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// Copyright 2016-2023, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package backend
import (
sdkDisplay "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/v3/display"
// ErrNoPreviousDeployment is returned when there isn't a previous deployment.
var ErrNoPreviousDeployment = errors.New("no previous deployment")
// StackAlreadyExistsError is returned from CreateStack when the stack already exists in the backend.
type StackAlreadyExistsError struct {
StackName string
func (e StackAlreadyExistsError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("stack '%v' already exists", e.StackName)
// OverStackLimitError is returned from CreateStack when the organization is billed per-stack and
// is over its stack limit.
type OverStackLimitError struct {
Message string
func (e OverStackLimitError) Error() string {
m := e.Message
m = strings.ReplaceAll(m, "Conflict: ", "over stack limit: ")
return m
// StackReference is an opaque type that refers to a stack managed by a backend. The CLI uses the ParseStackReference
// method to turn a string like "my-great-stack" or "pulumi/my-great-stack" into a stack reference that can be used to
// interact with the stack via the backend. Stack references are specific to a given backend and different back ends
// may interpret the string passed to ParseStackReference differently.
type StackReference interface {
// fmt.Stringer's String() method returns a string of the stack identity, suitable for display in the CLI
// Name is the name that will be passed to the Pulumi engine when preforming operations on this stack. This
// name may not uniquely identify the stack (e.g. the cloud backend embeds owner information in the StackReference
// but that information is not part of the StackName() we pass to the engine.
Name() tokens.StackName
// Project is the project name that this stack belongs to.
// For old diy backends this will return false.
Project() (tokens.Name, bool)
// Fully qualified name of the stack, including any organization, project, or other information.
FullyQualifiedName() tokens.QName
// PolicyPackReference is an opaque type that refers to a PolicyPack managed by a backend. The CLI
// uses the ParsePolicyPackReference method to turn a string like "myOrg/mySecurityRules" into a
// PolicyPackReference that can be used to interact with the PolicyPack via the backend.
// PolicyPackReferences are specific to a given backend and different back ends may interpret the
// string passed to ParsePolicyPackReference differently.
type PolicyPackReference interface {
// fmt.Stringer's String() method returns a string of the stack identity, suitable for display in the CLI
// OrgName is the name of the organization that is managing the PolicyPack.
OrgName() string
// Name is the name of the PolicyPack being referenced.
Name() tokens.QName
// StackSummary provides a basic description of a stack, without the ability to inspect its resources or make changes.
type StackSummary interface {
Name() StackReference
// LastUpdate returns when the stack was last updated, as applicable.
LastUpdate() *time.Time
// ResourceCount returns the stack's resource count, as applicable.
ResourceCount() *int
// ListStacksFilter describes optional filters when listing stacks.
type ListStacksFilter struct {
Organization *string
Project *string
TagName *string
TagValue *string
// ContinuationToken is an opaque string used for paginated backend requests. If non-nil, means
// there are more results to be returned and the continuation token should be passed into a
// subsequent call to the backend method. A nil continuation token means all results have been
// returned.
type ContinuationToken *string
// Backend is the contract between the Pulumi engine and pluggable backend implementations of the Pulumi Cloud Service.
type Backend interface {
// Name returns a friendly name for this backend.
Name() string
// URL returns a URL at which information about this backend may be seen.
URL() string
// SetCurrentProject sets the current ambient project for this backend.
SetCurrentProject(proj *workspace.Project)
// GetPolicyPack returns a PolicyPack object tied to this backend, or nil if it cannot be found.
GetPolicyPack(ctx context.Context, policyPack string, d diag.Sink) (PolicyPack, error)
// ListPolicyGroups returns all Policy Groups for an organization in this backend or an error if it cannot be found.
ListPolicyGroups(ctx context.Context, orgName string, inContToken ContinuationToken) (
apitype.ListPolicyGroupsResponse, ContinuationToken, error)
// ListPolicyPacks returns all Policy Packs for an organization in this backend, or an error if it cannot be found.
