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// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package backend
import (
sdkDisplay "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/common/display"
// Mock backend.
type MockBackend struct {
NameF func() string
URLF func() string
GetPolicyPackF func(ctx context.Context, policyPack string, d diag.Sink) (PolicyPack, error)
SupportsTagsF func() bool
SupportsOrganizationsF func() bool
ParseStackReferenceF func(s string) (StackReference, error)
ValidateStackNameF func(s string) error
DoesProjectExistF func(context.Context, string) (bool, error)
GetStackF func(context.Context, StackReference) (Stack, error)
CreateStackF func(context.Context, StackReference, string, *workspace.Project, interface{}) (Stack, error)
RemoveStackF func(context.Context, Stack, bool) (bool, error)
ListStacksF func(context.Context, ListStacksFilter, ContinuationToken) (
[]StackSummary, ContinuationToken, error)
RenameStackF func(context.Context, Stack, tokens.QName) (StackReference, error)
GetStackCrypterF func(StackReference) (config.Crypter, error)
QueryF func(context.Context, QueryOperation) result.Result
GetLatestConfigurationF func(context.Context, Stack) (config.Map, error)
GetHistoryF func(context.Context, StackReference, int, int) ([]UpdateInfo, error)
UpdateStackTagsF func(context.Context, Stack, map[apitype.StackTagName]string) error
ExportDeploymentF func(context.Context, Stack) (*apitype.UntypedDeployment, error)
ImportDeploymentF func(context.Context, Stack, *apitype.UntypedDeployment) error
LogoutF func() error
LogoutAllF func() error
CurrentUserF func() (string, []string, error)
PreviewF func(context.Context, Stack,
UpdateOperation) (*deploy.Plan, sdkDisplay.ResourceChanges, result.Result)
UpdateF func(context.Context, Stack,
UpdateOperation) (sdkDisplay.ResourceChanges, result.Result)
ImportF func(context.Context, Stack,
UpdateOperation, []deploy.Import) (sdkDisplay.ResourceChanges, result.Result)
RefreshF func(context.Context, Stack,
UpdateOperation) (sdkDisplay.ResourceChanges, result.Result)
DestroyF func(context.Context, Stack,
UpdateOperation) (sdkDisplay.ResourceChanges, result.Result)
WatchF func(context.Context, Stack,
UpdateOperation, []string) result.Result
GetLogsF func(context.Context, secrets.Provider, Stack, StackConfiguration,
operations.LogQuery) ([]operations.LogEntry, error)
CancelCurrentUpdateF func(ctx context.Context, stackRef StackReference) error
var _ Backend = (*MockBackend)(nil)
func (be *MockBackend) Name() string {
if be.NameF != nil {
return be.NameF()
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) URL() string {
if be.URLF != nil {
return be.URLF()
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) ListPolicyGroups(context.Context, string, ContinuationToken) (
apitype.ListPolicyGroupsResponse, ContinuationToken, error) {
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) ListPolicyPacks(context.Context, string, ContinuationToken) (
apitype.ListPolicyPacksResponse, ContinuationToken, error) {
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) GetPolicyPack(
ctx context.Context, policyPack string, d diag.Sink) (PolicyPack, error) {
if be.GetPolicyPackF != nil {
return be.GetPolicyPackF(ctx, policyPack, d)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) SupportsTags() bool {
if be.SupportsTagsF != nil {
return be.SupportsTagsF()
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) SupportsOrganizations() bool {
if be.SupportsOrganizationsF != nil {
return be.SupportsOrganizationsF()
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) ParseStackReference(s string) (StackReference, error) {
if be.ParseStackReferenceF != nil {
return be.ParseStackReferenceF(s)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) ValidateStackName(s string) error {
if be.ValidateStackNameF != nil {
return be.ValidateStackNameF(s)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) DoesProjectExist(ctx context.Context, projectName string) (bool, error) {
if be.DoesProjectExistF != nil {
return be.DoesProjectExistF(ctx, projectName)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) GetStack(ctx context.Context, stackRef StackReference) (Stack, error) {
if be.GetStackF != nil {
return be.GetStackF(ctx, stackRef)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) CreateStack(ctx context.Context, stackRef StackReference,
root string, project *workspace.Project, opts interface{}) (Stack, error) {
if be.CreateStackF != nil {
