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494 lines
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// Copyright 2016-2019, Pulumi Corporation
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text.Json;
using Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes;
using Enum = System.Enum;
using Type = System.Type;
// ReSharper disable TailRecursiveCall
namespace Pulumi.Serialization
internal static class Converter
public static OutputData<T> ConvertValue<T>(Action<string> warn, string context, Value value)
var (data, isKnown, isSecret) = ConvertValue(warn, context, value, typeof(T));
var result = data == null ? default(T)! : (T)data;
return new OutputData<T>(ImmutableHashSet<Resource>.Empty, result!, isKnown, isSecret);
public static OutputData<object?> ConvertValue(Action<string> warn, string context, Value value, Type targetType)
return ConvertValue(warn, context, value, targetType, ImmutableHashSet<Resource>.Empty);
public static OutputData<object?> ConvertValue(
Action<string> warn, string context, Value value, Type targetType, ImmutableHashSet<Resource> resources)
CheckTargetType(context, targetType, new HashSet<Type>());
var (deserialized, isKnown, isSecret) = Deserializer.Deserialize(value);
var converted = ConvertObject(warn, context, deserialized, targetType);
return new OutputData<object?>(resources, converted, isKnown, isSecret);
private static object? ConvertObject(Action<string> warn, string context, object? val, Type targetType)
var (result, error) = TryConvertObject(warn, context, val, targetType);
if (error != null)
return result;
private static (object?, string?) TryConvertObject(Action<string> warn, string context, object? val, Type targetType)
var targetIsNullable = targetType.IsGenericType && targetType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>);
// Note: 'null's can enter the system as the representation of an 'unknown' value.
// Before calling 'Convert' we will have already lifted the 'IsKnown' bit out, but we
// will be passing null around as a value.
if (val == null)
if (targetIsNullable)
// A 'null' value coerces to a nullable null.
return (null, null);
if (targetType.IsValueType)
return (Activator.CreateInstance(targetType), null);
// for all other types, can just return the null value right back out as a legal
// reference type value.
return (null, null);
// We're not null and we're converting to Nullable<T>, just convert our value to be a T.
if (targetIsNullable)
return TryConvertObject(warn, context, val, targetType.GenericTypeArguments.Single());
if (targetType == typeof(string))
return TryEnsureType<string>(context, val);
if (targetType == typeof(bool))
return TryEnsureType<bool>(context, val);
if (targetType == typeof(double))
return TryEnsureType<double>(context, val);
if (targetType == typeof(int))
var (d, exception) = TryEnsureType<double>(context, val);
if (exception != null)
return (null, exception);
return ((int)d, exception);
if (targetType == typeof(object))
return (val, null);
if (targetType == typeof(Asset)) {
var (d, exception) = TryEnsureType<Asset>(context, val);
if (exception != null) {
d = new InvalidAsset();
return (d, null);
if (targetType == typeof(Archive)) {
var (d, exception) = TryEnsureType<Archive>(context, val);
if (exception != null) {
d = new InvalidArchive();
return (d, null);
if (targetType == typeof(AssetOrArchive)) {
var (d, exception) = TryEnsureType<AssetOrArchive>(context, val);
if (exception != null) {
d = new InvalidAsset();
return (d, null);
if (targetType == typeof(JsonElement))
return TryConvertJsonElement(context, val);
if (targetType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Resource)) || targetType == typeof(Resource))
return TryEnsureType<Resource>(context, val);
if (targetType.IsEnum)
var underlyingType = targetType.GetEnumUnderlyingType();
var (value, exception) = TryConvertObject(warn, context, val, underlyingType);
if (exception != null || value is null)
return (null, exception);
return (Enum.ToObject(targetType, value), null);
if (targetType.IsValueType && targetType.GetCustomAttribute<EnumTypeAttribute>() != null)
var valType = val.GetType();
if (valType != typeof(string) &&
valType != typeof(double))
return (null,
$"Expected {typeof(string).FullName} or {typeof(double).FullName} but got {valType.FullName} deserializing {context}");
var enumTypeConstructor = targetType.GetConstructor(
BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new[] { valType }, null);
if (enumTypeConstructor == null)
return (null,
$"Expected target type {targetType.FullName} to have a constructor with a single {valType.FullName} parameter.");
return (enumTypeConstructor.Invoke(new[] { val }), null);
if (targetType.IsConstructedGenericType)
if (targetType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Union<,>))
return TryConvertOneOf(warn, context, val, targetType);
if (targetType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(ImmutableArray<>))
return TryConvertArray(warn, context, val, targetType);
if (targetType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(ImmutableDictionary<,>))
return TryConvertDictionary(warn, context, val, targetType);
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"Unexpected generic target type {targetType.FullName} when deserializing {context}");
if (targetType.GetCustomAttribute<OutputTypeAttribute>() == null)
return (null, $"Unexpected target type {targetType.FullName} when deserializing {context}");
var constructor = GetPropertyConstructor(targetType);
if (constructor == null)
return (null,
$"Expected target type {targetType.FullName} to have [{nameof(OutputConstructorAttribute)}] constructor when deserializing {context}");
var (dictionary, tempException) = TryEnsureType<ImmutableDictionary<string, object>>(context, val);
if (tempException != null)
return (null, tempException);
var constructorParameters = constructor.GetParameters();
var arguments = new object?[constructorParameters.Length];
for (int i = 0, n = constructorParameters.Length; i < n; i++)
var parameter = constructorParameters[i];
// Note: TryGetValue may not find a value here. That can happen for things like
// unknown vals. That's ok. We'll pass that through to 'Convert' and will get the
// default value needed for the parameter type.
