
176 lines
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Protocol Buffer

// Copyright 2016-2023, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
import "pulumi/codegen/hcl.proto";
import "pulumi/plugin.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
package pulumirpc;
option go_package = "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/proto/go;pulumirpc";
// LanguageRuntime is the interface that the planning monitor uses to drive execution of an interpreter responsible
// for confguring and creating resource objects.
service LanguageRuntime {
// GetRequiredPlugins computes the complete set of anticipated plugins required by a program.
rpc GetRequiredPlugins(GetRequiredPluginsRequest) returns (GetRequiredPluginsResponse) {}
// Run executes a program and returns its result.
rpc Run(RunRequest) returns (RunResponse) {}
// GetPluginInfo returns generic information about this plugin, like its version.
rpc GetPluginInfo(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (PluginInfo) {}
// InstallDependencies will install dependencies for the project, e.g. by running `npm install` for nodejs projects.
rpc InstallDependencies(InstallDependenciesRequest) returns (stream InstallDependenciesResponse) {}
// About returns information about the runtime for this language.
rpc About(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (AboutResponse) {}
// GetProgramDependencies returns the set of dependencies required by the program.
rpc GetProgramDependencies(GetProgramDependenciesRequest) returns (GetProgramDependenciesResponse) {}
// RunPlugin executes a plugin program and returns its result asynchronously.
rpc RunPlugin(RunPluginRequest) returns (stream RunPluginResponse) {}
// GenerateProgram generates a given PCL program into a program for this language.
rpc GenerateProgram(GenerateProgramRequest) returns (GenerateProgramResponse) {}
// GenerateProject generates a given PCL program into a project for this language.
rpc GenerateProject(GenerateProjectRequest) returns (GenerateProjectResponse) {}
// GeneratePackage generates a given pulumi package into a package for this language.
rpc GeneratePackage(GeneratePackageRequest) returns (GeneratePackageResponse) {}
// AboutResponse returns runtime information about the language.
message AboutResponse {
string executable = 1; // the primary executable for the runtime of this language.
string version = 2; // the version of the runtime for this language.
map<string, string> metadata = 3; // other information about this language.
message GetProgramDependenciesRequest {
string project = 1; // the project name.
string pwd = 2; // the program's working directory.
string program = 3; // the path to the program.
bool transitiveDependencies = 4; // if transitive dependencies should be included in the result.
message DependencyInfo {
string name = 1; // The name of the dependency.
string version = 2; // The version of the dependency.
message GetProgramDependenciesResponse {
repeated DependencyInfo dependencies = 1; // the dependencies of this program
message GetRequiredPluginsRequest {
string project = 1; // the project name.
string pwd = 2; // the program's working directory.
string program = 3; // the path to the program.
message GetRequiredPluginsResponse {
repeated PluginDependency plugins = 1; // a list of plugins required by this program.
// RunRequest asks the interpreter to execute a program.
message RunRequest {
string project = 1; // the project name.
string stack = 2; // the name of the stack being deployed into.
string pwd = 3; // the program's working directory.
string program = 4; // the path to the program to execute.
repeated string args = 5; // any arguments to pass to the program.
map<string, string> config = 6; // the configuration variables to apply before running.
bool dryRun = 7; // true if we're only doing a dryrun (preview).
int32 parallel = 8; // the degree of parallelism for resource operations (<=1 for serial).
string monitor_address = 9; // the address for communicating back to the resource monitor.
bool queryMode = 10; // true if we're only doing a query.
repeated string configSecretKeys = 11; // the configuration keys that have secret values.
string organization = 12; // the organization of the stack being deployed into.
// RunResponse is the response back from the interpreter/source back to the monitor.
message RunResponse {
// An unhandled error if any occurred.
string error = 1;
// An error happened. And it was reported to the user. Work should stop immediately
// with nothing further to print to the user. This corresponds to a "result.Bail()"
// value in the 'go' layer.
bool bail = 2;
message InstallDependenciesRequest {
string directory = 1; // the program's working directory.
bool is_terminal = 2; // if we are running in a terminal and should use ANSI codes
message InstallDependenciesResponse {
bytes stdout = 1; // a line of stdout text.
bytes stderr = 2; // a line of stderr text.
message RunPluginRequest{
string pwd = 1; // the program's working directory.
string program = 2; // the path to the program to execute.
repeated string args = 3; // any arguments to pass to the program.
repeated string env = 4; // any environment variables to set as part of the program.
message RunPluginResponse {
oneof output {
bytes stdout = 1; // a line of stdout text.
bytes stderr = 2; // a line of stderr text.
int32 exitcode = 3; // the exit code of the provider.
message GenerateProgramRequest {
// the PCL source of the project.
map<string, string> source = 1;
message GenerateProgramResponse {
// any diagnostics from code generation.
repeated pulumirpc.codegen.Diagnostic diagnostics = 1;
// the generated program source code.
map<string, bytes> source = 2;
message GenerateProjectRequest {
// the directory to generate the project in.
string directory = 1;
// the JSON-encoded pulumi project file.
string project = 2;
// the PCL source of the project.
map<string, string> source = 3;
message GenerateProjectResponse {
message GeneratePackageRequest {
// the directory to generate the package in.
string directory = 1;
// the JSON-encoded schema.
string schema = 2;
// extra files to copy to the package output.
map<string, bytes> extraFiles = 3;
message GeneratePackageResponse {