Fraser Waters ab7acdb602
Add Paramaterize to provider interface (#16174)
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# Description

<!--- Please include a summary of the change and which issue is fixed.
Please also include relevant motivation and context. -->

This is the bare bones changes required to update the provider interface
for parametrization. Nothing in the engine, sdks, cli, or codegen makes
use of these new methods yet.

But providers team can start building on top of this interface. Note
that this is subject to change, while this is _likely_ the right design
for parametrised providers there is a chance that we need to edit this
interface before GA release.

## Checklist

- [x] I have run `make tidy` to update any new dependencies
- [x] I have run `make lint` to verify my code passes the lint check
  - [ ] I have formatted my code using `gofumpt`

<!--- Please provide details if the checkbox below is to be left
unchecked. -->
- [ ] I have added tests that prove my fix is effective or that my
feature works
User-facing changes require a CHANGELOG entry.
- [x] I have run `make changelog` and committed the
`changelog/pending/<file>` documenting my change
If the change(s) in this PR is a modification of an existing call to the
Pulumi Cloud,
then the service should honor older versions of the CLI where this
change would not exist.
You must then bump the API version in
/pkg/backend/httpstate/client/api.go, as well as add
it to the service.
- [ ] Yes, there are changes in this PR that warrants bumping the Pulumi
Cloud API version
<!-- @Pulumi employees: If yes, you must submit corresponding changes in
the service repo. -->
2024-05-15 16:22:39 +00:00
providers Add Paramaterize to provider interface (#16174) 2024-05-15 16:22:39 +00:00
testdata Fix folder archives in the engine (#16119) 2024-05-06 07:26:48 +00:00
README.md Add sequence diagram about pulumi-test-language (#15289) 2024-01-29 22:08:14 +00:00
go.mod Changelog and go.mod updates for v3.116.1 (#16202) 2024-05-15 09:45:16 +00:00
go.sum Bump go modules (#16051) 2024-04-25 14:30:00 +00:00
interface.go Add Paramaterize to provider interface (#16174) 2024-05-15 16:22:39 +00:00
interface_test.go Add Paramaterize to provider interface (#16174) 2024-05-15 16:22:39 +00:00
internal_test.go Run pulumi-test-language tests in parallel (#16060) 2024-04-25 21:32:39 +00:00
l1empty_test.go Run pulumi-test-language tests in parallel (#16060) 2024-04-25 21:32:39 +00:00
l1main_test.go Add asset/archive to conformance tests and fix engine working dir issues (#16100) 2024-05-02 11:32:54 +00:00
l2continue_on_error_test.go Run pulumi-test-language tests in parallel (#16060) 2024-04-25 21:32:39 +00:00
l2destroy_test.go Run pulumi-test-language tests in parallel (#16060) 2024-04-25 21:32:39 +00:00
l2large_test.go Refactor: move plugin kind to apitype (#15946) 2024-04-25 17:30:30 +00:00
l2resourceasset_test.go Fix folder archives in the engine (#16119) 2024-05-06 07:26:48 +00:00
l2resourcesimple_test.go Run pulumi-test-language tests in parallel (#16060) 2024-04-25 21:32:39 +00:00
main.go Add matrix testing (#13705) 2023-09-13 15:17:46 +00:00
runtime_options_test.go Run pulumi-test-language tests in parallel (#16060) 2024-04-25 21:32:39 +00:00
snapshot_test.go Add asset/archive to conformance tests and fix engine working dir issues (#16100) 2024-05-02 11:32:54 +00:00
snapshots.go Add asset/archive to conformance tests and fix engine working dir issues (#16100) 2024-05-02 11:32:54 +00:00
testing.go Use mapset in pulumi-test-language (#14738) 2023-12-04 20:49:34 +00:00
tests.go Fix folder archives in the engine (#16119) 2024-05-06 07:26:48 +00:00


pulumi-language-test runs a gRPC interface that language plugins can use to run a suite of standard tests.


pulumi-language-test is used to run a standard suite of tests against any compliant language plugin.

The diagram below shows the main interactions and data flows for how this system works.

There are three main actors involved. Firstly test which is a test function coordinating the language plugin and pulumi-language-test. Secondly ptl which is the pulumi-language-test process. Finally uut which is the language plugin actually being tested. This will generally be a grpc server running in the same process as the test method.

    test->>ptl: Start ptl process
    ptl-->>test: Read stdout for ptl address to connect to

    Note right of test: All future calls to ptl are via grpc

    test->>+ptl: GetLanguageTests()
    ptl-->>-test: Returns list of test names

    test->>+uut: Serve
    uut-->>-test: Returns uut server address

    test->>+ptl: PrepareLanguageTests(uut)
    ptl->>+uut: Pack(core)
    uut-->>-ptl: Returns name of core artifact
    ptl-->>-test: Returns `token`

    loop for each test
        test->>+ptl: RunLanguageTest(token, test)
        loop for each sdk used in test
            ptl->>+uut: GeneratePackage(sdk)
            uut-->>-ptl: Write package code to temporary directory
            ptl->>ptl: Verify sdk snapshot
            ptl->>+uut: Pack(sdk)
            uut-->>-ptl: Returns name of sdk artifact

        ptl->>+uut: GenerateProject(test)
        uut-->>-ptl: Write project code to temporary directory
        ptl->>ptl: Verify project snapshot

        ptl->>+uut: InstallDependencies(project)

        note right of ptl: Execute test with engine
        activate ptl
        ptl->>+uut: Run(project)
        uut-->>-ptl: Return run result
        ptl->>ptl: Run test asserts against run result and snapshot
        deactivate ptl

        ptl-->>-test: Returns test result from asserts

    test->>ptl: sigkill

Meta tests

This module contains a number of _test.go files. These are tests of the conformance test system itself. The actual conformance tests are all defined in tests.go.