")
contract.Assertf(len(components) == 3, "malformed token %v", tok)
return Title(components[2])
func resourceName(r *schema.Resource) string {
if r.IsProvider {
return "Provider"
return tokenToName(r.Token)
func tokenToFunctionName(tok string) string {
return tokenToName(tok)
func (mod *modContext) isK8sCompatMode() bool {
return mod.compatibility == "kubernetes20"
func (mod *modContext) isTFCompatMode() bool {
return mod.compatibility == "tfbridge20"
func (mod *modContext) tokenToNamespace(tok string, qualifier string) string {
components := strings.Split(tok, ":")
contract.Assertf(len(components) == 3, "malformed token %v", tok)
pkg, nsName := mod.RootNamespace()+"."+namespaceName(mod.namespaces, components[0]), mod.pkg.TokenToModule(tok)
if mod.isK8sCompatMode() {
if qualifier != "" {
return pkg + ".Types." + qualifier + "." + namespaceName(mod.namespaces, nsName)
typ := pkg
if nsName != "" {
typ += "." + namespaceName(mod.namespaces, nsName)
if qualifier != "" {
typ += "." + qualifier
return typ
func (mod *modContext) typeName(t *schema.ObjectType, state, input, args bool) string {
name := tokenToName(t.Token)
if state {
return name + "GetArgs"
if !mod.isTFCompatMode() && !mod.isK8sCompatMode() {
if args {
return name + "Args"
return name
switch {
case input && args && mod.details(t).usedInFunctionOutputVersionInputs:
return name + "InputArgs"
case input:
return name + "Args"
case mod.details(t).plainType:
return name + "Result"
return name
func isInputType(t schema.Type) bool {
if optional, ok := t.(*schema.OptionalType); ok {
t = optional.ElementType
_, isInputType := t.(*schema.InputType)
return isInputType
func ignoreOptional(t *schema.OptionalType, requireInitializers bool) bool {
switch t := t.ElementType.(type) {
case *schema.InputType:
switch t.ElementType.(type) {
case *schema.ArrayType, *schema.MapType:
return true
case *schema.ArrayType:
return !requireInitializers
return false
func simplifyInputUnion(union *schema.UnionType) *schema.UnionType {
elements := make([]schema.Type, len(union.ElementTypes))
for i, et := range union.ElementTypes {
if input, ok := et.(*schema.InputType); ok {
switch input.ElementType.(type) {
case *schema.ArrayType, *schema.MapType:
// Instead of just replacing Input<{Array,Map}<T>> with {Array,Map}<T>, replace it with
// {Array,Map}<Plain(T)>. This matches the behavior of typeString when presented with an
// Input<{Array,Map}<T>>.
elements[i] = codegen.PlainType(input.ElementType)
elements[i] = input.ElementType
} else {
elements[i] = et
return &schema.UnionType{
ElementTypes: elements,
DefaultType: union.DefaultType,
Discriminator: union.Discriminator,
Mapping: union.Mapping,
func (mod *modContext) unionTypeString(t *schema.UnionType, qualifier string, input, wrapInput, state, requireInitializers bool) string {
elementTypeSet := codegen.StringSet{}
var elementTypes []string
for _, e := range t.ElementTypes {
// If this is an output and a "relaxed" enum, emit the type as the underlying primitive type rather than the union.
// Eg. Output<string> rather than Output<Union<EnumType, string>>
if typ, ok := e.(*schema.EnumType); ok && !input {
return mod.typeString(typ.ElementType, qualifier, input, state, requireInitializers)
et := mod.typeString(e, qualifier, input, state, false)
if !elementTypeSet.Has(et) {
elementTypes = append(elementTypes, et)
switch len(elementTypes) {
case 1:
if wrapInput {
return fmt.Sprintf("Input<%s>", elementTypes[0])
return elementTypes[0]
case 2:
unionT := "Union"
if wrapInput {
unionT = "InputUnion"
return fmt.Sprintf("%s<%s>", unionT, strings.Join(elementTypes, ", "))
return "object"
func (mod *modContext) typeString(t schema.Type, qualifier string, input, state, requireInitializers bool) string {
switch t := t.(type) {
case *schema.OptionalType:
elem := mod.typeString(t.ElementType, qualifier, input, state, requireInitializers)
if ignoreOptional(t, requireInitializers) {
return elem
return elem + "?"
case *schema.InputType:
inputType := "Input"
elem := t.ElementType
switch e := t.ElementType.(type) {
case *schema.ArrayType:
inputType, elem = "InputList", codegen.PlainType(e.ElementType)
case *schema.MapType:
inputType, elem = "InputMap", codegen.PlainType(e.ElementType)
if e == schema.JSONType {
return "InputJson"
if union, ok := elem.(*schema.UnionType); ok {
union = simplifyInputUnion(union)
if inputType == "Input" {
return mod.unionTypeString(union, qualifier, input, true, state, requireInitializers)
elem = union
return fmt.Sprintf("%s<%s>", inputType, mod.typeString(elem, qualifier, input, state, requireInitializers))
case *schema.EnumType:
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", mod.tokenToNamespace(t.Token, ""), tokenToName(t.Token))
case *schema.ArrayType:
listType := "ImmutableArray"
if requireInitializers {
listType = "List"
return fmt.Sprintf("%v<%v>", listType, mod.typeString(t.ElementType, qualifier, input, state, false))
case *schema.MapType:
mapType := "ImmutableDictionary"
if requireInitializers {
mapType = "Dictionary"
return fmt.Sprintf("%v<string, %v>", mapType, mod.typeString(t.ElementType, qualifier, input, state, false))
case *schema.ObjectType:
namingCtx := mod
if !codegen.PkgEquals(t.PackageReference, mod.pkg) {
// If object type belongs to another package, we apply naming conventions from that package,
// including namespace naming and compatibility mode.
extPkg := t.PackageReference
var info CSharpPackageInfo
def, err := extPkg.Definition()
contract.AssertNoError(def.ImportLanguages(map[string]schema.Language{"csharp": Importer}))
if v, ok := def.Language["csharp"].(CSharpPackageInfo); ok {
info = v
namingCtx = &modContext{
pkg: extPkg,
namespaces: info.Namespaces,
rootNamespace: info.GetRootNamespace(),
compatibility: info.Compatibility,
typ := namingCtx.tokenToNamespace(t.Token, qualifier)
if (typ == namingCtx.namespaceName && qualifier == "") || typ == namingCtx.namespaceName+"."+qualifier {
typ = qualifier
if typ == "Inputs" && mod.fullyQualifiedInputs {
typ = fmt.Sprintf("%s.Inputs", mod.namespaceName)
if typ != "" {
typ += "."
return typ + mod.typeName(t, state, input, t.IsInputShape())
case *schema.ResourceType:
if strings.HasPrefix(t.Token, "pulumi:providers:") {
pkgName := strings.TrimPrefix(t.Token, "pulumi:providers:")
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.Provider", mod.RootNamespace(), namespaceName(mod.namespaces, pkgName))
namingCtx := mod
if t.Resource != nil && !codegen.PkgEquals(t.Resource.PackageReference, mod.pkg) {
// If resource type belongs to another package, we apply naming conventions from that package,
// including namespace naming and compatibility mode.
extPkg := t.Resource.PackageReference
var info CSharpPackageInfo
def, err := extPkg.Definition()
contract.AssertNoError(def.ImportLanguages(map[string]schema.Language{"csharp": Importer}))
if v, ok := def.Language["csharp"].(CSharpPackageInfo); ok {
info = v
namingCtx = &modContext{
pkg: extPkg,
namespaces: info.Namespaces,
rootNamespace: info.GetRootNamespace(),
compatibility: info.Compatibility,
typ := namingCtx.tokenToNamespace(t.Token, "")
if typ != "" {
typ += "."
return typ + tokenToName(t.Token)
case *schema.TokenType:
// Use the underlying type for now.
