
407 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2019, Pulumi Corporation
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using Pulumi.Serialization;
namespace Pulumi
/// <summary>
/// Resource represents a class whose CRUD operations are implemented by a provider plugin.
/// </summary>
public class Resource
private readonly string _type;
private readonly string _name;
/// <summary>
/// The child resources of this resource. We use these (only from a ComponentResource) to
/// allow code to dependOn a ComponentResource and have that effectively mean that it is
/// depending on all the CustomResource children of that component.
/// Important! We only walk through ComponentResources.They're the only resources that
/// serve as an aggregation of other primitive(i.e.custom) resources.While a custom resource
/// can be a parent of other resources, we don't want to ever depend on those child
/// resource. If we do, it's simple to end up in a situation where we end up depending on a
/// child resource that has a data cycle dependency due to the data passed into it. An
/// example of how this would be bad is:
/// <c>
/// var c1 = new CustomResource("c1");
/// var c2 = new CustomResource("c2", { parentId = c1.id }, { parent = c1 });
/// var c3 = new CustomResource("c3", { parentId = c1.id }, { parent = c1 });
/// </c>
/// The problem here is that 'c2' has a data dependency on 'c1'. If it tries to wait on
/// 'c1' it will walk to the children and wait on them.This will mean it will wait on 'c3'.
/// But 'c3' will be waiting in the same manner on 'c2', and a cycle forms. This normally
/// does not happen with ComponentResources as they do not have any data flowing into
/// them.The only way you would be able to have a problem is if you had this sort of coding
/// pattern:
/// <c>
/// var c1 = new ComponentResource("c1");
/// var c2 = new CustomResource("c2", { parentId = c1.urn }, { parent: c1 });
/// var c3 = new CustomResource("c3", { parentId = c1.urn }, { parent: c1 });
/// </c>
/// However, this would be pretty nonsensical as there is zero need for a custom resource to
/// ever need to reference the urn of a component resource. So it's acceptable if that sort
/// of pattern failed in practice.
/// </summary>
internal HashSet<Resource> ChildResources { get; } = new HashSet<Resource>();
/// <summary>
/// Urn is the stable logical URN used to distinctly address a resource, both before and
/// after deployments.
/// </summary>
// Set using reflection, so we silence the NRT warnings with `null!`.
public Output<string> Urn { get; private protected set; } = null!;
/// <summary>
/// When set to true, protect ensures this resource cannot be deleted.
/// </summary>
private readonly bool _protect;
/// <summary>
/// A collection of transformations to apply as part of resource registration.
/// </summary>
private readonly ImmutableArray<ResourceTransformation> _transformations;
/// <summary>
/// A list of aliases applied to this resource.
/// </summary>
internal readonly ImmutableArray<Input<string>> _aliases;
/// <summary>
/// The type assigned to the resource at construction.
/// </summary>
// This is a method and not a property to not collide with potential subclass property names.
public string GetResourceType() => _type;
/// <summary>
/// The name assigned to the resource at construction.
/// </summary>
// This is a method and not a property to not collide with potential subclass property names.
public string GetResourceName() => _name;
/// <summary>
/// The set of providers to use for child resources. Keyed by package name (e.g. "aws").
/// </summary>
private readonly ImmutableDictionary<string, ProviderResource> _providers;
/// <summary>
/// The specified provider or provider determined from the parent for custom resources.
/// </summary>
internal readonly ProviderResource? _provider;
/// <summary>
/// The specified provider version.
/// </summary>
internal readonly string? _version;
/// <summary>
/// The specified provider download URL.
