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917 lines
28 KiB
package lifecycletest
import (
combinations "github.com/mxschmitt/golang-combinations"
. "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/v3/engine"
func TestDestroyTarget(t *testing.T) {
// Try refreshing a stack with combinations of the above resources as target to destroy.
subsets := combinations.All(complexTestDependencyGraphNames)
//nolint:paralleltest // false positive because range var isn't used directly in t.Run(name) arg
for _, subset := range subsets {
subset := subset
// limit to up to 3 resources to destroy. This keeps the test running time under
// control as it only generates a few hundred combinations instead of several thousand.
if len(subset) <= 3 {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%v", subset), func(t *testing.T) {
destroySpecificTargets(t, subset, true, /*targetDependents*/
func(urns []resource.URN, deleted map[resource.URN]bool) {})
t.Run("destroy root", func(t *testing.T) {
t, []string{"A"}, true, /*targetDependents*/
func(urns []resource.URN, deleted map[resource.URN]bool) {
// when deleting 'A' we expect A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, and L to be deleted
names := complexTestDependencyGraphNames
assert.Equal(t, map[resource.URN]bool{
pickURN(t, urns, names, "A"): true,
pickURN(t, urns, names, "B"): true,
pickURN(t, urns, names, "C"): true,
pickURN(t, urns, names, "D"): true,
pickURN(t, urns, names, "E"): true,
pickURN(t, urns, names, "F"): true,
pickURN(t, urns, names, "G"): true,
pickURN(t, urns, names, "H"): true,
pickURN(t, urns, names, "I"): true,
pickURN(t, urns, names, "J"): true,
pickURN(t, urns, names, "K"): true,
pickURN(t, urns, names, "L"): true,
}, deleted)
t, []string{"A"}, false, /*targetDependents*/
func(urns []resource.URN, deleted map[resource.URN]bool) {})
func destroySpecificTargets(
t *testing.T, targets []string, targetDependents bool,
validate func(urns []resource.URN, deleted map[resource.URN]bool),
) {
// A
// _________|_________
// B C D
// ___|___ ___|___
// E F G H I J
// |__|
// K L
p := &TestPlan{}
urns, old, program := generateComplexTestDependencyGraph(t, p)
loaders := []*deploytest.ProviderLoader{
deploytest.NewProviderLoader("pkgA", semver.MustParse("1.0.0"), func() (plugin.Provider, error) {
return &deploytest.Provider{
DiffConfigF: func(urn resource.URN, olds, news resource.PropertyMap,
ignoreChanges []string,
) (plugin.DiffResult, error) {
if !olds["A"].DeepEquals(news["A"]) {
return plugin.DiffResult{
ReplaceKeys: []resource.PropertyKey{"A"},
DeleteBeforeReplace: true,
}, nil
return plugin.DiffResult{}, nil
DiffF: func(urn resource.URN, id resource.ID,
olds, news resource.PropertyMap, ignoreChanges []string,
) (plugin.DiffResult, error) {
if !olds["A"].DeepEquals(news["A"]) {
return plugin.DiffResult{ReplaceKeys: []resource.PropertyKey{"A"}}, nil
return plugin.DiffResult{}, nil
}, nil
p.Options.Host = deploytest.NewPluginHost(nil, nil, program, loaders...)
p.Options.TargetDependents = targetDependents
destroyTargets := []resource.URN{}
for _, target := range targets {
destroyTargets = append(destroyTargets, pickURN(t, urns, complexTestDependencyGraphNames, target))
p.Options.DestroyTargets = deploy.NewUrnTargetsFromUrns(destroyTargets)
t.Logf("Destroying targets: %v", destroyTargets)
// If we're not forcing the targets to be destroyed, then expect to get a failure here as
// we'll have downstream resources to delete that weren't specified explicitly.
p.Steps = []TestStep{{
Op: Destroy,
ExpectFailure: !targetDependents,
Validate: func(project workspace.Project, target deploy.Target, entries JournalEntries,
evts []Event, res result.Result,
) result.Result {
assert.Nil(t, res)
assert.True(t, len(entries) > 0)
deleted := make(map[resource.URN]bool)
for _, entry := range entries {
assert.Equal(t, deploy.OpDelete, entry.Step.Op())
deleted[entry.Step.URN()] = true
for _, target := range p.Options.DestroyTargets.Literals() {
assert.Contains(t, deleted, target)
validate(urns, deleted)
return res
p.Run(t, old)
func TestUpdateTarget(t *testing.T) {
// Try refreshing a stack with combinations of the above resources as target to destroy.
