
2926 lines
89 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2022, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Pulling out some of the repeated strings tokens into constants would harm readability, so we just ignore the
// goconst linter's warning.
//nolint:lll, goconst
package nodejs
import (
_ "embed"
const (
// The minimum version of @pulumi/pulumi compatible with the generated SDK.
MinimumValidSDKVersion string = "^3.136.0"
// The minimum version of @pulumi/pulumi that supports parameterization.
MinimumValidParameterizationSDKVersion string = "^3.133.0"
MinimumTypescriptVersion string = "^4.3.5"
MinimumNodeTypesVersion string = "^14"
type typeDetails struct {
outputType bool
inputType bool
usedInFunctionOutputVersionInputs bool // helps decide naming under the tfbridge20 flag
// title capitalizes the first rune in s.
// Examples:
// "hello" => "Hello"
// "hiAlice" => "HiAlice"
// "hi.Bob" => "Hi.Bob"
// Note: This is expected to work on strings which are not valid identifiers.
func title(s string) string {
if s == "" {
return ""
runes := []rune(s)
return string(append([]rune{unicode.ToUpper(runes[0])}, runes[1:]...))
// camel converts s to camel case.
// Examples:
// "helloWorld" => "helloWorld"
// "HelloWorld" => "helloWorld"
// "JSONObject" => "jsonobject"
// "My-FRIEND.Bob" => "my-FRIEND.Bob"
func camel(s string) string {
if s == "" {
return ""
runes := []rune(s)
res := slice.Prealloc[rune](len(runes))
for i, r := range runes {
if unicode.IsLower(r) {
res = append(res, runes[i:]...)
res = append(res, unicode.ToLower(r))
return string(res)
// pascal converts s to pascal case. Word breaks are signified by illegal
// identifier runes (excluding '.'). These are found by use of
// isLegalIdentifierPart.
// Examples:
// "My-Friend.Bob" => "MyFriend.Bob"
// "JSONObject" => "JSONObject"'
// "a-glad-dayTime" => "AGladDayTime"
// Note: because camel aggressively down-cases the first continuous sub-string
// of uppercase characters, we cannot define pascal as title(camel(x)).
func pascal(s string) string {
split := [][]rune{{}}
for _, r := range s {
if !isLegalIdentifierPart(r) && r != '.' {
split = append(split, []rune{})
} else {
split[len(split)-1] = append(split[len(split)-1], r)
words := make([]string, len(split))
for i, v := range split {
words[i] = title(string(v))
return strings.Join(words, "")
// externalModuleName Formats the name of package to comply with an external
// module.
func externalModuleName(s string) string {
return "pulumi" + pascal(s)
type modContext struct {
pkg schema.PackageReference
mod string
types []*schema.ObjectType
enums []*schema.EnumType
resources []*schema.Resource
functions []*schema.Function
typeDetails map[*schema.ObjectType]*typeDetails
children []*modContext
extraSourceFiles []string
tool string
// Name overrides set in NodeJSInfo
modToPkg map[string]string // Module name -> package name
compatibility string // Toggle compatibility mode for a specified target.
disableUnionOutputTypes bool // Disable unions in output types.
// Determine whether to lift single-value method return values
liftSingleValueMethodReturns bool
func (mod *modContext) String() string {
return mod.mod
func (mod *modContext) details(t *schema.ObjectType) *typeDetails {
details, ok := mod.typeDetails[t]
if !ok {
details = &typeDetails{}
if mod.typeDetails == nil {
mod.typeDetails = map[*schema.ObjectType]*typeDetails{}
mod.typeDetails[t] = details
return details
func (mod *modContext) tokenToModName(tok string) string {
components := strings.Split(tok, ":")
contract.Assertf(len(components) == 3, "malformed token %v", tok)
modName := mod.pkg.TokenToModule(tok)
if override, ok := mod.modToPkg[modName]; ok {
modName = override
if modName != "" {
modName = strings.ReplaceAll(modName, "/", ".") + "."
return modName
func (mod *modContext) namingContext(pkg schema.PackageReference) (namingCtx *modContext, pkgName string, external bool) {
namingCtx = mod
if pkg != nil && !codegen.PkgEquals(pkg, mod.pkg) {
external = true
pkgName = pkg.Name() + "."
var info NodePackageInfo
def, err := pkg.Definition()
contract.AssertNoErrorf(err, "error loading definition for package %q", pkg.Name())
def.ImportLanguages(map[string]schema.Language{"nodejs": Importer}),
"failed to import nodejs language for package %v", pkg.Name())
if v, ok := def.Language["nodejs"].(NodePackageInfo); ok {
info = v
namingCtx = &modContext{
pkg: pkg,
modToPkg: info.ModuleToPackage,
compatibility: info.Compatibility,
func (mod *modContext) objectType(pkg schema.PackageReference, details *typeDetails, tok string, input, args, enum bool) string {
root := "outputs."
if input {
root = "inputs."
namingCtx, pkgName, external := mod.namingContext(pkg)
if external {
pkgName = externalModuleName(pkgName)
root = "types.output."
if input {
root = "types.input."
modName, name := namingCtx.tokenToModName(tok), tokenToName(tok)
if enum {
prefix := "enums."
if external {
prefix = pkgName
return prefix + modName + title(name)
if args && input && details != nil && details.usedInFunctionOutputVersionInputs {
name += "Args"
} else if args && namingCtx.compatibility != tfbridge20 && namingCtx.compatibility != kubernetes20 {
name += "Args"
return pkgName + root + modName + title(name)
func (mod *modContext) resourceType(r *schema.ResourceType) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(r.Token, "pulumi:providers:") {
pkgName := strings.TrimPrefix(r.Token, "pulumi:providers:")
if pkgName != mod.pkg.Name() {
pkgName = externalModuleName(pkgName)
return pkgName + ".Provider"
pkg := mod.pkg
if r.Resource != nil {
pkg = r.Resource.PackageReference
namingCtx, pkgName, external := mod.namingContext(pkg)
if !external {
name := tokenToName(r.Token)
return title(name)
pkgName = externalModuleName(pkgName)
modName, name := namingCtx.tokenToModName(r.Token), tokenToName(r.Token)
return pkgName + modName + title(name)
func tokenToName(tok string) string {
components := strings.Split(tok, ":")
contract.Assertf(len(components) == 3, "malformed token %v", tok)
return title(components[2])
func resourceName(r *schema.Resource) string {
if r.IsProvider {
return "Provider"
return tokenToName(r.Token)
func (mod *modContext) resourceFileName(r *schema.Resource) string {
fileName := camel(resourceName(r)) + ".ts"
if mod.isReservedSourceFileName(fileName) {
fileName = camel(resourceName(r)) + "_.ts"
return fileName
func tokenToFunctionName(tok string) string {
return camel(tokenToName(tok))
func (mod *modContext) typeAst(t schema.Type, input bool, constValue interface{}) tstypes.TypeAst {
switch t := t.(type) {
case *schema.OptionalType:
return tstypes.Union(
mod.typeAst(t.ElementType, input, constValue),
case *schema.InputType:
typ := mod.typeString(codegen.SimplifyInputUnion(t.ElementType), input, constValue)
if typ == "any" {
return tstypes.Identifier("any")
return tstypes.Identifier(fmt.Sprintf("pulumi.Input<%s>", typ))
case *schema.EnumType:
return tstypes.Identifier(mod.objectType(t.PackageReference, nil, t.Token, input, false, true))
case *schema.ArrayType:
return tstypes.Array(mod.typeAst(t.ElementType, input, constValue))
case *schema.MapType:
return tstypes.StringMap(mod.typeAst(t.ElementType, input, constValue))
case *schema.ObjectType:
details := mod.details(t)
return tstypes.Identifier(mod.objectType(t.PackageReference, details, t.Token, input, t.IsInputShape(), false))
case *schema.ResourceType:
return tstypes.Identifier(mod.resourceType(t))
case *schema.TokenType:
return tstypes.Identifier(tokenToName(t.Token))
case *schema.UnionType:
if !input && mod.disableUnionOutputTypes {
if t.DefaultType != nil {
return mod.typeAst(t.DefaultType, input, constValue)
return tstypes.Identifier("any")
elements := make([]tstypes.TypeAst, len(t.ElementTypes))
for i, e := range t.ElementTypes {
elements[i] = mod.typeAst(e, input, constValue)
return tstypes.Union(elements...)
switch t {
case schema.BoolType:
return tstypes.Identifier("boolean")
case schema.IntType, schema.NumberType:
return tstypes.Identifier("number")
case schema.StringType:
if constValue != nil {
return tstypes.Identifier(fmt.Sprintf("%q", constValue.(string)))
return tstypes.Identifier("string")
case schema.ArchiveType:
return tstypes.Identifier("pulumi.asset.Archive")
case schema.AssetType:
return tstypes.Union(
case schema.JSONType:
case schema.AnyType:
return tstypes.Identifier("any")
panic(fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T", t))
func (mod *modContext) typeString(t schema.Type, input bool, constValue interface{}) string {
return tstypes.TypeLiteral(tstypes.Normalize(mod.typeAst(t, input, constValue)))
func isStringType(t schema.Type) bool {
t = codegen.UnwrapType(t)
switch typ := t.(type) {
case *schema.TokenType:
t = typ.UnderlyingType
case *schema.EnumType:
t = typ.ElementType
case *schema.UnionType:
// The following case detects for relaxed string enums. If it's a Union, check if one ElementType is an EnumType.
// If yes, t is the ElementType of the EnumType.
for _, tt := range typ.ElementTypes {
t = codegen.UnwrapType(tt)
if typ, ok := t.(*schema.EnumType); ok {
t = typ.ElementType
return t == schema.StringType
func sanitizeComment(str string) string {
return strings.ReplaceAll(str, "*/", "*&#47;")
func printComment(w io.Writer, comment, deprecationMessage, indent string) {
if comment == "" && deprecationMessage == "" {
lines := strings.Split(sanitizeComment(comment), "\n")
for len(lines) > 0 && lines[len(lines)-1] == "" {
lines = lines[:len(lines)-1]
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s/**\n", indent)
for _, l := range lines {
if l == "" {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s *\n", indent)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s * %s\n", indent, l)
if deprecationMessage != "" {
if len(lines) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s *\n", indent)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s * @deprecated %s\n", indent, deprecationMessage)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s */\n", indent)
// Generates a plain interface type.
