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1457 lines
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//go:generate go run bundler.go
// Copyright 2016-2020, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Pulling out some of the repeated strings tokens into constants would harm readability, so we just ignore the
// goconst linter's warning.
// nolint: lll, goconst
package docs
import (
go_gen "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/v2/codegen/go"
var (
supportedLanguages = []string{"csharp", "go", "nodejs", "python"}
templates *template.Template
packagedTemplates map[string][]byte
docHelpers map[string]codegen.DocLanguageHelper
// The following property case maps are for rendering property
// names of nested properties in Python language with the correct
// casing.
snakeCaseToCamelCase map[string]string
camelCaseToSnakeCase map[string]string
// The language-specific info objects for a certain package (provider).
goPkgInfo go_gen.GoInfo
csharpPkgInfo dotnet.CSharpPackageInfo
// langModuleNameLookup is a map of module name to its language-specific
// name.
langModuleNameLookup map[string]string
// titleLookup is a map to map module package name to the desired display name
// for display in the TOC menu under API Reference.
titleLookup = map[string]string{
"alicloud": "AliCloud",
"aws": "AWS",
"azure": "Azure",
"azuread": "Azure AD",
"cloudamqp": "CloudAMQP",
"cloudflare": "Cloudflare",
"consul": "Consul",
"datadog": "Datadog",
"digitalocean": "Digital Ocean",
"dnsimple": "DNSimple",
"f5bigip": "f5 BIG-IP",
"fastly": "Fastly",
"gcp": "GCP",
"kafka": "Kafka",
"keycloak": "Keycloak",
"linode": "Linode",
"mysql": "MySQL",
"newrelic": "New Relic",
"okta": "Okta",
"openstack": "Open Stack",
"packet": "Packet",
"postgresql": "PostgreSQL",
"rabbitmq": "RabbitMQ",
"rancher2": "Rancher 2",
"signalfx": "SignalFx",
"spotinst": "Spotinst",
"tls": "TLS",
"vault": "Vault",
"vsphere": "vSphere",
func init() {
docHelpers = make(map[string]codegen.DocLanguageHelper)
for _, lang := range supportedLanguages {
switch lang {
case "csharp":
docHelpers[lang] = &dotnet.DocLanguageHelper{}
case "go":
docHelpers[lang] = &go_gen.DocLanguageHelper{}
case "nodejs":
docHelpers[lang] = &nodejs.DocLanguageHelper{}
case "python":
docHelpers[lang] = &python.DocLanguageHelper{}
snakeCaseToCamelCase = map[string]string{}
camelCaseToSnakeCase = map[string]string{}
langModuleNameLookup = map[string]string{}
// header represents the header of each resource markdown file.
type header struct {
Title string
// property represents an input or an output property.
type property struct {
// DisplayName is the property name with word-breaks.
DisplayName string
Name string
Comment string
Type propertyType
DeprecationMessage string
IsRequired bool
IsInput bool
// apiTypeDocLinks represents the links for a type's input and output API doc.
type apiTypeDocLinks struct {
InputType string
OutputType string
// docNestedType represents a complex type.
type docNestedType struct {
Name string
APIDocLinks map[string]apiTypeDocLinks
Properties map[string][]property
// propertyType represents the type of a property.
type propertyType struct {
DisplayName string
Name string
// Link can be a link to an anchor tag on the same
// page, or to another page/site.
Link string
// formalParam represents the formal parameters of a constructor
// or a lookup function.
type formalParam struct {
Name string
Type propertyType
// This is the language specific optional type indicator.
// For example, in nodejs this is the character "?" and in Go
// it's "*".
OptionalFlag string
DefaultValue string
type packageDetails struct {
Repository string
License string
Notes string
type resourceDocArgs struct {
Header header
// Comment represents the introductory resource comment.
Comment string
DeprecationMessage string
ConstructorParams map[string]string
// ConstructorResource is the resource that is being constructed or
// is the result of a constructor-like function.
ConstructorResource map[string]propertyType
// ArgsRequired is a flag indicating if the args param is required
// when creating a new resource.
ArgsRequired bool
// InputProperties is a map per language and a corresponding slice of
// input properties accepted as args while creating a new resource.
InputProperties map[string][]property
// OutputProperties is a map per language and a corresponding slice of
// output properties returned when a new instance of the resource is
// created.
OutputProperties map[string][]property
// LookupParams is a map of the param string to be rendered per language
// for looking-up a resource.
LookupParams map[string]string
// StateInputs is a map per language and the corresponding slice of
// state input properties required while looking-up an existing resource.
StateInputs map[string][]property
// StateParam is the type name of the state param, if any.
StateParam string
// NestedTypes is a slice of the nested types used in the input and
// output properties.