if t.UnderlyingType != nil {
return mod.typeString(t.UnderlyingType, qualifier, input, state, requireInitializers)
typ := tokenToName(t.Token)
if ns := mod.tokenToNamespace(t.Token, qualifier); ns != mod.namespaceName {
typ = ns + "." + typ
return typ
case *schema.UnionType:
return mod.unionTypeString(t, qualifier, input, false, state, requireInitializers)
switch t {
case schema.BoolType:
return "bool"
case schema.IntType:
return "int"
case schema.NumberType:
return "double"
case schema.StringType:
return "string"
case schema.ArchiveType:
return "Archive"
case schema.AssetType:
return "AssetOrArchive"
case schema.JSONType:
return "System.Text.Json.JsonElement"
case schema.AnyType:
return "object"
panic(fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T", t))
var docCommentEscaper = strings.NewReplacer(
`&`, "&",
`<`, "<",
`>`, ">",
func printComment(w io.Writer, comment, indent string) {
printCommentWithOptions(w, comment, indent, true /*escape*/)
func printCommentWithOptions(w io.Writer, comment, indent string, escape bool) {
if escape {
comment = docCommentEscaper.Replace(comment)
lines := strings.Split(comment, "\n")
for len(lines) > 0 && lines[len(lines)-1] == "" {
lines = lines[:len(lines)-1]
if len(lines) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s/// <summary>\n", indent)
for _, l := range lines {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s/// %s\n", indent, l)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s/// </summary>\n", indent)
type plainType struct {
mod *modContext
res *schema.Resource
name string
comment string
unescapeComment bool
baseClass string
propertyTypeQualifier string
properties []*schema.Property
args bool
state bool
internal bool
func (pt *plainType) genInputPropertyAttribute(w io.Writer, indent string, prop *schema.Property) {
wireName := prop.Name
attributeArgs := ""
if prop.IsRequired() {
attributeArgs = ", required: true"
if pt.res != nil && pt.res.IsProvider {
json := true
typ := codegen.UnwrapType(prop.Type)
if typ == schema.StringType {
json = false
} else if t, ok := typ.(*schema.TokenType); ok && t.UnderlyingType == schema.StringType {
json = false
if json {
attributeArgs += ", json: true"
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s[Input(\"%s\"%s)]\n", indent, wireName, attributeArgs)
func (pt *plainType) genInputProperty(w io.Writer, prop *schema.Property, indent string, generateInputAttribute bool) {
propertyName := pt.mod.propertyName(prop)
propertyType := pt.mod.typeString(prop.Type, pt.propertyTypeQualifier, true, pt.state, false)
indent = strings.Repeat(indent, 2)
// Next generate the input property itself. The way this is generated depends on the type of the property:
// complex types like lists and maps need a backing field.
needsBackingField := false
switch codegen.UnwrapType(prop.Type).(type) {
case *schema.ArrayType, *schema.MapType:
needsBackingField = true
if prop.Secret {
needsBackingField = true
// Next generate the input property itself. The way this is generated depends on the type of the property:
// complex types like lists and maps need a backing field. Secret properties also require a backing field.
if needsBackingField {
backingFieldName := "_" + prop.Name
requireInitializers := !pt.args || !isInputType(prop.Type)
backingFieldType := pt.mod.typeString(codegen.RequiredType(prop), pt.propertyTypeQualifier, true, pt.state, requireInitializers)
if generateInputAttribute {
pt.genInputPropertyAttribute(w, indent, prop)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%sprivate %s? %s;\n", indent, backingFieldType, backingFieldName)
if prop.Comment != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
printComment(w, prop.Comment, indent)
printObsoleteAttribute(w, prop.DeprecationMessage, indent)
switch codegen.UnwrapType(prop.Type).(type) {
case *schema.ArrayType, *schema.MapType:
// Note that we use the backing field type--which is just the property type without any nullable annotation--to
// ensure that the user does not see warnings when initializing these properties using object or collection
// initializers.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%spublic %s %s\n", indent, backingFieldType, propertyName)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s{\n", indent)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s get => %[2]s ?? (%[2]s = new %[3]s());\n", indent, backingFieldName, backingFieldType)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%spublic %s? %s\n", indent, backingFieldType, propertyName)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s{\n", indent)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s get => %s;\n", indent, backingFieldName)
if prop.Secret && isInputType(prop.Type) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s set\n", indent)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s {\n", indent)
// Since we can't directly assign the Output from CreateSecret to the property, use an Output.All or
// Output.Tuple to enable the secret flag on the data. (If any input to the All/Tuple is secret, then the
// Output will also be secret.)
switch t := codegen.UnwrapType(prop.Type).(type) {
case *schema.ArrayType:
elemType := pt.mod.typeString(codegen.PlainType(t.ElementType), pt.propertyTypeQualifier, true, pt.state, false)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s var emptySecret = Output.CreateSecret(ImmutableArray.Create<%s>());\n", indent, elemType)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s %s = Output.All(value, emptySecret).Apply(v => v[0]);\n", indent, backingFieldName)
case *schema.MapType:
elemType := pt.mod.typeString(codegen.PlainType(t.ElementType), pt.propertyTypeQualifier, true, pt.state, false)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s var emptySecret = Output.CreateSecret(ImmutableDictionary.Create<string, %s>());\n", indent, elemType)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s %s = Output.All(value, emptySecret).Apply(v => v[0]);\n", indent, backingFieldName)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s var emptySecret = Output.CreateSecret(0);\n", indent)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s %s = Output.Tuple<%s?, int>(value, emptySecret).Apply(t => t.Item1);\n", indent, backingFieldName, backingFieldType)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s }\n", indent)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s set => %s = value;\n", indent, backingFieldName)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s}\n", indent)
} else {
initializer := ""
if prop.IsRequired() && !isValueType(prop.Type) {
initializer = " = null!;"
printComment(w, prop.Comment, indent)
if generateInputAttribute {
pt.genInputPropertyAttribute(w, indent, prop)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%spublic %s %s { get; set; }%s\n", indent, propertyType, propertyName, initializer)
// Set to avoid generating a class with the same name twice.
var generatedTypes = codegen.Set{}
func (pt *plainType) genInputType(w io.Writer, level int) error {
return pt.genInputTypeWithFlags(w, level, true /* generateInputAttributes */)
func (pt *plainType) genInputTypeWithFlags(w io.Writer, level int, generateInputAttributes bool) error {
// The way the legacy codegen for kubernetes is structured, inputs for a resource args type and resource args
// subtype could become a single class because of the name + namespace clash. We use a set of generated types
// to prevent generating classes with equal full names in multiple files. The check should be removed if we
// ever change the namespacing in the k8s SDK to the standard one.
if pt.mod.isK8sCompatMode() {
key := pt.mod.namespaceName + pt.name
if generatedTypes.Has(key) {
return nil
indent := strings.Repeat(" ", level)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
sealed := "sealed "
if pt.mod.isK8sCompatMode() && (pt.res == nil || !pt.res.IsProvider) {
sealed = ""
// Open the class.
printCommentWithOptions(w, pt.comment, indent, !pt.unescapeComment)
var suffix string
if pt.baseClass != "" {
suffix = fmt.Sprintf(" : global::Pulumi.%s", pt.baseClass)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%spublic %sclass %s%s\n", indent, sealed, pt.name, suffix)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s{\n", indent)
// Declare each input property.
for _, p := range pt.properties {
pt.genInputProperty(w, p, indent, generateInputAttributes)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
// Generate a constructor that will set default values.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s public %s()\n", indent, pt.name)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s {\n", indent)
for _, prop := range pt.properties {
if prop.DefaultValue != nil {
dv, err := pt.mod.getDefaultValue(prop.DefaultValue, prop.Type)
if err != nil {
return err
propertyName := pt.mod.propertyName(prop)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s %s = %s;\n", indent, propertyName, dv)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s }\n", indent)
// override Empty static property from inherited ResourceArgs
// and make it return a concrete args type instead of inherited ResourceArgs
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s public static new %s Empty => new %s();\n", indent, pt.name, pt.name)
// Close the class.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s}\n", indent)
return nil
func (pt *plainType) genOutputType(w io.Writer, level int) {
indent := strings.Repeat(" ", level)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
// Open the class and attribute it appropriately.
printCommentWithOptions(w, pt.comment, indent, !pt.unescapeComment)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s[OutputType]\n", indent)
visibility := "public"
if pt.internal {
visibility = "internal"
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s%s sealed class %s\n", indent, visibility, pt.name)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s{\n", indent)
// Generate each output field.
for _, prop := range pt.properties {
fieldName := pt.mod.propertyName(prop)
typ := prop.Type
if !prop.IsRequired() && pt.mod.isK8sCompatMode() {
typ = codegen.RequiredType(prop)
fieldType := pt.mod.typeString(typ, pt.propertyTypeQualifier, false, false, false)
printComment(w, prop.Comment, indent+" ")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s public readonly %s %s;\n", indent, fieldType, fieldName)
if len(pt.properties) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
// Generate an appropriately-attributed constructor that will set this types' fields.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s [OutputConstructor]\n", indent)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s private %s(", indent, pt.name)
// Generate the constructor parameters.