// We use this to represent both argument and plain object types.
func (mod *modContext) genPlainType(w io.Writer, name, comment string,
properties []*schema.Property, input, readonly bool, level int,
) error {
indent := strings.Repeat(" ", level)
printComment(w, comment, "", indent)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%sexport interface %s {\n", indent, name)
for _, p := range properties {
printComment(w, p.Comment, p.DeprecationMessage, indent+" ")
prefix := ""
if readonly {
prefix = "readonly "
sigil, propertyType := "", p.Type
if !p.IsRequired() {
sigil, propertyType = "?", codegen.RequiredType(p)
typ := mod.typeString(propertyType, input, p.ConstValue)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s %s%s%s: %s;\n", indent, prefix, p.Name, sigil, typ)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s}\n", indent)
return nil
// Generate a provide defaults function for an associated plain object.
func (mod *modContext) genPlainObjectDefaultFunc(w io.Writer, name string,
properties []*schema.Property, input, readonly bool, level int,
) error {
indent := strings.Repeat(" ", level)
defaults := []string{}
for _, p := range properties {
if p.DefaultValue != nil {
dv, err := mod.getDefaultValue(p.DefaultValue, codegen.UnwrapType(p.Type))
if err != nil {
return err
defaults = append(defaults, fmt.Sprintf("%s: (val.%s) ?? %s", p.Name, p.Name, dv))
} else if funcName := mod.provideDefaultsFuncName(p.Type, input); funcName != "" {
// ProvideDefaults functions have the form `(Input<shape> | undefined) ->
// Output<shape> | undefined`. We need to disallow the undefined. This is safe
// because val.%arg existed in the input (type system enforced).
var compositeObject string
if codegen.IsNOptionalInput(p.Type) {
compositeObject = fmt.Sprintf("pulumi.output(val.%s).apply(%s)", p.Name, funcName)
} else {
compositeObject = fmt.Sprintf("%s(val.%s)", funcName, p.Name)
if !p.IsRequired() {
compositeObject = fmt.Sprintf("(val.%s ? %s : undefined)", p.Name, compositeObject)
defaults = append(defaults, fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", p.Name, compositeObject))
// There are no defaults, so don't generate a default function.
if len(defaults) == 0 {
return nil
// Generates a function header that looks like this:
// export function %sProvideDefaults(val: pulumi.Input<%s> | undefined): pulumi.Output<%s> | undefined {
// const def = (val: LayeredTypeArgs) => ({
// ...val,
defaultProvderName := provideDefaultsFuncNameFromName(name)
printComment(w, fmt.Sprintf("%s sets the appropriate defaults for %s",
defaultProvderName, name), "", indent)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%sexport function %s(val: %s): "+
"%s {\n", indent, defaultProvderName, name, name)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s return {\n", indent)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s ...val,\n", indent)
// Fields look as follows
// %s: (val.%s) ?? devValue,
for _, val := range defaults {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s %s,\n", indent, val)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s };\n", indent)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s}\n", indent)
return nil
// The name of the helper function used to provide default values to plain
// types, derived purely from the name of the enclosing type. Prefer to use
// provideDefaultsFuncName when full type information is available.
func provideDefaultsFuncNameFromName(typeName string) string {
var i int
if in := strings.LastIndex(typeName, "."); in != -1 {
i = in
// path + camel(name) + ProvideDefaults suffix
return typeName[:i] + camel(typeName[i:]) + "ProvideDefaults"
// The name of the function used to set defaults on the plain type.
// `type` is the type which the function applies to.
// `input` indicates whither `type` is an input type.
func (mod *modContext) provideDefaultsFuncName(typ schema.Type, input bool) string {
if !codegen.IsProvideDefaultsFuncRequired(typ) {
return ""
requiredType := codegen.UnwrapType(typ)
typeName := mod.typeString(requiredType, input, nil)
return provideDefaultsFuncNameFromName(typeName)
func tsPrimitiveValue(value interface{}) (string, error) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(value)
if v.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
v = v.Elem()
//nolint:exhaustive // Only a subset of types has default values.
switch v.Kind() {
case reflect.Bool:
if v.Bool() {
return "true", nil
return "false", nil
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32:
return strconv.FormatInt(v.Int(), 10), nil
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32:
return strconv.FormatUint(v.Uint(), 10), nil
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
return strconv.FormatFloat(v.Float(), 'f', -1, 64), nil
case reflect.String:
return fmt.Sprintf("%q", v.String()), nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("unsupported default value of type %T", value)
func (mod *modContext) getConstValue(cv interface{}) (string, error) {
if cv == nil {
return "", nil
return tsPrimitiveValue(cv)
func (mod *modContext) getDefaultValue(dv *schema.DefaultValue, t schema.Type) (string, error) {
var val string
if dv.Value != nil {
v, err := tsPrimitiveValue(dv.Value)
if err != nil {
return "", err
val = v
if len(dv.Environment) != 0 {
getType := ""
switch t {
case schema.BoolType:
getType = "Boolean"
case schema.IntType, schema.NumberType:
getType = "Number"
envVars := fmt.Sprintf("%q", dv.Environment[0])
for _, e := range dv.Environment[1:] {
envVars += fmt.Sprintf(", %q", e)
cast := ""
if t != schema.StringType && getType == "" {
cast = "<any>"
getEnv := fmt.Sprintf("%sutilities.getEnv%s(%s)", cast, getType, envVars)
if val != "" {
val = fmt.Sprintf("(%s || %s)", getEnv, val)
} else {
val = getEnv
return val, nil
func (mod *modContext) genResource(w io.Writer, r *schema.Resource) (resourceFileInfo, error) {
info := resourceFileInfo{}
// Create a resource module file into which all of this resource's types will go.
name := resourceName(r)
info.resourceClassName = name
// Write the TypeDoc/JSDoc for the resource class
printComment(w, codegen.FilterExamples(r.Comment, "typescript"), r.DeprecationMessage, "")
var baseType, optionsType string
switch {
case r.IsComponent:
baseType, optionsType = "ComponentResource", "ComponentResourceOptions"
case r.IsProvider:
baseType, optionsType = "ProviderResource", "ResourceOptions"
baseType, optionsType = "CustomResource", "CustomResourceOptions"
// Begin defining the class.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "export class %s extends pulumi.%s {\n", info.resourceClassName, baseType)
// Emit a static factory to read instances of this resource unless this is a provider resource or ComponentResource.
stateType := name + "State"
if !r.IsProvider && !r.IsComponent {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " /**\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " * Get an existing %s resource's state with the given name, ID, and optional extra\n", name)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " * properties used to qualify the lookup.\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " *\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " * @param name The _unique_ name of the resulting resource.\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " * @param id The _unique_ provider ID of the resource to lookup.\n")
// TODO: Document id format: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/4754
if r.StateInputs != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " * @param state Any extra arguments used during the lookup.\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " * @param opts Optional settings to control the behavior of the CustomResource.\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " */\n")
stateParam, stateRef := "", "undefined as any, "
if r.StateInputs != nil {
stateParam, stateRef = fmt.Sprintf("state?: %s, ", stateType), "<any>state, "
fmt.Fprintf(w, " public static get(name: string, id: pulumi.Input<pulumi.ID>, %sopts?: pulumi.%s): %s {\n",
stateParam, optionsType, name)
if r.DeprecationMessage != "" && mod.compatibility != kubernetes20 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " pulumi.log.warn(\"%s is deprecated: %s\")\n", name, escape(r.DeprecationMessage))
fmt.Fprintf(w, " return new %s(name, %s{ ...opts, id: id });\n", name, stateRef)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
pulumiType := r.Token
if r.IsProvider {
pulumiType = mod.pkg.Name()
fmt.Fprintf(w, " /** @internal */\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " public static readonly __pulumiType = '%s';\n", pulumiType)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " /**\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " * Returns true if the given object is an instance of %s. This is designed to work even\n", name)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " * when multiple copies of the Pulumi SDK have been loaded into the same process.\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " */\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " public static isInstance(obj: any): obj is %s {\n", name)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " if (obj === undefined || obj === null) {\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " return false;\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }\n")
typeExpression := name + ".__pulumiType"
if r.IsProvider {
// We pass __pulumiType to the ProviderResource constructor as the "type" for this provider, the
// ProviderResource constructor in the SDK then prefixes "pulumi:providers:" to that token and passes that
// down to the CustomResource constructor, which then assigns that type token to the newly constructed
// objects __pulumiType field. As such we also need to prefix "pulumi:providers:" when doing the equality
// check here.
typeExpression = "\"pulumi:providers:\" + " + typeExpression
fmt.Fprintf(w, " return obj['__pulumiType'] === %s;\n", typeExpression)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
// Emit all properties (using their output types).
// TODO[pulumi/pulumi#397]: represent sensitive types using a Secret<T> type.
ins := codegen.NewStringSet()
allOptionalInputs := true
for _, prop := range r.InputProperties {
allOptionalInputs = allOptionalInputs && !prop.IsRequired()
for _, prop := range r.Properties {
printComment(w, prop.Comment, prop.DeprecationMessage, " ")
// Make a little comment in the code so it's easy to pick out output properties.
var outcomment string
if !ins.Has(prop.Name) {
outcomment = "/*out*/ "
propertyType := prop.Type
if mod.compatibility == kubernetes20 {
propertyType = codegen.RequiredType(prop)
if prop.Plain {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " public %sreadonly %s!: %s;\n", outcomment, prop.Name, mod.typeString(propertyType, false, prop.ConstValue))
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " public %sreadonly %s!: pulumi.Output<%s>;\n", outcomment, prop.Name, mod.typeString(propertyType, false, prop.ConstValue))
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
// Now create a constructor that chains supercalls and stores into properties.
fmt.Fprintf(w, " /**\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " * Create a %s resource with the given unique name, arguments, and options.\n", name)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " *\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " * @param name The _unique_ name of the resource.\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " * @param args The arguments to use to populate this resource's properties.\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " * @param opts A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " */\n")
// k8s provider "get" methods don't require args, so make args optional.
if mod.compatibility == kubernetes20 {
allOptionalInputs = true
// Write out callable constructor: We only emit a single public constructor, even though we use a private signature
// as well as part of the implementation of `.get`. This is complicated slightly by the fact that, if there is no
// args type, we will emit a constructor lacking that parameter.
var argsFlags string
if allOptionalInputs {
// If the number of required input properties was zero, we can make the args object optional.