ListPolicyPacks(ctx context.Context, orgName string, inContToken ContinuationToken) (
apitype.ListPolicyPacksResponse, ContinuationToken, error)
// SupportsTags tells whether a stack can have associated tags stored with it in this backend.
SupportsTags() bool
// SupportsOrganizations tells whether a user can belong to multiple organizations in this backend.
SupportsOrganizations() bool
// SupportsProgress tells whether the backend supports showing whether an operation is currently in progress
SupportsProgress() bool
// SupportsDeployments tells whether it is possible to manage deployments in this backend.
SupportsDeployments() bool
// ParseStackReference takes a string representation and parses it to a reference which may be used for other
// methods in this backend.
ParseStackReference(s string) (StackReference, error)
// ValidateStackName verifies that the string is a legal identifier for a (potentially qualified) stack.
// Will check for any backend-specific naming restrictions.
ValidateStackName(s string) error
// DoesProjectExist returns true if a project with the given name exists in this backend, or false otherwise.
DoesProjectExist(ctx context.Context, orgName string, projectName string) (bool, error)
// GetStack returns a stack object tied to this backend with the given name, or nil if it cannot be found.
GetStack(ctx context.Context, stackRef StackReference) (Stack, error)
// CreateStack creates a new stack with the given name, initial state and options that are specific to the
// backend provider.
ctx context.Context,
stackRef StackReference,
root string,
initialState *apitype.UntypedDeployment,
opts *CreateStackOptions,
) (Stack, error)
// RemoveStack removes a stack with the given name. If force is true, the stack will be removed even if it
// still contains resources. Otherwise, if the stack contains resources, a non-nil error is returned, and the
// first boolean return value will be set to true.
RemoveStack(ctx context.Context, stack Stack, force bool) (bool, error)
// ListStacks returns a list of stack summaries for all known stacks in the target backend.
ListStacks(ctx context.Context, filter ListStacksFilter, inContToken ContinuationToken) (
[]StackSummary, ContinuationToken, error)
// RenameStack renames the given stack to a new name, and then returns an updated stack reference that
// can be used to refer to the newly renamed stack.
RenameStack(ctx context.Context, stack Stack, newName tokens.QName) (StackReference, error)
// Preview shows what would be updated given the current workspace's contents.
ctx context.Context, stack Stack, op UpdateOperation, events chan<- engine.Event,
) (*deploy.Plan, sdkDisplay.ResourceChanges, error)
// Update updates the target stack with the current workspace's contents (config and code).
Update(ctx context.Context, stack Stack, op UpdateOperation) (sdkDisplay.ResourceChanges, error)
// Import imports resources into a stack.
Import(ctx context.Context, stack Stack, op UpdateOperation,
imports []deploy.Import) (sdkDisplay.ResourceChanges, error)
// Refresh refreshes the stack's state from the cloud provider.
Refresh(ctx context.Context, stack Stack, op UpdateOperation) (sdkDisplay.ResourceChanges, error)
// Destroy destroys all of this stack's resources.
Destroy(ctx context.Context, stack Stack, op UpdateOperation) (sdkDisplay.ResourceChanges, error)
// Watch watches the project's working directory for changes and automatically updates the active stack.
Watch(ctx context.Context, stack Stack, op UpdateOperation, paths []string) error
// Query against the resource outputs in a stack's state checkpoint.
Query(ctx context.Context, op QueryOperation) error
// GetHistory returns all updates for the stack. The returned UpdateInfo slice will be in
// descending order (newest first).
GetHistory(ctx context.Context, stackRef StackReference, pageSize int, page int) ([]UpdateInfo, error)
// GetLogs fetches a list of log entries for the given stack, with optional filtering/querying.
GetLogs(ctx context.Context, secretsProvider secrets.Provider, stack Stack, cfg StackConfiguration,
query operations.LogQuery) ([]operations.LogEntry, error)
// Get the configuration from the most recent deployment of the stack.
