
146 lines
6.9 KiB

{{ template "header" .Header }}
{{ htmlSafe .Comment }}
{{- if .DeprecationMessage }}
<p class="resource-deprecated">Deprecated: {{ print "{{% md %}}" -}}{{- .DeprecationMessage -}}{{- print "{{% /md %}}" -}}</p>
{{- end }}
<!-- Create resource -->
## Create a {{ .Header.Title }} Resource
{{ htmlSafe "{{< chooser language \"javascript,typescript,python,go,csharp\" / >}}" }}
{{ htmlSafe "{{% choosable language nodejs %}}" }}
<div class="highlight"><pre class="chroma"><code class="language-typescript" data-lang="typescript"><span class="k">new </span>{{ template "linkify_param" .ConstructorResource.nodejs }}<span class="p">(</span>{{ htmlSafe .ConstructorParams.nodejs }}<span class="p">);</span></code></pre></div>
{{ htmlSafe "{{% /choosable %}}" }}
{{ htmlSafe "{{% choosable language python %}}" }}
<div class="highlight"><pre class="chroma"><code class="language-python" data-lang="python"><span class="k">def </span><span class="nf">{{ .Header.Title }}</span><span class="p">(resource_name, opts=None, </span>{{ htmlSafe .ConstructorParams.python }}<span class="p">, __props__=None);</span></code></pre></div>
{{ htmlSafe "{{% /choosable %}}" }}
{{ htmlSafe "{{% choosable language go %}}" }}
<div class="highlight"><pre class="chroma"><code class="language-go" data-lang="go"><span class="k">func </span>New{{ .Header.Title }}<span class="p">(</span>{{ htmlSafe .ConstructorParams.go }}<span class="p">) (*{{ template "linkify_param" .ConstructorResource.go }}, error)</span></code></pre></div>
{{ htmlSafe "{{% /choosable %}}" }}
{{ htmlSafe "{{% choosable language csharp %}}" }}
<div class="highlight"><pre class="chroma"><code class="language-csharp" data-lang="csharp"><span class="k">public </span>{{ template "linkify_param" .ConstructorResource.csharp }}<span class="p">(</span>{{ htmlSafe .ConstructorParams.csharp }}<span class="p">)</span></code></pre></div>
{{ htmlSafe "{{% /choosable %}}" }}
{{ htmlSafe "{{% choosable language nodejs %}}" }}
{{ template "constructor_args" }}
{{ htmlSafe "{{% /choosable %}}" }}
{{ htmlSafe "{{% choosable language python %}}" }}
<dl class="resources-properties">
<dt class="property-required" title="Required">
<span class="property-indicator"></span>
<dd>The unique name of the resource.</dd>
<dt class="property-optional" title="Optional">
<span class="property-indicator"></span>
<dd>A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.</dd>
{{ htmlSafe "{{% /choosable %}}" }}
{{ htmlSafe "{{% choosable language go %}}" }}
{{ template "constructor_args" }}
{{ htmlSafe "{{% /choosable %}}" }}
{{ htmlSafe "{{% choosable language csharp %}}" }}
{{ template "constructor_args" }}
{{ htmlSafe "{{% /choosable %}}" }}
#### Resource Arguments
{{ template "properties" .InputProperties }}
<!-- Output properties -->
{{ if ne (len .OutputProperties) 0 }}
## {{.Header.Title}} Output Properties
The following output properties are available:
{{ template "properties" .OutputProperties }}
{{ end }}
<!-- Read resource -->
{{ if ne (len .StateInputs) 0 }}
## Look up an Existing {{.Header.Title}} Resource
Get an existing {{.Header.Title}} resource's state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.