argsFlags = "?"
argsType := name + "Args"
var trailingBrace string
switch {
case r.IsProvider, r.StateInputs == nil:
trailingBrace = " {"
trailingBrace = ""
if r.DeprecationMessage != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " /** @deprecated %s */\n", r.DeprecationMessage)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " constructor(name: string, args%s: %s, opts?: pulumi.%s)%s\n", argsFlags, argsType,
optionsType, trailingBrace)
genInputProps := func() error {
for _, prop := range r.InputProperties {
if prop.IsRequired() {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " if ((!args || args.%s === undefined) && !opts.urn) {\n", prop.Name)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " throw new Error(\"Missing required property '%s'\");\n", prop.Name)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }\n")
for _, prop := range r.InputProperties {
var arg string
applyDefaults := func(arg string) string {
if name := mod.provideDefaultsFuncName(prop.Type, true /*input*/); name != "" {
var body string
if codegen.IsNOptionalInput(prop.Type) {
body = fmt.Sprintf("pulumi.output(%[2]s).apply(%[1]s)", name, arg)
} else {
body = fmt.Sprintf("%s(%s)", name, arg)
return fmt.Sprintf("(%s ? %s : undefined)", arg, body)
return arg
argValue := applyDefaults("args." + prop.Name)
if prop.Secret {
arg = fmt.Sprintf("args?.%[1]s ? pulumi.secret(%[2]s) : undefined", prop.Name, argValue)
} else {
arg = fmt.Sprintf("args ? %[1]s : undefined", argValue)
prefix := " "
if prop.ConstValue != nil {
cv, err := mod.getConstValue(prop.ConstValue)
if err != nil {
return err
arg = cv
} else {
if prop.DefaultValue != nil {
dv, err := mod.getDefaultValue(prop.DefaultValue, codegen.UnwrapType(prop.Type))
if err != nil {
return err
arg = fmt.Sprintf("(%s) ?? %s", arg, dv)
// provider properties must be marshaled as JSON strings.
if r.IsProvider && !isStringType(prop.Type) {
arg = fmt.Sprintf("pulumi.output(%s).apply(JSON.stringify)", arg)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%sresourceInputs[\"%s\"] = %s;\n", prefix, prop.Name, arg)
for _, prop := range r.Properties {
prefix := " "
if !ins.Has(prop.Name) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%sresourceInputs[\"%s\"] = undefined /*out*/;\n", prefix, prop.Name)
return nil
if !r.IsProvider {
if r.StateInputs != nil {
if r.DeprecationMessage != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " /** @deprecated %s */\n", r.DeprecationMessage)
// Now write out a general purpose constructor implementation that can handle the public signature as well as the
// signature to support construction via `.get`. And then emit the body preamble which will pluck out the
// conditional state into sensible variables using dynamic type tests.
fmt.Fprintf(w, " constructor(name: string, argsOrState?: %s | %s, opts?: pulumi.%s) {\n",
argsType, stateType, optionsType)
if r.DeprecationMessage != "" && mod.compatibility != kubernetes20 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " pulumi.log.warn(\"%s is deprecated: %s\")\n", name, escape(r.DeprecationMessage))
fmt.Fprintf(w, " let resourceInputs: pulumi.Inputs = {};\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " opts = opts || {};\n")
if r.StateInputs != nil {
// The lookup case:
fmt.Fprintf(w, " if (opts.id) {\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " const state = argsOrState as %[1]s | undefined;\n", stateType)
for _, prop := range r.StateInputs.Properties {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " resourceInputs[\"%[1]s\"] = state ? state.%[1]s : undefined;\n", prop.Name)
// The creation case (with args):
fmt.Fprintf(w, " } else {\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " const args = argsOrState as %s | undefined;\n", argsType)
err := genInputProps()
if err != nil {
return resourceFileInfo{}, err
} else {
// The creation case:
fmt.Fprintf(w, " if (!opts.id) {\n")
err := genInputProps()
if err != nil {
return resourceFileInfo{}, err
// The get case:
fmt.Fprintf(w, " } else {\n")
for _, prop := range r.Properties {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " resourceInputs[\"%[1]s\"] = undefined /*out*/;\n", prop.Name)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " let resourceInputs: pulumi.Inputs = {};\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " opts = opts || {};\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " {\n")
err := genInputProps()
if err != nil {
return resourceFileInfo{}, err
var secretProps []string
for _, prop := range r.Properties {
if prop.Secret {
secretProps = append(secretProps, prop.Name)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }\n")
// If the caller didn't request a specific version, supply one using the version of this library.
// If a `pluginDownloadURL` was supplied by the generating schema, we supply a default facility
// much like for version. Both operations are handled in the utilities library.
fmt.Fprint(w, " opts = pulumi.mergeOptions(utilities.resourceOptsDefaults(), opts);\n")
// Now invoke the super constructor with the type, name, and a property map.
if len(r.Aliases) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " const aliasOpts = { aliases: [")
for i, alias := range r.Aliases {
if alias.Type != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "{ type: \"%v\" }", *alias.Type)
if i != len(r.Aliases)-1 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, ", ")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "] };\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " opts = pulumi.mergeOptions(opts, aliasOpts);\n")
if len(secretProps) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, ` const secretOpts = { additionalSecretOutputs: ["%s"] };`, strings.Join(secretProps, `", "`))
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n opts = pulumi.mergeOptions(opts, secretOpts);\n")
replaceOnChanges, errList := r.ReplaceOnChanges()
for _, err := range errList {
cmdutil.Diag().Warningf(&diag.Diag{Message: err.Error()})
replaceOnChangesStrings := schema.PropertyListJoinToString(replaceOnChanges,
func(x string) string { return x })
if len(replaceOnChanges) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, ` const replaceOnChanges = { replaceOnChanges: ["%s"] };`, strings.Join(replaceOnChangesStrings, `", "`))
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n opts = pulumi.mergeOptions(opts, replaceOnChanges);\n")
pkg, err := r.PackageReference.Definition()
if err != nil {
return resourceFileInfo{}, err
// If it's a ComponentResource, set the remote option.
if r.IsComponent {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " super(%s.__pulumiType, name, resourceInputs, opts, true /*remote*/", name)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " super(%s.__pulumiType, name, resourceInputs, opts", name)
if pkg.Parameterization != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, ", false /*dependency*/")
if pkg.Parameterization != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, ", utilities.getPackage()")
fmt.Fprintf(w, ");\n }\n")
// Generate methods.
genMethod := func(method *schema.Method) {
methodName := camel(method.Name)
fun := method.Function
var objectReturnType *schema.ObjectType
if fun.ReturnType != nil {
if objectType, ok := fun.ReturnType.(*schema.ObjectType); ok && objectType != nil {
objectReturnType = objectType
} else if !fun.ReturnTypePlain {
// Currently the code only knows how to generate code for methods returning an
// ObjectType or methods returning a plain resource All other methods are simply
// skipped; bail here.
liftReturn := mod.liftSingleValueMethodReturns && objectReturnType != nil && len(objectReturnType.Properties) == 1
// Write the TypeDoc/JSDoc for the data source function.
fmt.Fprint(w, "\n")
printComment(w, codegen.FilterExamples(fun.Comment, "typescript"), fun.DeprecationMessage, " ")
// Now, emit the method signature.
var args []*schema.Property
var argsig string
argsOptional := true
if fun.Inputs != nil {
// Filter out the __self__ argument from the inputs.
args = slice.Prealloc[*schema.Property](len(fun.Inputs.InputShape.Properties))
for _, arg := range fun.Inputs.InputShape.Properties {
if arg.Name == "__self__" {
if arg.IsRequired() {
argsOptional = false
args = append(args, arg)
if len(args) > 0 {
optFlag := ""
if argsOptional {
optFlag = "?"
argsig = fmt.Sprintf("args%s: %s.%sArgs", optFlag, name, title(method.Name))
var retty string
if fun.ReturnType == nil {
retty = "void"
} else if fun.ReturnTypePlain {
var innerType string
if objectReturnType == nil {
innerType = mod.typeString(fun.ReturnType, false, nil)
} else {
innerType = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%sResult", name, title(method.Name))
retty = fmt.Sprintf("Promise<%s>", innerType)
} else if liftReturn {
retty = fmt.Sprintf("pulumi.Output<%s>", mod.typeString(objectReturnType.Properties[0].Type, false, nil))
} else {
retty = fmt.Sprintf("pulumi.Output<%s.%sResult>", name, title(method.Name))
fmt.Fprintf(w, " %s(%s): %s {\n", methodName, argsig, retty)
if fun.DeprecationMessage != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " pulumi.log.warn(\"%s.%s is deprecated: %s\")\n", name, methodName,
// Zero initialize the args if empty and necessary.
if len(args) > 0 && argsOptional {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " args = args || {};\n")
// Now simply call the runtime function with the arguments, returning the results.
var ret string
if fun.ReturnType != nil {
if liftReturn {
ret = fmt.Sprintf("const result: pulumi.Output<%s.%sResult> = ", name, title(method.Name))
} else {
ret = "return "
if fun.ReturnTypePlain {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " %sutilities.callAsync(\"%s\", {\n", ret, fun.Token)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " %spulumi.runtime.call(\"%s\", {\n", ret, fun.Token)
if fun.Inputs != nil {
for _, p := range fun.Inputs.InputShape.Properties {
// Pass the argument to the invocation.
if p.Name == "__self__" {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " \"%s\": this,\n", p.Name)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " \"%[1]s\": args.%[1]s,\n", p.Name)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }, this")
if fun.ReturnTypePlain {
// Unwrap magic property "res" for methods that return a plain non-object-type.
if objectReturnType == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, `, {property: "res"}`)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, `, {}`)
// If the call is on a parameterized package, make sure we pass the parameter.
pkg, err := fun.PackageReference.Definition()
contract.AssertNoErrorf(err, "can not load package definition for %s: %s", pkg.Name, err)
if pkg.Parameterization != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, ", utilities.getPackage()")
fmt.Fprintf(w, ");\n")
if liftReturn {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " return result.%s;\n", camel(objectReturnType.Properties[0].Name))
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }\n")
for _, method := range r.Methods {
// Finish the class.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n")
// Emit the state type for get methods.
if r.StateInputs != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
if err := mod.genPlainType(w, stateType, r.StateInputs.Comment, r.StateInputs.Properties, true, false, 0); err != nil {
return resourceFileInfo{}, err
info.stateInterfaceName = stateType
// Emit the argument type for construction.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
argsComment := fmt.Sprintf("The set of arguments for constructing a %s resource.", name)
if err := mod.genPlainType(w, argsType, argsComment, r.InputProperties, true, false, 0); err != nil {
return resourceFileInfo{}, err
info.resourceArgsInterfaceName = argsType
// Emit any method types inside a namespace merged with the class, to represent types nested in the class.