GetLatestConfiguration(ctx context.Context, stack Stack) (config.Map, error)
// UpdateStackTags updates the stacks's tags, replacing all existing tags.
UpdateStackTags(ctx context.Context, stack Stack, tags map[apitype.StackTagName]string) error
// Encrypt secrets using the DS encryption key
EncryptStackDeploymentSettingsSecret(ctx context.Context, stack Stack, secret string) (*apitype.SecretValue, error)
// UpdateStackDeploymentSettings updates the stacks's deployment settings.
UpdateStackDeploymentSettings(ctx context.Context, stack Stack, deployment apitype.DeploymentSettings) error
// Fetch deployment settings
GetStackDeploymentSettings(ctx context.Context, stack Stack) (*apitype.DeploymentSettings, error)
// Deletes the stach deployment settings
DestroyStackDeploymentSettings(ctx context.Context, stack Stack) error
// Fetch the GH App installation status
GetGHAppIntegration(ctx context.Context, stack Stack) (*apitype.GitHubAppIntegration, error)
// ExportDeployment exports the deployment for the given stack as an opaque JSON message.
ExportDeployment(ctx context.Context, stack Stack) (*apitype.UntypedDeployment, error)
// ImportDeployment imports the given deployment into the indicated stack.
ImportDeployment(ctx context.Context, stack Stack, deployment *apitype.UntypedDeployment) error
// Returns the identity of the current user and any organizations they are in for the backend.
CurrentUser() (string, []string, *workspace.TokenInformation, error)
// Cancel the current update for the given stack.
CancelCurrentUpdate(ctx context.Context, stackRef StackReference) error
// DefaultSecretManager accepts a project stack configuration (which may be empty, but not nil) and populates it with
// the default secrets manager configuration for stacks created against this backend, returning a secrets manager
// corresponding to that configuration.
// If the project stack configuration contains configuration for the same type of secrets manager as the backend
// default, this should be respected.
// If it is not possible to determine a default secrets manager for a stack prior to its creation, this method should
// return nil and make no changes to the supplied project stack configuration.
// When a stack has been instantiated, you should favor using the Stack.DefaultSecretManager method to get a default
// secrets manager for that stack.
DefaultSecretManager(ps *workspace.ProjectStack) (secrets.Manager, error)
// EnvironmentsBackend is an interface that defines an optional capability for a backend to work with environments.
type EnvironmentsBackend interface {
ctx context.Context,
org string,
projectName string,
envName string,
yaml []byte,
) (apitype.EnvironmentDiagnostics, error)
ctx context.Context,
org string,
yaml []byte,
) (*esc.Environment, apitype.EnvironmentDiagnostics, error)
// OpenYAMLEnvironment opens a literal environment.
ctx context.Context,
org string,
yaml []byte,
duration time.Duration,
) (*esc.Environment, apitype.EnvironmentDiagnostics, error)
// SpecificDeploymentExporter is an interface defining an additional capability of a Backend, specifically the
// ability to export a specific versions of a stack's deployment. This isn't a requirement for all backends and
// should be checked for dynamically.
type SpecificDeploymentExporter interface {
// ExportDeploymentForVersion exports a specific deployment from the history of a stack. The meaning of
// version is backend-specific. For the Pulumi Console, it is the numeric version. (The first update
// being version "1", the second "2", and so on.) Though this might change in the future to use some
// other type of identifier or commitish .