NestedTypes []docNestedType
PackageDetails packageDetails
// typeUsage represents a nested type's usage.
type typeUsage struct {
Input bool
Output bool
// nestedTypeUsageInfo is a type-alias for a map of Pulumi type-tokens
// and whether or not the type is used as an input and/or output
// properties.
type nestedTypeUsageInfo map[string]typeUsage
func (ss nestedTypeUsageInfo) add(s string, input bool) {
if v, ok := ss[s]; ok {
if input {
v.Input = true
} else {
v.Output = true
ss[s] = v
ss[s] = typeUsage{
Input: input,
Output: !input,
// contains returns true if the token already exists and matches the
// input or output flag of the token.
func (ss nestedTypeUsageInfo) contains(token string, input bool) bool {
a, ok := ss[token]
if !ok {
return false
if input && a.Input {
return true
} else if !input && a.Output {
return true
return false
type modContext struct {
pkg *schema.Package
mod string
resources []*schema.Resource
functions []*schema.Function
children []*modContext
tool string
func resourceName(r *schema.Resource) string {
if r.IsProvider {
return "Provider"
return tokenToName(r.Token)
func getLanguageDocHelper(lang string) codegen.DocLanguageHelper {
if h, ok := docHelpers[lang]; ok {
return h
panic(errors.Errorf("could not find a doc lang helper for %s", lang))
type propertyCharacteristics struct {
// input is a flag indicating if the property is an input type.
input bool
// optional is a flag indicating if the property is optional.
optional bool
// getLanguageModuleName returns the module name mapped to its language-specific
// equivalent if the schema for this provider has any overrides for that language.
// Otherwise, returns the module name as-is.
func getLanguageModuleName(pkg *schema.Package, mod, lang string) string {
modName := mod
lookupKey := lang + "_" + modName
if v, ok := langModuleNameLookup[lookupKey]; ok {
return v
switch lang {
case "go":
if override, ok := goPkgInfo.ModuleToPackage[modName]; ok {
modName = override
case "csharp":
if override, ok := csharpPkgInfo.Namespaces[modName]; ok {
modName = override
langModuleNameLookup[lookupKey] = modName
return modName
// cleanTypeString removes any namespaces from the generated type string for all languages.
// The result of this function should be used display purposes only.
func (mod *modContext) cleanTypeString(t schema.Type, langTypeString, lang, modName string, isInput bool) string {
if lang != "csharp" {
parts := strings.Split(langTypeString, ".")
return parts[len(parts)-1]
// C# types can be wrapped in enumerable types such as List<> or Dictionary<>, so we have to
// only replace the namespace between the < and the > characters.
qualifier := "Inputs"
if !isInput {
qualifier = "Outputs"
cleanCSharpName := func(pkgName, objModName string) string {
var csharpNS string
// This type could be at the package-level, so it won't have a module name.
if objModName != "" {
csharpNS = fmt.Sprintf("Pulumi.%s.%s.%s.", title(pkgName, lang), title(objModName, lang), qualifier)
} else {
csharpNS = fmt.Sprintf("Pulumi.%s.%s.", title(pkgName, lang), qualifier)
return strings.ReplaceAll(langTypeString, csharpNS, "")
if isKubernetesPackage(mod.pkg) {
switch t := t.(type) {
case *schema.ArrayType:
if schema.IsPrimitiveType(t.ElementType) {
objType := t.ElementType.(*schema.ObjectType)
return mod.cleanTypeString(objType, langTypeString, lang, modName, isInput)
case *schema.UnionType:
for _, e := range t.ElementTypes {
if schema.IsPrimitiveType(e) {
return mod.cleanTypeString(e.(*schema.ObjectType), langTypeString, lang, modName, isInput)
case *schema.ObjectType:
objTypeModName := mod.pkg.TokenToModule(t.Token)
if objTypeModName != mod.mod {
modName = getLanguageModuleName(mod.pkg, objTypeModName, lang)
return cleanCSharpName(mod.pkg.Name, modName)
// typeString returns a property type suitable for docs with its display name and the anchor link to
// a type if the type of the property is an array or an object.
func (mod *modContext) typeString(t schema.Type, lang string, characteristics propertyCharacteristics, insertWordBreaks bool) propertyType {
docLanguageHelper := getLanguageDocHelper(lang)
modName := getLanguageModuleName(mod.pkg, mod.mod, lang)
langTypeString := docLanguageHelper.GetLanguageTypeString(mod.pkg, modName, t, characteristics.input, characteristics.optional)
// If the type is an object type, let's also wrap it with a link to the supporting type
// on the same page using an anchor tag.
var href string
switch t := t.(type) {
case *schema.ArrayType:
elementLangType := mod.typeString(t.ElementType, lang, characteristics, false)
href = elementLangType.Link
case *schema.ObjectType:
tokenName := tokenToName(t.Token)
// Links to anchor tags on the same page must be lower-cased.
href = "#" + strings.ToLower(tokenName)
// Strip the namespace/module prefix for the type's display name.