subsets := combinations.All(complexTestDependencyGraphNames)
//nolint:paralleltest // false positive because range var isn't used directly in t.Run(name) arg
for _, subset := range subsets {
subset := subset
// limit to up to 3 resources to destroy. This keeps the test running time under
// control as it only generates a few hundred combinations instead of several thousand.
if len(subset) <= 3 {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("update %v", subset), func(t *testing.T) {
updateSpecificTargets(t, subset, nil, false /*targetDependents*/, -1)
updateSpecificTargets(t, []string{"A"}, nil, false /*targetDependents*/, -1)
// Also update a target that doesn't exist to make sure we don't crash or otherwise go off the rails.
// We want to check that targetDependents is respected
updateSpecificTargets(t, []string{"C"}, nil, true /*targetDependents*/, -1)
updateSpecificTargets(t, nil, []string{"**C**"}, false, 1)
updateSpecificTargets(t, nil, []string{"**providers:pkgA**"}, false, 3)
func updateSpecificTargets(t *testing.T, targets, globTargets []string, targetDependents bool, expectedUpdates int) {
// A
// _________|_________
// B C D
// ___|___ ___|___
// E F G H I J
// |__|
// K L
p := &TestPlan{}
urns, old, program := generateComplexTestDependencyGraph(t, p)
loaders := []*deploytest.ProviderLoader{
deploytest.NewProviderLoader("pkgA", semver.MustParse("1.0.0"), func() (plugin.Provider, error) {
return &deploytest.Provider{
DiffF: func(urn resource.URN, id resource.ID, olds, news resource.PropertyMap,
ignoreChanges []string,
) (plugin.DiffResult, error) {
// all resources will change.
return plugin.DiffResult{
Changes: plugin.DiffSome,
}, nil
UpdateF: func(urn resource.URN, id resource.ID, olds, news resource.PropertyMap, timeout float64,
ignoreChanges []string, preview bool,
) (resource.PropertyMap, resource.Status, error) {
outputs := olds.Copy()
outputs["output_prop"] = resource.NewPropertyValue(42)
return outputs, resource.StatusOK, nil
}, nil
p.Options.Host = deploytest.NewPluginHost(nil, nil, program, loaders...)
p.Options.TargetDependents = targetDependents
updateTargets := globTargets
for _, target := range targets {
updateTargets = append(updateTargets,
string(pickURN(t, urns, complexTestDependencyGraphNames, target)))
p.Options.UpdateTargets = deploy.NewUrnTargets(updateTargets)
t.Logf("Updating targets: %v", updateTargets)
p.Steps = []TestStep{{
Op: Update,
ExpectFailure: false,
Validate: func(project workspace.Project, target deploy.Target, entries JournalEntries,
evts []Event, res result.Result,
) result.Result {
assert.Nil(t, res)
assert.True(t, len(entries) > 0)
updated := make(map[resource.URN]bool)
sames := make(map[resource.URN]bool)
for _, entry := range entries {
if entry.Step.Op() == deploy.OpUpdate {
updated[entry.Step.URN()] = true
} else if entry.Step.Op() == deploy.OpSame {
sames[entry.Step.URN()] = true
} else {
assert.FailNowf(t, "", "Got a step that wasn't a same/update: %v", entry.Step.Op())
for _, target := range p.Options.UpdateTargets.Literals() {
assert.Contains(t, updated, target)
if !targetDependents {
// We should only perform updates on the entries we have targeted.
for _, target := range p.Options.UpdateTargets.Literals() {
assert.Contains(t, targets, target.Name().String())
} else {
// We expect to find at least one other resource updates.