for i, prop := range pt.properties {
paramName := csharpIdentifier(prop.Name)
typ := prop.Type
if !prop.IsRequired() && pt.mod.isK8sCompatMode() {
typ = codegen.RequiredType(prop)
paramType := pt.mod.typeString(typ, pt.propertyTypeQualifier, false, false, false)
terminator := ""
if i != len(pt.properties)-1 {
terminator = ",\n"
paramDef := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s%s", paramType, paramName, terminator)
if len(pt.properties) > 1 {
paramDef = fmt.Sprintf("\n%s %s", indent, paramDef)
fmt.Fprint(w, paramDef)
fmt.Fprintf(w, ")\n")
// Generate the constructor body.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s {\n", indent)
for _, prop := range pt.properties {
paramName := csharpIdentifier(prop.Name)
fieldName := pt.mod.propertyName(prop)
if fieldName == paramName {
// Avoid a no-op in case of field and property name collision.
fieldName = "this." + fieldName
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s %s = %s;\n", indent, fieldName, paramName)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s }\n", indent)
// Close the class.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s}\n", indent)
func primitiveValue(value interface{}) (string, error) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(value)
if v.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
v = v.Elem()
switch v.Kind() {
case reflect.Bool:
if v.Bool() {
return "true", nil
return "false", nil
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32:
return strconv.FormatInt(v.Int(), 10), nil
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32:
return strconv.FormatUint(v.Uint(), 10), nil
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
return strconv.FormatFloat(v.Float(), 'f', -1, 64), nil
case reflect.String:
return fmt.Sprintf("%q", v.String()), nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("unsupported default value of type %T", value)
func (mod *modContext) getDefaultValue(dv *schema.DefaultValue, t schema.Type) (string, error) {
t = codegen.UnwrapType(t)
var val string
if dv.Value != nil {
switch enum := t.(type) {
case *schema.EnumType:
enumName := tokenToName(enum.Token)
for _, e := range enum.Elements {
if e.Value != dv.Value {
elName := e.Name
if elName == "" {
elName = fmt.Sprintf("%v", e.Value)
safeName, err := makeSafeEnumName(elName, enumName)
if err != nil {
return "", err
val = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%s", mod.namespaceName, enumName, safeName)
if val == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("default value '%v' not found in enum '%s'", dv.Value, enumName)
v, err := primitiveValue(dv.Value)
if err != nil {
return "", err
val = v
if len(dv.Environment) != 0 {
getType := ""
switch t {
case schema.BoolType:
getType = "Boolean"
case schema.IntType:
getType = "Int32"
case schema.NumberType:
getType = "Double"
envVars := fmt.Sprintf("%q", dv.Environment[0])
for _, e := range dv.Environment[1:] {
envVars += fmt.Sprintf(", %q", e)
getEnv := fmt.Sprintf("Utilities.GetEnv%s(%s)", getType, envVars)
if val != "" {
val = fmt.Sprintf("%s ?? %s", getEnv, val)
} else {
val = getEnv
return val, nil
func genAlias(w io.Writer, alias *schema.Alias) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "new global::Pulumi.Alias { ")
parts := []string{}
if alias.Name != nil {
parts = append(parts, fmt.Sprintf("Name = \"%v\"", *alias.Name))
if alias.Project != nil {
parts = append(parts, fmt.Sprintf("Project = \"%v\"", *alias.Project))
if alias.Type != nil {
parts = append(parts, fmt.Sprintf("Type = \"%v\"", *alias.Type))
for i, part := range parts {
if i > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, ", ")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", part)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "}")
func (mod *modContext) genResource(w io.Writer, r *schema.Resource) error {
// Create a resource module file into which all of this resource's types will go.
name := resourceName(r)
// Open the namespace.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "namespace %s\n", mod.namespaceName)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "{\n")
// Write the documentation comment for the resource class
printComment(w, codegen.FilterExamples(r.Comment, "csharp"), " ")
// Open the class.
className := name
var baseType string
optionsType := "CustomResourceOptions"
switch {
case r.IsProvider:
baseType = "global::Pulumi.ProviderResource"
case mod.isK8sCompatMode():
baseType = "KubernetesResource"
case r.IsComponent:
baseType = "global::Pulumi.ComponentResource"
optionsType = "ComponentResourceOptions"
baseType = "global::Pulumi.CustomResource"
if r.DeprecationMessage != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " [Obsolete(@\"%s\")]\n", strings.Replace(r.DeprecationMessage, `"`, `""`, -1))
fmt.Fprintf(w, " [%sResourceType(\"%s\")]\n", namespaceName(mod.namespaces, mod.pkg.Name()), r.Token)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " public partial class %s : %s\n", className, baseType)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " {\n")
var secretProps []string
// Emit all output properties.
for _, prop := range r.Properties {
// Write the property attribute
wireName := prop.Name
propertyName := mod.propertyName(prop)
typ := prop.Type
if !prop.IsRequired() && mod.isK8sCompatMode() {
typ = codegen.RequiredType(prop)
propertyType := mod.typeString(typ, "Outputs", false, false, false)
// Workaround the fact that provider inputs come back as strings.
if r.IsProvider && !schema.IsPrimitiveType(prop.Type) {
propertyType = "string"
if !prop.IsRequired() {
propertyType += "?"
if prop.Secret {
secretProps = append(secretProps, prop.Name)
printComment(w, prop.Comment, " ")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " [Output(\"%s\")]\n", wireName)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " public Output<%s> %s { get; private set; } = null!;\n", propertyType, propertyName)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
if len(r.Properties) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
// Emit the class constructor.
argsClassName := className + "Args"
if mod.isK8sCompatMode() && !r.IsProvider {
argsClassName = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%sArgs", mod.tokenToNamespace(r.Token, "Inputs"), className)
argsType := argsClassName
var argsDefault string
allOptionalInputs := true
hasConstInputs := false
for _, prop := range r.InputProperties {
allOptionalInputs = allOptionalInputs && !prop.IsRequired()
hasConstInputs = hasConstInputs || prop.ConstValue != nil
if allOptionalInputs || mod.isK8sCompatMode() {
// If the number of required input properties was zero, we can make the args object optional.
argsDefault = " = null"
argsType += "?"
tok := r.Token
if r.IsProvider {
tok = mod.pkg.Name()
argsOverride := fmt.Sprintf("args ?? new %sArgs()", className)
if hasConstInputs {
argsOverride = "MakeArgs(args)"
// Write a comment prior to the constructor.
fmt.Fprintf(w, " /// <summary>\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " /// Create a %s resource with the given unique name, arguments, and options.\n", className)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " /// </summary>\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " ///\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " /// <param name=\"name\">The unique name of the resource</param>\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " /// <param name=\"args\">The arguments used to populate this resource's properties</param>\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " /// <param name=\"options\">A bag of options that control this resource's behavior</param>\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " public %s(string name, %s args%s, %s? options = null)\n", className, argsType, argsDefault, optionsType)
if r.IsComponent {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " : base(\"%s\", name, %s, MakeResourceOptions(options, \"\"), remote: true)\n", tok, argsOverride)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " : base(\"%s\", name, %s, MakeResourceOptions(options, \"\"))\n", tok, argsOverride)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " {\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }\n")
// Write a dictionary constructor.
if mod.dictionaryConstructors && !r.IsComponent {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " internal %s(string name, ImmutableDictionary<string, object?> dictionary, %s? options = null)\n",
className, optionsType)
if r.IsComponent {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " : base(\"%s\", name, new DictionaryResourceArgs(dictionary), MakeResourceOptions(options, \"\"), remote: true)\n", tok)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " : base(\"%s\", name, new DictionaryResourceArgs(dictionary), MakeResourceOptions(options, \"\"))\n", tok)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " {\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }\n")
// Write a private constructor for the use of `Get`.