displayName := langTypeString
if !schema.IsPrimitiveType(t) {
displayName = mod.cleanTypeString(t, langTypeString, lang, modName, characteristics.input)
// If word-breaks need to be inserted, then the type string
// should be html-encoded first if the language is C# in order
// to avoid confusing the Hugo rendering where the word-break
// tags are inserted.
if insertWordBreaks {
if lang == "csharp" {
displayName = html.EscapeString(displayName)
displayName = wbr(displayName)
return propertyType{
Name: langTypeString,
DisplayName: displayName,
Link: href,
func (mod *modContext) genConstructorTS(r *schema.Resource, argsOptional bool) []formalParam {
name := resourceName(r)
argsType := name + "Args"
argsFlag := ""
if argsOptional {
argsFlag = "?"
docLangHelper := getLanguageDocHelper("nodejs")
return []formalParam{
Name: "name",
Type: propertyType{
Name: "string",
Link: nodejs.GetDocLinkForBuiltInType("string"),
Name: "args",
OptionalFlag: argsFlag,
Type: propertyType{
Name: argsType,
Link: docLangHelper.GetDocLinkForResourceType(mod.pkg.Name, mod.mod, argsType),
Name: "opts",
OptionalFlag: "?",
Type: propertyType{
Name: "pulumi.CustomResourceOptions",
Link: docLangHelper.GetDocLinkForResourceType("pulumi", "", "CustomResourceOptions"),
func (mod *modContext) genConstructorGo(r *schema.Resource, argsOptional bool) []formalParam {
name := resourceName(r)
argsType := name + "Args"
argsFlag := ""
if argsOptional {
argsFlag = "*"
docLangHelper := getLanguageDocHelper("go")
// return fmt.Sprintf("func New%s(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, args *%s, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOption) (*%s, error)\n", name, argsType, name)
return []formalParam{
Name: "ctx",
OptionalFlag: "*",
Type: propertyType{
Name: "pulumi.Context",
Link: docLangHelper.GetDocLinkForResourceType("", "pulumi", "Context"),
Name: "name",
Type: propertyType{
Name: "string",
Link: go_gen.GetDocLinkForBuiltInType("string"),
Name: "args",
OptionalFlag: argsFlag,
Type: propertyType{
Name: argsType,
Link: docLangHelper.GetDocLinkForResourceType(mod.pkg.Name, mod.mod, argsType),
Name: "opts",
OptionalFlag: "...",
Type: propertyType{
Name: "pulumi.ResourceOption",
Link: docLangHelper.GetDocLinkForResourceType("", "pulumi", "ResourceOption"),
func (mod *modContext) genConstructorCS(r *schema.Resource, argsOptional bool) []formalParam {
name := resourceName(r)
argsSchemaType := &schema.ObjectType{
Token: r.Token,
// Get the C#-specific name for the args type, which will be the fully-qualified name.
characteristics := propertyCharacteristics{
input: true,
optional: argsOptional,
argLangType := mod.typeString(argsSchemaType, "csharp", characteristics, false)
// The args type for a resource isn't part of "Inputs" namespace, so remove the "Inputs"
// namespace qualifier.
argLangTypeName := strings.ReplaceAll(argLangType.Name, "Inputs.", "")
var argsFlag string
var argsDefault string
if argsOptional {
// If the number of required input properties was zero, we can make the args object optional.
argsDefault = " = null"
argsFlag = "?"
docLangHelper := getLanguageDocHelper("csharp")
return []formalParam{
Name: "name",
Type: propertyType{
Name: "string",
Link: "https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/builtin-types/built-in-types",
Name: "args",
OptionalFlag: argsFlag,
DefaultValue: argsDefault,
Type: propertyType{
Name: name + "Args",
Link: docLangHelper.GetDocLinkForResourceType(mod.pkg.Name, "", argLangTypeName),
Name: "opts",
OptionalFlag: "?",
DefaultValue: " = null",
Type: propertyType{
Name: "CustomResourceOptions",
Link: docLangHelper.GetDocLinkForResourceType("", "", "Pulumi.CustomResourceOptions"),
func (mod *modContext) genNestedTypes(member interface{}, resourceType bool) []docNestedType {
tokens := nestedTypeUsageInfo{}
// Collect all of the types for this "member" as a map of resource names
// and if it appears in an input object and/or output object.
mod.getTypes(member, tokens)
var objs []docNestedType
for token, tyUsage := range tokens {
for _, t := range mod.pkg.Types {
obj, ok := t.(*schema.ObjectType)
if !ok || obj.Token != token {
if len(obj.Properties) == 0 {
// Create maps to hold the per-language properties of this object and links to
// the API doc for each language.
props := make(map[string][]property)
apiDocLinks := make(map[string]apiTypeDocLinks)
for _, lang := range supportedLanguages {
// The nested type may be under a different package in a language.
