
380 lines
16 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2021, Pulumi Corporation
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Pulumi.Serialization;
namespace Pulumi
/// <summary>
/// Useful static utility methods for both creating and working with <see cref="Output{T}"/>s.
/// </summary>
public static partial class Output
public static Output<T> Create<T>(T value)
=> Create(Task.FromResult(value));
public static Output<T> Create<T>(Task<T> value)
=> Output<T>.Create(value);
public static Output<T> CreateSecret<T>(T value)
=> CreateSecret(Task.FromResult(value));
public static Output<T> CreateSecret<T>(Task<T> value)
=> Output<T>.CreateSecret(value);
public static Output<T> CreateSecret<T>(Output<T> value)
=> Output<T>.CreateSecret(value);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a new <see cref="Output{T}"/> which is a copy of the existing output but marked as
/// a non-secret. The original output is not modified in any way.
/// </summary>
public static Output<T> Unsecret<T>(Output<T> output)
=> output.WithIsSecret(Task.FromResult(false));
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the secretness status of the given output.
/// </summary>
public static async Task<bool> IsSecretAsync<T>(Output<T> output)
var dataTask = await output.DataTask.ConfigureAwait(false);
return dataTask.IsSecret;
/// <summary>
/// Combines all the <see cref="Input{T}"/> values in <paramref name="inputs"/>
/// into a single <see cref="Output{T}"/> with an <see cref="ImmutableArray{T}"/>
/// containing all their underlying values. If any of the <see cref="Input{T}"/>s are not
/// known, the final result will be not known. Similarly, if any of the <see
/// cref="Input{T}"/>s are secrets, then the final result will be a secret.
/// </summary>
public static Output<ImmutableArray<T>> All<T>(params Input<T>[] inputs)
=> Output<T>.All(ImmutableArray.CreateRange(inputs));
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="All{T}(Input{T}[])"/> for more details.
/// </summary>
public static Output<ImmutableArray<T>> All<T>(IEnumerable<Input<T>> inputs)
=> Output<T>.All(ImmutableArray.CreateRange(inputs));
/// <summary>
/// Combines all the <see cref="Output{T}"/> values in <paramref name="outputs"/>
/// into a single <see cref="Output{T}"/> with an <see cref="ImmutableArray{T}"/>
/// containing all their underlying values. If any of the <see cref="Output{T}"/>s are not
/// known, the final result will be not known. Similarly, if any of the <see
/// cref="Output{T}"/>s are secrets, then the final result will be a secret.
/// </summary>
public static Output<ImmutableArray<T>> All<T>(params Output<T>[] outputs)
=> All(outputs.AsEnumerable());
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="All{T}(Output{T}[])"/> for more details.
/// </summary>
public static Output<ImmutableArray<T>> All<T>(IEnumerable<Output<T>> outputs)
=> Output<T>.All(ImmutableArray.CreateRange(outputs.Select(o => (Input<T>)o)));
/// <summary>
/// Takes in a <see cref="FormattableString"/> with potential <see cref="Input{T}"/>s or
/// <see cref="Output{T}"/> in the 'placeholder holes'. Conceptually, this method unwraps
/// all the underlying values in the holes, combines them appropriately with the <see
/// cref="FormattableString.Format"/> string, and produces an <see cref="Output{T}"/>
/// containing the final result.
/// <para/>
/// If any of the <see cref="Input{T}"/>s or <see cref="Output{T}"/>s are not known, the
/// final result will be not known. Similarly, if any of the <see cref="Input{T}"/>s or
/// <see cref="Output{T}"/>s are secrets, then the final result will be a secret.
/// </summary>
public static Output<string> Format(FormattableString formattableString)
var arguments = formattableString.GetArguments();
var inputs = new Input<object?>[arguments.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i++)
var arg = arguments[i];
inputs[i] = arg.ToObjectOutput();
return All(inputs).Apply(objs =>
string.Format(formattableString.Format, objs.ToArray()));
internal static Output<ImmutableArray<T>> Concat<T>(Output<ImmutableArray<T>> values1, Output<ImmutableArray<T>> values2)
=> Tuple(values1, values2).Apply(tuple => tuple.Item1.AddRange(tuple.Item2));
/// <summary>
/// Internal interface to allow our code to operate on outputs in an untyped manner. Necessary
/// as there is no reasonable way to write algorithms over heterogeneous instantiations of
/// generic types.
/// </summary>
internal interface IOutput
Task<ImmutableHashSet<Resource>> GetResourcesAsync();
/// <summary>
/// Returns an <see cref="Output{T}"/> equivalent to this, except with our
/// <see cref="OutputData{X}.Value"/> casted to an object.