if !r.IsProvider && !r.IsComponent {
stateParam, stateRef := "", "null"
if r.StateInputs != nil {
stateParam, stateRef = fmt.Sprintf("%sState? state = null, ", className), "state"
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " private %s(string name, Input<string> id, %s%s? options = null)\n", className, stateParam, optionsType)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " : base(\"%s\", name, %s, MakeResourceOptions(options, id))\n", tok, stateRef)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " {\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }\n")
if hasConstInputs {
// Write the method that will calculate the resource arguments.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " private static %[1]s MakeArgs(%[1]s args)\n", argsType)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " {\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " args ??= new %s();\n", argsClassName)
for _, prop := range r.InputProperties {
if prop.ConstValue != nil {
v, err := primitiveValue(prop.ConstValue)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Fprintf(w, " args.%s = %s;\n", mod.propertyName(prop), v)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " return args;\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }\n")
// Write the method that will calculate the resource options.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " private static %[1]s MakeResourceOptions(%[1]s? options, Input<string>? id)\n", optionsType)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " {\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " var defaultOptions = new %s\n", optionsType)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " {\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " Version = Utilities.Version,\n")
def, err := mod.pkg.Definition()
if err != nil {
return err
if url := def.PluginDownloadURL; url != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " PluginDownloadURL = %q,\n", url)
if len(r.Aliases) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " Aliases =\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " {\n")
for _, alias := range r.Aliases {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " ")
genAlias(w, alias)
fmt.Fprintf(w, ",\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " },\n")
if len(secretProps) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " AdditionalSecretOutputs =\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " {\n")
for _, sp := range secretProps {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " ")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%q", sp)
fmt.Fprintf(w, ",\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " },\n")
replaceOnChangesProps, errList := r.ReplaceOnChanges()
for _, err := range errList {
cmdutil.Diag().Warningf(&diag.Diag{Message: err.Error()})
if len(replaceOnChangesProps) > 0 {
fmt.Fprint(w, " ReplaceOnChanges =\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " {\n")
for _, n := range schema.PropertyListJoinToString(replaceOnChangesProps,
func(s string) string { return s }) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " ")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%q,\n", n)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " },\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " };\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " var merged = %s.Merge(defaultOptions, options);\n", optionsType)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " // Override the ID if one was specified for consistency with other language SDKs.\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " merged.Id = id ?? merged.Id;\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " return merged;\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }\n")
// Write the `Get` method for reading instances of this resource unless this is a provider resource or ComponentResource.
if !r.IsProvider && !r.IsComponent {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " /// <summary>\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " /// Get an existing %s resource's state with the given name, ID, and optional extra\n", className)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " /// properties used to qualify the lookup.\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " /// </summary>\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " ///\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " /// <param name=\"name\">The unique name of the resulting resource.</param>\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " /// <param name=\"id\">The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.</param>\n")
stateParam, stateRef := "", ""
if r.StateInputs != nil {
stateParam, stateRef = fmt.Sprintf("%sState? state = null, ", className), "state, "
fmt.Fprintf(w, " /// <param name=\"state\">Any extra arguments used during the lookup.</param>\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " /// <param name=\"options\">A bag of options that control this resource's behavior</param>\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " public static %s Get(string name, Input<string> id, %s%s? options = null)\n", className, stateParam, optionsType)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " {\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " return new %s(name, id, %soptions);\n", className, stateRef)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }\n")
// Generate methods.
genMethod := func(method *schema.Method) {
methodName := Title(method.Name)
fun := method.Function
var objectReturnType *schema.ObjectType
if fun.ReturnType != nil {
if objectType, ok := fun.ReturnType.(*schema.ObjectType); ok && fun.InlineObjectAsReturnType {
objectReturnType = objectType
liftReturn := mod.liftSingleValueMethodReturns && objectReturnType != nil && len(objectReturnType.Properties) == 1
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
returnType, typeParameter, lift := "void", "", ""
if fun.ReturnType != nil {
typeParameter = fmt.Sprintf("<%s%sResult>", className, methodName)
if liftReturn {
returnType = fmt.Sprintf("global::Pulumi.Output<%s>",
mod.typeString(objectReturnType.Properties[0].Type, "", false, false, false))
fieldName := mod.propertyName(objectReturnType.Properties[0])
lift = fmt.Sprintf(".Apply(v => v.%s)", fieldName)
} else {
returnType = fmt.Sprintf("global::Pulumi.Output%s", typeParameter)
var argsParamDef string
argsParamRef := "CallArgs.Empty"
if fun.Inputs != nil {
var hasArgs bool
allOptionalInputs := true
for _, arg := range fun.Inputs.InputShape.Properties {
if arg.Name == "__self__" {
hasArgs = true
allOptionalInputs = allOptionalInputs && !arg.IsRequired()
if hasArgs {
var argsDefault, sigil string
if allOptionalInputs {
// If the number of required input properties was zero, we can make the args object optional.
argsDefault, sigil = " = null", "?"
argsParamDef = fmt.Sprintf("%s%sArgs%s args%s", className, methodName, sigil, argsDefault)
argsParamRef = fmt.Sprintf("args ?? new %s%sArgs()", className, methodName)
// Emit the doc comment, if any.
printComment(w, fun.Comment, " ")
if fun.DeprecationMessage != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " [Obsolete(@\"%s\")]\n", strings.ReplaceAll(fun.DeprecationMessage, `"`, `""`))
fmt.Fprintf(w, " public %s %s(%s)\n", returnType, methodName, argsParamDef)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.Call%s(\"%s\", %s, this)%s;\n",
typeParameter, fun.Token, argsParamRef, lift)
for _, method := range r.Methods {
// Close the class.
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }\n")
// Arguments are in a different namespace for the Kubernetes SDK.
if mod.isK8sCompatMode() && !r.IsProvider {
// Close the namespace.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n")
// Open the namespace.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "namespace %s\n", mod.tokenToNamespace(r.Token, "Inputs"))
fmt.Fprintf(w, "{\n")
// Generate the resource args type.
args := &plainType{
mod: mod,
res: r,
name: name + "Args",
baseClass: "ResourceArgs",
propertyTypeQualifier: "Inputs",
properties: r.InputProperties,
args: true,
if err := args.genInputType(w, 1); err != nil {
return err
// Generate the `Get` args type, if any.
if r.StateInputs != nil {
state := &plainType{
mod: mod,
res: r,
name: name + "State",
baseClass: "ResourceArgs",
propertyTypeQualifier: "Inputs",
properties: r.StateInputs.Properties,
args: true,
state: true,
if err := state.genInputType(w, 1); err != nil {
return err
// Generate method types.
genMethodTypes := func(method *schema.Method) error {
methodName := Title(method.Name)
fun := method.Function
// Generate args type.
var args []*schema.Property
if fun.Inputs != nil {
// Filter out the __self__ argument from the inputs.
args = make([]*schema.Property, 0, len(fun.Inputs.InputShape.Properties)-1)
for _, arg := range fun.Inputs.InputShape.Properties {
if arg.Name == "__self__" {
args = append(args, arg)
if len(args) > 0 {
comment, escape := fun.Inputs.Comment, true
if comment == "" {
comment, escape = fmt.Sprintf(
"The set of arguments for the <see cref=\"%s.%s\"/> method.", className, methodName), false
argsType := &plainType{
mod: mod,
comment: comment,
unescapeComment: !escape,
name: fmt.Sprintf("%s%sArgs", className, methodName),
baseClass: "CallArgs",
propertyTypeQualifier: "Inputs",
properties: args,
args: true,
if err := argsType.genInputType(w, 1); err != nil {
return err
var objectReturnType *schema.ObjectType
if fun.ReturnType != nil {
if objectType, ok := fun.ReturnType.(*schema.ObjectType); ok && objectType != nil {
objectReturnType = objectType
// Generate result type.
if objectReturnType != nil {
shouldLiftReturn := mod.liftSingleValueMethodReturns && len(objectReturnType.Properties) == 1
comment, escape := fun.Inputs.Comment, true
if comment == "" {
comment, escape = fmt.Sprintf(
"The results of the <see cref=\"%s.%s\"/> method.", className, methodName), false
resultType := &plainType{
mod: mod,
comment: comment,
unescapeComment: !escape,
name: fmt.Sprintf("%s%sResult", className, methodName),
propertyTypeQualifier: "Outputs",
properties: objectReturnType.Properties,
internal: shouldLiftReturn,
resultType.genOutputType(w, 1)
return nil
for _, method := range r.Methods {
if err := genMethodTypes(method); err != nil {
return err
// Close the namespace.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n")
return nil
func (mod *modContext) genFunctionFileCode(f *schema.Function) (string, error) {
buffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
importStrings := mod.pulumiImports()
// True if the function has a non-standard namespace.
nonStandardNamespace := mod.namespaceName != mod.tokenToNamespace(f.Token, "")
// If so, we need to import our project defined types.