// For example, in k8s, common types are in the core/v1 module and can appear in
// nested types elsewhere. So we use the appropriate name of that type,
// as well as its language-specific name. For example, module name for use as a C# namespace
// or as a Go package name.
modName := getLanguageModuleName(mod.pkg, mod.mod, lang)
nestedTypeModName := mod.pkg.TokenToModule(token)
if nestedTypeModName != mod.mod {
modName = getLanguageModuleName(mod.pkg, nestedTypeModName, lang)
docLangHelper := getLanguageDocHelper(lang)
inputCharacteristics := propertyCharacteristics{
input: true,
optional: true,
outputCharacteristics := propertyCharacteristics{
input: false,
optional: true,
inputObjLangType := mod.typeString(t, lang, inputCharacteristics, false /*insertWordBreaks*/)
outputObjLangType := mod.typeString(t, lang, outputCharacteristics, false /*insertWordBreaks*/)
// Get the doc link for this nested type based on whether the type is for a Function or a Resource.
var inputTypeDocLink string
var outputTypeDocLink string
if resourceType {
if tyUsage.Input {
inputTypeDocLink = docLangHelper.GetDocLinkForResourceInputOrOutputType(mod.pkg.Name, modName, inputObjLangType.Name, true)
if tyUsage.Output {
outputTypeDocLink = docLangHelper.GetDocLinkForResourceInputOrOutputType(mod.pkg.Name, modName, outputObjLangType.Name, false)
} else {
if tyUsage.Input {
inputTypeDocLink = docLangHelper.GetDocLinkForFunctionInputOrOutputType(mod.pkg.Name, modName, inputObjLangType.Name, true)
if tyUsage.Output {
outputTypeDocLink = docLangHelper.GetDocLinkForFunctionInputOrOutputType(mod.pkg.Name, modName, outputObjLangType.Name, false)
apiDocLinks[lang] = apiTypeDocLinks{
InputType: inputTypeDocLink,
OutputType: outputTypeDocLink,
props[lang] = mod.getProperties(obj.Properties, lang, true, true)
objs = append(objs, docNestedType{
Name: wbr(tokenToName(obj.Token)),
APIDocLinks: apiDocLinks,
Properties: props,
sort.Slice(objs, func(i, j int) bool {
return objs[i].Name < objs[j].Name
return objs
// getProperties returns a slice of properties that can be rendered for docs for
// the provided slice of properties in the schema.
func (mod *modContext) getProperties(properties []*schema.Property, lang string, input, nested bool) []property {
if len(properties) == 0 {
return nil
isK8s := isKubernetesPackage(mod.pkg)
docProperties := make([]property, 0, len(properties))
for _, prop := range properties {
if prop == nil {
// In k8s, apiVersion and kind are hard-coded in the SDK and not really
// user-provided input properties, so skip them.
if isK8s && (prop.Name == "apiVersion" || prop.Name == "kind") {
characteristics := propertyCharacteristics{
input: input,
optional: !prop.IsRequired,
langDocHelper := getLanguageDocHelper(lang)
var propLangName string
switch lang {
case "python":
pyName := python.PyName(prop.Name)
// The default casing for a Python property name is snake_case unless
// it is a property of a nested object, in which case, we should check the property
// case maps.
propLangName = pyName
if nested {
if snakeCase, ok := camelCaseToSnakeCase[prop.Name]; ok {
propLangName = snakeCase
} else if camelCase, ok := snakeCaseToCamelCase[pyName]; ok {
propLangName = camelCase
} else {
// If neither of the property case maps have the property
// then use the default name of the property.
propLangName = prop.Name
name, err := langDocHelper.GetPropertyName(prop)
if err != nil {
propLangName = name
docProperties = append(docProperties, property{
DisplayName: wbr(propLangName),
Name: propLangName,
Comment: prop.Comment,
DeprecationMessage: prop.DeprecationMessage,
IsRequired: prop.IsRequired,
IsInput: input,
Type: mod.typeString(prop.Type, lang, characteristics, true),
return docProperties
func (mod *modContext) genConstructors(r *schema.Resource, allOptionalInputs bool) map[string]string {
constructorParams := make(map[string]string)
for _, lang := range supportedLanguages {
var (
paramTemplate string
params []formalParam
b := &bytes.Buffer{}
switch lang {
case "nodejs":
params = mod.genConstructorTS(r, allOptionalInputs)
paramTemplate = "ts_formal_param"
case "go":
params = mod.genConstructorGo(r, allOptionalInputs)
paramTemplate = "go_formal_param"
case "csharp":
params = mod.genConstructorCS(r, allOptionalInputs)
paramTemplate = "csharp_formal_param"
case "python":
paramTemplate = "py_formal_param"
// The Pulumi Python SDK does not have types for constructor args.