ExportDeploymentForVersion(ctx context.Context, stack Stack, version string) (*apitype.UntypedDeployment, error)
// UpdateOperation is a complete stack update operation (preview, update, import, refresh, or destroy).
type UpdateOperation struct {
Proj *workspace.Project
Root string
Imports []deploy.Import
M *UpdateMetadata
Opts UpdateOptions
SecretsManager secrets.Manager
SecretsProvider secrets.Provider
StackConfiguration StackConfiguration
Scopes CancellationScopeSource
// QueryOperation configures a query operation.
type QueryOperation struct {
Proj *workspace.Project
Root string
Opts UpdateOptions
SecretsManager secrets.Manager
SecretsProvider secrets.Provider
StackConfiguration StackConfiguration
Scopes CancellationScopeSource
// StackConfiguration holds the configuration for a stack and it's associated decrypter.
type StackConfiguration struct {
// List of ESC environments imported by the stack being updated.
EnvironmentImports []string
Environment esc.Value
Config config.Map
Decrypter config.Decrypter
// UpdateOptions is the full set of update options, including backend and engine options.
type UpdateOptions struct {
// Engine contains all of the engine-specific options.
Engine engine.UpdateOptions
// Display contains all of the backend display options.
Display display.Options
// AutoApprove, when true, will automatically approve previews.
AutoApprove bool
// SkipPreview, when true, causes the preview step to be skipped.
SkipPreview bool
// PreviewOnly, when true, causes only the preview step to be run, without running the Update.
PreviewOnly bool
// QueryOptions configures a query to operate against a backend and the engine.
type QueryOptions struct {
// Engine contains all of the engine-specific options.
Engine engine.UpdateOptions
// Display contains all of the backend display options.
Display display.Options
// CancellationScope provides a scoped source of cancellation and termination requests.
type CancellationScope interface {
// Context returns the cancellation context used to observe cancellation and termination requests for this scope.
Context() *cancel.Context
// Close closes the cancellation scope.
// CancellationScopeSource provides a source for cancellation scopes.
type CancellationScopeSource interface {
// NewScope creates a new cancellation scope.
NewScope(events chan<- engine.Event, isPreview bool) CancellationScope
// NewBackendClient returns a deploy.BackendClient that wraps the given Backend.
func NewBackendClient(backend Backend, secretsProvider secrets.Provider) deploy.BackendClient {
return &backendClient{backend: backend, secretsProvider: secretsProvider}
type backendClient struct {
backend Backend
secretsProvider secrets.Provider
// GetStackOutputs returns the outputs of the stack with the given name.
func (c *backendClient) GetStackOutputs(ctx context.Context, name string) (resource.PropertyMap, error) {
ref, err := c.backend.ParseStackReference(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s, err := c.backend.GetStack(ctx, ref)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if s == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown stack %q", name)
snap, err := s.Snapshot(ctx, c.secretsProvider)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res, err := stack.GetRootStackResource(snap)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("getting root stack resources: %w", err)
if res == nil {
return resource.PropertyMap{}, nil
return res.Outputs, nil
func (c *backendClient) GetStackResourceOutputs(
ctx context.Context, name string,
) (resource.PropertyMap, error) {
ref, err := c.backend.ParseStackReference(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s, err := c.backend.GetStack(ctx, ref)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if s == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown stack %q", name)
snap, err := s.Snapshot(ctx, c.secretsProvider)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pm := resource.PropertyMap{}
for _, r := range snap.Resources {
if r.Delete {
resc := resource.PropertyMap{
resource.PropertyKey("type"): resource.NewStringProperty(string(r.Type)),
resource.PropertyKey("outputs"): resource.NewObjectProperty(r.Outputs),
pm[resource.PropertyKey(r.URN)] = resource.NewObjectProperty(resc)
return pm, nil
// ErrTeamsNotSupported is returned by backends
// which do not support the teams feature.
var ErrTeamsNotSupported = errors.New("teams are not supported")
// CreateStackOptions provides options for stack creation.
// At present, options only apply to the Service.
type CreateStackOptions struct {
// Teams is a list of teams who should have access to
// the newly created stack.
// This option is only appropriate for backends
// which support teams (i.e. the Pulumi Service).
// The backend may return ErrTeamsNotSupported
// if Teams is specified but not supported.
Teams []string