// NOTE: The test is limited to only passing a subset valid behavior. By specifying
// a URN with no dependents, no other urns will be updated and the test will fail
// (incorrectly).
found := false
updateList := []string{}
for target := range updated {
updateList = append(updateList, target.Name().String())
if !contains(targets, target.Name().String()) {
found = true
assert.True(t, found, "Updates: %v", updateList)
for _, target := range p.Options.UpdateTargets.Literals() {
assert.NotContains(t, sames, target)
if expectedUpdates > -1 {
assert.Equal(t, expectedUpdates, len(updated), "Updates = %#v", updated)
return res
p.Run(t, old)
func contains(list []string, entry string) bool {
for _, e := range list {
if e == entry {
return true
return false
func updateInvalidTarget(t *testing.T) {
p := &TestPlan{}
_, old, program := generateComplexTestDependencyGraph(t, p)
loaders := []*deploytest.ProviderLoader{
deploytest.NewProviderLoader("pkgA", semver.MustParse("1.0.0"), func() (plugin.Provider, error) {
return &deploytest.Provider{
DiffF: func(urn resource.URN, id resource.ID, olds, news resource.PropertyMap,
ignoreChanges []string,
) (plugin.DiffResult, error) {
// all resources will change.
return plugin.DiffResult{
Changes: plugin.DiffSome,
}, nil
UpdateF: func(urn resource.URN, id resource.ID, olds, news resource.PropertyMap, timeout float64,
ignoreChanges []string, preview bool,
) (resource.PropertyMap, resource.Status, error) {
outputs := olds.Copy()
outputs["output_prop"] = resource.NewPropertyValue(42)
return outputs, resource.StatusOK, nil
}, nil
p.Options.Host = deploytest.NewPluginHost(nil, nil, program, loaders...)
p.Options.UpdateTargets = deploy.NewUrnTargetsFromUrns([]resource.URN{"foo"})
t.Logf("Updating invalid targets: %v", p.Options.UpdateTargets)
p.Steps = []TestStep{{
Op: Update,
ExpectFailure: true,
p.Run(t, old)
func TestCreateDuringTargetedUpdate_CreateMentionedAsTarget(t *testing.T) {
loaders := []*deploytest.ProviderLoader{
deploytest.NewProviderLoader("pkgA", semver.MustParse("1.0.0"), func() (plugin.Provider, error) {
return &deploytest.Provider{}, nil
program1 := deploytest.NewLanguageRuntime(func(_ plugin.RunInfo, monitor *deploytest.ResourceMonitor) error {
_, _, _, err := monitor.RegisterResource("pkgA:m:typA", "resA", true)
assert.NoError(t, err)
return nil
host1 := deploytest.NewPluginHost(nil, nil, program1, loaders...)
p := &TestPlan{
Options: UpdateOptions{Host: host1},
p.Steps = []TestStep{{Op: Update}}
snap1 := p.Run(t, nil)
// Now, create a resource resB. This shouldn't be a problem since resB isn't referenced by anything.
program2 := deploytest.NewLanguageRuntime(func(_ plugin.RunInfo, monitor *deploytest.ResourceMonitor) error {
_, _, _, err := monitor.RegisterResource("pkgA:m:typA", "resA", true)
assert.NoError(t, err)
_, _, _, err = monitor.RegisterResource("pkgA:m:typA", "resB", true)
assert.NoError(t, err)
return nil
host2 := deploytest.NewPluginHost(nil, nil, program2, loaders...)
resA := p.NewURN("pkgA:m:typA", "resA", "")
resB := p.NewURN("pkgA:m:typA", "resB", "")
p.Options.Host = host2
p.Options.UpdateTargets = deploy.NewUrnTargetsFromUrns([]resource.URN{resA, resB})
p.Steps = []TestStep{{
Op: Update,
ExpectFailure: false,
Validate: func(project workspace.Project, target deploy.Target, entries JournalEntries,
evts []Event, res result.Result,
) result.Result {
assert.Nil(t, res)
assert.True(t, len(entries) > 0)
for _, entry := range entries {
if entry.Step.URN() == resA {
assert.Equal(t, deploy.OpSame, entry.Step.Op())
} else if entry.Step.URN() == resB {
assert.Equal(t, deploy.OpCreate, entry.Step.Op())
return res
p.Run(t, snap1)
func TestCreateDuringTargetedUpdate_UntargetedCreateNotReferenced(t *testing.T) {
loaders := []*deploytest.ProviderLoader{
deploytest.NewProviderLoader("pkgA", semver.MustParse("1.0.0"), func() (plugin.Provider, error) {
return &deploytest.Provider{}, nil
program1 := deploytest.NewLanguageRuntime(func(_ plugin.RunInfo, monitor *deploytest.ResourceMonitor) error {
_, _, _, err := monitor.RegisterResource("pkgA:m:typA", "resA", true)
assert.NoError(t, err)
return nil
host1 := deploytest.NewPluginHost(nil, nil, program1, loaders...)