if nonStandardNamespace {
importStrings = append(importStrings, mod.namespaceName)
// We need to qualify input types when we are not in the same module as them.
if nonStandardNamespace {
defer func(current bool) { mod.fullyQualifiedInputs = current }(mod.fullyQualifiedInputs)
mod.fullyQualifiedInputs = true
mod.genHeader(buffer, importStrings)
if err := mod.genFunction(buffer, f); err != nil {
return "", err
return buffer.String(), nil
func allOptionalInputs(fun *schema.Function) bool {
if fun.Inputs != nil {
for _, prop := range fun.Inputs.Properties {
if prop.IsRequired() {
return false
return true
func typeParamOrEmpty(typeParamName string) string {
if typeParamName != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("<%s>", typeParamName)
return ""
func (mod *modContext) functionReturnType(fun *schema.Function) string {
className := tokenToFunctionName(fun.Token)
if fun.ReturnType != nil {
if _, ok := fun.ReturnType.(*schema.ObjectType); ok && fun.InlineObjectAsReturnType {
// for object return types, assume a Result type is generated in the same class as it's function
// and reference it from here directly
return fmt.Sprintf("%sResult", className)
// otherwise, the object type is a reference to an output type
return mod.typeString(fun.ReturnType, "Outputs", false, false, true)
return ""
// runtimeInvokeFunction returns the name of the Invoke function to use at runtime
// from the SDK for the given provider function. This is necessary because some
// functions have simple return types such as number, string, array<string> etc.
// and the SDK's Invoke function cannot handle these types since the engine expects
// the result of invokes to be a dictionary.
// We use Invoke for functions with object return types and InvokeSingle for everything else.
func runtimeInvokeFunction(fun *schema.Function) string {
switch fun.ReturnType.(type) {
// If the function has no return type, it is a void function.
case nil:
return "Invoke"
// If the function has an object return type, it is a normal invoke function.
case *schema.ObjectType:
return "Invoke"
// If the function has an object return type, it is also a normal invoke function.
// because the deserialization can handle it
case *schema.MapType:
return "Invoke"
// Anything else needs to be handled by InvokeSingle
// which expects an object with a single property to be returned
// then unwraps the value from that property
return "InvokeSingle"
func (mod *modContext) genFunction(w io.Writer, fun *schema.Function) error {
className := tokenToFunctionName(fun.Token)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "namespace %s\n", mod.tokenToNamespace(fun.Token, ""))
fmt.Fprintf(w, "{\n")
typeParameter := mod.functionReturnType(fun)
var argsParamDef string
argsParamRef := "InvokeArgs.Empty"
if fun.Inputs != nil {
var argsDefault, sigil string
if allOptionalInputs(fun) {
// If the number of required input properties was zero, we can make the args object optional.
argsDefault, sigil = " = null", "?"
argsParamDef = fmt.Sprintf("%sArgs%s args%s, ", className, sigil, argsDefault)
argsParamRef = fmt.Sprintf("args ?? new %sArgs()", className)
if fun.DeprecationMessage != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " [Obsolete(@\"%s\")]\n", strings.Replace(fun.DeprecationMessage, `"`, `""`, -1))
// Open the class we'll use for data sources.
fmt.Fprintf(w, " public static class %s\n", className)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " {\n")
// Emit the doc comment, if any.
printComment(w, fun.Comment, " ")
invokeCall := runtimeInvokeFunction(fun)
if !fun.MultiArgumentInputs {
// Emit the datasource method.
// this is default behavior for all functions.
fmt.Fprintf(w, " public static Task%s InvokeAsync(%sInvokeOptions? options = null)\n",
typeParamOrEmpty(typeParameter), argsParamDef)
// new line and indent
fmt.Fprint(w, " ")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "=> global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.%sAsync%s", invokeCall, typeParamOrEmpty(typeParameter))
fmt.Fprintf(w, "(\"%s\", %s, options.WithDefaults());\n", fun.Token, argsParamRef)
} else {
// multi-argument inputs and output property bag
// first generate the function definition
fmt.Fprintf(w, " public static async Task%s InvokeAsync(", typeParamOrEmpty(typeParameter))
for _, prop := range fun.Inputs.Properties {
argumentName := LowerCamelCase(prop.Name)
argumentType := mod.typeString(prop.Type, "", false, false, true)
paramDeclaration := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", argumentType, argumentName)
if !prop.IsRequired() {
paramDeclaration += " = null"
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", paramDeclaration)
fmt.Fprint(w, ", ")
fmt.Fprint(w, "InvokeOptions? invokeOptions = null)\n")
funcBodyIndent := func() {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " ")
// now the function body
fmt.Fprint(w, " {\n")
// generate a dictionary where each entry is a key-value pair made out of the inputs of the function
fmt.Fprint(w, "var builder = ImmutableDictionary.CreateBuilder<string, object?>();\n")
for _, prop := range fun.Inputs.Properties {
argumentName := LowerCamelCase(prop.Name)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "builder[\"%s\"] = %s;\n", prop.Name, argumentName)
fmt.Fprint(w, "var args = new global::Pulumi.DictionaryInvokeArgs(builder.ToImmutableDictionary());\n")
// full invoke call
fmt.Fprint(w, "return await global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%sAsync%s", invokeCall, typeParamOrEmpty(typeParameter))
fmt.Fprintf(w, "(\"%s\", args, invokeOptions.WithDefaults());\n", fun.Token)
fmt.Fprint(w, " }\n")
// Emit the Output method if needed.
err := mod.genFunctionOutputVersion(w, fun)
if err != nil {
return err
// Close the class.
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }\n")
// Emit the args and result types, if any.
if fun.Inputs != nil && !fun.MultiArgumentInputs {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
args := &plainType{
mod: mod,
name: className + "Args",
baseClass: "InvokeArgs",
propertyTypeQualifier: "Inputs",
properties: fun.Inputs.Properties,
if err := args.genInputType(w, 1); err != nil {
return err
err = mod.genFunctionOutputVersionTypes(w, fun)
if err != nil {
return err
if fun.ReturnType != nil {
if objectType, ok := fun.ReturnType.(*schema.ObjectType); ok && fun.InlineObjectAsReturnType {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
res := &plainType{
mod: mod,
name: className + "Result",
propertyTypeQualifier: "Outputs",
properties: objectType.Properties,
res.genOutputType(w, 1)
// Close the namespace.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n")
return nil
func functionOutputVersionArgsTypeName(fun *schema.Function) string {
className := tokenToFunctionName(fun.Token)
return fmt.Sprintf("%sInvokeArgs", className)
// Generates `${fn}Output(..)` version lifted to work on
// `Input`-wrapped arguments and producing an `Output`-wrapped result.
func (mod *modContext) genFunctionOutputVersion(w io.Writer, fun *schema.Function) error {
if !fun.NeedsOutputVersion() {
return nil
var argsDefault, sigil string
if allOptionalInputs(fun) {
// If the number of required input properties was zero, we can make the args object optional.
argsDefault, sigil = " = null", "?"
typeParameter := mod.functionReturnType(fun)
invokeCall := runtimeInvokeFunction(fun)
argsTypeName := functionOutputVersionArgsTypeName(fun)
outputArgsParamDef := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s args%s, ", argsTypeName, sigil, argsDefault)
outputArgsParamRef := fmt.Sprintf("args ?? new %s()", argsTypeName)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
// Emit the doc comment, if any.
printComment(w, fun.Comment, " ")
if !fun.MultiArgumentInputs {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " public static Output%s Invoke(%sInvokeOptions? options = null)\n",
typeParamOrEmpty(typeParameter), outputArgsParamDef)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " => global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.%s%s(\"%s\", %s, options.WithDefaults());\n",
invokeCall, typeParamOrEmpty(typeParameter), fun.Token, outputArgsParamRef)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " public static Output%s Invoke(", typeParamOrEmpty(typeParameter))
for _, prop := range fun.Inputs.Properties {
var paramDeclaration string
argumentName := LowerCamelCase(prop.Name)
propertyType := &schema.InputType{ElementType: prop.Type}
argumentType := mod.typeString(propertyType, "", true /* input */, false, true)
if prop.IsRequired() {
paramDeclaration = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", argumentType, argumentName)
} else {
paramDeclaration = fmt.Sprintf("%s? %s = null", argumentType, argumentName)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", paramDeclaration)
fmt.Fprint(w, ", ")
fmt.Fprint(w, "InvokeOptions? invokeOptions = null)\n")
// now the function body
fmt.Fprint(w, " {\n")
fmt.Fprint(w, " var builder = ImmutableDictionary.CreateBuilder<string, object?>();\n")
for _, prop := range fun.Inputs.Properties {
argumentName := LowerCamelCase(prop.Name)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " builder[\"%s\"] = %s;\n", prop.Name, argumentName)
fmt.Fprint(w, " var args = new global::Pulumi.DictionaryInvokeArgs(builder.ToImmutableDictionary());\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " return global::Pulumi.Deployment.Instance.%s%s(\"%s\", args, invokeOptions.WithDefaults());\n",
invokeCall, typeParamOrEmpty(typeParameter), fun.Token)
fmt.Fprint(w, " }\n")
return nil
// Generate helper type definitions referred to in `genFunctionOutputVersion`.