/// </summary>
Task<OutputData<object?>> GetDataAsync();
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="Output{T}"/>s are a key part of how Pulumi tracks dependencies between <see
/// cref="Resource"/>s. Because the values of outputs are not available until resources are
/// created, these are represented using the special <see cref="Output{T}"/>s type, which
/// internally represents two things: an eventually available value of the output and
/// the dependency on the source(s) of the output value.
/// In fact, <see cref="Output{T}"/>s is quite similar to <see cref="Task{TResult}"/>.
/// Additionally, they carry along dependency information.
/// <para/>
/// The output properties of all resource objects in Pulumi have type <see cref="Output{T}"/>.
/// </summary>
public sealed class Output<T> : IOutput
internal Task<OutputData<T>> DataTask { get; private set; }
internal Output(Task<OutputData<T>> dataTask) {
this.DataTask = dataTask;
if (Deployment.TryGetInternalInstance(out var instance))
instance.Runner.RegisterTask(TypeNameHelper.GetTypeDisplayName(GetType(), false), dataTask);
internal async Task<T> GetValueAsync(T whenUnknown)
var data = await DataTask.ConfigureAwait(false);
return data.IsKnown ? data.Value : whenUnknown;
async Task<ImmutableHashSet<Resource>> IOutput.GetResourcesAsync()
var data = await DataTask.ConfigureAwait(false);
return data.Resources;
async Task<OutputData<object?>> IOutput.GetDataAsync()
=> await DataTask.ConfigureAwait(false);
public static Output<T> Create(Task<T> value)
=> Create(value, isSecret: false);
internal static Output<T> CreateSecret(Task<T> value)
=> Create(value, isSecret: true);
internal static Output<T> CreateSecret(Output<T> value) {
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
async Task<OutputData<T>> GetData()
var data = await value.DataTask.ConfigureAwait(false);
return new OutputData<T>(data.Resources, data.Value, data.IsKnown, true);
return new Output<T>(GetData());
internal Output<T> WithIsSecret(Task<bool> isSecret)
async Task<OutputData<T>> GetData()
var data = await this.DataTask.ConfigureAwait(false);
return new OutputData<T>(data.Resources, data.Value, data.IsKnown, await isSecret.ConfigureAwait(false));
return new Output<T>(GetData());
private static Output<T> Create(Task<T> value, bool isSecret)
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
async Task<OutputData<T>> GetData()
return new OutputData<T>(ImmutableHashSet<Resource>.Empty, await value.ConfigureAwait(false), isKnown: true, isSecret);
return new Output<T>(GetData());
internal static Output<T> CreateUnknown(T value)
=> Unknown(value);
internal static Output<T> CreateUnknown(Func<Task<T>> valueFactory)
=> Unknown(default!).Apply(_ => valueFactory());
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="Output{T}.Apply{U}(Func{T, Output{U}})"/> for more details.
/// </summary>
public Output<U> Apply<U>(Func<T, U> func)
=> Apply(t => Output.Create(func(t)));
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="Output{T}.Apply{U}(Func{T, Output{U}})"/> for more details.
/// </summary>
public Output<U> Apply<U>(Func<T, Task<U>> func)
=> Apply(t => Output.Create(func(t)));
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="Output{T}.Apply{U}(Func{T, Output{U}})"/> for more details.
/// </summary>
public Output<U> Apply<U>(Func<T, Input<U>?> func)
=> Apply(t => func(t).ToOutput());
/// <summary>
/// Transforms the data of this <see cref="Output{T}"/> with the provided <paramref
/// name="func"/>. The result remains an <see cref="Output{T}"/> so that dependent resources
/// can be properly tracked.
/// <para/>
/// <paramref name="func"/> is not allowed to make resources.
/// <para/>
/// <paramref name="func"/> can return other <see cref="Output{T}"/>s. This can be handy if
/// you have an <c>Output&lt;SomeType&gt;</c> and you want to get a transitive dependency of
/// it. i.e.:
/// <code>
/// Output&lt;SomeType&gt; d1 = ...;
/// Output&lt;OtherType&gt; d2 = d1.Apply(v => v.OtherOutput); // getting an output off of 'v'.
/// </code>
/// In this example, taking a dependency on d2 means a resource will depend on all the resources
/// of d1. It will <b>not</b> depend on the resources of v.x.y.OtherDep.
/// <para/>
/// Importantly, the Resources that d2 feels like it will depend on are the same resources
/// as d1. If you need have multiple <see cref="Output{T}"/>s and a single <see
/// cref="Output{T}"/> is needed that combines both set of resources, then <see
/// cref="Output.All{T}(Input{T}[])"/> or <see cref="Output.Tuple{X, Y, Z}(Input{X}, Input{Y}, Input{Z})"/>
/// should be used instead.