p := &TestPlan{
Options: UpdateOptions{Host: host1},
p.Steps = []TestStep{{Op: Update}}
snap1 := p.Run(t, nil)
// Now, create a resource resB. This shouldn't be a problem since resB isn't referenced by anything.
program2 := deploytest.NewLanguageRuntime(func(_ plugin.RunInfo, monitor *deploytest.ResourceMonitor) error {
_, _, _, err := monitor.RegisterResource("pkgA:m:typA", "resA", true)
assert.NoError(t, err)
_, _, _, err = monitor.RegisterResource("pkgA:m:typA", "resB", true)
assert.NoError(t, err)
return nil
host2 := deploytest.NewPluginHost(nil, nil, program2, loaders...)
resA := p.NewURN("pkgA:m:typA", "resA", "")
p.Options.Host = host2
p.Options.UpdateTargets = deploy.NewUrnTargetsFromUrns([]resource.URN{resA})
p.Steps = []TestStep{{
Op: Update,
ExpectFailure: false,
Validate: func(project workspace.Project, target deploy.Target, entries JournalEntries,
evts []Event, res result.Result,
) result.Result {
assert.Nil(t, res)
assert.True(t, len(entries) > 0)
for _, entry := range entries {
// everything should be a same op here.
assert.Equal(t, deploy.OpSame, entry.Step.Op())
return res
p.Run(t, snap1)
func TestCreateDuringTargetedUpdate_UntargetedCreateReferencedByTarget(t *testing.T) {
loaders := []*deploytest.ProviderLoader{
deploytest.NewProviderLoader("pkgA", semver.MustParse("1.0.0"), func() (plugin.Provider, error) {
return &deploytest.Provider{}, nil
program1 := deploytest.NewLanguageRuntime(func(_ plugin.RunInfo, monitor *deploytest.ResourceMonitor) error {
_, _, _, err := monitor.RegisterResource("pkgA:m:typA", "resA", true)
assert.NoError(t, err)
return nil
host1 := deploytest.NewPluginHost(nil, nil, program1, loaders...)
p := &TestPlan{
Options: UpdateOptions{Host: host1},
p.Steps = []TestStep{{Op: Update}}
p.Run(t, nil)
resA := p.NewURN("pkgA:m:typA", "resA", "")
resB := p.NewURN("pkgA:m:typA", "resB", "")
// Now, create a resource resB. But reference it from A. This will cause a dependency we can't
// satisfy.
program2 := deploytest.NewLanguageRuntime(func(_ plugin.RunInfo, monitor *deploytest.ResourceMonitor) error {
_, _, _, err := monitor.RegisterResource("pkgA:m:typA", "resB", true)
assert.NoError(t, err)
_, _, _, err = monitor.RegisterResource("pkgA:m:typA", "resA", true,
Dependencies: []resource.URN{resB},
assert.NoError(t, err)
return nil
host2 := deploytest.NewPluginHost(nil, nil, program2, loaders...)
p.Options.Host = host2
p.Options.UpdateTargets = deploy.NewUrnTargetsFromUrns([]resource.URN{resA})
p.Steps = []TestStep{{
Op: Update,
ExpectFailure: true,
p.Run(t, nil)
func TestCreateDuringTargetedUpdate_UntargetedCreateReferencedByUntargetedCreate(t *testing.T) {
loaders := []*deploytest.ProviderLoader{
deploytest.NewProviderLoader("pkgA", semver.MustParse("1.0.0"), func() (plugin.Provider, error) {
return &deploytest.Provider{}, nil
program1 := deploytest.NewLanguageRuntime(func(_ plugin.RunInfo, monitor *deploytest.ResourceMonitor) error {
_, _, _, err := monitor.RegisterResource("pkgA:m:typA", "resA", true)
assert.NoError(t, err)
return nil
host1 := deploytest.NewPluginHost(nil, nil, program1, loaders...)
