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# Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Utility functions and classes for testing the Python language host.
import asyncio
import logging
import subprocess
import unittest
from collections import namedtuple
from concurrent import futures
from inspect import signature
from os import getenv, path
import grpc
from google.protobuf import empty_pb2, struct_pb2
from pulumi.runtime import proto, rpc
from pulumi.runtime.proto import (engine_pb2, engine_pb2_grpc,
language_pb2_grpc, provider_pb2,
# gRPC by default logs exceptions to the root `logging` logger. We don't
# want this because it spews garbage to stderr and messes up our beautiful
# test output. Just turn it off.
# _MAX_RPC_MESSAGE_SIZE raises the gRPC Max Message size from `4194304` (4mb) to `419430400` (400mb)
_MAX_RPC_MESSAGE_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 400
_GRPC_CHANNEL_OPTIONS = [('grpc.max_receive_message_length', _MAX_RPC_MESSAGE_SIZE)]
class LanghostMockResourceMonitor(proto.ResourceMonitorServicer):
Implementation of proto.ResourceMonitorServicer for use in tests. Tests themselves
should not have to interact with this class.
This class encapsulates all gRPC details so that test authors only have to override
the `invoke`, `read_resource`, `register_resource`, and `register_resource_outputs`
functions on `LanghostTest` in order to get custom behavior.
def __init__(self, langhost_test, dryrun):
self.reg_count = 0
self.registrations = {}
self.dryrun = dryrun
self.langhost_test = langhost_test
def Invoke(self, request, context):
args = rpc.deserialize_properties(request.args)
failures, ret = self.langhost_test.invoke(context, request.tok, args, request.provider, request.version)
failures_rpc = list(map(
lambda fail: provider_pb2.CheckFailure(property=fail["property"], reason=fail["reason"]), failures))
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
ret_proto = loop.run_until_complete(rpc.serialize_properties(ret, {}))
fields = {"failures": failures_rpc, "return": ret_proto}
return proto.InvokeResponse(**fields)
def ReadResource(self, request, context):
type_ = request.type
name = request.name
id_ = request.id
parent = request.parent
state = rpc.deserialize_properties(request.properties)
dependencies = sorted(list(request.dependencies))
provider = request.provider
version = request.version
outs = self.langhost_test.read_resource(context, type_, name, id_,
parent, state, dependencies, provider, version)
if "properties" in outs:
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
props_proto = loop.run_until_complete(rpc.serialize_properties(outs["properties"], {}))
props_proto = None
return proto.ReadResourceResponse(
urn=outs.get("urn"), properties=props_proto)
def RegisterResource(self, request, context):
type_ = request.type
name = request.name
props = rpc.deserialize_properties(request.object)
deps = sorted(list(request.dependencies))
parent = request.parent
custom = request.custom
protect = request.protect
provider = request.provider
delete_before_replace = request.deleteBeforeReplace
ignore_changes = sorted(list(request.ignoreChanges))
version = request.version
import_ = request.importId
replace_on_changes = sorted(list(request.replaceOnChanges))
providers = request.providers
source_position = request.sourcePosition
property_dependencies = {}
for key, value in request.propertyDependencies.items():
property_dependencies[key] = sorted(list(value.urns))
if type_ != "pulumi:pulumi:Stack":
outs = self.langhost_test.register_resource(
context, self.dryrun, type_, name, props, deps, parent, custom, protect, provider,
property_dependencies, delete_before_replace, ignore_changes, version, import_, replace_on_changes,
providers, source_position,
if outs.get("urn"):
urn = outs["urn"]
self.registrations[urn] = {
"type": type_,
"name": name,
"props": props
self.reg_count += 1
# Record the Stack's registration so that it can be the target of register_resource_outputs
# later on.
urn = self.langhost_test.make_urn(type_, "teststack")
self.registrations[urn] = {
"type": type_,
"name": "somestack",
"props": {}
return proto.RegisterResourceResponse(urn=urn, id="teststack", object=None)
if "object" in outs:
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
obj_proto = loop.run_until_complete(rpc.serialize_properties(outs["object"], {}))
obj_proto = None
output_property_dependencies = None
if "propertyDependencies" in outs:
output_property_dependencies = {}
for key, urns in outs["propertyDependencies"].items():
output_property_dependencies[key] = proto.RegisterResourceResponse.PropertyDependencies(urns=urns)
return proto.RegisterResourceResponse(
urn=outs.get("urn"), id=outs.get("id"), object=obj_proto, propertyDependencies=output_property_dependencies)
def RegisterResourceOutputs(self, request, context):
urn = request.urn
outs = rpc.deserialize_properties(request.outputs)
res = self.registrations.get(urn)
if res:
context, self.dryrun, urn, res["type"], res["name"], res["props"], outs)
return empty_pb2.Empty()
class MockEngine(proto.EngineServicer):
def __init__(self):
self.messages = []
Implementation of the proto.EngineServicer protocol for use in tests. Like the
above class, we encapsulate all gRPC details here so that test writers only have
to override methods on LanghostTest.
def Log(self, request, context):
if request.severity == engine_pb2.ERROR:
print(f"error: {request.message}")
return empty_pb2.Empty()
ResourceMonitorEndpoint = namedtuple('ResourceMonitorEndpoint',
['engine', 'monitor', 'server', 'port'])
LanguageHostEndpoint = namedtuple('LanguageHostEndpoint', ['process', 'port'])
class LanghostTest(unittest.TestCase):
Base class of all end-to-end tests of the Python language host.