func (mod *modContext) genFunctionOutputVersionTypes(w io.Writer, fun *schema.Function) error {
if !fun.NeedsOutputVersion() || fun.Inputs == nil {
return nil
if !fun.MultiArgumentInputs {
applyArgs := &plainType{
mod: mod,
name: functionOutputVersionArgsTypeName(fun),
propertyTypeQualifier: "Inputs",
baseClass: "InvokeArgs",
properties: fun.Inputs.InputShape.Properties,
args: true,
if err := applyArgs.genInputTypeWithFlags(w, 1, true /* generateInputAttributes */); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (mod *modContext) genEnums(w io.Writer, enums []*schema.EnumType) error {
// Open the namespace.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "namespace %s\n", mod.namespaceName)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "{\n")
for i, enum := range enums {
err := mod.genEnum(w, enum)
if err != nil {
return err
if i != len(enums)-1 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
// Close the namespace.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n")
return nil
func printObsoleteAttribute(w io.Writer, deprecationMessage, indent string) {
if deprecationMessage != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s[Obsolete(@\"%s\")]\n", indent, strings.Replace(deprecationMessage, `"`, `""`, -1))
func (mod *modContext) genEnum(w io.Writer, enum *schema.EnumType) error {
indent := " "
enumName := tokenToName(enum.Token)
// Fix up identifiers for each enum value.
for _, e := range enum.Elements {
// If the enum doesn't have a name, set the value as the name.
if e.Name == "" {
e.Name = fmt.Sprintf("%v", e.Value)
safeName, err := makeSafeEnumName(e.Name, enumName)
if err != nil {
return err
e.Name = safeName
// Print documentation comment
printComment(w, enum.Comment, indent)
underlyingType := mod.typeString(enum.ElementType, "", false, false, false)
switch enum.ElementType {
case schema.StringType, schema.NumberType:
// EnumType attribute
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s[EnumType]\n", indent)
// Open struct declaration
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%[1]spublic readonly struct %[2]s : IEquatable<%[2]s>\n", indent, enumName)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s{\n", indent)
indent := strings.Repeat(indent, 2)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%sprivate readonly %s _value;\n", indent, underlyingType)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
// Constructor
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%sprivate %s(%s value)\n", indent, enumName, underlyingType)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s{\n", indent)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s _value = value", indent)
if enum.ElementType == schema.StringType {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value))")
fmt.Fprintf(w, ";\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s}\n", indent)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
// Enum values
for _, e := range enum.Elements {
printComment(w, e.Comment, indent)
printObsoleteAttribute(w, e.DeprecationMessage, indent)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%[1]spublic static %[2]s %[3]s { get; } = new %[2]s(", indent, enumName, e.Name)
if enum.ElementType == schema.StringType {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%q", e.Value)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%v", e.Value)
fmt.Fprintf(w, ");\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
// Equality and inequality operators
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%[1]spublic static bool operator ==(%[2]s left, %[2]s right) => left.Equals(right);\n", indent, enumName)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%[1]spublic static bool operator !=(%[2]s left, %[2]s right) => !left.Equals(right);\n", indent, enumName)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
// Explicit conversion operator
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%[1]spublic static explicit operator %s(%s value) => value._value;\n", indent, underlyingType, enumName)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
// Equals override
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s[EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]\n", indent)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%spublic override bool Equals(object? obj) => obj is %s other && Equals(other);\n", indent, enumName)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%spublic bool Equals(%s other) => ", indent, enumName)
if enum.ElementType == schema.StringType {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "string.Equals(_value, other._value, StringComparison.Ordinal)")
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "_value == other._value")
fmt.Fprintf(w, ";\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
// GetHashCode override
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s[EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]\n", indent)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%spublic override int GetHashCode() => _value", indent)
if enum.ElementType == schema.StringType {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "?")
fmt.Fprintf(w, ".GetHashCode()")
if enum.ElementType == schema.StringType {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " ?? 0")
fmt.Fprintf(w, ";\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
// ToString override
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%spublic override string ToString() => _value", indent)
if enum.ElementType == schema.NumberType {
fmt.Fprintf(w, ".ToString()")
fmt.Fprintf(w, ";\n")
case schema.IntType:
// Open enum declaration
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%spublic enum %s\n", indent, enumName)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s{\n", indent)
for _, e := range enum.Elements {
indent := strings.Repeat(indent, 2)
printComment(w, e.Comment, indent)
printObsoleteAttribute(w, e.DeprecationMessage, indent)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s%s = %v,\n", indent, e.Name, e.Value)
// Issue to implement boolean-based enums: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/5652
return fmt.Errorf("enums of type %s are not yet implemented for this language", enum.ElementType.String())
// Close the declaration
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s}\n", indent)
return nil
func visitObjectTypes(properties []*schema.Property, visitor func(*schema.ObjectType)) {
codegen.VisitTypeClosure(properties, func(t schema.Type) {
if o, ok := t.(*schema.ObjectType); ok {
func (mod *modContext) genType(w io.Writer, obj *schema.ObjectType, propertyTypeQualifier string, input, state bool, level int) error {
args := obj.IsInputShape()
pt := &plainType{
mod: mod,
name: mod.typeName(obj, state, input, args),
comment: obj.Comment,
propertyTypeQualifier: propertyTypeQualifier,
properties: obj.Properties,
state: state,
args: args,
if input {
pt.baseClass = "ResourceArgs"
if !args && mod.details(obj).plainType {
pt.baseClass = "InvokeArgs"
return pt.genInputType(w, level)
pt.genOutputType(w, level)
return nil
// pulumiImports is a slice of common imports that are used with the genHeader method.
func (mod *modContext) pulumiImports() []string {
var pulumiImports = []string{
if mod.RootNamespace() != "Pulumi" {
pulumiImports = append(pulumiImports, "Pulumi")
return pulumiImports
func (mod *modContext) genHeader(w io.Writer, using []string) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "// *** WARNING: this file was generated by %v. ***\n", mod.tool)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "// *** Do not edit by hand unless you're certain you know what you are doing! ***\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
for _, u := range using {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "using %s;\n", u)
if len(using) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
func (mod *modContext) getConfigProperty(schemaType schema.Type) (string, string) {
schemaType = codegen.UnwrapType(schemaType)
propertyType := mod.typeString(schemaType, "Types", false, false, false /*requireInitializers*/)
var getFunc string
nullableSigil := "?"
switch schemaType {
case schema.StringType:
getFunc = "Get"
case schema.BoolType:
getFunc = "GetBoolean"
case schema.IntType:
getFunc = "GetInt32"
case schema.NumberType:
getFunc = "GetDouble"
switch t := schemaType.(type) {
case *schema.TokenType:
if t.UnderlyingType != nil {
return mod.getConfigProperty(t.UnderlyingType)
getFunc = "GetObject<" + propertyType + ">"
if _, ok := schemaType.(*schema.ArrayType); ok {
nullableSigil = ""
return propertyType + nullableSigil, getFunc
func (mod *modContext) genConfig(variables []*schema.Property) (string, error) {
w := &bytes.Buffer{}
mod.genHeader(w, []string{"System", "System.Collections.Immutable"})
// Use the root namespace to avoid `Pulumi.Provider.Config.Config.VarName` usage.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "namespace %s\n", mod.namespaceName)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "{\n")
// Open the config class.
fmt.Fprintf(w, " public static class Config\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " {\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage(\"Microsoft.Design\", \"IDE1006\", Justification = \n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " \"Double underscore prefix used to avoid conflicts with variable names.\")]\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " private sealed class __Value<T>\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " {\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " private readonly Func<T> _getter;\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " private T _value = default!;\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " private bool _set;\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " public __Value(Func<T> getter)\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " {\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " _getter = getter;\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " public T Get() => _set ? _value : _getter();\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " public void Set(T value)\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " {\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " _value = value;\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " _set = true;\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
// Create a config bag for the variables to pull from.