// https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/declaration-merging.html#merging-namespaces-with-classes
genMethodTypes := func(w io.Writer, method *schema.Method) error {
fun := method.Function
methodName := title(method.Name)
if fun.Inputs != nil {
args := slice.Prealloc[*schema.Property](len(fun.Inputs.InputShape.Properties))
for _, arg := range fun.Inputs.InputShape.Properties {
if arg.Name == "__self__" {
args = append(args, arg)
if len(args) > 0 {
comment := fun.Inputs.Comment
if comment == "" {
comment = fmt.Sprintf("The set of arguments for the %s.%s method.", name, method.Name)
if err := mod.genPlainType(w, methodName+"Args", comment, args, true, false, 1); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
if fun.ReturnType != nil {
genReturnType := func(properties []*schema.Property) error {
comment := fun.Inputs.Comment
if comment == "" {
comment = fmt.Sprintf("The results of the %s.%s method.", name, method.Name)
if err := mod.genPlainType(w, methodName+"Result", comment, properties, false, true, 1); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
return nil
if objectType, ok := fun.ReturnType.(*schema.ObjectType); ok && objectType != nil {
if err := genReturnType(objectType.Properties); err != nil {
return err
// For non-object types with fun.ReturnTypePlain return type is not needed.
return nil
types := &bytes.Buffer{}
for _, method := range r.Methods {
if err := genMethodTypes(types, method); err != nil {
return resourceFileInfo{}, err
typesString := types.String()
if typesString != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\nexport namespace %s {\n", name)
fmt.Fprint(w, typesString)
fmt.Fprint(w, "}\n")
info.methodsNamespaceName = name
return info, nil
func (mod *modContext) functionReturnType(fun *schema.Function) string {
name := tokenToFunctionName(fun.Token)
if fun.ReturnType == nil {
return "void"
if _, isObject := fun.ReturnType.(*schema.ObjectType); isObject && fun.InlineObjectAsReturnType {
return title(name) + "Result"
return mod.typeString(fun.ReturnType, false, nil)
// runtimeInvokeFunction returns the name of the Invoke function to use at runtime
// from the SDK for the given provider function. This is necessary because some
// functions have simple return types such as number, string, array<string> etc.
// and the SDK's invoke function cannot handle these types since the engine expects
// the result of invokes to be a dictionary.
// We use invoke for functions with object return types and invokeSingle for everything else.
func runtimeInvokeFunction(fun *schema.Function, plain bool) string {
var functionName string
switch fun.ReturnType.(type) {
// If the function has no return type, it is a void function.
case nil:
functionName = "invoke"
// If the function has an object return type, it is a normal invoke function.
case *schema.ObjectType:
functionName = "invoke"
// If the function has an object return type, it is also a normal invoke function.
// because the deserialization can handle it
case *schema.MapType:
functionName = "invoke"
// Anything else needs to be handled by InvokeSingle
// which expects an object with a single property to be returned
// then unwraps the value from that property
functionName = "invokeSingle"
if plain {
return functionName
return functionName + "Output"
func (mod *modContext) genFunctionDefinition(w io.Writer, fun *schema.Function, plain bool) (functionFileInfo, error) {
name := tokenToFunctionName(fun.Token)
info := functionFileInfo{functionName: name}
// Write the TypeDoc/JSDoc for the data source function.
printComment(w, codegen.FilterExamples(fun.Comment, "typescript"), "", "")
if fun.DeprecationMessage != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "/** @deprecated %s */\n", fun.DeprecationMessage)
// Now, emit the function signature.
var argsig string
argsOptional := functionArgsOptional(fun)
if fun.Inputs != nil {
optFlag := ""
if argsOptional {
optFlag = "?"
suffix := "Args"
if !plain {
suffix = "OutputArgs"
argsType := title(name) + suffix
argsig = fmt.Sprintf("args%s: %s, ", optFlag, argsType)
if !plain && len(fun.Inputs.Properties) == 0 {
// for empty/unit args on output-versioned invokes, don't generate an empty argument
argsig = ""
funReturnType := mod.functionReturnType(fun)
fullFunctionName := name
if !plain {
fullFunctionName += "Output"
info.functionOutputVersionName = fullFunctionName
fmt.Fprintf(w, "export function %s(", fullFunctionName)
if fun.MultiArgumentInputs {
for _, prop := range fun.Inputs.Properties {
propertyType := codegen.UnwrapType(prop.Type)
isInput := false
if !plain {
isInput = true
propertyType = &schema.InputType{ElementType: prop.Type}
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", prop.Name)
if prop.IsRequired() {
fmt.Fprintf(w, ": ")
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "?: ")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s, ", mod.typeString(propertyType, isInput, nil))
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", argsig)
returnType := fmt.Sprintf("Promise<%s>", funReturnType)
if !plain {
returnType = fmt.Sprintf("pulumi.Output<%s>", funReturnType)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): %s {\n", returnType)
if fun.DeprecationMessage != "" && mod.compatibility != kubernetes20 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " pulumi.log.warn(\"%s is deprecated: %s\")\n", name, escape(fun.DeprecationMessage))
// Zero initialize the args if empty and necessary.
if fun.Inputs != nil && argsOptional && !fun.MultiArgumentInputs && argsig != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " args = args || {};\n")
// If the caller didn't request a specific version, supply one using the version of this library.
fmt.Fprintf(w, " opts = pulumi.mergeOptions(utilities.resourceOptsDefaults(), opts || {});\n")
invokeCall := runtimeInvokeFunction(fun, plain)
// Now simply invoke the runtime function with the arguments, returning the results.
fmt.Fprintf(w, " return pulumi.runtime.%s(\"%s\", {\n", invokeCall, fun.Token)
if fun.Inputs != nil {
for _, p := range fun.Inputs.Properties {
// Pass the argument to the invocation.
body := "args." + p.Name
if fun.MultiArgumentInputs {
body = p.Name
if name := mod.provideDefaultsFuncName(p.Type, true /*input*/); name != "" {
if codegen.IsNOptionalInput(p.Type) || !plain {
body = fmt.Sprintf("pulumi.output(%s).apply(%s)", body, name)
} else {
body = fmt.Sprintf("%s(%s)", name, body)
body = fmt.Sprintf("args.%s ? %s : undefined", p.Name, body)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " \"%[1]s\": %[2]s,\n", p.Name, body)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }, opts")
// If the invoke is on a parameterized package, make sure we pass the parameter.
pkg, err := fun.PackageReference.Definition()
if err != nil {
return info, err
if pkg.Parameterization != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, ", utilities.getPackage()")
fmt.Fprintf(w, ");\n}\n")
// If there are argument and/or return types, emit them.
if fun.Inputs != nil && !fun.MultiArgumentInputs {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
argsInterfaceName := title(name) + "Args"
info.functionArgsInterfaceName = argsInterfaceName
properties := fun.Inputs.Properties
if !plain {
argsInterfaceName = title(name) + "OutputArgs"
properties = fun.Inputs.InputShape.Properties
info.functionOutputVersionArgsInterfaceName = argsInterfaceName
} else {
info.functionArgsInterfaceName = argsInterfaceName
if len(properties) == 0 {
if plain {
// if there are no properties, generate an empty interface for plain invokes
// we would like to remove this, but it would be a breaking change
if err := mod.genPlainType(w, argsInterfaceName, fun.Inputs.Comment, properties, true, false, 0); err != nil {
return info, err
// this avoids generating an export for the interface that doesn't exist
info.functionOutputVersionArgsInterfaceName = ""
} else {
if err := mod.genPlainType(w, argsInterfaceName, fun.Inputs.Comment, properties, true, false, 0); err != nil {
return info, err
resultInterfaceName := title(name) + "Result"
// if the return type is an inline object definition (not a reference), emit it.
// only emit the plain result type T since output-versioned invokes will use Output<T> for the non-plain variant
if fun.ReturnType != nil {
if objectType, ok := fun.ReturnType.(*schema.ObjectType); ok && fun.InlineObjectAsReturnType {
if plain {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
if err := mod.genPlainType(w, resultInterfaceName,
objectType.Comment, objectType.Properties, false, true, 0); err != nil {
return info, err
info.functionResultInterfaceName = resultInterfaceName
return info, nil
func (mod *modContext) genFunction(w io.Writer, fun *schema.Function) (functionFileInfo, error) {
plainFunctionInfo, err := mod.genFunctionDefinition(w, fun, true /* plain */)
if err != nil {
return functionFileInfo{}, err
if fun.ReturnType == nil {
// no need to generate the output-versioned invoke
return plainFunctionInfo, nil
// generate output-versioned invoke
return mod.genFunctionDefinition(w, fun, false /* plain */)
func functionArgsOptional(fun *schema.Function) bool {
if fun.Inputs != nil {
for _, p := range fun.Inputs.Properties {
if p.IsRequired() {
return false
return true
func visitObjectTypes(properties []*schema.Property, visitor func(*schema.ObjectType)) {
codegen.VisitTypeClosure(properties, func(t schema.Type) {
if o, ok := t.(*schema.ObjectType); ok {
func (mod *modContext) genType(w io.Writer, obj *schema.ObjectType, input bool, level int) error {
properties := obj.Properties
info, hasInfo := obj.Language["nodejs"]
if hasInfo {
var requiredProperties []string
if input {
requiredProperties = info.(NodeObjectInfo).RequiredInputs
} else {
requiredProperties = info.(NodeObjectInfo).RequiredOutputs
if requiredProperties != nil {
required := codegen.StringSet{}
for _, name := range requiredProperties {
properties = make([]*schema.Property, len(obj.Properties))
for i, p := range obj.Properties {
newp := *p
if required.Has(p.Name) {
newp.Type = codegen.RequiredType(&newp)
} else {
newp.Type = codegen.OptionalType(&newp)
properties[i] = &newp
name := mod.getObjectName(obj, input)
err := mod.genPlainType(w, name, obj.Comment, properties, input, false, level)
if err != nil {
return err
return mod.genPlainObjectDefaultFunc(w, name, properties, input, false, level)
// getObjectName recovers the name of `obj` as a type.