p := &TestPlan{
Options: UpdateOptions{Host: host1},
p.Steps = []TestStep{{Op: Update}}
snap1 := p.Run(t, nil)
resA := p.NewURN("pkgA:m:typA", "resA", "")
resB := p.NewURN("pkgA:m:typA", "resB", "")
// Now, create a resource resB. But reference it from A. This will cause a dependency we can't
// satisfy.
program2 := deploytest.NewLanguageRuntime(func(_ plugin.RunInfo, monitor *deploytest.ResourceMonitor) error {
_, _, _, err := monitor.RegisterResource("pkgA:m:typA", "resB", true)
assert.NoError(t, err)
_, _, _, err = monitor.RegisterResource("pkgA:m:typA", "resC", true,
Dependencies: []resource.URN{resB},
assert.NoError(t, err)
_, _, _, err = monitor.RegisterResource("pkgA:m:typA", "resA", true)
assert.NoError(t, err)
return nil
host2 := deploytest.NewPluginHost(nil, nil, program2, loaders...)
p.Options.Host = host2
p.Options.UpdateTargets = deploy.NewUrnTargetsFromUrns([]resource.URN{resA})
p.Steps = []TestStep{{
Op: Update,
ExpectFailure: false,
Validate: func(project workspace.Project, target deploy.Target, entries JournalEntries,
evts []Event, res result.Result,
) result.Result {
assert.Nil(t, res)
assert.True(t, len(entries) > 0)
for _, entry := range entries {
assert.Equal(t, deploy.OpSame, entry.Step.Op())
return res
p.Run(t, snap1)
func TestReplaceSpecificTargets(t *testing.T) {
// A
// _________|_________
// B C D
// ___|___ ___|___
// E F G H I J
// |__|
// K L
p := &TestPlan{}
urns, old, program := generateComplexTestDependencyGraph(t, p)
loaders := []*deploytest.ProviderLoader{
deploytest.NewProviderLoader("pkgA", semver.MustParse("1.0.0"), func() (plugin.Provider, error) {
return &deploytest.Provider{
DiffF: func(urn resource.URN, id resource.ID, olds, news resource.PropertyMap,
ignoreChanges []string,
) (plugin.DiffResult, error) {
// No resources will change.
return plugin.DiffResult{Changes: plugin.DiffNone}, nil
CreateF: func(urn resource.URN, news resource.PropertyMap, timeout float64,
preview bool,
) (resource.ID, resource.PropertyMap, resource.Status, error) {
return "created-id", news, resource.StatusOK, nil
}, nil
p.Options.Host = deploytest.NewPluginHost(nil, nil, program, loaders...)
getURN := func(name string) resource.URN {
return pickURN(t, urns, complexTestDependencyGraphNames, name)
p.Options.ReplaceTargets = deploy.NewUrnTargetsFromUrns([]resource.URN{
p.Steps = []TestStep{{
Op: Update,
ExpectFailure: false,
Validate: func(project workspace.Project, target deploy.Target, entries JournalEntries,
evts []Event, res result.Result,
) result.Result {
assert.Nil(t, res)
assert.True(t, len(entries) > 0)
replaced := make(map[resource.URN]bool)
sames := make(map[resource.URN]bool)
for _, entry := range entries {
if entry.Step.Op() == deploy.OpReplace {
replaced[entry.Step.URN()] = true
} else if entry.Step.Op() == deploy.OpSame {
sames[entry.Step.URN()] = true
for _, target := range p.Options.ReplaceTargets.Literals() {
assert.Contains(t, replaced, target)
for _, target := range p.Options.ReplaceTargets.Literals() {
assert.NotContains(t, sames, target)
return res
p.Run(t, old)
var componentBasedTestDependencyGraphNames = []string{
"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H",
"I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N",
func generateParentedTestDependencyGraph(t *testing.T, p *TestPlan) (
// Parent-child graph
// A B
// __|__ ____|____
// D I E F
// __|__ __|__ __|__
// G H J K L M
// A has children D, I
// D has children G, H
// B has children E, F
// E has children J, K
// F has children L, M