fmt.Fprintf(w, " private static readonly global::Pulumi.Config __config = new global::Pulumi.Config(\"%v\");\n", mod.pkg.Name())
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
// Emit an entry for all config variables.
for _, p := range variables {
propertyType, getFunc := mod.getConfigProperty(p.Type)
propertyName := mod.propertyName(p)
initializer := fmt.Sprintf("__config.%s(\"%s\")", getFunc, p.Name)
if p.DefaultValue != nil {
dv, err := mod.getDefaultValue(p.DefaultValue, p.Type)
if err != nil {
return "", err
initializer += " ?? " + dv
fmt.Fprintf(w, " private static readonly __Value<%[1]s> _%[2]s = new __Value<%[1]s>(() => %[3]s);\n", propertyType, p.Name, initializer)
printComment(w, p.Comment, " ")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " public static %s %s\n", propertyType, propertyName)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " {\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " get => _%s.Get();\n", p.Name)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " set => _%s.Set(value);\n", p.Name)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
// Emit any nested types.
if len(mod.types) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " public static class Types\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " {\n")
for _, typ := range mod.types {
// Ignore input-shaped types.
if typ.IsInputShape() {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
// Open the class.
fmt.Fprintf(w, " public class %s\n", tokenToName(typ.Token))
fmt.Fprintf(w, " {\n")
// Generate each output field.
for _, prop := range typ.Properties {
name := mod.propertyName(prop)
typ := mod.typeString(prop.Type, "Types", false, false, false)
initializer := ""
if !prop.IsRequired() && !isValueType(prop.Type) && !isImmutableArrayType(codegen.UnwrapType(prop.Type), false) {
initializer = " = null!;"
printComment(w, prop.Comment, " ")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " public %s %s { get; set; }%s\n", typ, name, initializer)
// Close the class.
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }\n")
// Close the config class and namespace.
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }\n")
// Close the namespace.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n")
return w.String(), nil
func (mod *modContext) genUtilities() (string, error) {
// Strip any 'v' off of the version.
w := &bytes.Buffer{}
def, err := mod.pkg.Definition()
if err != nil {
return "", err
err = csharpUtilitiesTemplate.Execute(w, csharpUtilitiesTemplateContext{
Name: namespaceName(mod.namespaces, mod.pkg.Name()),
Namespace: mod.namespaceName,
ClassName: "Utilities",
Tool: mod.tool,
PluginDownloadURL: def.PluginDownloadURL,
if err != nil {
return "", err
return w.String(), nil
func (mod *modContext) gen(fs codegen.Fs) error {
nsComponents := strings.Split(mod.namespaceName, ".")
if len(nsComponents) > 0 {
// Trim off "Pulumi.Pkg"
nsComponents = nsComponents[2:]
dir := path.Join(nsComponents...)
if mod.mod == "config" {
dir = "Config"
var files []string
for p := range fs {
d := path.Dir(p)
if d == "." {
d = ""
if d == dir {
files = append(files, p)
addFile := func(name, contents string) {
p := path.Join(dir, name)
files = append(files, p)
fs.Add(p, []byte(contents))
// Ensure that the target module directory contains a README.md file.
readme := mod.pkg.Description()
if readme != "" && readme[len(readme)-1] != '\n' {
readme += "\n"
fs.Add(filepath.Join(dir, "README.md"), []byte(readme))
// Utilities, config
switch mod.mod {
case "":
utilities, err := mod.genUtilities()
if err != nil {
return err
fs.Add("Utilities.cs", []byte(utilities))
case "config":
config, err := mod.pkg.Config()
if err != nil {
return err
if len(config) > 0 {
config, err := mod.genConfig(config)
if err != nil {
return err
addFile("Config.cs", config)
return nil
// Resources
for _, r := range mod.resources {
if r.IsOverlay {
// This resource code is generated by the provider, so no further action is required.
buffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
importStrings := mod.pulumiImports()
mod.genHeader(buffer, importStrings)
if err := mod.genResource(buffer, r); err != nil {
return err
addFile(resourceName(r)+".cs", buffer.String())
// Functions
for _, f := range mod.functions {
if f.IsOverlay {
// This function code is generated by the provider, so no further action is required.
code, err := mod.genFunctionFileCode(f)
if err != nil {
return err
addFile(tokenToName(f.Token)+".cs", code)
// Nested types
for _, t := range mod.types {
if t.IsOverlay {
// This type is generated by the provider, so no further action is required.
if mod.details(t).inputType {
buffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
mod.genHeader(buffer, mod.pulumiImports())
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "namespace %s\n", mod.tokenToNamespace(t.Token, "Inputs"))
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "{\n")
if err := mod.genType(buffer, t, "Inputs", true, false, 1); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "}\n")
name := tokenToName(t.Token)
if t.IsInputShape() {
name += "Args"
addFile(path.Join("Inputs", name+".cs"), buffer.String())
if mod.details(t).stateType {
buffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
mod.genHeader(buffer, mod.pulumiImports())
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "namespace %s\n", mod.tokenToNamespace(t.Token, "Inputs"))
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "{\n")
if err := mod.genType(buffer, t, "Inputs", true, true, 1); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "}\n")
addFile(path.Join("Inputs", tokenToName(t.Token)+"GetArgs.cs"), buffer.String())
if mod.details(t).outputType {
buffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
mod.genHeader(buffer, mod.pulumiImports())
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "namespace %s\n", mod.tokenToNamespace(t.Token, "Outputs"))
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "{\n")
if err := mod.genType(buffer, t, "Outputs", false, false, 1); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "}\n")
suffix := ""
if (mod.isTFCompatMode() || mod.isK8sCompatMode()) && mod.details(t).plainType {
suffix = "Result"
addFile(path.Join("Outputs", tokenToName(t.Token)+suffix+".cs"), buffer.String())
// Enums
if len(mod.enums) > 0 {
buffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
mod.genHeader(buffer, []string{"System", "System.ComponentModel", "Pulumi"})
if err := mod.genEnums(buffer, mod.enums); err != nil {
return err
addFile("Enums.cs", buffer.String())
return nil
// genPackageMetadata generates all the non-code metadata required by a Pulumi package.
func genPackageMetadata(pkg *schema.Package,
assemblyName string,
packageReferences map[string]string,
projectReferences []string,
files codegen.Fs) error {
projectFile, err := genProjectFile(pkg, assemblyName, packageReferences, projectReferences)
if err != nil {
return err
logo, err := getLogo(pkg)
if err != nil {
return err
pulumiPlugin := &plugin.PulumiPluginJSON{
Resource: true,
Name: pkg.Name,
Server: pkg.PluginDownloadURL,
lang, ok := pkg.Language["csharp"].(CSharpPackageInfo)
if pkg.Version != nil && ok && lang.RespectSchemaVersion {
files.Add("version.txt", []byte(pkg.Version.String()))
pulumiPlugin.Version = pkg.Version.String()
plugin, err := (pulumiPlugin).JSON()
if err != nil {
return err
files.Add(assemblyName+".csproj", projectFile)
files.Add("logo.png", logo)
files.Add("pulumi-plugin.json", plugin)
return nil
// genProjectFile emits a C# project file into the configured output directory.
func genProjectFile(pkg *schema.Package,
assemblyName string,
packageReferences map[string]string,
projectReferences []string) ([]byte, error) {
if packageReferences == nil {
packageReferences = map[string]string{}
// if we don't have a package reference to Pulumi SDK from nuget
// we need to add it, unless we are referencing a local Pulumi SDK project via a project reference
if _, ok := packageReferences["Pulumi"]; !ok {
referencedLocalPulumiProject := false
for _, projectReference := range projectReferences {
if strings.HasSuffix(projectReference, "Pulumi.csproj") {
referencedLocalPulumiProject = true
// only add a package reference to Pulumi if we're not referencing a local Pulumi project
// which we usually do when testing schemas locally
if !referencedLocalPulumiProject {
packageReferences["Pulumi"] = "[3.23.0,4)"
w := &bytes.Buffer{}
err := csharpProjectFileTemplate.Execute(w, csharpProjectFileTemplateContext{
XMLDoc: fmt.Sprintf(`.\%s.xml`, assemblyName),
Package: pkg,
PackageReferences: packageReferences,
ProjectReferences: projectReferences,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return w.Bytes(), nil
// emitLogo downloads an image and saves it as logo.png into the configured output directory.