func (mod *modContext) getObjectName(obj *schema.ObjectType, input bool) string {
name := tokenToName(obj.Token)
details := mod.details(obj)
if obj.IsInputShape() && input && details != nil && details.usedInFunctionOutputVersionInputs {
name += "Args"
} else if obj.IsInputShape() && mod.compatibility != tfbridge20 && mod.compatibility != kubernetes20 {
name += "Args"
return name
func (mod *modContext) getTypeImports(t schema.Type, recurse bool, externalImports codegen.StringSet, imports map[string]codegen.StringSet, seen codegen.Set) bool {
return mod.getTypeImportsForResource(t, recurse, externalImports, imports, seen, nil)
func (mod *modContext) getTypeImportsForResource(t schema.Type, recurse bool, externalImports codegen.StringSet, imports map[string]codegen.StringSet, seen codegen.Set, res *schema.Resource) bool {
if seen.Has(t) {
return false
resourceOrTokenImport := func(tok string) bool {
modName, name, modPath := mod.pkg.TokenToModule(tok), tokenToName(tok), "./index"
if override, ok := mod.modToPkg[modName]; ok {
modName = override
if modName != mod.mod {
mp, err := filepath.Rel(mod.mod, modName)
contract.AssertNoErrorf(err, "cannot make %q relative to %q", modName, mod.mod)
if path.Base(mp) == "." {
mp = path.Dir(mp)
modPath = filepath.ToSlash(mp)
if imports[modPath] == nil {
imports[modPath] = codegen.NewStringSet()
return false
var nodePackageInfo NodePackageInfo
def, err := mod.pkg.Definition()
contract.AssertNoErrorf(err, "error loading definition for package %v", mod.pkg.Name())
if languageInfo, hasLanguageInfo := def.Language["nodejs"]; hasLanguageInfo {
nodePackageInfo = languageInfo.(NodePackageInfo)
writeImports := func(pkg string) {
if imp, ok := nodePackageInfo.ProviderNameToModuleName[pkg]; ok {
externalImports.Add(fmt.Sprintf("import * as %s from \"%s\";", externalModuleName(pkg), imp))
} else {
externalImports.Add(fmt.Sprintf("import * as %s from \"@pulumi/%s\";", externalModuleName(pkg), pkg))
switch t := t.(type) {
case *schema.OptionalType:
return mod.getTypeImports(t.ElementType, recurse, externalImports, imports, seen)
case *schema.InputType:
return mod.getTypeImports(t.ElementType, recurse, externalImports, imports, seen)
case *schema.ArrayType:
return mod.getTypeImports(t.ElementType, recurse, externalImports, imports, seen)
case *schema.MapType:
return mod.getTypeImports(t.ElementType, recurse, externalImports, imports, seen)
case *schema.EnumType:
// If the enum is from another package, add an import for the external package.
if t.PackageReference != nil && !codegen.PkgEquals(t.PackageReference, mod.pkg) {
pkg := t.PackageReference.Name()
return false
return true
case *schema.ObjectType:
// If it's from another package, add an import for the external package.
if t.PackageReference != nil && !codegen.PkgEquals(t.PackageReference, mod.pkg) {
pkg := t.PackageReference.Name()
return false
for _, p := range t.Properties {
mod.getTypeImports(p.Type, recurse, externalImports, imports, seen)
return true
case *schema.ResourceType:
// If it's from another package, add an import for the external package.
if t.Resource != nil && !codegen.PkgEquals(t.Resource.PackageReference, mod.pkg) {
pkg := t.Resource.PackageReference.Name()
return false
// Don't import itself.
if t.Resource == res {
return false
return resourceOrTokenImport(t.Token)
case *schema.TokenType:
return resourceOrTokenImport(t.Token)
case *schema.UnionType:
needsTypes := false
for _, e := range t.ElementTypes {
needsTypes = mod.getTypeImports(e, recurse, externalImports, imports, seen) || needsTypes
return needsTypes
return false
func (mod *modContext) getImports(member interface{}, externalImports codegen.StringSet, imports map[string]codegen.StringSet) bool {
return mod.getImportsForResource(member, externalImports, imports, nil)
func (mod *modContext) getImportsForResource(member interface{}, externalImports codegen.StringSet, imports map[string]codegen.StringSet, res *schema.Resource) bool {
seen := codegen.Set{}
switch member := member.(type) {
case *schema.ObjectType:
needsTypes := false
for _, p := range member.Properties {
needsTypes = mod.getTypeImports(p.Type, true, externalImports, imports, seen) || needsTypes
return needsTypes
case *schema.ResourceType:
mod.getTypeImports(member, true, externalImports, imports, seen)
return false
case *schema.Resource:
needsTypes := false
for _, p := range member.Properties {
needsTypes = mod.getTypeImportsForResource(p.Type, false, externalImports, imports, seen, res) || needsTypes
for _, p := range member.InputProperties {
needsTypes = mod.getTypeImportsForResource(p.Type, false, externalImports, imports, seen, res) || needsTypes
for _, method := range member.Methods {
if method.Function.Inputs != nil {
for _, p := range method.Function.Inputs.Properties {
if p.Name == "__self__" {
needsTypes = mod.getTypeImportsForResource(p.Type, false, externalImports, imports, seen, res) || needsTypes
if method.Function.ReturnType != nil {
if objectType, ok := method.Function.ReturnType.(*schema.ObjectType); ok && objectType != nil {
for _, p := range objectType.Properties {
needsTypes = mod.getTypeImportsForResource(p.Type, false, externalImports, imports, seen, res) || needsTypes
} else if method.Function.ReturnTypePlain {
needsTypes = mod.getTypeImportsForResource(
method.Function.ReturnType, false, externalImports,
imports, seen, res) || needsTypes
return needsTypes
case *schema.Function:
needsTypes := false
if member.Inputs != nil {
for _, p := range member.Inputs.Properties {
needsTypes = mod.getTypeImports(p.Type, false, externalImports, imports, seen) || needsTypes
if member.ReturnType != nil {
// for object return types that are defined inline,
// look through the properties to see if any of them need imports
if objectType, ok := member.ReturnType.(*schema.ObjectType); ok && member.InlineObjectAsReturnType {
for _, p := range objectType.Properties {
needsTypes = mod.getTypeImports(p.Type, false, externalImports, imports, seen) || needsTypes
} else {
// all other cases mean we have a more generic type like a reference to other types
needsTypes = mod.getTypeImports(member.ReturnType, false, externalImports, imports, seen) || needsTypes
return needsTypes
case []*schema.Property:
needsTypes := false
for _, p := range member {
needsTypes = mod.getTypeImports(p.Type, false, externalImports, imports, seen) || needsTypes
return needsTypes
return false
func (mod *modContext) genHeader(w io.Writer, imports []string, externalImports codegen.StringSet, importedTypes map[string]codegen.StringSet) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "// *** WARNING: this file was generated by %v. ***\n", mod.tool)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "// *** Do not edit by hand unless you're certain you know what you are doing! ***\n\n")
if len(imports) > 0 {
for _, i := range imports {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", i)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
if externalImports.Any() {
for _, i := range externalImports.SortedValues() {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", i)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
if len(importedTypes) > 0 {
var modules []string
for module := range importedTypes {
modules = append(modules, module)
for _, module := range modules {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "import {")
for i, name := range importedTypes[module].SortedValues() {
if i > 0 {
fmt.Fprint(w, ", ")
fmt.Fprint(w, name)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "} from \"%s\";\n", module)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
// configGetter returns the name of the config.get* method used for a configuration variable and the cast necessary
// for the result of the call, if any.
func (mod *modContext) configGetter(v *schema.Property) (string, string) {
typ := codegen.RequiredType(v)
if typ == schema.StringType {
return "get", ""
if tok, ok := typ.(*schema.TokenType); ok && tok.UnderlyingType == schema.StringType {
return "get", fmt.Sprintf("<%s>", mod.typeString(typ, false, nil))
// Only try to parse a JSON object if the config isn't a straight string.
return fmt.Sprintf("getObject<%s>", mod.typeString(typ, false, nil)), ""
func (mod *modContext) genConfig(w io.Writer, variables []*schema.Property) error {
externalImports, imports := codegen.NewStringSet(), map[string]codegen.StringSet{}
referencesNestedTypes := mod.getImports(variables, externalImports, imports)
mod.genHeader(w, mod.sdkImports(referencesNestedTypes, true), externalImports, imports)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "declare var exports: any;\n")
// Create a config bag for the variables to pull from.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "const __config = new pulumi.Config(\"%v\");\n", mod.pkg.Name())
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
// Emit an entry for all config variables.
for _, p := range variables {
getfunc, cast := mod.configGetter(p)
printComment(w, p.Comment, "", "")
configFetch := fmt.Sprintf("%s__config.%s(\"%s\")", cast, getfunc, p.Name)
// TODO: handle ConstValues https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/4755
if p.DefaultValue != nil {
v, err := mod.getDefaultValue(p.DefaultValue, codegen.UnwrapType(p.Type))
if err != nil {
return err
configFetch += " ?? " + v
optType := codegen.OptionalType(p)
if p.DefaultValue != nil && p.DefaultValue.Value != nil {
optType = codegen.RequiredType(p)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "export declare const %s: %s;\n", p.Name, mod.typeString(optType, false, nil))
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Object.defineProperty(exports, %q, {\n", p.Name)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " get() {\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " return %s;\n", configFetch)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " },\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " enumerable: true,\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "});\n\n")
return nil
func (mod *modContext) getRelativePath() string {
rel, err := filepath.Rel(mod.mod, "")
contract.AssertNoErrorf(err, "could not turn %q into a relative path", mod.mod)
return path.Dir(filepath.ToSlash(rel))
func (mod *modContext) sdkImports(nested, utilities bool) []string {
imports := []string{"import * as pulumi from \"@pulumi/pulumi\";"}
relRoot := mod.getRelativePath()
if nested {
imports = append(imports, []string{
fmt.Sprintf(`import * as inputs from "%s/types/input";`, relRoot),
fmt.Sprintf(`import * as outputs from "%s/types/output";`, relRoot),
def, err := mod.pkg.Definition()
contract.AssertNoErrorf(err, "error loading package definition for %q", mod.pkg.Name())
if def.Language["nodejs"].(NodePackageInfo).ContainsEnums {
code := `import * as enums from "%s/types/enums";`
if lookupNodePackageInfo(def).UseTypeOnlyReferences {
code = `import type * as enums from "%s/types/enums";`
imports = append(imports, fmt.Sprintf(code, relRoot))
if utilities {
imports = append(imports, mod.utilitiesImport())
return imports
func (mod *modContext) utilitiesImport() string {
relRoot := mod.getRelativePath()
return fmt.Sprintf("import * as utilities from \"%s/utilities\";", relRoot)
func (mod *modContext) genTypes() (string, string, error) {
externalImports, imports := codegen.NewStringSet(), map[string]codegen.StringSet{}
var hasDefaultObjects bool
for _, t := range mod.types {
if t.IsOverlay {
// This type is generated by the provider, so no further action is required.