// Dependency graph
// G H
// | __|__
// I K N
// I depends on G
// K depends on H
// N depends on H
[]resource.URN, *deploy.Snapshot, plugin.LanguageRuntime,
) {
resTypeComponent := tokens.Type("pkgA:index:Component")
resTypeResource := tokens.Type("pkgA:index:Resource")
names := componentBasedTestDependencyGraphNames
urnA := p.NewURN(resTypeComponent, names[0], "")
urnB := p.NewURN(resTypeComponent, names[1], "")
urnC := p.NewURN(resTypeResource, names[2], "")
urnD := p.NewURN(resTypeComponent, names[3], urnA)
urnE := p.NewURN(resTypeComponent, names[4], urnB)
urnF := p.NewURN(resTypeComponent, names[5], urnB)
urnG := p.NewURN(resTypeResource, names[6], urnD)
urnH := p.NewURN(resTypeResource, names[7], urnD)
urnI := p.NewURN(resTypeResource, names[8], urnA)
urnJ := p.NewURN(resTypeResource, names[9], urnE)
urnK := p.NewURN(resTypeResource, names[10], urnE)
urnL := p.NewURN(resTypeResource, names[11], urnF)
urnM := p.NewURN(resTypeResource, names[12], urnF)
urnN := p.NewURN(resTypeResource, names[13], "")
urns := []resource.URN{urnA, urnB, urnC, urnD, urnE, urnF, urnG, urnH, urnI, urnJ, urnK, urnL, urnM, urnN}
newResource := func(urn, parent resource.URN, id resource.ID,
dependencies []resource.URN, propertyDeps propertyDependencies,
) *resource.State {
return newResource(urn, parent, id, "", dependencies, propertyDeps,
nil, urn.Type() != resTypeComponent)
old := &deploy.Snapshot{
Resources: []*resource.State{
newResource(urnA, "", "0", nil, nil),
newResource(urnB, "", "1", nil, nil),
newResource(urnC, "", "2", nil, nil),
newResource(urnD, urnA, "3", nil, nil),
newResource(urnE, urnB, "4", nil, nil),
newResource(urnF, urnB, "5", nil, nil),
newResource(urnG, urnD, "6", nil, nil),
newResource(urnH, urnD, "7", nil, nil),
newResource(urnI, urnA, "8", []resource.URN{urnG},
propertyDependencies{"A": []resource.URN{urnG}}),
newResource(urnJ, urnE, "9", nil, nil),
newResource(urnK, urnE, "10", []resource.URN{urnH},
propertyDependencies{"A": []resource.URN{urnH}}),
newResource(urnL, urnF, "11", nil, nil),
newResource(urnM, urnF, "12", nil, nil),
newResource(urnN, "", "13", []resource.URN{urnH},
propertyDependencies{"A": []resource.URN{urnH}}),
program := deploytest.NewLanguageRuntime(
func(_ plugin.RunInfo, monitor *deploytest.ResourceMonitor) error {
register := func(urn, parent resource.URN) resource.ID {
_, id, _, err := monitor.RegisterResource(
urn.Type() != resTypeComponent,
Inputs: nil,
Parent: parent,
assert.NoError(t, err)
return id
register(urnA, "")
register(urnB, "")
register(urnC, "")
register(urnD, urnA)
register(urnE, urnB)
register(urnF, urnB)
register(urnG, urnD)
register(urnH, urnD)
register(urnI, urnA)
register(urnJ, urnE)
register(urnK, urnE)
register(urnL, urnF)
register(urnM, urnF)
register(urnN, "")
return nil
return urns, old, program
func TestDestroyTargetWithChildren(t *testing.T) {
// when deleting 'A' with targetDependents specified we expect A, D, G, H, I, K and N to be deleted.
t, []string{"A"}, true, /*targetDependents*/
func(urns []resource.URN, deleted map[resource.URN]bool) {
names := componentBasedTestDependencyGraphNames
assert.Equal(t, map[resource.URN]bool{
pickURN(t, urns, names, "A"): true,
pickURN(t, urns, names, "D"): true,
pickURN(t, urns, names, "G"): true,
pickURN(t, urns, names, "H"): true,
pickURN(t, urns, names, "I"): true,
pickURN(t, urns, names, "K"): true,
pickURN(t, urns, names, "N"): true,
}, deleted)
// when deleting 'A' with targetDependents not specified, we expect an error.