return be.CreateStackF(ctx, stackRef, root, project, opts)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) RemoveStack(ctx context.Context, stack Stack, force bool) (bool, error) {
if be.RemoveStackF != nil {
return be.RemoveStackF(ctx, stack, force)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) ListStacks(ctx context.Context, filter ListStacksFilter, inContToken ContinuationToken) (
[]StackSummary, ContinuationToken, error) {
if be.ListStacksF != nil {
return be.ListStacksF(ctx, filter, inContToken)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) RenameStack(ctx context.Context, stack Stack,
newName tokens.QName) (StackReference, error) {
if be.RenameStackF != nil {
return be.RenameStackF(ctx, stack, newName)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) GetStackCrypter(stackRef StackReference) (config.Crypter, error) {
if be.GetStackCrypterF != nil {
return be.GetStackCrypterF(stackRef)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) Preview(ctx context.Context, stack Stack,
op UpdateOperation) (*deploy.Plan, sdkDisplay.ResourceChanges, result.Result) {
if be.PreviewF != nil {
return be.PreviewF(ctx, stack, op)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) Update(ctx context.Context, stack Stack,
op UpdateOperation) (sdkDisplay.ResourceChanges, result.Result) {
if be.UpdateF != nil {
return be.UpdateF(ctx, stack, op)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) Import(ctx context.Context, stack Stack,
op UpdateOperation, imports []deploy.Import) (sdkDisplay.ResourceChanges, result.Result) {
if be.ImportF != nil {
return be.ImportF(ctx, stack, op, imports)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) Refresh(ctx context.Context, stack Stack,
op UpdateOperation) (sdkDisplay.ResourceChanges, result.Result) {
if be.RefreshF != nil {
return be.RefreshF(ctx, stack, op)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) Destroy(ctx context.Context, stack Stack,
op UpdateOperation) (sdkDisplay.ResourceChanges, result.Result) {
if be.DestroyF != nil {
return be.DestroyF(ctx, stack, op)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) Watch(ctx context.Context, stack Stack,
op UpdateOperation, paths []string) result.Result {
if be.WatchF != nil {
return be.WatchF(ctx, stack, op, paths)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) Query(ctx context.Context, op QueryOperation) result.Result {
if be.QueryF != nil {
return be.QueryF(ctx, op)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) GetHistory(ctx context.Context,
stackRef StackReference,
pageSize int,
page int) ([]UpdateInfo, error) {
if be.GetHistoryF != nil {
return be.GetHistoryF(ctx, stackRef, pageSize, page)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) GetLogs(
ctx context.Context, secretsProvider secrets.Provider, stack Stack,
cfg StackConfiguration, query operations.LogQuery) ([]operations.LogEntry, error) {
if be.GetLogsF != nil {
return be.GetLogsF(ctx, secretsProvider, stack, cfg, query)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) GetLatestConfiguration(ctx context.Context,
stack Stack) (config.Map, error) {
if be.GetLatestConfigurationF != nil {
return be.GetLatestConfigurationF(ctx, stack)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) UpdateStackTags(ctx context.Context, stack Stack,
tags map[apitype.StackTagName]string) error {
if be.UpdateStackTagsF != nil {
return be.UpdateStackTagsF(ctx, stack, tags)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) ExportDeployment(ctx context.Context,
stack Stack) (*apitype.UntypedDeployment, error) {
if be.ExportDeploymentF != nil {
return be.ExportDeploymentF(ctx, stack)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) ImportDeployment(ctx context.Context, stack Stack,
deployment *apitype.UntypedDeployment) error {
if be.ImportDeploymentF != nil {
return be.ImportDeploymentF(ctx, stack, deployment)
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) Logout() error {
if be.LogoutF != nil {
return be.LogoutF()
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) LogoutAll() error {
if be.LogoutAllF != nil {
return be.LogoutAllF()
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) CurrentUser() (string, []string, error) {
if be.CurrentUserF != nil {
return be.CurrentUserF()
panic("not implemented")
func (be *MockBackend) CancelCurrentUpdate(ctx context.Context, stackRef StackReference) error {
if be.CancelCurrentUpdateF != nil {
return be.CancelCurrentUpdateF(ctx, stackRef)
panic("not implemented")
// Mock stack.