mod.getImports(t, externalImports, imports)
if codegen.IsProvideDefaultsFuncRequired(t) {
hasDefaultObjects = true
// Instantiating the default might require an environmental variable. This
// uses utilities.
if hasDefaultObjects {
externalImports.Add(fmt.Sprintf("import * as utilities from \"%s/utilities\";", mod.getRelativePath()))
inputs, outputs := &bytes.Buffer{}, &bytes.Buffer{}
mod.genHeader(inputs, mod.sdkImports(true, false), externalImports, imports)
mod.genHeader(outputs, mod.sdkImports(true, false), externalImports, imports)
// Build a namespace tree out of the types, then emit them.
namespaces := mod.getNamespaces()
if err := mod.genNamespace(inputs, namespaces[""], true, 0); err != nil {
return "", "", err
if err := mod.genNamespace(outputs, namespaces[""], false, 0); err != nil {
return "", "", err
return inputs.String(), outputs.String(), nil
type namespace struct {
name string
types []*schema.ObjectType
enums []*schema.EnumType
children []*namespace
func (mod *modContext) getNamespaces() map[string]*namespace {
namespaces := map[string]*namespace{}
var getNamespace func(string) *namespace
getNamespace = func(mod string) *namespace {
ns, ok := namespaces[mod]
if !ok {
name := mod
if mod != "" {
name = path.Base(mod)
ns = &namespace{name: name}
if mod != "" {
parentMod := path.Dir(mod)
if parentMod == "." {
parentMod = ""
parent := getNamespace(parentMod)
parent.children = append(parent.children, ns)
namespaces[mod] = ns
return ns
for _, t := range mod.types {
if t.IsOverlay {
// This type is generated by the provider, so no further action is required.
modName := mod.pkg.TokenToModule(t.Token)
if override, ok := mod.modToPkg[modName]; ok {
modName = override
ns := getNamespace(modName)
ns.types = append(ns.types, t)
return namespaces
func (mod *modContext) genNamespace(w io.Writer, ns *namespace, input bool, level int) error {
indent := strings.Repeat(" ", level)
// We generate the input and output namespaces when there are enums, regardless of if
// they are empty.
if ns == nil {
return nil
sort.Slice(ns.types, func(i, j int) bool {
return objectTypeLessThan(ns.types[i], ns.types[j])
sort.Slice(ns.enums, func(i, j int) bool {
return tokenToName(ns.enums[i].Token) < tokenToName(ns.enums[j].Token)
for i, t := range ns.types {
if input && mod.details(t).inputType || !input && mod.details(t).outputType {
if err := mod.genType(w, t, input, level); err != nil {
return err
if i != len(ns.types)-1 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
sort.Slice(ns.children, func(i, j int) bool {
return ns.children[i].name < ns.children[j].name
for i, child := range ns.children {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%sexport namespace %s {\n", indent, child.name)
if err := mod.genNamespace(w, child, input, level+1); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s}\n", indent)
if i != len(ns.children)-1 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
return nil
func enumMemberName(typeName string, member *schema.Enum) (string, error) {
if member.Name == "" {
member.Name = fmt.Sprintf("%v", member.Value)
return makeSafeEnumName(member.Name, typeName)
func (mod *modContext) genEnum(w io.Writer, enum *schema.EnumType) error {
indent := " "
enumName := tokenToName(enum.Token)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "export const %s = {\n", enumName)
for _, e := range enum.Elements {
// If the enum doesn't have a name, set the value as the name.
safeName, err := enumMemberName(enumName, e)
if err != nil {
return err
e.Name = safeName
printComment(w, e.Comment, e.DeprecationMessage, indent)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s%s: ", indent, e.Name)
if val, ok := e.Value.(string); ok {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%q,\n", val)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%v,\n", e.Value)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "} as const;\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
printComment(w, enum.Comment, "", "")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "export type %[1]s = (typeof %[1]s)[keyof typeof %[1]s];\n", enumName)
return nil
func (mod *modContext) isReservedSourceFileName(name string) bool {
switch name {
case "index.ts":
return true
case "input.ts", "output.ts":
return len(mod.types) != 0
case "utilities.ts":
return mod.mod == ""
case "vars.ts":
config, err := mod.pkg.Config()
contract.AssertNoErrorf(err, "failed to get config for package %q", mod.pkg.Name())
return len(config) > 0
return false
func (mod *modContext) gen(fs codegen.Fs) error {
files := slice.Prealloc[fileInfo](len(mod.extraSourceFiles))
for _, path := range mod.extraSourceFiles {
files = append(files, fileInfo{
fileType: otherFileType,
pathToNodeModule: path,
modDir := strings.ToLower(mod.mod)
addFile := func(fileType fileType, name, contents string) {
p := path.Join(modDir, name)
files = append(files, fileInfo{
fileType: fileType,
pathToNodeModule: p,
fs.Add(p, []byte(contents))
addResourceFile := func(resourceFileInfo resourceFileInfo, name, contents string) {
p := path.Join(modDir, name)
files = append(files, fileInfo{
fileType: resourceFileType,
resourceFileInfo: resourceFileInfo,
pathToNodeModule: p,
fs.Add(p, []byte(contents))
addFunctionFile := func(info functionFileInfo, name, contents string) {
p := path.Join(modDir, name)
files = append(files, fileInfo{
fileType: functionFileType,
functionFileInfo: info,
pathToNodeModule: p,
fs.Add(p, []byte(contents))
def, err := mod.pkg.Definition()
if err != nil {
return err
// Utilities, config, readme
switch mod.mod {
case "":
buffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
mod.genHeader(buffer, nil, nil, nil)
err := mod.genUtilitiesFile(buffer)
if err != nil {
return err
fs.Add(path.Join(modDir, "utilities.ts"), buffer.Bytes())
// Ensure that the top-level (provider) module directory contains a README.md file.
readme := def.Language["nodejs"].(NodePackageInfo).Readme
if readme == "" {
readme = def.Description
if readme != "" && readme[len(readme)-1] != '\n' {
readme += "\n"
if def.Attribution != "" {
if len(readme) != 0 {
readme += "\n"
readme += def.Attribution
if readme != "" && readme[len(readme)-1] != '\n' {
readme += "\n"
fs.Add(path.Join(modDir, "README.md"), []byte(readme))
case "config":
if len(def.Config) > 0 {
buffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
if err := mod.genConfig(buffer, def.Config); err != nil {
return err
addFile(otherFileType, "vars.ts", buffer.String())
// Resources
for _, r := range mod.resources {
if r.IsOverlay {
// This resource code is generated by the provider, so no further action is required.
externalImports, imports := codegen.NewStringSet(), map[string]codegen.StringSet{}
referencesNestedTypes := mod.getImportsForResource(r, externalImports, imports, r)
buffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
mod.genHeader(buffer, mod.sdkImports(referencesNestedTypes, true), externalImports, imports)
rinfo, err := mod.genResource(buffer, r)
if err != nil {
return err
fileName := mod.resourceFileName(r)
addResourceFile(rinfo, fileName, buffer.String())
// Functions
for _, f := range mod.functions {
if f.IsOverlay {
// This function code is generated by the provider, so no further action is required.
externalImports, imports := codegen.NewStringSet(), map[string]codegen.StringSet{}
referencesNestedTypes := mod.getImports(f, externalImports, imports)
buffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
mod.genHeader(buffer, mod.sdkImports(referencesNestedTypes, true), externalImports, imports)
funInfo, err := mod.genFunction(buffer, f)
if err != nil {
return err
fileName := camel(tokenToName(f.Token)) + ".ts"
if mod.isReservedSourceFileName(fileName) {
fileName = camel(tokenToName(f.Token)) + "_.ts"
addFunctionFile(funInfo, fileName, buffer.String())
if mod.hasEnums() {
buffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
mod.genHeader(buffer, []string{}, nil, nil)
err := mod.genEnums(buffer, mod.enums)
if err != nil {
return err
var fileName string
if modDir == "" {
fileName = "index.ts"
} else {
fileName = path.Join(modDir, "index.ts")
fileName = path.Join("types", "enums", fileName)
fs.Add(fileName, buffer.Bytes())
// Nested types
// Importing enums always imports inputs and outputs, so if we have enums we generate inputs and outputs
if len(mod.types) > 0 || (def.Language["nodejs"].(NodePackageInfo).ContainsEnums && mod.mod == "types") {
input, output, err := mod.genTypes()
if err != nil {
return err
fs.Add(path.Join(modDir, "input.ts"), []byte(input))
fs.Add(path.Join(modDir, "output.ts"), []byte(output))
// Index
fs.Add(path.Join(modDir, "index.ts"), []byte(mod.genIndex(files)))
return nil
func getChildMod(modName string) string {
child := strings.ToLower(modName)
// Extract version suffix from child modules. Nested versions will have their own index.ts file.