{{ htmlSafe "{{< chooser language \"javascript,typescript,python,go,csharp \" / >}}" }}
{{ htmlSafe "{{% choosable language nodejs %}}" }}
<div class="highlight"><pre class="chroma"><code class="language-typescript" data-lang="typescript"><span class="k">public static </span><span class="nf">get</span><span class="p">(</span>{{ htmlSafe .LookupParams.nodejs }}<span class="p">): </span>{{ template "linkify_param" .ConstructorResource.nodejs }}</code></pre></div>
{{ htmlSafe "{{% /choosable %}}" }}
{{ htmlSafe "{{% choosable language python %}}" }}
<div class="highlight"><pre class="chroma"><code class="language-python" data-lang="python"><span class="k">static </span><span class="nf">get</span><span class="p">(resource_name, id, opts=None, </span>{{ htmlSafe .LookupParams.python }}<span class="p">, __props__=None);</span></code></pre></div>
{{ htmlSafe "{{% /choosable %}}" }}
{{ htmlSafe "{{% choosable language go %}}" }}
<div class="highlight"><pre class="chroma"><code class="language-go" data-lang="go"><span class="k">func </span>Get{{ .Header.Title }}<span class="p">(</span>{{ htmlSafe .LookupParams.go }}<span class="p">) (*{{ template "linkify_param" .ConstructorResource.go }}, error)</span></code></pre></div>
{{ htmlSafe "{{% /choosable %}}" }}
{{ htmlSafe "{{% choosable language csharp %}}" }}
<div class="highlight"><pre class="chroma"><code class="language-csharp" data-lang="csharp"><span class="k">public static </span>{{ template "linkify_param" .ConstructorResource.csharp }}<span class="nf"> Get</span><span class="p">(</span>{{ htmlSafe .LookupParams.csharp }}<span class="p">)</span></code></pre></div>
{{ htmlSafe "{{% /choosable %}}" }}
{{ htmlSafe "{{% choosable language nodejs %}}" }}
{{ template "read_inputs" }}
{{ htmlSafe "{{% /choosable %}}" }}
{{ htmlSafe "{{% choosable language python %}}" }}
<dl class="resources-properties">
<dt class="property-required" title="Required">
<span class="property-indicator"></span>
<dd>The unique name of the resulting resource.</dd>
<dt class="property-required" title="Optional">
<span class="property-indicator"></span>
<dd>The <em>unique</em> provider ID of the resource to lookup.</dd>
{{ htmlSafe "{{% /choosable %}}" }}
{{ htmlSafe "{{% choosable language go %}}" }}
{{ template "read_inputs" }}
{{ htmlSafe "{{% /choosable %}}" }}
{{ htmlSafe "{{% choosable language csharp %}}" }}
{{ template "read_inputs" }}
{{ htmlSafe "{{% /choosable %}}" }}
The following state arguments are supported:
{{ template "properties" .StateInputs }}
{{ end }}
<!-- Supporting types -->
{{ if ne (len .NestedTypes) 0 }}
## Supporting Types
{{ range .NestedTypes }}
<h4>{{ htmlSafe .Name }}</h4>
{{ htmlSafe "{{% choosable language nodejs %}}" }}
> See the {{ if ne .APIDocLinks.nodejs.InputType "" }}<a href="{{ .APIDocLinks.nodejs.InputType }}">input</a>{{ end }} {{ if and (ne .APIDocLinks.nodejs.InputType "") (ne .APIDocLinks.nodejs.OutputType "") }}and{{ end }} {{ if ne .APIDocLinks.nodejs.OutputType "" }}<a href="{{ .APIDocLinks.nodejs.OutputType }}">output</a>{{ end }} API doc for this type.
{{ htmlSafe "{{% /choosable %}}" }}
{{ htmlSafe "{{% choosable language go %}}" }}
> See the {{ if ne .APIDocLinks.go.InputType "" }}<a href="{{ .APIDocLinks.go.InputType }}">input</a>{{ end }} {{ if and (ne .APIDocLinks.go.InputType "") (ne .APIDocLinks.go.OutputType "") }}and{{ end }} {{ if ne .APIDocLinks.go.OutputType "" }}<a href="{{ .APIDocLinks.go.OutputType }}">output</a>{{ end }} API doc for this type.
{{ htmlSafe "{{% /choosable %}}" }}
{{ template "properties" .Properties }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ template "package_details" .PackageDetails }}