The `run_test` method on this class executes a test by mocking the
Pulumi Engine gRPC endpoint and running the language host exactly the same
way that the Pulumi CLI will. Once the program completes and the language host
exits, `run_test` will assert the expected errors and/or resource registration
counts specified by the individual test.
Check out README.md in this directory for more details.
def run_test(self,
Runs a language host test. The basic flow of a language host test is that
a test is launched using the real language host while mocking out the resource
monitor RPC interface and, once the program completes, assertions are made about
the sorts of resource monitor calls that were made.
:param project: The name of the project in which the program will run.
:param stack: The name of the stack in which the program will run.
:param program: The path to the program the langhost should execute.
:param args: Arguments to the program.
:param config: Configuration keys for the program.
:param expected_resource_count: The number of resources this program is expected to create.
:param expected_error: If present, the expected error that should arise when running this program.
:param expected_stderr_contains: If present, the standard error of the process should contain this string
# For each test case, we'll do a preview followed by an update.
for dryrun in [True, False]:
# For these tests, we are the resource monitor. The `invoke`, `read_resource`,
# `register_resource`, and `register_resource_outputs` methods on this class
# will be used to implement the resource monitor gRPC interface. The tests
# that we spawn will connect to us directly.
monitor = self._create_mock_resource_monitor(dryrun)
# Now we'll launch the language host, which will in turn launch code that drives
# the test.
langhost = self._create_language_host(monitor.port)
# Run the program with the langhost we just launched.
with grpc.insecure_channel("localhost:%d" % langhost.port, options=_GRPC_CHANNEL_OPTIONS) as channel:
stub = language_pb2_grpc.LanguageRuntimeStub(channel)
result = self._run_program(stub, monitor, project, stack,
program, args, config, dryrun, organization)
# Tear down the language host process we just spun up.
stdout, stderr = langhost.process.communicate()
if not expected_stderr_contains and (stdout or stderr):
print("PREVIEW:" if dryrun else "UPDATE:")
print("stdout:", stdout)
print("stderr:", stderr)
# If we expected an error, assert that we saw it. Otherwise assert
# that there wasn't an error.
expected = expected_error or ""
self.assertEqual(result.error, expected)
expected_bail = expected_bail or False
self.assertEqual(result.bail, expected_bail)
if expected_log_message:
for message in monitor.engine.messages:
if expected_log_message in message:
print("log messages:", monitor.engine.messages)
self.fail("expected log message '" + expected_log_message + "'")
if expected_stderr_contains:
if expected_stderr_contains not in str(stderr):
print("stderr:", str(stderr))
self.fail("expected stderr to contain '" + expected_stderr_contains + "'")
if expected_resource_count is not None:
def invoke(self, _ctx, token, args, provider, _version):
Method corresponding to the `Invoke` resource monitor RPC call.
Override for custom behavior or assertions.
Returns a tuple of a list of errors that returned and the returned
object, if the call was successful.
return ([], {})
def read_resource(self, ctx, ty, name, _id, parent, state, dependencies, provider, version):
Method corresponding to the `ReadResource` resource monitor RPC call.
Override for custom behavior or assertions.
Returns a resource that was read from existing state.
return {}
def register_resource(self, _ctx, _dry_run, ty, name, _resource, _dependencies, _parent, _custom, protect,
_provider, _property_deps, _delete_before_replace, _ignore_changes, _version, _import,
_replace_on_changes, _providers, source_position):
Method corresponding to the `RegisterResource` resource monitor RPC call.
Override for custom behavior or assertions.
Returns a resource that was just created.
return {}
def register_resource_outputs(self, _ctx, _dry_run, _urn, _type, _name,
_resource, _outputs):
Method corresponding to the `RegisterResourceOutputs` resource monitor RPC call.
Override for custom behavior or assertirons.
Returns None.
def make_urn(self, type_, name):
Makes an URN from a given resource type and name.
return "%s::%s" % (type_, name)
def base_path(self):
Returns the base path for language host tests.
return path.dirname(__file__)
def _create_mock_resource_monitor(self, dryrun):
monitor = LanghostMockResourceMonitor(self, dryrun)
engine = MockEngine()
server = grpc.server(futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4), options=_GRPC_CHANNEL_OPTIONS)
resource_pb2_grpc.add_ResourceMonitorServicer_to_server(monitor, server)
engine_pb2_grpc.add_EngineServicer_to_server(engine, server)
port = server.add_insecure_port(address="")
return ResourceMonitorEndpoint(engine, monitor, server, port)
def _create_language_host(self, port):
exec_path = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "..", "executor")
proc = subprocess.Popen(
[getenv("LANGUAGE_HOST", "pulumi-language-python") , "--use-executor", exec_path, "localhost:%d" % port],
# The first line of output is the port that the language host gRPC server is listening on.
first_line = proc.stdout.readline()
return LanguageHostEndpoint(proc, int(first_line))
except ValueError:
stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
print("language host did not respond with port")
print("stdout: ")
print("stderr: ")
def _run_program(self, stub, monitor, project, stack, program, args,
config, dryrun, organization):
args = {}
# Assume program is the path to the project, i.e. root, program directory, and pwd.
args["info"] = proto.ProgramInfo(root_directory=program, program_directory=program, entry_point=".")
args["monitor_address"] = "localhost:%d" % monitor.port
args["project"] = project or "project"
args["stack"] = stack or "stack"
args["program"] = "."
args["organization"] = organization
args["pwd"] = program
if args:
args["args"] = args
if config:
args["config"] = config
args["dryRun"] = dryrun
request = proto.RunRequest(**args)
resp = stub.Run(request)
return resp