type MockStack struct {
RefF func() StackReference
ConfigF func() config.Map
SnapshotF func(ctx context.Context, secretsProvider secrets.Provider) (*deploy.Snapshot, error)
TagsF func() map[apitype.StackTagName]string
BackendF func() Backend
PreviewF func(ctx context.Context, op UpdateOperation) (*deploy.Plan, sdkDisplay.ResourceChanges, result.Result)
UpdateF func(ctx context.Context, op UpdateOperation) (sdkDisplay.ResourceChanges, result.Result)
ImportF func(ctx context.Context, op UpdateOperation,
imports []deploy.Import) (sdkDisplay.ResourceChanges, result.Result)
RefreshF func(ctx context.Context, op UpdateOperation) (sdkDisplay.ResourceChanges, result.Result)
DestroyF func(ctx context.Context, op UpdateOperation) (sdkDisplay.ResourceChanges, result.Result)
WatchF func(ctx context.Context, op UpdateOperation, paths []string) result.Result
QueryF func(ctx context.Context, op UpdateOperation) result.Result
RemoveF func(ctx context.Context, force bool) (bool, error)
RenameF func(ctx context.Context, newName tokens.QName) (StackReference, error)
GetLogsF func(ctx context.Context, secretsProvider secrets.Provider, cfg StackConfiguration,
query operations.LogQuery) ([]operations.LogEntry, error)
ExportDeploymentF func(ctx context.Context) (*apitype.UntypedDeployment, error)
ImportDeploymentF func(ctx context.Context, deployment *apitype.UntypedDeployment) error
DefaultSecretManagerF func(info *workspace.ProjectStack) (secrets.Manager, error)
var _ Stack = (*MockStack)(nil)
func (ms *MockStack) Ref() StackReference {
if ms.RefF != nil {
return ms.RefF()
panic("not implemented")
func (ms *MockStack) Config() config.Map {
if ms.ConfigF != nil {
return ms.ConfigF()
panic("not implemented")
func (ms *MockStack) Snapshot(ctx context.Context, secretsProvider secrets.Provider) (*deploy.Snapshot, error) {
if ms.SnapshotF != nil {
return ms.SnapshotF(ctx, secretsProvider)
panic("not implemented")
func (ms *MockStack) Tags() map[apitype.StackTagName]string {
if ms.TagsF != nil {
return ms.TagsF()
panic("not implemented")
func (ms *MockStack) Backend() Backend {
if ms.BackendF != nil {
return ms.BackendF()
panic("not implemented")
func (ms *MockStack) Preview(
ctx context.Context,
op UpdateOperation) (*deploy.Plan, sdkDisplay.ResourceChanges, result.Result) {
if ms.PreviewF != nil {
return ms.PreviewF(ctx, op)
panic("not implemented")
func (ms *MockStack) Update(ctx context.Context, op UpdateOperation) (sdkDisplay.ResourceChanges, result.Result) {
if ms.UpdateF != nil {
return ms.UpdateF(ctx, op)
panic("not implemented")
func (ms *MockStack) Import(ctx context.Context, op UpdateOperation,
imports []deploy.Import) (sdkDisplay.ResourceChanges, result.Result) {
if ms.ImportF != nil {
return ms.ImportF(ctx, op, imports)
panic("not implemented")
func (ms *MockStack) Refresh(ctx context.Context, op UpdateOperation) (sdkDisplay.ResourceChanges, result.Result) {
if ms.RefreshF != nil {
return ms.RefreshF(ctx, op)
panic("not implemented")
func (ms *MockStack) Destroy(ctx context.Context, op UpdateOperation) (sdkDisplay.ResourceChanges, result.Result) {
if ms.DestroyF != nil {
return ms.DestroyF(ctx, op)
panic("not implemented")
func (ms *MockStack) Watch(ctx context.Context, op UpdateOperation, paths []string) result.Result {
if ms.WatchF != nil {
return ms.WatchF(ctx, op, paths)
panic("not implemented")
func (ms *MockStack) Query(ctx context.Context, op UpdateOperation) result.Result {
if ms.QueryF != nil {
return ms.QueryF(ctx, op)
panic("not implemented")
func (ms *MockStack) Remove(ctx context.Context, force bool) (bool, error) {
if ms.RemoveF != nil {
return ms.RemoveF(ctx, force)
panic("not implemented")
func (ms *MockStack) Rename(ctx context.Context, newName tokens.QName) (StackReference, error) {
if ms.RenameF != nil {
return ms.RenameF(ctx, newName)
panic("not implemented")
func (ms *MockStack) GetLogs(ctx context.Context, secretsProvider secrets.Provider, cfg StackConfiguration,
query operations.LogQuery) ([]operations.LogEntry, error) {
if ms.GetLogsF != nil {
return ms.GetLogsF(ctx, secretsProvider, cfg, query)
panic("not implemented")
func (ms *MockStack) ExportDeployment(ctx context.Context) (*apitype.UntypedDeployment, error) {
if ms.ExportDeploymentF != nil {
return ms.ExportDeploymentF(ctx)
panic("not implemented")
func (ms *MockStack) ImportDeployment(ctx context.Context, deployment *apitype.UntypedDeployment) error {
if ms.ImportDeploymentF != nil {
return ms.ImportDeploymentF(ctx, deployment)
panic("not implemented")
func (ms *MockStack) DefaultSecretManager(info *workspace.ProjectStack) (secrets.Manager, error) {
if ms.DefaultSecretManagerF != nil {
return ms.DefaultSecretManagerF(info)
panic("not implemented")