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168 lines
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// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
// This is the entrypoint for running a Node.js program with minimal scaffolding.
import * as minimist from "minimist";
import * as path from "path";
import * as pulumi from "../../";
import { RunError } from "../../errors";
import * as log from "../../log";
import * as runtime from "../../runtime";
const grpc = require("grpc");
const engrpc = require("../../proto/engine_grpc_pb.js");
const langproto = require("../../proto/languages_pb.js");
const langrpc = require("../../proto/languages_grpc_pb.js");
function usage(): void {
console.error(`usage: RUN <flags> [program] <[arg]...>`);
console.error(` where [flags] may include`);
console.error(` --project=p set the project name to p`);
console.error(` --stack=s set the stack name to s`);
console.error(` --config.k=v... set runtime config key k to value v`);
console.error(` --parallel=p run up to p resource operations in parallel (default is serial)`);
console.error(` --dry-run true to simulate resource changes, but without making them`);
console.error(` --pwd=pwd change the working directory before running the program`);
console.error(` --monitor=addr the RPC address for a resource monitor to connect to`);
console.error(` --engine=addr the RPC address for a resource engine to connect to`);
console.error(` --tracing=url a Zipkin-compatible endpoint to send tracing data to`);
console.error(` and [program] is a JavaScript program to run in Node.js, and [arg]... optional args to it.`);
export function main(args: string[]): void {
// See usage above for the intended usage of this program, including flags and required args.
const config: {[key: string]: string} = {};
const argv: minimist.ParsedArgs = minimist(args, {
boolean: [ "dry-run" ],
string: [ "project", "stack", "parallel", "pwd", "monitor", "engine", "tracing" ],
unknown: (arg: string) => {
if (arg.indexOf("-") === 0) {
console.error(`fatal: Unrecognized flag ${arg}`);
return false;
return true;
stopEarly: true,
// If any config variables are present, parse and set them, so the subsequent accesses are fast.
const envObject: {[key: string]: string} = runtime.getConfigEnv();
for (const key of Object.keys(envObject)) {
runtime.setConfig(key, envObject[key]);
// If there is a --project=p, and/or a --stack=s, use them in the options.
const project: string | undefined = argv["project"];
const stack: string | undefined = argv["stack"];
// If there is a --pwd directive, switch directories.
const pwd: string | undefined = argv["pwd"];
if (pwd) {
// If resource parallelism was requested, turn it on.
let parallel: number | undefined;
if (argv["parallel"]) {
parallel = parseInt(argv["parallel"], 10);
if (isNaN(parallel)) {
console.error(`error: --parallel flag must specify a number: ${argv["parallel"]} is not a number`);
// If ther is a --dry-run directive, flip the switch. This controls whether we are planning vs. really doing it.
const dryRun: boolean = !!(argv["dry-run"]);
// If there is a monitor argument, connect to it.
let monitor: Object | undefined;
const monitorAddr: string | undefined = argv["monitor"];
if (monitorAddr) {
monitor = new langrpc.ResourceMonitorClient(monitorAddr, grpc.credentials.createInsecure());
// If there is an engine argument, connect to it too.
let engine: Object | undefined;
const engineAddr: string | undefined = argv["engine"];
if (engineAddr) {
engine = new engrpc.EngineClient(engineAddr, grpc.credentials.createInsecure());
// Now configure the runtime and get it ready to run the program.
project: project,
stack: stack,
dryRun: dryRun,
parallel: parallel,
monitor: monitor,
engine: engine,
// Pluck out the program and arguments.
if (argv._.length === 0) {
console.error("fatal: Missing program to execute");
let program: string = argv._[0];
if (program.indexOf("/") !== 0) {
// If this isn't an absolute path, make it relative to the working directory.
program = path.join(process.cwd(), program);
// Now fake out the process-wide argv, to make the program think it was run normally.
const programArgs: string[] = argv._.slice(1);
process.argv = [ process.argv[0], process.argv[1], ...programArgs ];
// Set up the process unhandled exception handler and the program exit handler.
let uncaught: Error | undefined;
process.on("uncaughtException", (err: Error) => {
// First, log the error.
if (err instanceof RunError) {
// For errors that are subtypes of RunError, we will print the message without hitting the unhandled error
// logic, which will dump all sorts of verbose spew like the origin source and stack trace.
else {
log.error(`Running program '${program}' failed with an unhandled exception:`);
// Remember that we failed with an error. Don't quit just yet so we have a chance to drain the message loop.
uncaught = err;
process.on("exit", (code: number) => {
// If we don't already have an exit code, and we had an unhandled error, exit with a non-success.
if (code === 0 && uncaught) {
// Construct a `Stack` resource to represent the outputs of the program.
const stackResource = new pulumi.ComponentResource(
// We run the program inside this context so that it adopts all resources.
// IDEA: This will miss any resources created on other turns of the event loop. I think that's a fundamental
// problem with the current Component design though - not sure what else we could do here.
() => {
// Now go ahead and execute the code. The process will remain alive until the message loop empties.
log.debug(`Running program '${program}' in pwd '${process.cwd()}' w/ args: ${programArgs}`);
const outputs = require(program);
return outputs;