// Example: apps/v1beta1 -> v1beta1
parts := strings.SplitN(child, "/", 2)
if len(parts) == 2 {
child = parts[1]
return child
// genIndex emits an index module, optionally re-exporting other members or submodules.
func (mod *modContext) genIndex(exports []fileInfo) string {
children := codegen.NewStringSet()
for _, mod := range mod.children {
child := getChildMod(mod.mod)
if len(mod.types) > 0 {
w := &bytes.Buffer{}
var imports []string
// Include the SDK import if we'll be registering module resources.
if len(mod.resources) != 0 {
imports = mod.sdkImports(false /*nested*/, true /*utilities*/)
} else if len(children) > 0 || len(mod.functions) > 0 {
// Even if there are no resources, exports ref utilities.
imports = append(imports, mod.utilitiesImport())
mod.genHeader(w, imports, nil, nil)
// Export anything flatly that is a direct export rather than sub-module.
if len(exports) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "// Export members:\n")
sort.SliceStable(exports, func(i, j int) bool {
return exports[i].pathToNodeModule < exports[j].pathToNodeModule
ll := newLazyLoadGen()
modDir := strings.ToLower(mod.mod)
for _, exp := range exports {
rel, err := filepath.Rel(modDir, exp.pathToNodeModule)
contract.AssertNoErrorf(err, "cannot make %q relative to %q", exp.pathToNodeModule, modDir)
if path.Base(rel) == "." {
rel = path.Dir(rel)
importPath := "./" + strings.TrimSuffix(rel, ".ts")
ll.genReexport(w, exp, importPath)
def, err := mod.pkg.Definition()
contract.AssertNoErrorf(err, "error loading package definition for %q", mod.pkg.Name())
info, _ := def.Language["nodejs"].(NodePackageInfo)
if info.ContainsEnums {
if mod.mod == "types" {
// input & output might be empty, but they will be imported with enums, so we
// need to have them.
} else if len(mod.enums) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "// Export enums:\n")
rel := mod.getRelativePath()
var filePath string
if mod.mod == "" {
filePath = ""
} else {
filePath = "/" + mod.mod
fmt.Fprintf(w, "export * from \"%s/types/enums%s\";\n", rel, filePath)
// If there are submodules, export them.
if len(children) > 0 {
if len(exports) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "// Export sub-modules:\n")
directChildren := codegen.NewStringSet()
for _, child := range children.SortedValues() {
sorted := directChildren.SortedValues()
for _, mod := range sorted {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "import * as %[1]s from \"./%[1]s\";\n", mod)
printExports(w, sorted)
// If there are resources in this module, register the module with the runtime.
if len(mod.resources) != 0 {
return w.String()
// genResourceModule generates a ResourceModule definition and the code to register an instance thereof with the
// Pulumi runtime. The generated ResourceModule supports the deserialization of resource references into fully-
// hydrated Resource instances. If this is the root module, this function also generates a ResourcePackage
// definition and its registration to support rehydrating providers.
func (mod *modContext) genResourceModule(w io.Writer) {
contract.Assertf(len(mod.resources) != 0, "module %v has no resources", mod.mod)
// Check for provider-only modules.
var provider *schema.Resource
if providerOnly := len(mod.resources) == 1 && mod.resources[0].IsProvider; providerOnly {
provider = mod.resources[0]
} else {
registrations := codegen.StringSet{}
for _, r := range mod.resources {
if r.IsOverlay {
// This resource code is generated by the provider, so no further action is required.
if r.IsProvider {
contract.Assertf(provider == nil, "module %v has multiple providers", mod.mod)
provider = r
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\nconst _module = {\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " version: utilities.getVersion(),\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " construct: (name: string, type: string, urn: string): pulumi.Resource => {\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " switch (type) {\n")
for _, r := range mod.resources {
if r.IsOverlay {
// This resource code is generated by the provider, so no further action is required.
if r.IsProvider {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " case \"%v\":\n", r.Token)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " return new %v(name, <any>undefined, { urn })\n", resourceName(r))
fmt.Fprintf(w, " default:\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " throw new Error(`unknown resource type ${type}`);\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " },\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "};\n")
for _, name := range registrations.SortedValues() {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "pulumi.runtime.registerResourceModule(\"%v\", \"%v\", _module)\n", mod.pkg.Name(), name)
if provider != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "pulumi.runtime.registerResourcePackage(\"%v\", {\n", mod.pkg.Name())
fmt.Fprintf(w, " version: utilities.getVersion(),\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " constructProvider: (name: string, type: string, urn: string): pulumi.ProviderResource => {\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " if (type !== \"%v\") {\n", provider.Token)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " throw new Error(`unknown provider type ${type}`);\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " return new Provider(name, <any>undefined, { urn });\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " },\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "});\n")
func printExports(w io.Writer, exports []string) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "export {\n")
for _, mod := range exports {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " %s,\n", mod)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "};\n")
func (mod *modContext) hasEnums() bool {
if mod.mod == "types" {
return false
if len(mod.enums) > 0 {
return true
for _, mod := range mod.children {
if mod.hasEnums() {
return true
return false
func (mod *modContext) genEnums(buffer *bytes.Buffer, enums []*schema.EnumType) error {
if len(mod.children) > 0 {
children := codegen.NewStringSet()
for _, mod := range mod.children {
child := getChildMod(mod.mod)
if mod.hasEnums() {
if len(children) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "// Export sub-modules:\n")
directChildren := codegen.NewStringSet()
for _, child := range children.SortedValues() {
sorted := directChildren.SortedValues()
for _, mod := range sorted {
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "import * as %[1]s from \"./%[1]s\";\n", mod)
printExports(buffer, sorted)
if len(enums) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "\n")
for i, enum := range enums {
err := mod.genEnum(buffer, enum)
if err != nil {
return err
if i != len(enums)-1 {
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "\n")
return nil
// genPackageMetadata generates all the non-code metadata required by a Pulumi package.
func genPackageMetadata(pkg *schema.Package, info NodePackageInfo, fs codegen.Fs, localDependencies map[string]string, localSDK bool) error {
// The generator already emitted Pulumi.yaml, so that leaves three more files to write out:
// 1) package.json: minimal NPM package metadata
// 2) tsconfig.json: instructions for TypeScript compilation
packageJSON, err := genNPMPackageMetadata(pkg, info, localDependencies, localSDK)
if err != nil {
return err
fs.Add("package.json", []byte(packageJSON))
fs.Add("tsconfig.json", []byte(genTypeScriptProjectFile(info, fs)))
if localSDK {
fs.Add("scripts/postinstall.js", genPostInstallScript())
return nil
type npmPackage struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Version string `json:"version"`
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
Keywords []string `json:"keywords,omitempty"`
Homepage string `json:"homepage,omitempty"`
Repository string `json:"repository,omitempty"`
License string `json:"license,omitempty"`
Main string `json:"main,omitempty"`
Scripts map[string]string `json:"scripts,omitempty"`
Dependencies map[string]string `json:"dependencies,omitempty"`
DevDependencies map[string]string `json:"devDependencies,omitempty"`
PeerDependencies map[string]string `json:"peerDependencies,omitempty"`
Resolutions map[string]string `json:"resolutions,omitempty"`
Pulumi plugin.PulumiPluginJSON `json:"pulumi,omitempty"`
func genNPMPackageMetadata(pkg *schema.Package, info NodePackageInfo, localDependencies map[string]string, localSDK bool) (string, error) {
packageName := info.PackageName
if packageName == "" {
packageName = "@pulumi/" + pkg.Name
devDependencies := map[string]string{}
if info.TypeScriptVersion != "" {
devDependencies["typescript"] = info.TypeScriptVersion
} else {
devDependencies["typescript"] = MinimumTypescriptVersion
devDependencies["@types/node"] = MinimumNodeTypesVersion
version := "${VERSION}"
pluginVersion := ""
if pkg.Version != nil && info.RespectSchemaVersion {
version = pkg.Version.String()
pluginVersion = version
// Parameterized schemas _always_ respect schema version
if pkg.SupportPack || pkg.Parameterization != nil {
if pkg.Version == nil {
return "", errors.New("package version is required")
pluginVersion = pkg.Version.String()
version = pluginVersion
var pulumiPlugin plugin.PulumiPluginJSON
if pkg.Parameterization != nil {
pulumiPlugin = plugin.PulumiPluginJSON{
Resource: true,
Name: pkg.Parameterization.BaseProvider.Name,
Version: pkg.Parameterization.BaseProvider.Version.String(),
Server: pkg.Parameterization.BaseProvider.PluginDownloadURL,
} else {
pulumiPlugin = plugin.PulumiPluginJSON{
Resource: true,
Server: pkg.PluginDownloadURL,
Name: pkg.Name,
Version: pluginVersion,
dependencies := map[string]string{}
if pkg.Parameterization != nil {
dependencies["async-mutex"] = "^0.5.0"
// Create info that will get serialized into an NPM package.json.
npminfo := npmPackage{
Name: packageName,
Version: version,
Description: info.PackageDescription,
Keywords: pkg.Keywords,
Homepage: pkg.Homepage,
Repository: pkg.Repository,
License: pkg.License,
Scripts: map[string]string{
"build": "tsc",
DevDependencies: devDependencies,
Dependencies: dependencies,
Pulumi: pulumiPlugin,
if localSDK {
npminfo.Main = "bin/index.js"
npminfo.Scripts["postinstall"] = "node ./scripts/postinstall.js"
// Copy the overlay dependencies, if any.
for depk, depv := range info.Dependencies {
if npminfo.Dependencies == nil {
npminfo.Dependencies = make(map[string]string)
if path, ok := localDependencies[depk]; ok {
npminfo.Dependencies[depk] = path
} else {
npminfo.Dependencies[depk] = depv
for depk, depv := range info.DevDependencies {
if npminfo.DevDependencies == nil {
npminfo.DevDependencies = make(map[string]string)
npminfo.DevDependencies[depk] = depv
for depk, depv := range info.PeerDependencies {
if npminfo.PeerDependencies == nil {
npminfo.PeerDependencies = make(map[string]string)
npminfo.PeerDependencies[depk] = depv
for resk, resv := range info.Resolutions {
if npminfo.Resolutions == nil {
npminfo.Resolutions = make(map[string]string)
npminfo.Resolutions[resk] = resv
// If there is no @pulumi/pulumi, add "latest" as a peer dependency (for npm linking style usage).
sdkPack := "@pulumi/pulumi"
if npminfo.Dependencies[sdkPack] == "" &&
npminfo.DevDependencies[sdkPack] == "" &&
npminfo.PeerDependencies[sdkPack] == "" {
if npminfo.Dependencies == nil {
npminfo.Dependencies = make(map[string]string)
if path, ok := localDependencies["pulumi"]; ok {
npminfo.Dependencies[sdkPack] = path
} else if pkg.Parameterization != nil {
npminfo.Dependencies[sdkPack] = MinimumValidParameterizationSDKVersion
} else {
npminfo.Dependencies[sdkPack] = MinimumValidSDKVersion
// Now write out the serialized form.