// The input properties for a resource needs to be exploded as
// individual constructor params.
params = make([]formalParam, 0, len(r.InputProperties))
isK8s := isKubernetesPackage(mod.pkg)
for _, p := range r.InputProperties {
// In k8s, apiVersion and kind are hard-coded in the SDK and not really
// user-provided input properties, so skip them.
if isK8s && (p.Name == "apiVersion" || p.Name == "kind") {
params = append(params, formalParam{
Name: python.PyName(p.Name),
DefaultValue: "=None",
n := len(params)
for i, p := range params {
if err := templates.ExecuteTemplate(b, paramTemplate, p); err != nil {
if i != n-1 {
if err := templates.ExecuteTemplate(b, "param_separator", nil); err != nil {
constructorParams[lang] = b.String()
return constructorParams
// getConstructorResourceInfo returns a map of per-language information about
// the resource being constructed.
func (mod *modContext) getConstructorResourceInfo(resourceTypeName string) map[string]propertyType {
resourceMap := make(map[string]propertyType)
resourceDisplayName := resourceTypeName
for _, lang := range supportedLanguages {
// Reset the type name back to the display name.
resourceTypeName = resourceDisplayName
docLangHelper := getLanguageDocHelper(lang)
switch lang {
case "nodejs", "go":
// Intentionally left blank.
case "csharp":
resourceTypeName = fmt.Sprintf("Pulumi.%s.%s.%s", title(mod.pkg.Name, "csharp"), title(mod.mod, "csharp"), resourceTypeName)
case "python":
// Pulumi's Python language SDK does not have "types" yet, so we will skip it for now.
panic(errors.Errorf("cannot generate constructor info for unhandled language %q", lang))
parts := strings.Split(resourceTypeName, ".")
displayName := parts[len(parts)-1]
resourceMap[lang] = propertyType{
Name: resourceDisplayName,
DisplayName: displayName,
Link: docLangHelper.GetDocLinkForResourceType(mod.pkg.Name, mod.mod, resourceTypeName),
return resourceMap
func (mod *modContext) getTSLookupParams(r *schema.Resource, stateParam string) []formalParam {
docLangHelper := getLanguageDocHelper("nodejs")
return []formalParam{
Name: "name",
Type: propertyType{
Name: "string",
Link: nodejs.GetDocLinkForBuiltInType("string"),
Name: "id",
Type: propertyType{
Name: "Input<ID>",
Link: docLangHelper.GetDocLinkForResourceType("", "pulumi", "ID"),
Name: "state",
OptionalFlag: "?",
Type: propertyType{
Name: stateParam,
Link: docLangHelper.GetDocLinkForResourceType(mod.pkg.Name, mod.mod, stateParam),
Name: "opts",
OptionalFlag: "?",
Type: propertyType{
Name: "CustomResourceOptions",
Link: docLangHelper.GetDocLinkForResourceType("", "pulumi", "CustomResourceOptions"),
func (mod *modContext) getGoLookupParams(r *schema.Resource, stateParam string) []formalParam {
docLangHelper := getLanguageDocHelper("go")
// return fmt.Sprintf("func New%s(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, args *%s, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOption) (*%s, error)\n", name, argsType, name)
return []formalParam{
Name: "ctx",
OptionalFlag: "*",
Type: propertyType{
Name: "Context",
Link: docLangHelper.GetDocLinkForResourceType("", "pulumi", "Context"),
Name: "name",
Type: propertyType{
Name: "string",
Link: go_gen.GetDocLinkForBuiltInType("string"),
Name: "id",
Type: propertyType{
Name: "IDInput",
Link: docLangHelper.GetDocLinkForResourceType("", "pulumi", "IDInput"),
Name: "state",
OptionalFlag: "*",
Type: propertyType{
Name: stateParam,
Link: docLangHelper.GetDocLinkForResourceType(mod.pkg.Name, mod.mod, stateParam),
Name: "opts",
OptionalFlag: "...",
Type: propertyType{
Name: "ResourceOption",
Link: docLangHelper.GetDocLinkForResourceType("", "pulumi", "ResourceOption"),
func (mod *modContext) getCSLookupParams(r *schema.Resource, stateParam string) []formalParam {
stateParamFQDN := fmt.Sprintf("Pulumi.%s.%s.%s", title(mod.pkg.Name, "csharp"), title(mod.mod, "csharp"), stateParam)
docLangHelper := getLanguageDocHelper("csharp")
return []formalParam{
Name: "name",
Type: propertyType{
Name: "string",
Link: "https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/builtin-types/built-in-types",
Name: "id",
Type: propertyType{
Name: "Input<string>",
Link: docLangHelper.GetDocLinkForResourceType("", "", "Pulumi.Input"),
Name: "state",
OptionalFlag: "?",
Type: propertyType{
Name: stateParam,
Link: docLangHelper.GetDocLinkForResourceType(mod.pkg.Name, "", stateParamFQDN),
Name: "opts",
OptionalFlag: "?",
DefaultValue: " = null",
Type: propertyType{
Name: "CustomResourceOptions",
Link: docLangHelper.GetDocLinkForResourceType("", "", "Pulumi.CustomResourceOptions"),
// genLookupParams generates a map of per-language way of rendering the formal parameters of the lookup function
// used to lookup an existing resource.