func getLogo(pkg *schema.Package) ([]byte, error) {
url := pkg.LogoURL
if url == "" {
// Default to a generic Pulumi logo from the parent repository.
url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pulumi/pulumi/dbc96206bec722b7791a22ff50e895ab7c0abdc0/sdk/dotnet/pulumi_logo_64x64.png"
// Get the data.
resp, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer contract.IgnoreClose(resp.Body)
return io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
func computePropertyNames(props []*schema.Property, names map[*schema.Property]string) {
for _, p := range props {
if info, ok := p.Language["csharp"].(CSharpPropertyInfo); ok && info.Name != "" {
names[p] = info.Name
// LanguageResource is derived from the schema and can be used by downstream codegen.
type LanguageResource struct {
Name string // The resource name (e.g. Deployment)
Package string // The package name (e.g. Apps.V1)
func generateModuleContextMap(tool string, pkg *schema.Package) (map[string]*modContext, *CSharpPackageInfo, error) {
// Decode .NET-specific info for each package as we discover them.
infos := map[*schema.Package]*CSharpPackageInfo{}
var getPackageInfo = func(p schema.PackageReference) *CSharpPackageInfo {
def, err := p.Definition()
info, ok := infos[def]
if !ok {
err := def.ImportLanguages(map[string]schema.Language{"csharp": Importer})
csharpInfo, _ := pkg.Language["csharp"].(CSharpPackageInfo)
info = &csharpInfo
infos[def] = info
return info
infos[pkg] = getPackageInfo(pkg.Reference())
propertyNames := map[*schema.Property]string{}
computePropertyNames(pkg.Config, propertyNames)
computePropertyNames(pkg.Provider.InputProperties, propertyNames)
for _, r := range pkg.Resources {
if r.IsOverlay {
// This resource code is generated by the provider, so no further action is required.
computePropertyNames(r.Properties, propertyNames)
computePropertyNames(r.InputProperties, propertyNames)
if r.StateInputs != nil {
computePropertyNames(r.StateInputs.Properties, propertyNames)
for _, f := range pkg.Functions {
if f.IsOverlay {
// This function code is generated by the provider, so no further action is required.
if f.Inputs != nil {
computePropertyNames(f.Inputs.Properties, propertyNames)
if f.ReturnType != nil {
if objectType, ok := f.ReturnType.(*schema.ObjectType); ok && objectType != nil {
computePropertyNames(objectType.Properties, propertyNames)
for _, t := range pkg.Types {
if obj, ok := t.(*schema.ObjectType); ok {
computePropertyNames(obj.Properties, propertyNames)
// group resources, types, and functions into Go packages
modules := map[string]*modContext{}
details := map[*schema.ObjectType]*typeDetails{}
var getMod func(modName string, p schema.PackageReference) *modContext
getMod = func(modName string, p schema.PackageReference) *modContext {
mod, ok := modules[modName]
if !ok {
info := getPackageInfo(p)
ns := info.GetRootNamespace() + "." + namespaceName(info.Namespaces, pkg.Name)
if modName != "" {
ns += "." + namespaceName(info.Namespaces, modName)
mod = &modContext{
pkg: p,
mod: modName,
tool: tool,
namespaceName: ns,
namespaces: info.Namespaces,
rootNamespace: info.GetRootNamespace(),
typeDetails: details,
propertyNames: propertyNames,
compatibility: info.Compatibility,
dictionaryConstructors: info.DictionaryConstructors,
liftSingleValueMethodReturns: info.LiftSingleValueMethodReturns,
if modName != "" {
parentName := path.Dir(modName)
if parentName == "." {
parentName = ""
parent := getMod(parentName, p)
parent.children = append(parent.children, mod)
// Save the module only if it's for the current package.
// This way, modules for external packages are not saved.
if codegen.PkgEquals(p, pkg.Reference()) {
modules[modName] = mod
return mod
getModFromToken := func(token string, p schema.PackageReference) *modContext {
return getMod(p.TokenToModule(token), p)
// Create the config module if necessary.
if len(pkg.Config) > 0 {
cfg := getMod("config", pkg.Reference())
cfg.namespaceName = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", cfg.RootNamespace(), namespaceName(infos[pkg].Namespaces, pkg.Name))
visitObjectTypes(pkg.Config, func(t *schema.ObjectType) {
getModFromToken(t.Token, pkg.Reference()).details(t).outputType = true
// Find input and output types referenced by resources.
scanResource := func(r *schema.Resource) {
mod := getModFromToken(r.Token, pkg.Reference())
mod.resources = append(mod.resources, r)
visitObjectTypes(r.Properties, func(t *schema.ObjectType) {
getModFromToken(t.Token, t.PackageReference).details(t).outputType = true
visitObjectTypes(r.InputProperties, func(t *schema.ObjectType) {
getModFromToken(t.Token, t.PackageReference).details(t).inputType = true
if r.StateInputs != nil {
visitObjectTypes(r.StateInputs.Properties, func(t *schema.ObjectType) {
getModFromToken(t.Token, t.PackageReference).details(t).inputType = true
getModFromToken(t.Token, t.PackageReference).details(t).stateType = true
for _, r := range pkg.Resources {
// Find input and output types referenced by functions.
for _, f := range pkg.Functions {
if f.IsOverlay {
// This function code is generated by the provider, so no further action is required.
mod := getModFromToken(f.Token, pkg.Reference())
if !f.IsMethod {
mod.functions = append(mod.functions, f)
if f.Inputs != nil {
visitObjectTypes(f.Inputs.Properties, func(t *schema.ObjectType) {
details := getModFromToken(t.Token, t.PackageReference).details(t)
details.inputType = true
details.plainType = true
if f.NeedsOutputVersion() {
visitObjectTypes(f.Inputs.InputShape.Properties, func(t *schema.ObjectType) {
details := getModFromToken(t.Token, t.PackageReference).details(t)
details.inputType = true
details.usedInFunctionOutputVersionInputs = true
if f.ReturnType != nil {
// special case where the return type is defined inline with the function
if objectType, ok := f.ReturnType.(*schema.ObjectType); ok && f.InlineObjectAsReturnType {
visitObjectTypes(objectType.Properties, func(t *schema.ObjectType) {
details := getModFromToken(t.Token, t.PackageReference).details(t)
details.outputType = true
details.plainType = true
} else {
// otherwise, the return type is a reference to a type defined elsewhere
codegen.VisitType(f.ReturnType, func(schemaType schema.Type) {
if t, ok := schemaType.(*schema.ObjectType); ok {
details := getModFromToken(t.Token, t.PackageReference).details(t)
details.outputType = true
details.plainType = true
// Find nested types.
for _, t := range pkg.Types {
switch typ := t.(type) {
case *schema.ObjectType:
mod := getModFromToken(typ.Token, pkg.Reference())
mod.types = append(mod.types, typ)
case *schema.EnumType:
if !typ.IsOverlay {
mod := getModFromToken(typ.Token, pkg.Reference())
mod.enums = append(mod.enums, typ)
return modules, infos[pkg], nil
// LanguageResources returns a map of resources that can be used by downstream codegen. The map
// key is the resource schema token.
func LanguageResources(tool string, pkg *schema.Package) (map[string]LanguageResource, error) {
modules, info, err := generateModuleContextMap(tool, pkg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resources := map[string]LanguageResource{}
for modName, mod := range modules {
if modName == "" {
for _, r := range mod.resources {
if r.IsOverlay {
// This resource code is generated by the provider, so no further action is required.
lr := LanguageResource{
Resource: r,
Package: namespaceName(info.Namespaces, modName),
Name: tokenToName(r.Token),
resources[r.Token] = lr
return resources, nil
func GeneratePackage(tool string, pkg *schema.Package, extraFiles map[string][]byte) (map[string][]byte, error) {
modules, info, err := generateModuleContextMap(tool, pkg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
assemblyName := info.GetRootNamespace() + "." + namespaceName(info.Namespaces, pkg.Name)
// Generate each module.
files := codegen.Fs{}
for p, f := range extraFiles {
files.Add(p, f)
for _, mod := range modules {
if err := mod.gen(files); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Finally emit the package metadata.
if err := genPackageMetadata(pkg,
files); err != nil {
return nil, err
return files, nil