npmjson, err := json.MarshalIndent(npminfo, "", " ")
contract.AssertNoErrorf(err, "error serializing package.json")
return string(npmjson) + "\n", nil
func genPostInstallScript() []byte {
return []byte(`const fs = require("node:fs");
const path = require("node:path")
const process = require("node:process")
const { execSync } = require('node:child_process');
try {
const out = execSync('tsc')
} catch (error) {
console.error(error.message + ": " + error.stdout.toString() + "\n" + error.stderr.toString())
// TypeScript is compiled to "./bin", copy package.json to that directory so it can be read in "getVersion".
fs.copyFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "..", "package.json"), path.join(__dirname, "..", "bin", "package.json"));
func genTypeScriptProjectFile(info NodePackageInfo, files codegen.Fs) string {
w := &bytes.Buffer{}
fmt.Fprintf(w, `{
"compilerOptions": {
"outDir": "bin",
"target": "es2016",
"module": "commonjs",
"moduleResolution": "node",
"declaration": true,
"sourceMap": true,
"stripInternal": true,
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true,
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
"strict": true
"files": [
var tsFiles []string
for f := range files {
if path.Ext(f) == ".ts" {
tsFiles = append(tsFiles, f)
tsFiles = append(tsFiles, info.ExtraTypeScriptFiles...)
for i, file := range tsFiles {
var suffix string
if i != len(tsFiles)-1 {
suffix = ","
fmt.Fprintf(w, " \"%s\"%s\n", file, suffix)
fmt.Fprintf(w, ` ]
return w.String()
// generateModuleContextMap groups resources, types, and functions into NodeJS packages.
func generateModuleContextMap(tool string, pkg *schema.Package, extraFiles map[string][]byte,
) (map[string]*modContext, NodePackageInfo, error) {
if err := pkg.ImportLanguages(map[string]schema.Language{"nodejs": Importer}); err != nil {
return nil, NodePackageInfo{}, err
info, _ := pkg.Language["nodejs"].(NodePackageInfo)
// group resources, types, and functions into NodeJS packages
modules := map[string]*modContext{}
var getMod func(modName string) *modContext
getMod = func(modName string) *modContext {
if override, ok := info.ModuleToPackage[modName]; ok {
modName = override
mod, ok := modules[modName]
if !ok {
mod = &modContext{
pkg: pkg.Reference(),
mod: modName,
tool: tool,
compatibility: info.Compatibility,
modToPkg: info.ModuleToPackage,
disableUnionOutputTypes: info.DisableUnionOutputTypes,
liftSingleValueMethodReturns: info.LiftSingleValueMethodReturns,
if modName != "" {
parentName := path.Dir(modName)
if parentName == "." {
parentName = ""
parent := getMod(parentName)
parent.children = append(parent.children, mod)
modules[modName] = mod
return mod
getModFromToken := func(token string) *modContext {
return getMod(pkg.TokenToModule(token))
// Create a temporary module for type information.
types := &modContext{}
// Create the config module if necessary.
if len(pkg.Config) > 0 &&
info.Compatibility != kubernetes20 { // k8s SDK doesn't use config.
_ = getMod("config")
visitObjectTypes(pkg.Config, func(t *schema.ObjectType) {
types.details(t).outputType = true
scanResource := func(r *schema.Resource) {
if r.IsOverlay {
// This resource code is generated by the provider, so no further action is required.
mod := getModFromToken(r.Token)
mod.resources = append(mod.resources, r)
visitObjectTypes(r.Properties, func(t *schema.ObjectType) {
types.details(t).outputType = true
visitObjectTypes(r.InputProperties, func(t *schema.ObjectType) {
types.details(t).inputType = true
if r.StateInputs != nil {
visitObjectTypes(r.StateInputs.Properties, func(t *schema.ObjectType) {
types.details(t).inputType = true
for _, r := range pkg.Resources {
// Clear the input and outputs sets: we want the visitors below to touch the transitive closure of types reachable
// from function inputs and outputs, including types that have already been visited.
for _, f := range pkg.Functions {
mod := getModFromToken(f.Token)
if !f.IsMethod {
mod.functions = append(mod.functions, f)
if f.Inputs != nil {
visitObjectTypes(f.Inputs.Properties, func(t *schema.ObjectType) {
types.details(t).inputType = true
if f.NeedsOutputVersion() {
visitObjectTypes(f.Inputs.InputShape.Properties, func(t *schema.ObjectType) {
for _, mod := range []*modContext{types, getModFromToken(t.Token)} {
det := mod.details(t)
det.inputType = true
det.usedInFunctionOutputVersionInputs = true
if f.ReturnType != nil {
// special case where the return type is defined inline with the function
if objectType, ok := f.ReturnType.(*schema.ObjectType); ok && f.InlineObjectAsReturnType {
visitObjectTypes(objectType.Properties, func(t *schema.ObjectType) {
types.details(t).outputType = true
} else {
// otherwise, the return type is or has a reference to a type defined elsewhere
codegen.VisitType(f.ReturnType, func(schemaType schema.Type) {
if t, ok := schemaType.(*schema.ObjectType); ok {
types.details(t).outputType = true
if _, ok := modules["types"]; ok {
return nil, info, errors.New("this provider has a `types` module which is reserved for input/output types")
// Create the types module.
for _, t := range pkg.Types {
switch typ := t.(type) {
case *schema.ObjectType:
types.types = append(types.types, typ)
case *schema.EnumType:
if !typ.IsOverlay {
info.ContainsEnums = true
mod := getModFromToken(typ.Token)
mod.enums = append(mod.enums, typ)
if len(types.types) > 0 || info.ContainsEnums {
typeDetails, typeList := types.typeDetails, types.types
types = getMod("types")
types.typeDetails, types.types = typeDetails, typeList
// Add Typescript source files to the corresponding modules. Note that we only add the file names; the contents are
// still laid out manually in GeneratePackage.
for p := range extraFiles {
if path.Ext(p) != ".ts" {
modName := path.Dir(p)
if modName == "/" || modName == "." {
modName = ""
mod := getMod(modName)
mod.extraSourceFiles = append(mod.extraSourceFiles, p)
return modules, info, nil
// LanguageResource holds information about a resource to be used by downstream codegen.
type LanguageResource struct {
Name string // The resource name (e.g., "FlowSchema")
Package string // The name of the package containing the resource definition (e.g., "flowcontrol.v1alpha1")
Properties []LanguageProperty // Properties of the resource
// LanguageProperty holds information about a resource property to be used by downstream codegen.
type LanguageProperty struct {
ConstValue string // If set, the constant value of the property (e.g., "flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1alpha1")
Name string // The name of the property (e.g., "FlowSchemaSpec")
Package string // The package path containing the property definition (e.g., "outputs.flowcontrol.v1alpha1")
// LanguageResources returns a map of resources that can be used by downstream codegen. The map
// key is the resource schema token.
func LanguageResources(pkg *schema.Package) (map[string]LanguageResource, error) {
resources := map[string]LanguageResource{}
modules, _, err := generateModuleContextMap("", pkg, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for modName, mod := range modules {
for _, r := range mod.resources {
if r.IsOverlay {
// This resource code is generated by the provider, so no further action is required.
packagePath := strings.ReplaceAll(modName, "/", ".")
lr := LanguageResource{
Resource: r,
Name: resourceName(r),
Package: packagePath,
for _, p := range r.Properties {
lp := LanguageProperty{
Name: p.Name,
if p.ConstValue != nil {
lp.ConstValue = mod.typeString(p.Type, false, p.ConstValue)
} else {
lp.Package = mod.typeString(p.Type, false, nil)
lr.Properties = append(lr.Properties, lp)
resources[r.Token] = lr
return resources, nil
func GeneratePackage(tool string, pkg *schema.Package,
extraFiles map[string][]byte, localDependencies map[string]string, localSDK bool,
) (map[string][]byte, error) {
modules, info, err := generateModuleContextMap(tool, pkg, extraFiles)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pkg.Language["nodejs"] = info
files := codegen.Fs{}
for p, f := range extraFiles {
files.Add(p, f)
for _, mod := range modules {
if err := mod.gen(files); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Finally emit the package metadata (NPM, TypeScript, and so on).
if err = genPackageMetadata(pkg, info, files, localDependencies, localSDK); err != nil {
return nil, err
return files, nil
//go:embed utilities.ts
var utilitiesFile string
func (mod *modContext) genUtilitiesFile(w io.Writer) error {
def, err := mod.pkg.Definition()
if err != nil {
return err
if def.Parameterization != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, `import * as resproto from "@pulumi/pulumi/proto/resource_pb";
import * as mutex from "async-mutex";
code := utilitiesFile
if url := def.PluginDownloadURL; url != "" {
code = strings.ReplaceAll(code, "/*pluginDownloadURL*/",
fmt.Sprintf(", pluginDownloadURL: %q", url))
} else {
code = strings.ReplaceAll(code, "/*pluginDownloadURL*/", "")
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", code)
if err != nil {
return err
if def.Parameterization != nil {
parameterValue := fmt.Sprintf("Uint8Array.from(atob(%q), c => c.charCodeAt(0))", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(def.Parameterization.Parameter))
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(w, `
const _packageLock = new mutex.Mutex();
var _packageRef : undefined | string = undefined;
export async function getPackage() : Promise<string | undefined> {
if (_packageRef === undefined) {
if (!runtime.supportsParameterization()) {
throw new Error("The Pulumi CLI does not support parameterization. Please update the Pulumi CLI");
await _packageLock.acquire();
if (_packageRef === undefined) {
const monitor = runtime.getMonitor();
const params = new resproto.Parameterization();
const req = new resproto.RegisterPackageRequest();
const resp : any = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
monitor!.registerPackage(req, (err: any, resp: any) => {
if (err) {
} else {
_packageRef = resp.getRef();
return _packageRef as string;
def.Name, def.Version, parameterValue,
def.Parameterization.BaseProvider.Name, def.Parameterization.BaseProvider.Version.String(), def.Parameterization.BaseProvider.PluginDownloadURL)
return err
// Used to sort ObjectType values.
func objectTypeLessThan(a, b *schema.ObjectType) bool {
switch strings.Compare(tokenToName(a.Token), tokenToName(b.Token)) {
case -1:
return true
case 0:
tIsInput := a.PlainShape != nil
otherIsInput := b.PlainShape != nil
if !tIsInput && otherIsInput {
return true
return false
return false