/// <para/>
/// This function will only be called execution of a <c>pulumi up</c> request. It will not
/// run during <c>pulumi preview</c> (as the values of resources are of course not known
/// then).
/// </summary>
public Output<U> Apply<U>(Func<T, Output<U>?> func)
=> new Output<U>(ApplyHelperAsync(DataTask, func));
private static async Task<OutputData<U>> ApplyHelperAsync<U>(
Task<OutputData<T>> dataTask, Func<T, Output<U>?> func)
var data = await dataTask.ConfigureAwait(false);
var resources = data.Resources;
// During previews only perform the apply if the engine was able to
// give us an actual value for this Output.
if (!data.IsKnown && Deployment.Instance.IsDryRun)
return new OutputData<U>(resources, default!, isKnown: false, data.IsSecret);
var inner = func(data.Value);
if (inner == null)
return OutputData.Create(resources, default(U)!, data.IsKnown, data.IsSecret);
var innerData = await inner.DataTask.ConfigureAwait(false);
return OutputData.Create(
data.Resources.Union(innerData.Resources), innerData.Value,
data.IsKnown && innerData.IsKnown, data.IsSecret || innerData.IsSecret);
internal static Output<ImmutableArray<T>> All(ImmutableArray<Input<T>> inputs)
=> new Output<ImmutableArray<T>>(AllHelperAsync(inputs));
private static async Task<OutputData<ImmutableArray<T>>> AllHelperAsync(ImmutableArray<Input<T>> inputs)
var resources = ImmutableHashSet.CreateBuilder<Resource>();
var values = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder<T>(inputs.Length);
var isKnown = true;
var isSecret = false;
foreach (var input in inputs)
var output = (Output<T>)input;
var data = await output.DataTask.ConfigureAwait(false);
(isKnown, isSecret) = OutputData.Combine(data, isKnown, isSecret);
return OutputData.Create(resources.ToImmutable(), values.MoveToImmutable(), isKnown, isSecret);
internal static Output<(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8)> Tuple<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8>(
Input<T1> item1, Input<T2> item2, Input<T3> item3, Input<T4> item4,
Input<T5> item5, Input<T6> item6, Input<T7> item7, Input<T8> item8)
=> new Output<(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8)>(
TupleHelperAsync(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7, item8));
private static async Task<OutputData<(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8)>> TupleHelperAsync<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8>(
Input<T1> item1, Input<T2> item2, Input<T3> item3, Input<T4> item4,
Input<T5> item5, Input<T6> item6, Input<T7> item7, Input<T8> item8)
var resources = ImmutableHashSet.CreateBuilder<Resource>();
(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8) tuple = default;
var isKnown = true;
var isSecret = false;
#pragma warning disable 8601
Update(await GetData(item1).ConfigureAwait(false), ref tuple.Item1);
Update(await GetData(item2).ConfigureAwait(false), ref tuple.Item2);
Update(await GetData(item3).ConfigureAwait(false), ref tuple.Item3);
Update(await GetData(item4).ConfigureAwait(false), ref tuple.Item4);
Update(await GetData(item5).ConfigureAwait(false), ref tuple.Item5);
Update(await GetData(item6).ConfigureAwait(false), ref tuple.Item6);
Update(await GetData(item7).ConfigureAwait(false), ref tuple.Item7);
Update(await GetData(item8).ConfigureAwait(false), ref tuple.Item8);
#pragma warning restore 8601
return OutputData.Create(resources.ToImmutable(), tuple, isKnown, isSecret);
static async Task<OutputData<X>> GetData<X>(Input<X> input)
var output = (Output<X>)input;
return await output.DataTask.ConfigureAwait(false);
void Update<X>(OutputData<X> data, ref X location)
location = data.Value;
(isKnown, isSecret) = OutputData.Combine(data, isKnown, isSecret);
internal static Output<T> Unknown(T value) => new Output<T>(UnknownHelperAsync(value));
private static Task<OutputData<T>> UnknownHelperAsync(T value)
=> Task.FromResult(new OutputData<T>(ImmutableHashSet<Resource>.Empty, value, isKnown: false, isSecret: false));
public override string ToString()
var message = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, new string[] {
"Calling [ToString] on an [Output<T>] is not supported.",
"To get the value of an Output<T> as an Output<string> consider:",
"1. o.Apply(v => $\"prefix{v}suffix\")",
"2. Output.Format($\"prefix{hostname}suffix\");",
"See https://pulumi.io/help/outputs for more details.",
"This function may throw in a future version of Pulumi.",
return message;