func (mod *modContext) genLookupParams(r *schema.Resource, stateParam string) map[string]string {
lookupParams := make(map[string]string)
if r.StateInputs == nil {
return lookupParams
for _, lang := range supportedLanguages {
var (
paramTemplate string
params []formalParam
b := &bytes.Buffer{}
switch lang {
case "nodejs":
params = mod.getTSLookupParams(r, stateParam)
paramTemplate = "ts_formal_param"
case "go":
params = mod.getGoLookupParams(r, stateParam)
paramTemplate = "go_formal_param"
case "csharp":
params = mod.getCSLookupParams(r, stateParam)
paramTemplate = "csharp_formal_param"
case "python":
paramTemplate = "py_formal_param"
// The Pulumi Python SDK does not yet have types for formal parameters.
// The input properties for a resource needs to be exploded as
// individual constructor params.
params = make([]formalParam, 0, len(r.StateInputs.Properties))
for _, p := range r.StateInputs.Properties {
params = append(params, formalParam{
Name: python.PyName(p.Name),
DefaultValue: "=None",
n := len(params)
for i, p := range params {
if err := templates.ExecuteTemplate(b, paramTemplate, p); err != nil {
if i != n-1 {
if err := templates.ExecuteTemplate(b, "param_separator", nil); err != nil {
lookupParams[lang] = b.String()
return lookupParams
// genResource is the entrypoint for generating a doc for a resource
// from its Pulumi schema.
func (mod *modContext) genResource(r *schema.Resource) resourceDocArgs {
// Create a resource module file into which all of this resource's types will go.
name := resourceName(r)
// TODO: Unlike the other languages, Python does not have a separate Args object for inputs.
// The args are all just named parameters of the constructor. Consider injecting
// `resource_name` and `opts` as the first two items in the table of properties.
inputProps := make(map[string][]property)
outputProps := make(map[string][]property)
stateInputs := make(map[string][]property)
for _, lang := range supportedLanguages {
inputProps[lang] = mod.getProperties(r.InputProperties, lang, true, false)
if r.IsProvider {
outputProps[lang] = mod.getProperties(r.Properties, lang, false, false)
if r.StateInputs != nil {
stateInputs[lang] = mod.getProperties(r.StateInputs.Properties, lang, true, false)
allOptionalInputs := true
for _, prop := range r.InputProperties {
// If at least one prop is required, then break.
if prop.IsRequired {
allOptionalInputs = false
packageDetails := packageDetails{
Repository: mod.pkg.Repository,
License: mod.pkg.License,
Notes: mod.pkg.Attribution,
stateParam := name + "State"
data := resourceDocArgs{
Header: header{
Title: name,
Comment: r.Comment,
DeprecationMessage: r.DeprecationMessage,
ConstructorParams: mod.genConstructors(r, allOptionalInputs),
ConstructorResource: mod.getConstructorResourceInfo(name),
ArgsRequired: !allOptionalInputs,
InputProperties: inputProps,
OutputProperties: outputProps,
LookupParams: mod.genLookupParams(r, stateParam),
StateInputs: stateInputs,
StateParam: stateParam,
NestedTypes: mod.genNestedTypes(r, true /*resourceType*/),
PackageDetails: packageDetails,
return data
func (mod *modContext) getNestedTypes(t schema.Type, types nestedTypeUsageInfo, input bool) {
switch t := t.(type) {
case *schema.ArrayType:
glog.V(4).Infof("visiting array %s\n", t.ElementType.String())
skip := false
if o, ok := t.ElementType.(*schema.ObjectType); ok && types.contains(o.Token, input) {
glog.V(4).Infof("already added %s. skipping...\n", o.Token)
skip = true
if !skip {
mod.getNestedTypes(t.ElementType, types, input)
case *schema.MapType:
glog.V(4).Infof("visiting map %s\n", t.ElementType.String())
skip := false
if o, ok := t.ElementType.(*schema.ObjectType); ok && types.contains(o.Token, input) {
glog.V(4).Infof("already added %s. skipping...\n", o.Token)
skip = true
if !skip {
mod.getNestedTypes(t.ElementType, types, input)
case *schema.ObjectType:
glog.V(4).Infof("visiting object %s\n", t.Token)
types.add(t.Token, input)
for _, p := range t.Properties {
if o, ok := p.Type.(*schema.ObjectType); ok && types.contains(o.Token, input) {
glog.V(4).Infof("already added %s. skipping...\n", o.Token)
glog.V(4).Infof("visiting object property %s\n", p.Type.String())
mod.getNestedTypes(p.Type, types, input)
case *schema.UnionType:
glog.V(4).Infof("visiting union type %s\n", t.String())
for _, e := range t.ElementTypes {
if o, ok := e.(*schema.ObjectType); ok && types.contains(o.Token, input) {
glog.V(4).Infof("already added %s. skipping...\n", o.Token)
glog.V(4).Infof("visiting union element type %s\n", e.String())