t, []string{"A"}, false, /*targetDependents*/
func(urns []resource.URN, deleted map[resource.URN]bool) {})
// when deleting 'B' we expect B, E, F, J, K, L, M to be deleted.
t, []string{"B"}, false, /*targetDependents*/
func(urns []resource.URN, deleted map[resource.URN]bool) {
names := componentBasedTestDependencyGraphNames
assert.Equal(t, map[resource.URN]bool{
pickURN(t, urns, names, "B"): true,
pickURN(t, urns, names, "E"): true,
pickURN(t, urns, names, "F"): true,
pickURN(t, urns, names, "J"): true,
pickURN(t, urns, names, "K"): true,
pickURN(t, urns, names, "L"): true,
pickURN(t, urns, names, "M"): true,
}, deleted)
func destroySpecificTargetsWithChildren(
t *testing.T, targets []string, targetDependents bool,
validate func(urns []resource.URN, deleted map[resource.URN]bool),
) {
p := &TestPlan{}
urns, old, program := generateParentedTestDependencyGraph(t, p)
loaders := []*deploytest.ProviderLoader{
deploytest.NewProviderLoader("pkgA", semver.MustParse("1.0.0"), func() (plugin.Provider, error) {
return &deploytest.Provider{
DiffConfigF: func(urn resource.URN, olds, news resource.PropertyMap,
ignoreChanges []string,
) (plugin.DiffResult, error) {
if !olds["A"].DeepEquals(news["A"]) {
return plugin.DiffResult{
ReplaceKeys: []resource.PropertyKey{"A"},
DeleteBeforeReplace: true,
}, nil
return plugin.DiffResult{}, nil
DiffF: func(urn resource.URN, id resource.ID,
olds, news resource.PropertyMap, ignoreChanges []string,
) (plugin.DiffResult, error) {
if !olds["A"].DeepEquals(news["A"]) {
return plugin.DiffResult{ReplaceKeys: []resource.PropertyKey{"A"}}, nil
return plugin.DiffResult{}, nil
}, nil
p.Options.Host = deploytest.NewPluginHost(nil, nil, program, loaders...)
p.Options.TargetDependents = targetDependents
destroyTargets := []resource.URN{}
for _, target := range targets {
destroyTargets = append(destroyTargets, pickURN(t, urns, componentBasedTestDependencyGraphNames, target))
p.Options.DestroyTargets = deploy.NewUrnTargetsFromUrns(destroyTargets)
t.Logf("Destroying targets: %v", destroyTargets)
// If we're not forcing the targets to be destroyed, then expect to get a failure here as
// we'll have downstream resources to delete that weren't specified explicitly.
p.Steps = []TestStep{{
Op: Destroy,
ExpectFailure: !targetDependents,
Validate: func(project workspace.Project, target deploy.Target, entries JournalEntries,
evts []Event, res result.Result,
) result.Result {
assert.Nil(t, res)
assert.True(t, len(entries) > 0)
deleted := make(map[resource.URN]bool)
for _, entry := range entries {
assert.Equal(t, deploy.OpDelete, entry.Step.Op())
deleted[entry.Step.URN()] = true
for _, target := range p.Options.DestroyTargets.Literals() {
assert.Contains(t, deleted, target)
validate(urns, deleted)
return res
p.Run(t, old)
func newResource(urn, parent resource.URN, id resource.ID, provider string, dependencies []resource.URN,
propertyDeps propertyDependencies, outputs resource.PropertyMap, custom bool,
) *resource.State {
inputs := resource.PropertyMap{}
for k := range propertyDeps {
inputs[k] = resource.NewStringProperty("foo")
return &resource.State{
Type: urn.Type(),
URN: urn,
Custom: custom,
Delete: false,
ID: id,
Inputs: inputs,
Outputs: outputs,
Dependencies: dependencies,
PropertyDependencies: propertyDeps,
Provider: provider,
Parent: parent,