/// </summary>
internal readonly string? _pluginDownloadURL;
internal readonly ImmutableDictionary<string,IOutputCompletionSource> CompletionSources;
/// <summary>
/// Creates and registers a new resource object. <paramref name="type"/> is the fully
/// qualified type token and <paramref name="name"/> is the "name" part to use in creating a
/// stable and globally unique URN for the object. dependsOn is an optional list of other
/// resources that this resource depends on, controlling the order in which we perform
/// resource operations.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type">The type of the resource.</param>
/// <param name="name">The unique name of the resource.</param>
/// <param name="custom">True to indicate that this is a custom resource, managed by a plugin.</param>
/// <param name="args">The arguments to use to populate the new resource.</param>
/// <param name="options">A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.</param>
/// <param name="remote">True if this is a remote component resource.</param>
/// <param name="dependency">True if this is a synthetic resource used internally for dependency tracking.</param>
private protected Resource(
string type, string name, bool custom,
ResourceArgs args, ResourceOptions options,
bool remote = false, bool dependency = false)
if (dependency)
_type = "";
_name = "";
_protect = false;
_providers = ImmutableDictionary<string, ProviderResource>.Empty;
CompletionSources = ImmutableDictionary<string, IOutputCompletionSource>.Empty;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(type))
throw new ArgumentException("'type' cannot be null or empty.", nameof(type));
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
throw new ArgumentException("'name' cannot be null or empty.", nameof(name));
// Initialize all Output properties crucially including
// `Urn` to non-nil Output values, record
// `CompletionSources`. This needs to happen before
// partially initialized `this` is exposed to other
// threads via `parentResource.ChildResources`.
CompletionSources = OutputCompletionSource.InitializeOutputs(this);
// Before anything else - if there are transformations registered, invoke them in order
// to transform the properties and options assigned to this resource.
var parent = type == Stack._rootPulumiStackTypeName
? null
: (options.Parent ?? Deployment.InternalInstance.Stack);
_type = type;
_name = name;
var transformations = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder<ResourceTransformation>();
if (parent != null)
this._transformations = transformations.ToImmutable();
foreach (var transformation in this._transformations)
var tres = transformation(new ResourceTransformationArgs(this, args, options));
if (tres != null)
if (tres.Value.Options.Parent != options.Parent)
// This is currently not allowed because the parent tree is needed to
// establish what transformation to apply in the first place, and to compute
// inheritance of other resource options in the Resource constructor before
// transformations are run (so modifying it here would only even partially
// take affect). It's theoretically possible this restriction could be
// lifted in the future, but for now just disallow re-parenting resources in
// transformations to be safe.
throw new ArgumentException("Transformations cannot currently be used to change the 'parent' of a resource.");
args = tres.Value.Args;
options = tres.Value.Options;
// Make a shallow clone of options to ensure we don't modify the value passed in.
options = options.Clone();
var componentOpts = options as ComponentResourceOptions;
var customOpts = options as CustomResourceOptions;
if (options.Provider != null &&
componentOpts?.Providers.Count > 0)
throw new ResourceException("Do not supply both 'provider' and 'providers' options to a ComponentResource.", options.Parent);
// Check the parent type if one exists and fill in any default options.
this._providers = ImmutableDictionary<string, ProviderResource>.Empty;
if (options.Parent != null)
var parentResource = options.Parent;
lock (parentResource.ChildResources)
options.Protect ??= options.Parent._protect;
this._providers = options.Parent._providers;
if (custom)
var provider = customOpts?.Provider;
if (provider == null)
if (options.Parent != null)
// If no provider was given, but we have a parent, then inherit the
// provider from our parent.
options.Provider = options.Parent.GetProvider(type);
// If a provider was specified, add it to the providers map under this type's package so that
// any children of this resource inherit its provider.
var typeComponents = type.Split(":");
if (typeComponents.Length == 3)
var pkg = typeComponents[0];
this._providers = this._providers.SetItem(pkg, provider);
// Note: we checked above that at most one of options.provider or options.providers
// is set.
// If options.provider is set, treat that as if we were given a array of provider
// with that single value in it. Otherwise, take the array of providers, convert it
// to a map and combine with any providers we've already set from our parent.
var providerList = options.Provider != null
? new List<ProviderResource> { options.Provider }
: componentOpts?.Providers;
this._providers = this._providers.AddRange(ConvertToProvidersMap(providerList));
this._protect = options.Protect == true;
this._provider = custom ? options.Provider : null;
this._version = options.Version;
this._pluginDownloadURL = options.PluginDownloadURL;
this._aliases = AllAliases(options.Aliases.ToList(), name, type, options.Parent);
Deployment.InternalInstance.ReadOrRegisterResource(this, remote, urn => new DependencyResource(urn), args, options);
/// <summary>
/// Fetches the provider for the given module member, if any.