dictionary!.TryGetValue(parameter.Name!, out var argValue);
arguments[i] = ConvertObject(warn, $"{targetType.FullName}({parameter.Name})", argValue, parameter.ParameterType);
return (constructor.Invoke(arguments), null);
private static (object?, string?) TryConvertJsonElement(
string context, object val)
using var stream = new MemoryStream();
using (var writer = new Utf8JsonWriter(stream))
var error = TryWriteJson(context, writer, val);
if (error != null)
return (null, error);
stream.Position = 0;
var document = JsonDocument.Parse(stream);
var element = document.RootElement;
return (element, null);
private static string? TryWriteJson(string context, Utf8JsonWriter writer, object? val)
switch (val)
case string v:
return null;
case double v:
return null;
case bool v:
return null;
case null:
return null;
case ImmutableArray<object?> v:
foreach (var element in v)
var exception = TryWriteJson(context, writer, element);
if (exception != null)
return exception;
return null;
case ImmutableDictionary<string, object?> v:
foreach (var (key, element) in v)
var exception = TryWriteJson(context, writer, element);
if (exception != null)
return exception;
return null;
return $"Unexpected type {val.GetType().FullName} when converting {context} to {nameof(JsonElement)}";
private static (T, string?) TryEnsureType<T>(string context, object val)
=> val is T t ? (t, null) : (default(T)!, $"Expected {typeof(T).FullName} but got {val.GetType().FullName} deserializing {context}");
private static (object?, string?) TryConvertOneOf(Action<string> warn, string context, object val, Type oneOfType)
var firstType = oneOfType.GenericTypeArguments[0];
var secondType = oneOfType.GenericTypeArguments[1];
var (val1, exception1) = TryConvertObject(warn, $"{context}.AsT0", val, firstType);
if (exception1 == null)
var fromT0Method = oneOfType.GetMethod(nameof(Union<int, int>.FromT0), BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
return (fromT0Method?.Invoke(null, new[] { val1 }), null);
var (val2, exception2) = TryConvertObject(warn, $"{context}.AsT1", val, secondType);
if (exception2 == null)
var fromT1Method = oneOfType.GetMethod(nameof(Union<int, int>.FromT1), BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
return (fromT1Method?.Invoke(null, new[] { val2 }), null);
return (null, $"Expected {firstType.FullName} or {secondType.FullName} but got {val.GetType().FullName} deserializing {context}");
private static (object?, string?) TryConvertArray(
Action<string> warn,
string fieldName, object val, Type targetType)
if (!(val is ImmutableArray<object> array))
return (null,
$"Expected {typeof(ImmutableArray<object>).FullName} but got {val.GetType().FullName} deserializing {fieldName}");
var builder =
typeof(ImmutableArray).GetMethod(nameof(ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder), Array.Empty<Type>())!
.Invoke(obj: null, parameters: null)!;
var builderAdd = builder.GetType().GetMethod(nameof(ImmutableArray<int>.Builder.Add))!;
var builderToImmutable = builder.GetType().GetMethod(nameof(ImmutableArray<int>.Builder.ToImmutable))!;
var elementType = targetType.GenericTypeArguments.Single();
foreach (var element in array)
var e = ConvertObject(warn, fieldName, element, elementType);
builderAdd.Invoke(builder, new[] { e });
return (builderToImmutable.Invoke(builder, null), null);
private static (object?, string?) TryConvertDictionary(
Action<string> warn,
string fieldName, object val, Type targetType)
if (!(val is ImmutableDictionary<string, object> dictionary))
return (null,
$"Expected {typeof(ImmutableDictionary<string, object>).FullName} but got {val.GetType().FullName} deserializing {fieldName}");
// check if already in the form we need. no need to convert anything.
if (targetType == typeof(ImmutableDictionary<string, object>))
return (val, null);
var keyType = targetType.GenericTypeArguments[0];
if (keyType != typeof(string))
return (null,
$"Unexpected type {targetType.FullName} when deserializing {fieldName}. ImmutableDictionary's TKey type was not {typeof(string).FullName}");
var builder =
typeof(ImmutableDictionary).GetMethod(nameof(ImmutableDictionary.CreateBuilder), Array.Empty<Type>())!