mod.getNestedTypes(e, types, input)
func (mod *modContext) getTypes(member interface{}, types nestedTypeUsageInfo) {
glog.V(3).Infoln("getting nested types for module", mod.mod)
switch t := member.(type) {
case *schema.ObjectType:
for _, p := range t.Properties {
mod.getNestedTypes(p.Type, types, false)
case *schema.Resource:
for _, p := range t.Properties {
mod.getNestedTypes(p.Type, types, false)
for _, p := range t.InputProperties {
mod.getNestedTypes(p.Type, types, true)
case *schema.Function:
if t.Inputs != nil {
mod.getNestedTypes(t.Inputs, types, true)
if t.Outputs != nil {
mod.getNestedTypes(t.Outputs, types, false)
type fs map[string][]byte
func (fs fs) add(path string, contents []byte) {
_, has := fs[path]
contract.Assertf(!has, "duplicate file: %s", path)
fs[path] = contents
func (mod *modContext) getModuleFileName() string {
if !isKubernetesPackage(mod.pkg) {
return mod.mod
if override, ok := goPkgInfo.ModuleToPackage[mod.mod]; ok {
return override
return mod.mod
func (mod *modContext) gen(fs fs) error {
modName := mod.getModuleFileName()
var files []string
for p := range fs {
d := path.Dir(p)
if d == "." {
d = ""
if d == modName {
files = append(files, p)
addFile := func(name, contents string) {
p := path.Join(modName, name)
files = append(files, p)
fs.add(p, []byte(contents))
// Resources
for _, r := range mod.resources {
data := mod.genResource(r)
title := resourceName(r)
buffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
err := templates.ExecuteTemplate(buffer, "resource.tmpl", data)
if err != nil {
return err
addFile(strings.ToLower(title)+".md", buffer.String())
// Functions
for _, f := range mod.functions {
data := mod.genFunction(f)
buffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
err := templates.ExecuteTemplate(buffer, "function.tmpl", data)
if err != nil {
return err
addFile(strings.ToLower(tokenToName(f.Token))+".md", buffer.String())
// Generate the index files.
idxData := mod.genIndex()
buffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
err := templates.ExecuteTemplate(buffer, "index.tmpl", idxData)
if err != nil {
return err
fs.add(path.Join(modName, "_index.md"), []byte(buffer.String()))
return nil
// indexEntry represents an individual entry on an index page.
type indexEntry struct {
Link string
DisplayName string
// indexData represents the index file data to be rendered as _index.md.
type indexData struct {
Tool string
Title string
PackageDescription string
// Menu indicates if an index page should be part of the TOC menu.
Menu bool
Functions []indexEntry
Resources []indexEntry
Modules []indexEntry
PackageDetails packageDetails
// indexEntrySorter implements the sort.Interface for sorting
// a slice of indexEntry struct types.
type indexEntrySorter struct {
entries []indexEntry
// Len is part of sort.Interface. Returns the length of the
// entries slice.
func (s *indexEntrySorter) Len() int {
return len(s.entries)
// Swap is part of sort.Interface.
func (s *indexEntrySorter) Swap(i, j int) {
s.entries[i], s.entries[j] = s.entries[j], s.entries[i]
// Less is part of sort.Interface. It sorts the entries by their
// display name in an ascending order.
func (s *indexEntrySorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
return s.entries[i].DisplayName < s.entries[j].DisplayName
func sortIndexEntries(entries []indexEntry) {
if len(entries) == 0 {
sorter := &indexEntrySorter{
entries: entries,
// genIndex emits an _index.md file for the module.
func (mod *modContext) genIndex() indexData {
glog.V(4).Infoln("genIndex for", mod.mod)
modules := make([]indexEntry, 0, len(mod.children))
resources := make([]indexEntry, 0, len(mod.resources))
functions := make([]indexEntry, 0, len(mod.functions))
modName := mod.getModuleFileName()
title := modName
menu := false
if title == "" {
// If title not found in titleLookup map, default back to mod.pkg.Name.
if val, ok := titleLookup[mod.pkg.Name]; ok {
title = val
} else {
title = mod.pkg.Name
// Flag top-level entries for inclusion in the table-of-contents menu.
menu = true
// If there are submodules, list them.
for _, mod := range mod.children {
modName := mod.getModuleFileName()
parts := strings.Split(modName, "/")
modName = parts[len(parts)-1]
modules = append(modules, indexEntry{
Link: modName + "/",
DisplayName: modName,
// If there are resources in the root, list them.
for _, r := range mod.resources {
name := resourceName(r)
resources = append(resources, indexEntry{
Link: strings.ToLower(name),
DisplayName: name,
// If there are functions in the root, list them.