/// </summary>
internal ProviderResource? GetProvider(string moduleMember)
var memComponents = moduleMember.Split(":");
if (memComponents.Length != 3)
return null;
this._providers.TryGetValue(memComponents[0], out var result);
return result;
private static Output<string> CollapseAliasToUrn(
Input<Alias> alias,
string defaultName,
string defaultType,
Resource? defaultParent)
return alias.ToOutput().Apply(a =>
if (a.Urn != null)
CheckNull(a.Name, nameof(a.Name));
CheckNull(a.Type, nameof(a.Type));
CheckNull(a.Project, nameof(a.Project));
CheckNull(a.Stack, nameof(a.Stack));
CheckNull(a.Parent, nameof(a.Parent));
CheckNull(a.ParentUrn, nameof(a.ParentUrn));
if (a.NoParent)
return Output.Create(a.Urn);
var name = a.Name ?? defaultName;
var type = a.Type ?? defaultType;
var project = a.Project ?? Deployment.Instance.ProjectName;
var stack = a.Stack ?? Deployment.Instance.StackName;
var parentCount =
(a.Parent != null ? 1 : 0) +
(a.ParentUrn != null ? 1 : 0) +
(a.NoParent ? 1 : 0);
if (parentCount >= 2)
throw new ArgumentException(
$"Only specify one of '{nameof(Alias.Parent)}', '{nameof(Alias.ParentUrn)}' or '{nameof(Alias.NoParent)}' in an {nameof(Alias)}");
var (parent, parentUrn) = GetParentInfo(defaultParent, a);
if (name == null)
throw new Exception("No valid 'Name' passed in for alias.");
if (type == null)
throw new Exception("No valid 'type' passed in for alias.");
return Pulumi.Urn.Create(name, type, parent, parentUrn, project, stack);
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="AllAliases"/> makes a copy of the aliases array, and add to it any
/// implicit aliases inherited from its parent. If there are N child aliases, and
/// M parent aliases, there will be (M+1)*(N+1)-1 total aliases, or, as calculated
/// in the logic below, N+(M*(1+N)).
/// </summary>
internal static ImmutableArray<Input<string>> AllAliases(List<Input<Alias>> childAliases, string childName, string childType, Resource? parent)
var aliases = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder<Input<string>>();
foreach (var childAlias in childAliases)
aliases.Add(CollapseAliasToUrn(childAlias, childName, childType, parent));
if (parent != null)
foreach (var parentAlias in parent._aliases)
aliases.Add(Pulumi.Urn.InheritedChildAlias(childName, parent._name, parentAlias, childType));
foreach (var childAlias in childAliases)
var inheritedAlias = CollapseAliasToUrn(childAlias, childName, childType, parent).Apply(childAliasURN => {
var aliasedChildName = Pulumi.Urn.Name(childAliasURN);
var aliasedChildType = Pulumi.Urn.Type(childAliasURN);
return Pulumi.Urn.InheritedChildAlias(aliasedChildName, parent._name, parentAlias, aliasedChildType);
return aliases.ToImmutable();
private static void CheckNull<T>(T? value, string name) where T : class
if (value != null)
private static void ThrowAliasPropertyConflict(string name)
=> throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(Alias)} should not specify both {nameof(Alias.Urn)} and {name}");
private static (Resource? parent, Input<string>? urn) GetParentInfo(Resource? defaultParent, Alias alias)
if (alias.Parent != null)
return (alias.Parent, null);
if (alias.ParentUrn != null)
return (null, alias.ParentUrn);
if (alias.NoParent)
return (null, null);
return (defaultParent, null);
private static ImmutableDictionary<string, ProviderResource> ConvertToProvidersMap(List<ProviderResource>? providers)
var result = ImmutableDictionary.CreateBuilder<string, ProviderResource>();
if (providers != null)
foreach (var provider in providers)
result[provider.Package] = provider;
return result.ToImmutable();