.Invoke(obj: null, parameters: null)!;
var builderAdd = builder.GetType().GetMethod(nameof(ImmutableDictionary<string, object>.Builder.Add), targetType.GenericTypeArguments)!;
var builderToImmutable = builder.GetType().GetMethod(nameof(ImmutableDictionary<string, object>.Builder.ToImmutable))!;
var elementType = targetType.GenericTypeArguments[1];
foreach (var (key, element) in dictionary)
var e = ConvertObject(warn, fieldName, element, elementType);
builderAdd.Invoke(builder, new[] { key, e });
return (builderToImmutable.Invoke(builder, null), null);
public static void CheckTargetType(string context, Type targetType, HashSet<Type> seenTypes)
// types can be recursive. So only dive into a type if it's the first time we're seeing it.
if (!seenTypes.Add(targetType))
if (targetType == typeof(bool) ||
targetType == typeof(int) ||
targetType == typeof(double) ||
targetType == typeof(string) ||
targetType == typeof(object) ||
targetType == typeof(Asset) ||
targetType == typeof(Archive) ||
targetType == typeof(AssetOrArchive) ||
targetType == typeof(JsonElement))
if (targetType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Resource)) || targetType == typeof(Resource))
if (targetType == typeof(ImmutableDictionary<string, object>))
// This type is what is generated for things like azure/aws tags. It's an untyped
// map in our original schema. This is the 1st out of 2 places that `object` should
// appear as a legal value.
if (targetType == typeof(ImmutableArray<object>))
// This type is what is generated for things like YAML decode invocation response
// in the Kubernetes provider. The elements of the array would typically be
// immutable dictionaries. This is the 2nd out of 2 places that `object` should
// appear as a legal value.
if (targetType.IsEnum && targetType.GetEnumUnderlyingType() == typeof(int))
if (targetType.IsValueType && targetType.GetCustomAttribute<EnumTypeAttribute>() != null)
if (CheckEnumType(targetType, typeof(string)) ||
CheckEnumType(targetType, typeof(double)))
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"{targetType.FullName} had [{nameof(EnumTypeAttribute)}], but did not contain constructor with a single String or Double parameter.");
static bool CheckEnumType(Type targetType, Type underlyingType)
var constructor = targetType.GetConstructor(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new[] { underlyingType }, null);
if (constructor == null)
return false;
var op = targetType.GetMethod("op_Explicit", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new[] { targetType }, null);
if (op != null && op.ReturnType == underlyingType)
return true;
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"{targetType.FullName} had [{nameof(EnumTypeAttribute)}], but did not contain an explicit conversion operator to {underlyingType.FullName}.");
if (targetType.IsConstructedGenericType)
if (targetType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>))
CheckTargetType(context, targetType.GenericTypeArguments.Single(), seenTypes);
if (targetType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Union<,>))
CheckTargetType(context, targetType.GenericTypeArguments[0], seenTypes);
CheckTargetType(context, targetType.GenericTypeArguments[1], seenTypes);
if (targetType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(ImmutableArray<>))
CheckTargetType(context, targetType.GenericTypeArguments.Single(), seenTypes);
if (targetType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(ImmutableDictionary<,>))
var dictTypeArgs = targetType.GenericTypeArguments;
if (dictTypeArgs[0] != typeof(string))
throw new InvalidOperationException($@"{context} contains invalid type {targetType.FullName}:
The only allowed ImmutableDictionary 'TKey' type is 'String'.");
CheckTargetType(context, dictTypeArgs[1], seenTypes);
throw new InvalidOperationException($@"{context} contains invalid type {targetType.FullName}:
The only generic types allowed are ImmutableArray<...> and ImmutableDictionary<string, ...>");
var propertyTypeAttribute = targetType.GetCustomAttribute<OutputTypeAttribute>();
if (propertyTypeAttribute == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$@"{context} contains invalid type {targetType.FullName}. Allowed types are:
String, Boolean, Int32, Double,
Nullable<...>, ImmutableArray<...> and ImmutableDictionary<string, ...> or
a class explicitly marked with the [{nameof(OutputTypeAttribute)}].");
var constructor = GetPropertyConstructor(targetType);
if (constructor == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$@"{targetType.FullName} had [{nameof(OutputTypeAttribute)}], but did not contain constructor marked with [{nameof(OutputConstructorAttribute)}].");
foreach (var param in constructor.GetParameters())
CheckTargetType($@"{targetType.FullName}({param.Name})", param.ParameterType, seenTypes);
private static ConstructorInfo? GetPropertyConstructor(Type outputTypeArg)
=> outputTypeArg.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).FirstOrDefault(
c => c.GetCustomAttribute<OutputConstructorAttribute>() != null);