
48 lines
2.0 KiB
Executable File

@echo off
REM Parse the -virtualenv command line argument and populate `args` with all other arguments.
set pulumi_runtime_python_virtualenv=
set args=
if "%~1"=="" goto endparse
if "%~1"=="-virtualenv" (
REM Get the value as a fully-qualified path.
set "pulumi_runtime_python_virtualenv=%~f2"
shift /1
) else (
set args=%args% %~1
shift /1
goto parse
if defined pulumi_runtime_python_virtualenv (
REM If python exists in the virtual environment, set PATH and run it.
if exist "%pulumi_runtime_python_virtualenv%\Scripts\python.exe" (
REM Update PATH and unset PYTHONHOME.
set "PATH=%pulumi_runtime_python_virtualenv%\Scripts;%PATH%"
REM Run python from the virtual environment.
"%pulumi_runtime_python_virtualenv%\Scripts\python.exe" -u -m pulumi.policy %args%
exit /B
) else (
echo The 'virtualenv' option in PulumiPolicy.yaml is set to %pulumi_runtime_python_virtualenv%, but %pulumi_runtime_python_virtualenv% doesn't appear to be a virtual environment. 1>&2
echo Run the following commands to create the virtual environment and install dependencies into it: 1>&2
echo 1. python -m venv %pulumi_runtime_python_virtualenv% 1>&2
echo 2. %pulumi_runtime_python_virtualenv%\Scripts\python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel 1>&2
echo 3. %pulumi_runtime_python_virtualenv%\Scripts\python.exe -m pip install -r %cd%\requirements.txt 1>&2
echo For more information see: https://www.pulumi.com/docs/intro/languages/python/#virtual-environments 1>&2
exit 1
) else (
if defined PULUMI_PYTHON_CMD (
REM If PULUMI_PYTHON_CMD is defined, run it.
"%PULUMI_PYTHON_CMD%" -u -m pulumi.policy %args%
) else (
REM Otherwise, just run python. We use `python` instead of `python3` because Windows
REM Python installers install only `python.exe` by default.
@python -u -m pulumi.policy %args%