for _, f := range mod.functions {
name := tokenToName(f.Token)
functions = append(functions, indexEntry{
Link: strings.ToLower(name),
DisplayName: name,
packageDetails := packageDetails{
Repository: mod.pkg.Repository,
License: mod.pkg.License,
Notes: mod.pkg.Attribution,
data := indexData{
Tool: mod.tool,
Title: title,
Menu: menu,
Resources: resources,
Functions: functions,
Modules: modules,
PackageDetails: packageDetails,
// If this is the root module, write out the package description.
if mod.mod == "" {
data.PackageDescription = mod.pkg.Description
return data
func decodeLangSpecificInfo(pkg *schema.Package, lang string, obj interface{}) error {
if csharp, ok := pkg.Language[lang]; ok {
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(csharp), &obj); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "decoding csharp package info")
return nil
func getMod(pkg *schema.Package, token string, modules map[string]*modContext, tool string) *modContext {
modName := pkg.TokenToModule(token)
mod, ok := modules[modName]
if !ok {
mod = &modContext{
pkg: pkg,
mod: modName,
tool: tool,
if modName != "" {
parentName := path.Dir(modName)
// If the parent name is blank, it means this is the package-level.
if parentName == "." || parentName == "" {
parentName = ":index:"
parent := getMod(pkg, parentName, modules, tool)
parent.children = append(parent.children, mod)
modules[modName] = mod
return mod
func generateModulesFromSchemaPackage(tool string, pkg *schema.Package) map[string]*modContext {
// Group resources, types, and functions into modules.
modules := map[string]*modContext{}
// Decode Go-specific language info.
if err := decodeLangSpecificInfo(pkg, "go", &goPkgInfo); err != nil {
panic(errors.Wrap(err, "error decoding go language info"))
goLangHelper := getLanguageDocHelper("go").(*go_gen.DocLanguageHelper)
// Generate the Go package map info now, so we can use that to get the type string
// names later.
goLangHelper.GeneratePackagesMap(pkg, tool, goPkgInfo)
// Decode C#-specific language info.
if err := decodeLangSpecificInfo(pkg, "csharp", &csharpPkgInfo); err != nil {
panic(errors.Wrap(err, "error decoding c# language info"))
csharpLangHelper := getLanguageDocHelper("csharp").(*dotnet.DocLanguageHelper)
csharpLangHelper.Namespaces = csharpPkgInfo.Namespaces
pyLangHelper := getLanguageDocHelper("python").(*python.DocLanguageHelper)
scanResource := func(r *schema.Resource) {
mod := getMod(pkg, r.Token, modules, tool)
mod.resources = append(mod.resources, r)
for _, p := range r.Properties {
pyLangHelper.GenPropertyCaseMap(mod.pkg, mod.mod, tool, p, snakeCaseToCamelCase, camelCaseToSnakeCase)
for _, p := range r.InputProperties {
pyLangHelper.GenPropertyCaseMap(mod.pkg, mod.mod, tool, p, snakeCaseToCamelCase, camelCaseToSnakeCase)
scanK8SResource := func(r *schema.Resource) {
mod := getK8SMod(pkg, r.Token, modules, tool)
mod.resources = append(mod.resources, r)
// For k8s, all nested properties will use a snake_case,
// so we'll just add them all to the respective property
// case maps.
for _, p := range r.Properties {
n := p.Name
snakeCase := python.PyName(n)
snakeCaseToCamelCase[snakeCase] = n
camelCaseToSnakeCase[n] = snakeCase
for _, p := range r.InputProperties {
n := p.Name
snakeCase := python.PyName(n)
snakeCaseToCamelCase[snakeCase] = n
camelCaseToSnakeCase[n] = snakeCase
glog.V(3).Infoln("scanning resources")
if isKubernetesPackage(pkg) {
for _, r := range pkg.Resources {
} else {
for _, r := range pkg.Resources {
glog.V(3).Infoln("done scanning resources")
for _, f := range pkg.Functions {
mod := getMod(pkg, f.Token, modules, tool)
mod.functions = append(mod.functions, f)
return modules
// GeneratePackage generates the docs package with docs for each resource given the Pulumi
// schema.
func GeneratePackage(tool string, pkg *schema.Package) (map[string][]byte, error) {
templates = template.New("").Funcs(template.FuncMap{
"htmlSafe": func(html string) template.HTML {
// Markdown fragments in the templates need to be rendered as-is,
// so that html/template package doesn't try to inject data into it,
// which will most certainly fail.
// nolint gosec
return template.HTML(html)
"pyName": func(str string) string {
return python.PyName(str)
for name, b := range packagedTemplates {
defer glog.Flush()
// Generate the modules from the schema, and for every module
// run the generator functions to generate markdown files.
modules := generateModulesFromSchemaPackage(tool, pkg)
glog.V(3).Infoln("generating package now...")
files := fs{}
for _, mod := range modules {
if err := mod.gen(files); err != nil {
return nil, err
return files, nil